"How to sell this spirit-gathering pill?"

"A bottle of ten spirit-gathering pills only requires twenty low-grade spirit stones. The pills are of high quality and come from the hands of an alchemy master."

"No, no."

"Fellow Taoist, if you think it's expensive, you can make a counter-offer. The price can be negotiated."

"What kind of monster meat is this?"

"The four-horned demon beef is rich and juicy, and is of great benefit to the monk's body. Fellow Taoist, you can buy a few kilograms to try it. It's not expensive. One low-grade spiritual stone costs three kilograms."

Chu Chen walked and looked at the things sold on the street stalls, which opened his eyes. On the surface, he remained calm and did not show his timidity.


He was still being targeted.

Chu Chen was walking when suddenly a sneaky figure stopped him.

Just when he was secretly vigilant and preparing the Dark Light Shuttle, Flying Sword Talisman, and Fireball Technique, the Taoist in gray robe who looked a bit sinister, smiled and cupped his hand.

"Fellow Taoist, this is my first time in Chiyanfang City."

"It has nothing to do with fellow Taoist."

Chu Chen snorted coldly, turned around and left.

He was secretly alert in his heart. Although he deliberately pretended, he was still observed by someone who was interested, and some details were exposed.

"Hey, fellow Taoist, don't worry!"

The gray-robed Taoist hurriedly caught up with Chu Chen and said eloquently: "Fellow Taoist, you should see that Chiyanfang City is rich in spiritual energy and is a good place to practice and live.

However, both the sales price and the rental price of the caves in Fang City are very expensive, and not only casual cultivators like us can afford them. "

"But it doesn't matter. We have built many houses outside Fang City, which are also suitable for living. The price is dozens of times cheaper than the cave houses inside Fang City."

"Fellow Taoist, you can give it a try. It only costs 500 low-grade spiritual stones to purchase a house."

Chu Chen turned a deaf ear and walked faster.

When he entered Chiyanfang City, he saw some shaky-looking courtyards that could barely be called residences. They were probably the peripheral houses described by the gray-robed Taoist.

If someone really buys a house, I'm afraid they will be trapped in a trap.

These houses are located in the most aura-poor area on the outskirts of Chiyanfang City. Not only are their environments extremely poor, they are not much different from the shantytowns in their memories. Moreover, no one knows Yunshui Sect's attitude towards these houses.

Once the Yunshui Sect was dissatisfied with this and renovated these houses, there would be no place to cry.

These houses were demolished without compensation.

Even if Yunshui Sect directly demolished it, no one among the casual cultivators would dare to say anything wrong.

"What a pity. He's a smart man."

The gray-robed Taoist looked at Chu Chen leaving and shook his head.

Immediately, he put on a smile again and started looking for the next target to deceive.

After getting rid of the gray-robed Taoist who was selling the house, Chu Chen found a deserted place, changed his body shape, put on a new disguise, and continued to wander around the city.

After an hour, he had a certain understanding of the entire Chiyanfang City and asked about the prices of various commodities.

Things are expensive in Chiyanfang City, and spirit stones are the most basic currency in circulation. Ordinary gold and silver items are worthless here, and no one will want them at all.

Chu Chen touched the Qingtian Spiritual Mirror in his arms. There were more than two thousand low-grade spiritual stones in it, all of which were obtained from Wanyan Shilie.

After Wanyan Shilie became a barbarian chanyu, he found two very small spirit stone veins on the barbarian grasslands, each containing about a thousand low-grade spirit stones.

"A low-grade magic weapon requires hundreds of low-grade spiritual stones. Any bottle of elixir to increase one's cultivation level will start with at least ten low-grade spiritual stones."

Chu Chen secretly estimated that it would be no problem to survive in Chiyanfang City, but it would be difficult to live well.

Renting a cave, practicing, daily meals, etc. all cost money.

"Purchasing spiritual rice is a huge expense."

Chu Chen had a headache.

Once you become a monk, ordinary food can only satisfy your appetite and will not be of much use to the monk itself. On the contrary, it will have certain disadvantages.

The monks also need to use their magic power to force the impurities in the food out of the body.

It's different when it comes to spiritual rice. Eating spiritual rice for a long time is of great benefit to monks. It can not only nourish the physical body, but also increase cultivation.

Generally, monks who have enough spiritual stones will choose to eat spiritual rice for a long time.

But Lingmi is expensive.

"One piece of low-grade spiritual rice is two kilograms of low-grade spiritual stone, and one piece of medium-grade spiritual rice is one pound of low-grade spiritual stone."

This is the price at the door of Lingmi Pu.

The business of spiritual rice is exclusively monopolized by Yunshui Sect, and no other person or force can sell spiritual rice in Chiyanfang City.

Chu Chen thought about it and bought a hundred kilograms of low-grade spiritual rice. He planned to try it out and if the effect was good, he would continue to buy it.

"Let's rent a cave first."

Chu Chen has plans for the future in his mind, and will stay in Chiyanfang City for a while.

After cultivating enough and having enough understanding of the surrounding world of immortality, he can then make other plans.

Chiyanfang City is built on the mountain. There is a six-story building at the top. The sign of Yunshui Sect is hung at the door. It is the Yunshui Sect's office in Chiyanfang City.

Every monk who comes in and out of the office, no matter how high their cultivation level is, even those who are on the twelfth level of Qi training, is cautious.

Because the foundation-building elders sent by the Yunshui Sect to garrison Chiyanfang City usually sit here.

Go into the first floor.

The pattern made Chu Chen feel like he was dreaming back to his past life.

A row of counters with more than a dozen clerks were waiting for casual cultivators who came to do business.

However, the clerk's attitude was even colder.


After all, these clerks are all disciples of the Yunshui Sect. With the support of the giant Yunshui Sect, it is natural for them to be arrogant.

"Daoyou, can I rent a cave here?"

Chu Chen came to a counter and smiled at the cultivator at the counter and bowed.

"Register your information first, name, gender, background, and skills."

The blue-clothed cultivator at the counter didn't even look at Chu Chen, and threw out a jade slip.

Chu Chen didn't care about the other party's attitude. There was no need to conflict with the other party for a momentary anger.

It doesn't matter if you have no background when you first arrive. Once a conflict occurs, you will only suffer in the end.

Chu Chen picked up the jade slip, stuck it to the center of his eyebrows, injected his mental power into it, and left a message.

"Qin Zhou, male, Da Yan casual cultivator, good at drawing talismans."

This is the name Chu Chen had prepared in advance.

The Yunshui Sect only wants to cut the leeks of the casual cultivators... No, it should be said that the Yunshui Sect is not interested in the origins of the casual cultivators, and registering their names is only for the convenience of management.

The blue-robed monk injected spiritual power, glanced at the information in the jade slip, then took out a bronze waist plate, engraved the words Qin Zhou on it, and then threw the waist plate to Chu Chen.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

Chu Chen took the waist plate and thanked him hurriedly.

"What level of cave do you want to rent? A fourth-class cave costs thirty low-grade spirit stones a year, a third-class cave costs three hundred low-grade spirit stones a year, and a second-class cave... forget it, you can't afford it."

The blue-robed monk glanced at Chu Chen casually and said.

Chu Chen hurriedly said, "Third-class cave."

Although the fourth-class cave is cheap, it is located on the outskirts of Chiyanfang City. It is not much different from the house sold by the gray-robed Taoist, except that there is no risk of forced demolition.

The rental price of a third-class cave is ten times more expensive, but it is located near the central area of ​​Chiyanfang City, and the spiritual energy is more abundant.

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