Flipping through the Soul-stealing Body-building Sutra in his mind, Chu Chen's depression caused by Lu Qinghou's calculations was relieved a lot.

If Chu Chen hadn't intervened, the Soul-stealing Body-building Sutra in the green jade pendant would most likely fall into Lu Qinghou's hands. Chu Chen would have taken Lu Qinghou's opportunity.

Lu Qinghou calculated him, and he took Lu Qinghou's opportunity.

Every sip and every bite has a destiny!

"It seems that the booming pawnshop business is actually a good thing."

Chu Chen's eyes flashed. Practicing the Soul-stealing Body-building Sutra requires a large amount of medicinal materials to support it, which is several times or even dozens of times the amount required to practice the Six Combinations Fist.

It is not enough to rely on the support of Old Man Shen. If he only relies on Old Man Shen, wouldn't he be relying on his parents?

Moreover, he didn't want to expose the matter of practicing the Soul-stealing Body-building Sutra to Old Man Shen, so he could only buy medicinal materials secretly to practice.

It takes a lot of money to buy medicinal materials. The booming pawnshop business can also quickly fill his wallet to support his practice of the Soul-stealing Body-building Sutra.

Of course.

If he can choose, he still doesn't want the pawnshop business to be booming, and he doesn't want it to be booming in this way, which is too eye-catching.

When the news spreads, it can be expected that many failed candidates will come to pawn their things in order to change their luck.

"He is just a candidate for the imperial examination. I don't think it will cause much trouble."

Chu Chen comforted himself in his heart.

After a few days, when the storm is over, he can live happily again.

"I didn't expect that I was wrong. This pedantic straw bag can also pass the imperial examination.

Boy, you made a profit on this deal."

Old man Shen walked into the pawnshop with a smell of alcohol and looked at Chu Chen with satisfaction.

In his eyes, Chu Chen is like his own nephew, or even like his own child. Now he shows a good vision. How can he not be pleased?


Chu Chen smiled without comment.

Old man Shen, with his sharp eyes, could tell at a glance that Chu Chen didn't seem very happy.

"Hahaha, that's right, you have grown up and can see through the calculations of that pedantic idiot. I wanted to advise you to stay away from Lu Qinghou, but it seems that it's not necessary."

Old man Shen was stunned at first, but he was not surprised but happy, and he looked at Chu Chen with more satisfaction.

"Boy, you are kind by nature and treat people well, but you must remember that you can't know a person's heart by knowing his face. Lu Qinghou seems to be a nerd who only reads sage books, but in fact he is a calculating villain who will take revenge for the slightest grievance.

Once he gets the upper hand, his nature is exposed."

Old man Shen said earnestly: "At the dinner today, Lu Qinghou severely humiliated the shopkeepers of several nearby pawnshops.

These pawnshop shopkeepers suffered heavy losses and each took 100 taels of silver to expose the matter."

"Although you have gained some benefits from this matter, you must not make close friends with Lu Qinghou."

Old man Shen couldn't help but remind him.

"I understand."

Chu Chen nodded.

After listening to Old Man Shen's story, he was more determined to stay away from Lv Qinghou.

The same thing.

For the sake of longevity, before he has enough strength, he will stay away from anyone or anything that may cause trouble.

The next day.

When Chu Chen opened the door of the pawnshop again, many people had gathered at the door.

Some people sneered at the idea of ​​luck, while others believed in it. After a day and a night of fermentation, the "Lottery Pawnshop" caused quite a stir in the imperial capital.

Just as the examination was over, a large number of candidates failed.

There were 3,000 old students participating in this examination. Only 1 in 10 were selected to be on the Xingbang, and only 300 candidates were selected to be Gongshi, and 2,700 candidates failed.

Even if only some of the failed candidates were attracted, the number was not small.

At first, Chu Chen would follow the rules of the pawnshop and offer a pawn price slightly lower than the value of the pawned items, a suitable pawn period and ransom according to the value of the pawned items.

Later, he also realized that these candidates were just rushing to give him money.


No, these candidates came to seek peace of mind.

It's the same as praying to God.

These candidates had no intention of redeeming the items they pawned with Chu Chen.


When candidates came to pawn things again, Chu Chen simply gave the pawn tickets to these candidates and asked them to write the pawn price, pawn period, and ransom themselves.

As long as it was not too outrageous, he would agree.

Such a hot business made the owners of other pawnshops jealous, but because of Lu Qinghou's existence, other pawnshop owners did not dare to deal with Chu Chen, and could only comfort themselves that this storm would soon pass.

The fact was just as other pawnshop owners thought, the storm lasted less than a month and gradually subsided.

However, the name of the Transfer Pawnshop has been widely spread among the candidates.

Every year, candidates who come to the Imperial Capital to take the exam will basically hear the reputation of the Transfer Pawnshop.

The business of the pawnshop is usually tepid, but when the Imperial Capital holds various exams, the business of the Transfer Pawnshop will become hot.

This brings a lot of profit to Chu Chen.

The silver-white snow sprinkled wine, covering the sky and the fields, and the sky and the earth were white.

The entire Great Yan Imperial Capital was covered with silver, like a silver dragon lying horizontally, magnificent.

In a courtyard in the east of the Imperial Capital, a young man in a black robe stood in the snow, letting the snowflakes fall on his body, like a white and black painting.


The young man suddenly moved, and the originally harmonious scene in the small courtyard was instantly broken.

One arm was raised forward, as if a strong wind swept through, and it was like a white crane dancing its body, light and erratic, but with a hint of fierceness and domineering.


After a set of Liuhe Fist, Chu Chen felt relaxed all over.

"It's worth it that I have worked hard for the past year and a half, and the first level of the Soul-Snatching Body-Tempering Sutra has finally been completed."

Feeling the powerful power hidden in his body, Chu Chen couldn't help but smile.

The martial arts are mainly about tempering the body and nourishing the internal energy.

Because of the many limitations of talent, resources, and life span, most warriors can only specialize in one aspect. Over time, the difference between internal and external training is divided.

External training is for muscles, bones and skin, and internal training is for a breath.

The method of external training has low talent requirements and a fast training speed. It is the first choice for ordinary people to practice martial arts. For example, Liuhe Fist and Soul-Snatching Body-Tempering Sutra belong to the method of external training.

The method of cultivating internal energy requires extremely high talent. Without the support of medicinal materials and elixirs, the speed of cultivation is quite slow. Only martial arts geniuses can practice it.

But who is Chu Chen?

As an adult over 18 years old, of course he chooses to have it all!

Cultivating both inside and outside is the right way of martial arts!

Chu Chen is not a martial arts genius, but he has plenty of time. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have enough talent or resources. These can be accumulated over a long period of time and made up for little by little.

After completing the body training of Liuhequan, Chu Chen got a set of internal energy exercises from Old Man Shen.

"Shui Yuan Jue".

According to Old Man Shen, this is a set of exercises that he got from the cave of his predecessors when he was wandering in the world in the past. It is far superior to most of the internal energy exercises in the world.

As soon as he got Shui Yuan Jue, Chu Chen started practicing.

However, Chu Chen is obviously not very compatible with Shui Yuan Jue. He has been practicing for more than a year and has just started.

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