A few days passed, and New Year's Eve was approaching.

This is the busiest day of the year. Every household in and outside the imperial capital is decorated with lights and red lanterns, and New Year pictures and couplets are posted, revealing a strong sense of festivity.

It must be said that under the governance of Emperor Hongguang, the Great Yan State has carried out reforms, and its national strength has flourished.

If it were not for the invasion of the barbarians, which dragged the Great Yan State into the quagmire of war, I am afraid that the national strength of the Great Yan State would be even greater.

Some civil servants shouted the slogan of Hongguang's prosperity to praise the achievements of Emperor Hongguang.

The next day, this civil servant was promoted to the position of Minister of Rites.

In the court, there was a trend of flattering Emperor Hongguang, one more exaggerated than the other, and there was a momentum to shape Emperor Hongguang into a saintly monarch, with a position higher than that of Emperor Taizu of Great Yan.

The people didn't care about these. They only knew that after Emperor Hongguang implemented the new policy, their lives became better and they had hope for the future. Naturally, this year's New Year's Eve was full of joy.

Chu Chen was still the same as usual, and he would not go out to celebrate New Year's Eve.

During the day, Zhao Changlin and his partner came to the door and personally delivered some gifts, and Song Chongshan also sent people to deliver many New Year gifts.

As soon as the gift-givers left, the pawnshop became deserted, leaving only Chu Chen alone.

New Year's Eve.

Chu Chen stayed in the backyard, drinking by himself.

Oh, to be precise, there was a little white mouse accompanying him to drink, one person and one mouse drinking together.

After the little white mouse became a rat demon, Chu Chen suddenly had a whim and asked the little white mouse to drink with him.

At first, the little white mouse refused, but he couldn't resist Chu Chen and could only taste a few mouthfuls.

It didn't matter that the little white mouse was like tasting some delicious food in the world, and instantly became addicted to the feeling of drinking. Every day, he would pester Chu Chen to let him drink a few glasses, and even fine wine once replaced the beast-repelling pills and became its favorite food.

The little white mouse had a very poor alcohol tolerance. He would be confused after drinking one glass, and basically lie down after drinking two glasses, but it never tired of it.

A drunkard.


After drinking a cup of Immortal Drunken Wine, the little white mouse began to stagger when walking, with a happy smile on his little face, and fell asleep in a daze.

"This little guy."

Chu Chen couldn't help shaking his head and laughing when he saw the cute and innocent look of the little white mouse.

Putting down the wine glass, he took out a book he got from the secret room of Jinhua Taoist Temple, and flipped through it while listening to the noisy sounds outside the door.

This book is a travelogue, but it is a travelogue left by a congenital master, collected by Jinhua Taoist.

In addition to the cultivation methods, the books left by Jinhua Taoist are mostly various travelogues, most of which are travelogues left by congenital masters in the mortal world, and rarely involve the world of immortal cultivation.

But Chu Chen still read it with great interest. Jinhua Taoist's travelogues are more about countries with cultivators such as Hanbei Kingdom, and the records of countries with few cultivators such as Dayan Kingdom and Barbarians are not detailed.

Chu Chen does not think that countries such as the Great Yan Kingdom and the Barbarians have no value, but their value is slightly lower than that of countries such as the Hanbei Kingdom where there are cultivators.

Countries such as the Great Yan Kingdom and the Barbarians also had a prosperous scene of immortality when their spiritual energy had not yet declined.

Although there are few cultivators in countries such as the Great Yan Kingdom now, there are still some inheritances left by cultivators, such as some inheritances and treasures left by the Tianyou Palace. You must know that countries such as the Great Yan Kingdom were originally under the rule of the Tianyou Palace.

Chu Chen plans to search for the inheritance and treasures left by cultivators in countries such as the Great Yan Kingdom.

Perhaps for cultivators, they either look down on these things or think that it is not worth spending a lot of time and effort to search for some dispensable inheritances and treasures.

After all, if you want to find an inheritance item such as a jade pendant from countries such as the Great Yan Kingdom and the Barbarians, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, which takes a lot of time.

As for the magic tools and treasures left by high-level cultivators, if they are exposed to the environment of scarce spiritual energy for a long time, their grade and spirituality may dissipate and disappear. Even if they are found, they are of little use.

Some spiritual lands are formed after the spiritual energy dissipates because of the magic tools left by high-level cultivators.

But for Chu Chen, searching for the inheritance and treasures left by cultivators in countries such as Dayan is a very cost-effective deal.

The time required to find inheritance and treasures is the least valuable for Chu Chen.

As long as the inheritance and treasures left by the cultivators can be found, hundreds of years are nothing.

This is also one of the reasons why Chu Chen uses the power of Jinyiwei to continuously explore the immortal inheritance in Dayan.

However, Jinyiwei has not yet touched the areas outside Dayan, so Chu Chen can only learn about the many countries outside Dayan through these travel notes.

"Barbarian Travel Notes".

This is the name of the book in Chu Chen's hand.

The Xiantian master who wrote the Barbarian Travel Notes has a certain origin with Chu Chen. This master is called Langhuan Taoist, who is the Xiantian master who founded Langhuan Villa.

Langhuan Taoist recorded in detail what he saw and heard when he traveled to the Barbarians. Although they were all hundreds of years ago, Chu Chen learned a lot about the Barbarians through this travel note.

"Barbarian sacrifice?"

Something that was frequently mentioned in the travel note attracted Chu Chen's attention.

The so-called barbarian sacrifice refers to a group of people in the Barbarians who have the ability to communicate with the ancestors. They can use the power of the ancestors to bless themselves.


Chu Chen immediately became interested and continued to read on.

According to Master Langhuan, the barbarian sacrifice belongs to the privileged class in the barbarians, and their status in the barbarian tribes is second only to the tribe leaders of each tribe.

At the same time, the barbarian sacrifice is very mysterious.

Master Langhuan has traveled in the barbarians for ten years and has seen three barbarian sacrifices.

The three barbarian priests, at the weakest, have reached the late stage of the marrow refining realm. With the help of the so-called power of the ancestor spirit, they can burst out the combat power of the marrow refining master.

Even a barbarian priest who has reached the marrow refining master can fight with Grandmaster Langhuan with the power of the ancestor spirit, and finally retreat calmly.

"Is the power of the ancestor spirit so strong?"

Chu Chen raised his eyebrows, and became more and more interested in the barbarian priests.

A warrior who has reached the marrow refining master can fight with the innate master with the power of the ancestor spirit, which is somewhat similar to the methods of cultivators circulated in places such as Dayan.

However, after this incident, Grandmaster Langhuan was hunted down by the barbarian strongmen, and he had to retreat to Dayan and could not contact the barbarian priests again.

"What a pity."

Chu Chen couldn't help but feel a little regretful, and flipped through the travel notes of other strongmen.

However, there are few travel notes involving barbarians among these powerful people. Even if they do involve barbarians, most of them only touch upon them superficially, far less thorough than Master Langhuan, who has fought with barbarian priests.

"Based on the information we have learned so far, if there are cultivators' inheritance among the barbarians, it is likely to be in the hands of these barbarian priests."

Chu Chen closed the travel notes, and his mind turned.

After thinking about it, he planned to go to Jinyiwei and Longmen Escort Agency tomorrow, and let Song Chongshan and Zhao Changlin send people to the barbarians to collect information about barbarian priests.


Chu Chen did not expect that before he went to find Song Chongshan, Song Chongshan would find him instead.

On the morning of the second day after New Year's Eve, Song Chongshan sent someone to the Transfer Pawn Shop to ask to see the Master of Evil.

That is, Chu Chen.

Chu Chen was slightly surprised and happily kept the appointment late at night.

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