"As long as Xiao Jingping falls, no one in Jinyiwei can compete with his subordinates. It is basically a certainty that his subordinates will ascend to the position of commander of Jinyiwei."

Song Chongshan's eyes were bright and he was talking eloquently.

A month ago, he wanted to ask Chu Chen to assassinate Xiao Jingping for two purposes.

First, test Chu Chen and let Chu Chen leave traces.

The existence of the Jealous Evil Hero, or the Jealous Evil Grandmaster, only exists in rumors. If he wants to use Chu Chen's existence as a promotion step, he must have a record of Chu Chen's actions.

The second is to use Chu Chen's hands to get rid of Xiao Jingping.

There have always been two hard conditions for ascending to the position of commander of the Imperial Guard.

One is due to sufficient merit, and the other is the cultivation level of marrow refining.

He and Xiao Jingping were the only two people in Jinyiwei who met these two conditions.

If Xiao Jingping dies, no one in the Jinyi Guards can compete with him for the position of the Jinyiwei commander, and he can naturally become the Jinyiwei commander.

After Chu Chen rejected him before, he basically gave up the idea of ​​competing for the commander of the Jin Yiwei.

His biggest backer, Duke Weiyuan, was far away in northern Xinjiang and was confronting the barbarians. He was unable to help him. Under such circumstances, he could only choose to give up.

Chu Chen's questions rekindled his hope.


Chu Chen nodded.

As he spoke, he raised his hand and an account book floated in front of Song Chongshan.

"This is……"

Song Chongshan picked up the account book and flipped through a few pages. His pupils suddenly shrank. The account book clearly recorded the details of Xiao Jingping's transactions of weapons and food with the barbarians. The details were extremely detailed.

If this account book is true, Xiao Jingping will die without a burial place.

Once it is taken out, even the Marquis of Jian'an and the Minister of the Ministry of War will probably draw a clear line with Xiao Jingping, and may even personally send Xiao Jingping to Jinyiwei's prison.

He was not surprised that Xiao Jingping colluded with the barbarians. He had already noticed it, but he was unable to convict Xiao Jingping because there was no evidence.

In contrast, the appearance of this account book in Chu Chen's hands shocked him even more.

It is impossible for Xiao Jingping not to know the importance of this account book. He will definitely guard it strictly and hide it in a place where only he knows and where ordinary people cannot find it.

The account book appeared in Chu Chen's hands, and the meaning behind it made him think deeply and fearfully.

Especially when he turned to the tenth page of the account book, an envelope slipped out.

Song Chongshan caught the envelope with quick eyes and quick hands, but when he saw the envelope for the first time, his expression suddenly changed.

This is a letter he exchanged with Master Huide of Xizen Temple. He remembers that this letter was hidden by him in a special and secret place. This place is known to him and only him.

For a moment, fine beads of sweat broke out on Song Chongshan's forehead.

"The study is not cold either. Mr. Deputy Commander Song, why are you sweating so much?"

Light laughter rang in Song Chongshan's ears, and an invisible force touched him, wiping away the sweat on his forehead.

"My Lord, I have always been loyal to you, and I am willing to go through fire and water for you..."

Song Chongshan kowtowed to the ground again and shouted.

Before he could finish speaking, Chu Chen directly interrupted Song Chongshan: "Stop shouting meaningless slogans. I just want to see actual actions. Do you understand?"


Song Chongshan's expression became serious and he nodded hastily.

"After becoming the commander of the Jinyi Guards, I will do my best to search for things related to immortality in Dayan. I don't want to see you passively sabotaging your work again."

The cold voice echoed in the study until it dissipated.

This time.

Song Chongshan knelt longer than before. After an hour, he slowly stood up. His whole body was stiff and painful, but it was far less than the shock and anger in his heart.

"You really underestimated this old monster. How did this old monster find Xiao Jingping's account books, and how did he find the place where I hid the letters?"

Song Chongshan's mind was racing, and he couldn't figure this out. The place where he hid his things was obviously very secretive. If he hadn't been the only one to know about this place, he would have suspected that someone had betrayed him.

But because of this, Chu Chen's methods made him even more afraid.

But no matter how Chu Chen found this hiding place, Song Chongshan knew one thing very well: many things hidden in it may have fallen into Chu Chen's hands.

The letters he exchanged with Master Huide can only be regarded as the most inconspicuous things among them. Even if they were taken out, they would not have much impact.

Several of them were related to his wealth and life, and compared with the account book in his hand that recorded the details of Xiao Jingping's transactions with the barbarians, they were not worth much.

These things shouldn't exist originally, but some things are a threat to him and a handle to some people. As long as he can hide these things, there will be no problem.

Unfortunately, it was too late to say anything now. If the thing fell into Chu Chen's hands, he might not be able to escape Chu Chen's control for the rest of his life.

"Looking at the bright side, this old monster is only pursuing the illusory path of immortality. As long as I can collect things related to the path of immortality for him, this old monster will not take action against me.

Besides, I already have the tools to bring down Xiao Jingping. As long as I use them properly, I will definitely become the commander of the Jinyi Guards. "

In the spring of the twenty-fifth year of Hongguang.

Great changes have taken place in Jinyiwei. Xue Haichao, who has been in charge of Jinyiwei for more than ten years, took the initiative to resign due to his old age and recommended deputy commander Song Chongshan as commander.

Another deputy commander, Xiao Jingping, was dissatisfied and wanted to compete with Song Chongshan. He was exposed to collusion with the barbarians and sold weapons and food of the Great Yan Kingdom to the barbarians.

Emperor Hongguang was furious and ordered to appoint Song Chongshan as the commander of the Jinyiwei to thoroughly investigate the case of collusion with the barbarians.

Xiao Jingping could not be the only one who colluded with the barbarians. There must be other people in the court of Great Yan who were involved with the barbarians.

Song Chongshan took the order and took thunderous means. Using Xiao Jingping's account book as a clue, he quickly led people to take action and confiscated the homes of several wealthy businessmen in the imperial capital and confiscated all their money.

He also arrested and imprisoned more than a dozen court officials of Great Yan, including the Minister of Rites and the Marquis of Changyuan.


After torture and confirming the evidence of the crimes of these court officials, he killed them all in prison.

For a time, the name of Song the Butcher was famous in the imperial capital.

"Song the Butcher, this name is good, much more intimidating than the Hero of Hateful Evil."

After hearing the news, Chu Chen casually commented and forgot about it.

He didn't care how powerful Song Chongshan was, or how glorious he was, as long as Song Chongshan could find things and news related to the immortal way for him.

During the period when Song Chongshan became the commander of the Jinyiwei, Chu Chen also began to consciously search for people who could be cultivated, and took them in as chess pieces to drive for him.

With the Qingtian Mirror in hand, it was very convenient for Chu Chen to search for chess pieces.

Chu Chen's search for chess pieces required a good eye. If someone could get his favor, and then use the Qingtian Mirror to monitor for several days, if the character and temperament were good enough, he would grant some opportunities and take them in as chess pieces.

Or the scholar who came to the pawnshop to pawn things, or the wandering merchant who came to Li Ji's mixed soup shop to drink soup, or the wandering knight who came to Yunwu Mountain Range to seek immortals and ask for the way.

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