"Emperor Chengwu was seriously injured, and the assassin escaped from the palace?"

Chu Chen raised his brows and didn't know how to complain for a moment.

Logically speaking, the palace was heavily guarded and there were a large number of martial arts masters suppressing it.

There is also a monk sitting in charge.

It was already difficult for the assassins of Wusheng Cult to sneak into the palace, but in the end, the assassins of Wusheng Cult succeeded in seriously injuring Emperor Chengwu.

Moreover, it is simply outrageous that the Wusheng Cult assassins were able to successfully escape from the palace.

Should we say that the palace guards are too watery, or should we say that the Wusheng Cult assassins are superb?

Chu Chen also took out the information about Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng, and then he understood why the assassins of Wusheng Cult were able to seriously injure Emperor Chengwu and escape from the palace smoothly.

Patriarch Yun of the royal family was not in the palace. Due to some reasons, he temporarily left the imperial capital.

The Wu Sheng Sect seized the opportunity and sent two marrow refining realm warriors, together with a marrow refining master, to sneak into the palace and assassinate Emperor Chengwu, successfully injuring him seriously.

"The Wusheng Cult actually knows the whereabouts of the ancestor of the royal family. Is the intelligence capability strong enough, or is there an insider in the palace?"

Chu Chen is more inclined to the second reason. Only by responding internally can he know the whereabouts of the ancestor of the royal family.

This person's status in the Dayan Palace is probably not low.

Emperor Chengwu also knew this. Before he fell into coma, he ordered a thorough investigation of the palace, and at the same time asked the imperial guards to seal off the entire imperial capital to capture the assassins of Wusheng Cult.

"There is a high probability that it will end without any disease."

Chu Chen did not think that Emperor Chengwu could still catch the assassins of the Wu Sheng Sect.

The assassins of Wusheng Cult have escaped from the palace, and there is an internal response. How easy is it to find a hidden assassin in such a huge imperial capital?


If he takes action and uses the blue sky mirror to monitor the world, he will definitely be able to find the assassin.

But what does the assassin matter have to do with him?

It's better to go to Yicui Tower for a stroll.

"I haven't been to Yicui Tower for a few days. Why don't you go talk to the barbarian girls?"

As Jin Buhuan said, Qunfang Tower is declining day by day, and Yicui Tower gradually replaces Qunfang Tower by relying on the gimmicks of barbarian girls.

In addition, most of the girls in Yicuilou have special skills and are gentle and charming, making Yicuilou the number one hooker in the imperial capital.

"It's not a good time to visit Yicui Tower today."

Before entering Yicui Tower, Chu Chen habitually used the Qingtian Spiritual Mirror to check the situation of Yicui Tower, and immediately stopped.

Because he sensed with his Qingtian sense that there was a master marrow refining warrior lurking in Yicui Tower.

This is a female warrior.

Also injured.

Considering the current situation in the imperial capital, the identity of this female warrior is about to emerge.

Chu Chen decisively gave up the idea of ​​visiting Yicui Tower. Yicui Tower was now a silent volcano. Once it erupted, it would probably shake the entire imperial capital. He did not want to be involved in this troublesome matter.

"Yicui Tower is the property of the Jin family, and assassins from the Wu Sheng Cult are lurking in it. Is Jin Buhuan involved in this matter, or is the Jin family involved in this matter?"

On the way back to the pawn shop, Chu Chen's mind wandered.

But no matter what the reason is, I can't go to Yicui Tower for the time being, so I can practice, draw talismans, and refine elixirs with peace of mind.

Chengwu twenty-two years.

January 16th.

Martial law in the imperial capital lasted for seven days. Due to pressure from all parties, the imperial guards no longer blockaded the imperial capital.

In the end, the Imperial Guards did not find the assassins of Wusheng Cult.

But Dayan Chaotang's suppression of the Wusheng Cult has just begun.

Three days later, Emperor Chengwu woke up from his coma and ordered Jinyiwei, Liumenmen, and Dongchang to take action against the Wusheng Cult.

It can be seen that this time, Emperor Chengwu was really angry.

Facing Emperor Chengwu's thunderous wrath, Wusheng Sect suffered heavy losses, losing several strongholds, thousands of followers, and more than a dozen marrow-refining warriors.

Such a loss can be said to be a fundamental injury to Wu Sheng Cult.

Don't look at the Wusheng Cult, which can easily recruit hundreds of thousands of rebels, but most of these are refugees and refugees.

The power that truly belongs to the Immortal Cult is the many members of the Immortal Cult.

The loss of thousands of followers at once made the senior leaders of Wusheng Cult equally furious.

The Wusheng Heavenly King gave up his dignity and took action himself, killing the masters of Jinyiwei, Liumen, and Dongchang. Even Song Chongshan almost died at the hands of the Wusheng Heavenly King.

Fortunately, the ancestor of the royal family arrived in time and rescued Song Chongshan and others from the hands of the Wusheng Heavenly King.

The ancestor of the royal family once again had a fight with the Inanimate King. They were undefeated and the Inanimate King retreated calmly.

"The ancestor of the royal family failed to defeat the King of Wusheng?"

Outside the room, Chu Chen was surprised when he heard Song Chongshan's story.

Patriarch Yun of the royal family has long been a monk. In recent years, relying on the many treasures left by Yan Nanfei, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching the peak of the fourth level of Qi training.

Its strength far exceeds that of the early innate warriors, and the Wusheng Heavenly King should be no match for him.

"Reporting to my lord, I don't know the specific situation. I only heard that when the ancestor of the royal family fought against the Wusheng King, he exclaimed that you actually broke through the middle stage of Xiantian."

Song Chongshan replied.

"Middle stage of innateness?"

Chu Chen's eyes narrowed and he was a little surprised.

The Wusheng Heavenly King actually broke through the middle stage of Xiantian!

Although the innate cultivation of martial arts is a little easier than cultivating immortals, it is not much easier.

The Wusheng Heavenly King could break through the middle stage of Xiantian in more than ten years. How could Chu Chen not be surprised?

He also understood why the Inanimate Heavenly King could compete with the Royal Ancestor. In terms of realm, the Inanimate Heavenly King in the middle stage of Xiantian was stronger than the Royal Ancestor. Both sides had magic weapons in hand.

The ancestor of the royal family can remain undefeated because of his magical power.

Chu Chen asked again: "How is the investigation of Jin Buhuan going?"

"Just when I was about to report to the master, I used several Jinyiwei spies to investigate secretly and finally got the news that Jin Buhuan seemed to have been expelled from the Jin family by the head of the Jin family."

Song Chongshan said hurriedly.


"It is said that Jin Buhuan was unwilling to marry the Yongxing Wu family and fought against the head of the Jin family for a woman. The head of the Jin family was furious and expelled Jin Buhuan from the Jin family."

"Fighting against the head of the Jin family for a woman?"

Chu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"It is rumored that this woman is a woman from the Wusheng Sect."

Song Chongshan hesitated for a moment, but still told this seemingly true news.

"The Saint of the Wusheng Sect."

Chu Chen directly told the identity of the woman.

"The Saint of the Wusheng Sect?!"

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Song Chongshan felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

As the commander of the Jinyiwei, he knew many secrets that others did not know.

For example, Jin Buhuan opened Yicui Tower in the imperial capital, and the assassin of Wushengjiao who seriously injured Emperor Chengwu was the saint of Wushengjiao.

Many clues were linked together, allowing him to infer an astonishing fact.

"This news..."

Song Chongshan muttered to himself, his heart chilled.

He knew very well what kind of turmoil would be set off in the Great Yan Kingdom if this news spread.

Although Jin Buhuan was expelled from the Jin family, he was the direct bloodline of the Jin family and the legitimate son of the head of the Jin family.

If the Great Yan royal family took action against Jin Buhuan, it would inevitably lead to the Yun'an Jin family to take action.

By then, the Great Yan Kingdom would be in chaos.

Chu Chen said lightly: "Some things should be known, but you should pretend not to know. You should understand this principle."

"I understand."

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