The rain in March is as dense as fog.

The imperial capital in the drizzle seems to be shrouded in a thin layer of light fog.

Chu Chen held an umbrella and stood in the rain, with a faint sadness in his heart.

In less than three months, he has seen off three people who left the imperial capital.

Jin Buhuan, Li San, and Song Chongshan.

Half a month ago, Song Chongshan resigned from the position of Jinyiwei Commander to Emperor Xuande.

After Emperor Xuande agreed, Song Chongshan left the imperial capital with his family.

Chu Chen secretly saw him off, and indeed there were dozens of masked men who wanted to rob and kill Song Chongshan, including five marrow refining warriors.

Song Chongshan has the cultivation of marrow refining, but his qi and blood are declining, and he is no longer at the peak. It is already difficult to deal with two or three marrow refining warriors, not to mention five marrow refining warriors.

Chu Chen decisively took action and killed the five marrow refining warriors with five spiritual power flicks.

Song Chongshan was grateful and bowed his head to the ground, but he didn't know that Chu Chen had already left.

Now, Chu Chen said goodbye to Li San again.

Although Li San and others are still alive, there will be few opportunities to meet in the future.

"For longevity, the biggest enemy is not others, but yourself."

Back to the pawnshop, Chu Chen drank alone and cleared his mind one by one.

What he lacked the most was time. The endless time would bring endless loneliness.

Chu Chen must learn to endure loneliness and the loneliness of his friends leaving one after another.

Life is long, and only you can accompany yourself.



Jin Buhuan sent someone to deliver a gift, a wooden box of medium size.

As usual, Chu Chen asked the little white mouse to check it dozens of times and then took out the items inside.

A letter and a bronze mirror.

"Another mirror?"

When Chu Chen saw the bronze mirror for the first time, his eyes lit up.

This bronze mirror is exactly the same as the Qingtian Mirror and the Ganling Mirror. Obviously, it is a part of the Qingtian Ganling Mirror.

Chu Chen picked up the letter left by Jin Buhuan, checked it, and figured out the cause and effect.

After Jin Buhuan returned to the Jin family, the head of the Jin family insisted on letting Jin Buhuan return to the Jin family and be listed in the family tree despite the opposition of the Jin family.

This move also aroused the dissatisfaction of the Jin family, especially the many direct disciples of the Jin family.

Everyone knows that the head of the Jin family let Jin Buhuan return to the family tree just to give Jin Buhuan the opportunity to ascend to the position of the head of the Jin family.

Many direct disciples of the Jin family then joined forces and began to target Jin Buhuan.

Even sent people to assassinate Jin Buhuan.

Jin Buhuan was in life-and-death crisis several times. If it were not for Zheng's protection, he would have died long ago.

The most dangerous time was when Jin Buhuan went to a city to seek something. On the way back to the Jin family, he was robbed and killed by dozens of assassins at the same time.

Among them, there were four marrow-refining assassins who joined forces to stop Zheng, and the remaining assassins besieged Jin Buhuan.

Jin Buhuan relied on the light body talisman and divine power talisman left by Chu Chen to entangle with a group of assassins, dragging Zheng to deal with the four marrow-refining assassins, and luckily survived.

It was also because of this assassination that Jin Buhuan captured several assassins alive, brought them back to the Jin family, and overthrew several direct disciples of the Jin family.

Taking this as an opportunity, with the support of his father, he ascended to the position of the head of the Jin family.

In order to express his gratitude to Chu Chen, Jin Buhuan sent this mirror from the Jin family's treasury.

"Brother Chu, I heard that the master of jealousy is searching for things related to the immortal way everywhere, and this mirror may be a thing of the immortal way.

If you present this thing to the master of jealousy, you may be favored by the master of jealousy, which is my repayment for your life-saving grace."

Jin Buhuan left a message at the end of the letter.

Chu Chen was not surprised that the Jin family could find the existence of the master of jealousy.

The Jin family is a thousand-year-old family that has been operating in the Yun'an area for thousands of years, and its tentacles are spread throughout the Great Yan Kingdom.

It can be said that what happened in the Great Yan Kingdom rarely escapes the eyes and ears of the Jin family.

Chu Chen has made countless moves over the years, and the existence of the Master of Evil has long been circulated among various forces.

Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng removed the title of the Great Hero of Evil from the first place on the Earth List for this reason.

Even Emperor Chengwu once ordered the Jinyiwei to investigate the existence of the Master of Evil.

The Jinyiwei made little progress, and most of them reported some seemingly false news.

After all, even the highest authority of the Jinyiwei was controlled by Chu Chen, so how could the Jinyiwei find out the true news about the Master of Evil?

With the ability of the Jin family, it is not surprising that they found out the relationship between the Master of Evil and the Transfer Pawnshop through the Longmen Escort Agency.

Of course.

None of the forces could find out that the owner of the Transfer Pawnshop was the Master of Evil himself.

No one would think that a great innate master would be the owner of a small pawnshop.

"Thank you for the gift from Brother Jin..."

Chu Chen immediately took out a pen and paper, wrote a reply to Jin Buhuan, and sent someone to deliver it to the Jin family.

After doing this.

He couldn't wait to return to the secret room and prepare to study this bronze mirror.

Chu Chen held the bronze mirror in his hand and tentatively injected a wisp of true energy into the mirror.


The lines on the bronze mirror lit up, bursting with dazzling light. The entire bronze mirror was like a small sun, illuminating the secret room.

The next moment.

Countless rays of light gathered in the center of the bronze mirror, turning into a beam of light and shooting out.

In an instant, the wall of the secret room was pierced, leaving a pit two feet deep and four inches wide.

"Such destructive power is not inferior to the full force of a fifth-level Qi training cultivator."

Chu Chen's eyes lit up, he raised his hand, and the bronze mirror fell into his hand.

Inject a ray of mana into it again and start refining the bronze mirror.

The speed of refining the bronze mirror was very fast. Three days later, Chu Chen had refined the bronze mirror.

The next step is to fuse this bronze mirror with the Qingtian Spiritual Energy Mirror.

The fusion process went very smoothly. Perhaps the Qingtian Spiritual Realm mirror had returned to the level of a low-grade magical weapon. Coupled with Chu Chen's breakthrough in cultivation, the Qingtian Spiritual Realm fused the bronze mirror very quickly.

In less than four years, this bronze mirror has been integrated into the Qingtian Inspiration Mirror.

"Yes, the origin has been restored to the peak level of low-grade magic weapons."

Chu Chen carefully sensed the fused Qingtian Spiritual Mirror and was extremely satisfied.

Combined with a bronze mirror, the lines on the Qingtian Spiritual Realm are even more mysterious.

Another petal of the plum blossom at the top is lit.

"The current Qingtian Spiritual Mirror is not only an auxiliary magic weapon, but also has offensive capabilities."

Chu Chen injected a ray of mana, and under its control, the lines around the Qingtian Spiritual Mirror lit up again.

Powerful power gathered in the center of the mirror, and a terrifying attack was ready to go.

If this blow lands, according to Chu Chen's assessment, the power should not be inferior to a full blow from a seventh-level qi-training monk.

In order to confirm his suspicion, he left the imperial capital with the Blue Sky Soul Sensing Mirror, found a remote place, and tested the power of the Blue Sky Soul Sensing Realm.

It was finally confirmed that the power of the Qingtian Spiritual Mirror was not inferior to a full-strength strike from a seventh-level qi-training monk.

"One more trump card!"

The smile on Chu Chen's face became even stronger.

No one can have too many trump cards.

It can be said that the Qingtian Spiritual Mirror suddenly surpassed the Flying Sword Talisman and became one of his most powerful trump cards.

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