Longevity Of 4.6 Billion Years: The Beginning Was Exposed By The Star List

Chapter 22: The Lin Family's Ancestral House And The Coffin Keeper

The Lin family, the ancestral home.

This is the house where Lin Shu and Yu Xi lived.

It was built thousands of years ago.

Of course, if it is an ordinary building, it should have been turned into dust in tens of thousands of years.

As for the Lin family's ancestral house, Lin Shu put a lot of effort into it when it was first built.

In order to build this ancestral house, Lin Shu used extraordinary power to directly piece together huge rocks one by one.

Any one of the huge rocks here is larger than the huge rocks of the pyramids that people are familiar with.

Moreover, outside the giant rock, in order to prevent weathering, Lin Shu also smeared the system sign-in rewards.

A material called mixed lime.

This kind of mixed lime is mixed with a special substance, which is enough to make ordinary lime not melt after tens of thousands of years.

Plus, the building was always inhabited, so it survived.

Theoretically, no one is qualified to live in this ancestral home of the Lin family except Lin Shu.

But Lin Shu put Yu Xi's crystal coffin in it, so Lin Shu set an ancestral precept that every generation must have a coffin keeper.

The keeper of the coffin is a member of the Yu family of the Lin family, and must be a woman, and it is stipulated that three days a week must be guarded.

In this way, we can better know the trend and report to Lin Shu.

Generally speaking, if it is sealed in a crystal coffin, it will remain unchanged for thousands of years or ten thousand years.

But Lin Shu was worried, so he set up a coffin keeper.

It is precisely because of the existence of the coffin keeper that the Lin family's ancestral house is inhabited and maintained, and the rock wall is smeared with a special mixture of lime, which prevents it from collapsing under the constant weathering like other buildings.

well known.

Some houses are always good when people live in them. Once everyone lives in them, various problems will appear after a year or so, and then they will gradually collapse.

Of course, apart from guarding the coffin, the coffin keeper is relatively free and can marry and have children.

However, after getting married and having children, the existence of the Lin family's ancestral house must not be disclosed to anyone, let alone the existence of the crystal coffin.

When they inherit the coffin keeper, they will be arranged to swallow the mantra pill!

no way!

Lin Shu believed in a certain coffin keeper, but he couldn't trust all coffin keepers.

Humans, after generations, there will always be a generation of coffin keepers who can't hold back the secrets in their hearts and tell the truth.

Once it is said, it will definitely attract the attention of countless people with a pair of clothes that are enough to make a dying person hang his breath and be sealed for tens of thousands of years.

Especially in ancient times, once it was spread to the imperial palace, they wanted to enter the mountain where the Lin family was located. Although it was difficult, countless people could pile in.

Once the emperor covets it, countless lives can be used to pave the way. This is not alarmist talk, but a fact.

A pair of such crystal coffins is enough to set off endless bloody storms, so Lin Shu can only keep this secret.

Lin Shu's personal strength is naturally not afraid of the secret being exposed, but... after being exposed, many people will be sacrificed, which is not very good for Lin Shu.

It's not like killing everyone, so what's the point of surviving.

In the time before human beings formed on the blue star, Lin Shu remembered what a long and boring time he had passed.

Most of the time, Lin Shu couldn't bear the loneliness and fell into a deep sleep under the protection mechanism of the system.

Lin Shu doesn't want to go back to those years again.

Although, in a sense, Lin Shu is no longer the same kind of life form as normal human beings, but no matter what, with human beings, the whole world is full of vigor and vitality.

It is really difficult for Lin Shu to get along with other creatures.

What's the point of facing those beasts every day?

In short, the secret of the crystal coffin cannot be revealed, as long as you swallow the mantra pill and don't reveal it, at other times, you can marry and have children normally, nothing will happen.

And if you try to expose it, then the whole person will be imprisoned by the power of the truth pill, unable to move, like a vegetable, unable to speak or write.

Until Lin Shu took out the mantra pill.

Of course, after taking out the Mantra Pill, the Coffin Keeper has only two choices.


Leading her husband and children away from the Lin family, Lin Shu used extraordinary power to erase her memory, and she could never return to the Lin family.


That is to divorce her husband. As for the children, the coffin-keeper and his wife will discuss who will be tutored. If this is the case, the coffin-keeper can only stay in the Lin family and die alone.

Lin Shu couldn't be blamed for this. Before any coffin keeper chooses to become a coffin keeper, he will be informed of all these in advance. If he does not accept it, he will naturally not become a coffin keeper.

In fact, for a real member of the Lin family, it is an honor to be the keeper of the coffin, and it is the highest honor in the Lin family.

This is a position where Lin Shu can be contacted at any time. Every generation of coffin keeper is replaced, there are many people rushing to take it.

With the status of this coffin keeper, it can be said that in the Lin family, the status is directly elevated to the top group, which is comparable to the clan elders.

Some people who are unknown in the Lin family's Yumai are naturally trying to find a way to become them.

How many ordinary women of the Lin family could refuse a coffin keeper who could marry and have children, and who could raise his status?

As for not being able to disclose, the punishment after revealing is actually not bad for them.

Anyway, it won't die!

No way, after all, they are her descendants. Lin Shu can't say, punish them to death, that's impossible.

Along the way, Lin Shu recalled these things in his mind, and then walked towards the ancestral house.

Here, even clan elders are not allowed to come here, only coffin keepers can come here, so Lin Shu went alone.

As Lin Shu stepped into the ancestral house, a woman from the Yu family of the Lin family immediately greeted her.

As the keeper of the coffin, he naturally knew some secrets. When he saw Lin Shu appearing, he immediately knelt down to greet him.

Lin Shu stopped her directly.

There is no way, this kind of family that has been passed down for a long time, some concepts are still deeply ingrained, Lin Shu wants to change, and it is not something that can be changed in a short while.

This is left over from the feudal era. Since it is difficult to change, Lin Shu is free to do so.

"Old Ancestor, you are back!"

After being stopped, the Yumai woman from the Lin family looked at Lin Shu and said in surprise.


Lin Shu said nothing, and then walked directly to the crystal coffin stored in the middle of the ancestral house...

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