"The Ross family, fourth on the family list, will reward seven 16-year life yuan, which will be freely distributed by the head of the Ross family to members of the Ross family, and will also be rewarded with two additional opportunities to cure any disease!" 』

"The third Ye family on the family list will reward 8 copies of 17-year life yuan, which will be freely distributed by the head of the Ye family to the members of the Ye family. In addition, the Ye family will be rewarded with a design blueprint!" 』


With the announcement of the fourth and third places in the family list.

at the same time.

Regarding its rewards, it is also presented.

Ordinary rewards are still in accordance with the rules. Everyone has read the list for so long, and it is very clear.

However, the extra rewards are slightly different.

An added bonus for the Ross family, two chances to cure anyone's disease.

This extra reward can be said to be similar to the previous extra reward of the Li family, but the Li family can only heal one person, while the Ross family can heal two people.

With the announcement of rewards.

European and American countries are also talking about it at the moment.

"Oh, Karma, it's finally our turn!"

"Two extra chances to heal, worthy of the fourth place, this reward is much richer than that of the Li Family of the Dragon Country!"

"Before, I was still envious of the rewards from the Li family of Longguo, but now it's the turn of the Ross family in our country!"

"I don't know how the Ross family will use it? I heard that there is a heavyweight in the country who is seriously ill and is still receiving treatment. According to news reports, it seems to be an incurable disease. I don't know if the Ross family will use it. Give him this chance!"

"I don't know, but this kind of thing is no longer something we can consider!"

"Generally speaking, although the ranking is not higher than that of Longguo, the star list is not biased in terms of rewards. The rewards are very sincere for two chances of healing!"

"Hey, I just don't know what the Ye family's extra reward is, a design drawing, what kind of design drawing is it!"

That's right.

The unknown is the most curious.

Ye family's extra reward, a design drawing, what kind of design drawing is this, the whole world, not just European and American countries, people in Western countries are extremely curious.

Similarly, the people of Dragon Kingdom are also very curious.

"Fuck, there are unknown rewards here!"

"By the way, what design drawings are they?"

"I always feel that this design blueprint is not simple. After all, it is a reward for the third-ranked family. It can't be said that the value of the reward is not as good as that of the fourth-ranked Ross family, right?"

"Yes, the Ross family's reward is already extremely astonishing, but the Ye family's blueprint must be worth even more!"

"It would be great if the Ye family released the design drawings!"

"You are dreaming. This reward is so special. Why should the Ye family announce it? You said that it is almost the same to ask them to reveal which aspect of the design blueprint it is!"

"I think this is still possible, medical equipment or military high-tech weapons or other design drawings?"

no doubt.

The reward for this design blueprint made many people very curious.

They all want to see what it is.



In a manor.


In Ye Xin's hand, a blueprint appeared.

Looking at the blueprint in his hand, Ye Xin was about to open it to check it.

at this moment.

Lin Shu spoke:


Say it.

Lin Shu looked at Ruth and Yilin.

"You two can watch it if you want, but no matter what you see after reading it, you must keep it secret!"

Although Lin Shu doesn't know the blueprints for the star list rewards, it should be of great value.

Ruth and Yilin, after all, they are not the only two behind them, they both have huge influence.

After the two of them go back, if the family behind them knows that they have contacted Ye Xin, they will definitely ask about the design drawings.

Although Lin Shu believes that the two of them will not speak out, but no matter what, I still have to remind them.

However, it was Ye Xin's reward after all, and Lin Shu couldn't say that he made a complete decision, but said to Ye Xin:

"Of course, it all depends on you. This is your reward. It's your freedom to let the two of them see it!"

Ye Xin, upon hearing Lin Shu's words, glanced at Ruth and Erin, then nodded:

"My lord, they are sisters with me now. It's okay to let them see. Of course, if it is revealed, I can only say that I don't know people, but I believe in my own eyes. Sister Ruth and Sister Yilin will never do this made!"

"It's good that you don't regret it!"

For this kind of thing, Lin Shu just reminded, but didn't say that he insisted on getting involved.

Although Lin Shu has relationships with these three people, Lin Shu's principle is that before becoming his wife, Lin Shu will not interfere too much with their wishes.

Naturally, Ye Xin let them watch, so let's see, if there is any loss at that time, it has nothing to do with Lin Shu.

Of course, if Ruth and Yilin really revealed after reading it, then it can only be said that the two of them are not worthy of staying by my side.

Even things like blueprints cannot be kept secret, and Lin Shu will have many secrets in the future.

However, the matter of Ye Xin can be regarded as a test for these two women.

After Ye Xin replied to Lin Shu, she also said:

"Young Master, Sister Xi, let's take a look together. The star list rewards are so special, I don't think it should be easy!"

"I won't watch it!"

Lin Shu shook his head, obviously not very interested.

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