What did they see?


The word son, who can not understand what these two words mean.

The few people who spoke on the screen just now seem to be Ye Xin, the head of the Longguo Ye family, Kong Meng, the head of the Longguo Kong family, Erin Rose, the head of the Western Ross family, the head of the Windsor family of the Eagle Kingdom, and Ruth, the princess of the Eagle King family. —Windsor?

What's going on here? Could it be that these women are all Lin Shu's maids?

However, Ye Xin and Kong Meng are the patriarchs of the Longguo family, and they are Lin Shu's maids, which is reasonable.

However, what happened to the two patriarchs of the Windsor family and the Ross family?

No matter how they called that Lin Shu a son, for a while, Locke Filler and the Morgan family who had just spoken on the screen were completely confused.


It's not just them who are completely stunned, but the whole world is stunned.


The four patriarchs of the big families spoke and revealed too much information.

The four patriarchs called him son, and this was the first news revealed, and it was already confirmed that Lin Shu was a real person.

There is no need to doubt this point.

Before, everyone was still doubting whether this Lin Shu, who had lived for more than 10,000 years, really existed.

Well now, the four patriarchs directly speaking as the son is enough to prove everything. It can't be said that the four patriarchs from different countries call a non-existent man the son, right?

And the information revealed by the second one is equally astonishing.

The Ross family, the Windsor family, these are big families in the West.

How could the patriarchs of their two families call Lin Shu the son.

What is behind this?


Someone seems to have thought of something.

Previously, Lin Shu's wealth on the wealth list was initially estimated at 1 trillion.

The wealth of the family list Lin family is 5 trillion.

Among them, there are still five trillion vacancies.

So, does it mean that the Ross family and the Windsor family are actually families controlled by Lin Shu?

For a moment, thinking of the person who guessed, his back felt chills.


dragon country.

"Fuck, fuck, it's a real hammer!"

"Ye Xin, the head of the Ye family, Kong Meng, the head of the Kong family, Yi Lin, the head of the Ross family, and Ruth, the head of the Windsor family, all came out to speak, and they called you son!"

"Lin Shu, it really exists!"

"Hiss, I said why the surroundings suddenly became hot. It turned out that it was caused by taking a breath of air!"

"I didn't expect that these four people with such wealth and status actually called that Lin Shu a son, it seems that they are Lin Shu's maid!"

"I'll just say it, Lin Shu is the eternal god, just follow me and it's over!"

"Now things are getting tense. The beautiful Western countries are still claiming that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon belong to them, but the patriarchs of the two largest families support Lin Shu, haha... It's funny to think about it!"

"Hahaha...I usually don't laugh, but this incident really made me unable to bear it. It's even more funny than a comedy with a score of 9.0 on Douban!"

"Here comes a scene of two police officers laughing automatically!"

"Upstairs, let those two policemen rest for a while, the short video has been laughing for several years!"

"Pfft, I still want to laugh, I don't know how things will develop next, who knew that there are so many things extended from a list of ancient buildings!"

"It's not in vain. I took a special look at it today. I promised not to read it last time, but now... um, it's so delicious!"


on the screen.

Following the speeches of the four patriarchs, there was a brief pause.

Soon, the screen was occupied by many barrages.

"Shet, Patriarch Rose, Patriarch Windsor, you are traitors!"

"What about the other Ross family and the Windsor family, how did you choose the patriarch, why don't you tell me?"

"Yes, look at our Locke Filler family, but we are firmly on the side of our own country, the beautiful country!"

"So do our Morgan family!"

"Bah, Locke Filler, Morgan? What kind of brother family is this? If you have the ability to touch our Kong family, the patriarch is doing a good job, although I still don't know who Lin Shu is!"

"Patriarch Ye is right, no matter what, our Ye family will unswervingly support you!"

"Um, about the Windsor family, actually... we also support the patriarch!"

"What the patriarch said is what our Ross family said!"


On the screen, a big drama unfolded.

Locke Filler and the members of the Morgan family, watching these speeches, were completely passive at the moment, and were directly crushed.

In this way, he could only fall into silence, not daring to speak.

The Ross family and the Windsor family have said so, what else can they say.

It was agreed to be teammates, why did it change all of a sudden?

Just when the screen went silent.

On the screen, a video appeared.

In the video, people saw a hanging garden.

In the huge palace, tier upon tier of stepped gardens were built, covered with exotic flowers and plants, and a quiet mountain path was opened in the garden, with gurgling water beside the path.

In the middle of the garden there is a tower, standing in the air.

It really can be described as a wonderful workmanship, and the good fortune is magical!

People know that this is the real hanging garden.

Some people were happy, while others were beating their chests and stamping their feet, feeling sad in their hearts.

How did such a sky garden become Lin Shu's private property?

However, some countries are active in their minds.

As someone in the beautiful country said, now is the era of thermal weapons and a technological society, not the sixth century BC.

In the sixth century BC, the Kingdom of Babylon was not Lin Shu's opponent at all, and Wang Quan was overthrown by Lin Shu, which does not mean that Lin Shu can now fight against them.

As far as the current strength of various countries is concerned, if any country is put in that era, isn't it just casually beating the Kingdom of Babylon?

Indeed, according to Xingbang, the current owner of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is Lin Shu.

But who can say that it cannot change owners?

Anyway, the location of the sky garden will be shown on the star list, so just dig it out when the time comes.

They didn't believe that Lin Shu really dared to appear there to stop them from digging it out?

New Year's Day and beyond will be even better, read a book to relax! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: January 31st to January 2nd)

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