Longevity Of 4.6 Billion Years: The Beginning Was Exposed By The Star List

Chapter 62: Bronze Divine Tree? Will The History Of The Dragon Kingdom Be Rewritten?

"Ninth place in the list of ancient buildings: Hankuya Pyramid, which belongs to Lin Shu, and now announces the reward, rewarding Lin Shu with the title of Pyramid Lord. In the Hankuya Pyramid, Lin Shu can do it at will, and has the power to decide anyone else Permission to enter!"


The reward for the ninth place on the list of ancient buildings is also presented.

This reward is exactly the same as the reward from the Hanging Garden just now, there is no difference.

Lin Shu also lacked interest in this regard.

With the announcement of rewards.

The eighth place in the list of ancient buildings: bronze sacred tree!

dragon country.

"Damn it, Bronze Divine Tree, I'm familiar with this!"

"It's more than familiar, I think someone's face must be green now!"

"Haha, although I don't know if it was written by him, but I still want to say: Hurry up and surrender yourself!"

"By the way, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Bronze Sacred Tree, you don't even know about this. You haven't seen Tomb Raider TV series, but the most famous Tomb Raider TV series now has it!"

"Ah, really, tell me, what exactly is this bronze sacred tree?"

"I don't know, who knows if it's the same one!"

"However, is the Bronze Sacred Tree actually considered an ancient building? Isn't it a tree just by its name?"

"You are ignorant, who stipulates that buildings must be of the type of houses, pyramids and various sculptures, or Qin Shihuang Terracotta Army, the Great Wall, etc. Since they are buildings, then if the bronze sacred tree is made of bronze Why can’t a tree be used as a building?”

"Okay, stop arguing, and look at the information and its origins. The previous Hankuya Pyramid ranked ninth and it was more than 4,800 years old. This bronze sacred tree must be older? Could it be that it was built by the Xia Dynasty? , or a more distant era?"


In a manor.

Yu Xi, who was sitting next to Lin Shu, saw the eighth place on the list of ancient buildings displayed on the star list.

At this time, he spoke directly and said:

"Husband, look, it's the Bronze Sacred Tree. I didn't expect the Bronze Sacred Tree to be on the list!"

In this world, other people may not be familiar with the Bronze Sacred Tree, but Yu Xi is the princess of the Yu Dynasty, how could she not know about this Bronze Sacred Tree.

The Bronze Sacred Tree was being built when she was still the princess of the Yu Dynasty.

This is a bronze tree made of bronze. According to Yu Xi's memory, this bronze tree is about nine meters high.

At that time, Yu Chao could not even forge bronze. With the help of Lin Shu, he learned how to forge bronze.

After knowing the forging method of 470, Yu Xi's father summoned many craftsmen to build this bronze sacred tree as a totem symbol of the entire Yu Dynasty!

Trees represent vitality and stand tall!

At the same time, it indicates that the Yu Dynasty will usher in infinite vitality, flourish and stand tall on this land!

Yu Xi didn't expect that after more than 10,000 years, this bronze sacred tree could still be seen.

Can't help it.

Yu Xi looked at Lin Shu and asked:

"Husband, do you know where the Bronze Sacred Tree is? I want to see it!"


Kong Meng and Huang Longshi looked at Yu Xi, the teacher's wife, with some curiosity.

Originally, in their view, the teacher's wife was not very old, so she might be a modern person.

However, judging from the expression of the teacher's wife when she saw the bronze sacred tree, it seems that this is not the case.

The teacher's wife seems to be a long-lived person like a master and a teacher.

Obviously, the bronze sacred tree should have been seen by the teacher's wife before, so that's why he was so excited.

Unable to help, Kong Meng asked curiously:

"Master, have you ever seen the Bronze Sacred Tree?"

Of course, Kong Meng knew that this question was superfluous, so asking this question was just to confirm his own guess.

"Little Meng, I'm not familiar with other buildings, but I'm very familiar with this bronze sacred tree!"

"Tens of thousands of years ago, on this land, there was a dynasty named Yu Dynasty!"

"And the bronze sacred tree is the totem symbol of the Yu Dynasty. As a princess of the Yu Dynasty, how can I not be familiar with it?"


When Kong Meng heard it, he almost screamed out.

what did she hear

Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a dynasty on this land called the Yu Dynasty?

Throughout the history of the Dragon Kingdom, the most distant dynasty can be traced back to the Xia Dynasty.

But now, Mrs. Yu Xi said that there was a Yu Dynasty tens of thousands of years ago. Doesn't it mean that the history of the Dragon Kingdom can be traced back farther, enough to reach the Yu Dynasty tens of thousands of years ago?

Kong Meng knew that with the appearance of the Bronze Sacred Tree, the history of the Dragon Kingdom might have to be rewritten.

And this is just one of them.

In the second, Kong Meng heard that Mrs. Yu Xi actually said that she was the princess of the Yu Dynasty.

The Yu Dynasty was a dynasty tens of thousands of years ago. Isn’t the princess of the Yu Dynasty also a person from tens of thousands of years ago?

"It turns out that this world is more complicated than I imagined. Not only the teacher is an immortal, but the teacher's wife is also an immortal!"

Before, although she had guessed that the teacher's wife might not be simple, she never thought that the teacher's wife was also a person more than 10,000 years ago. This news is really too amazing.

at this time.

Even Huang Longshi, the chess master four or five hundred years ago, couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Different from Kong Meng, Huanglong Shita is a person who entered the Tao with chess, and after using chess to enter the Tao, his realm has reached an extremely profound level after four or five hundred years of practice.

Even so, he can only live for a thousand years in the end at present, and it is a fool's dream to want to live for ten thousand years.

He didn't feel any aura from the teacher's wife. He thought it was an ordinary person, but he didn't expect that his level was not enough, "I couldn't feel the breath from the teacher's wife at all.

From Huang Longshi's point of view, if he can live for more than 10,000 years, his realm is so high that it is not much worse than his master.

European and American countries, beautiful countries and western countries.

"Bronze Divine Tree, what is this?"

"Among the major buildings in the world, it seems that I have never heard of it!"

"The Pyramid of Hankuya, although not the Pyramid of Khufu, is still a pyramid, but what kind of building is this bronze sacred tree?"

"I don't know, but as long as it doesn't have anything to do with Lin Shu, everything is easy to talk about. It can be ranked in front of the Hankuya Pyramid. Obviously, this bronze sacred tree has a history of at least five thousand years. Its research value or other values ​​are unimaginable! "

"Look...the information is out!"

Amidst the discussions among the crowd, the introduction about the Bronze God Tree also appeared.


Eighth in the list of ancient buildings: Bronze Sacred Tree

Building information and related events: 10,000 years ago, in the land of today's Dragon Kingdom, there existed a dynasty named Yu Dynasty.

Yu Dynasty, under the guidance of Lin Shu, learned the art of copper smelting. After learning the copper smelting method, the king of Yu Dynasty ordered all the craftsmen to make a bronze tree with a height of 9 meters 9, which is called the Bronze God Tree. , is the totem symbol of the Yu Dynasty!

Building location: Yudu, the capital of the Yu Dynasty, in the Yushan Mountain of Rongcheng, the current Dragon Kingdom

Building owner: Lin Shu and Lin Shu's wife Yu Xi

With this information presented.

At this moment, the whole world is silent.

The Dragon Kingdom has a long history and a long history of inheritance, which is recognized by the world.

However, even if it is recognized, the history of the Dragon Kingdom can probably be traced back to the Xia Dynasty.

Xia, Shang, Zhou……………

However, the star list now says that in the land of Dragon Kingdom, there was a dynasty named Yu Dynasty more than 10,000 years ago.

With the emergence of this Yu Dynasty, it is obvious...the history of the Dragon Kingdom will be rewritten again.

Dragon Kingdom, not Xia, Shang, Zhou (Spring and Autumn, Warring States) and Qin...

Rather, Yu, Xia, Shang, Zhou (Spring and Autumn, Warring States) Qin...  

The history of the Dragon Kingdom was directly rewritten, adding thousands of years again.

Many public platforms in Longguo are completely lively at the moment.

"Damn it, it turns out that my Dragon Kingdom goes back farther than the Xia Dynasty!"

"The Yu Dynasty, before the Xia Dynasty, there actually existed a dynasty called the Yu Dynasty!"

"The Dragon Kingdom is amazing, the eternal god of the Dragon Kingdom, and the eternal god of the Yu Dynasty!"

"Haha, foreigners should be dumbfounded now!"

"Yeah, I was disappointed before. None of the ninth and tenth ancient buildings in the list of ancient buildings belonged to the ancient buildings of the Dragon Kingdom. Although they all belonged to Lin Shu, one was from ancient Babylon and the other was from ancient Egypt. Our Ancient Dragon Kingdom No, it's all right now...a king bomb came out straight away!"

"That's right, this king exploded beautifully. Our Dragon Kingdom not only wants to produce ancient buildings, but also an even more ancient dynasty!"

"Think about the beautiful country. It only has a history of two or three hundred years. It is nothing more than a barbarian. Our dragon country has a history of tens of thousands of years. Now it is a superpower. How can it be shaken at will!"

"However, the owner of this building is also Lin Shu. I have to say that Lin Shu is really an eternal god. The three buildings from the ancient building are all related to him!"

"By the way, what happened to Lin Shu's wife? Yu Xi, named after Yu, could it be said that she was an important figure in the court at that time?"

"Impossible, if he is an important figure in the Yu Dynasty, wouldn't it mean that he has lived for tens of thousands of years?"

"Um, that's too amazing. A Lin Shu who has lived for tens of thousands of years is already terrifying. Adding a Yu Xi, I really have to doubt my life!"

"Don't doubt it, my world view has collapsed long ago. Ever since the exposure of the wealth list, it has collapsed!"

"However, this bronze sacred tree is a building tens of thousands of years ago. It is reasonable to say that it cannot belong to the current individual, unless Yu Xi is a person tens of thousands of years ago. Generally speaking, I believe that Yu Xi is also alive. Ten thousand years!"

Long Guo, at this time, is once again boiling.

After all, as a native of Dragon Kingdom, anyone who sees the history of Dragon Kingdom being refreshed and rewritten again will be happy for a long time.

At this time, some people have already started Aite official, asking the official to revise the history textbook.

Of course, more people are immersed in joy. This is a sense of national honor and national pride!

eagle country.

In a castle.

Ruth——Windsor also saw the information presented in the star list.

The Sky Garden belongs to Prince Lin Shu, the Hankuya Pyramid also belongs to Prince Lin Shu, and the Bronze Sacred Tree belongs to Prince Lin Shu.

She was not particularly surprised by these news.

She was surprised that her guess was actually correct.


She was in Lin Shu's manor, Lin Shu brought Yu Xi and asked Ye Xin to teach her some modern knowledge, and the three of them became suspicious.

After all, a modern person, no matter how you say it, will not even know the most basic knowledge of modern times, right?

At that time, the three daughters suspected that Yu Xi might not be a modern person, but an ancient person, who just lived in a certain isolated place and only came out now.

Now, with the exposure of the star list, Ruth can finally be sure.

Yu Xi, the elder sister Xi they are talking about, is also an ancient person more than 10,000 years ago, just like the son!

"Sister Xi, it's no wonder that you can become the son's wife, so there is such a background!"


this one

The scene, of course, didn't just happen to Ruth.

Among the Ross family, Erin also saw the information on the star list at this time, and also understood that Yu Xi, sister Xi, was an ancient person more than 10,000 years ago.

At the same time, at Ye's house in Longguo, Ye Xin looked at the star list with a wry smile.

The elder sister Yu Xixi I taught was actually an ancient person more than 10,000 years ago.

at the same time.

On the Internet, a so-called expert suddenly spoke up there.

The bronze sacred tree is a treasure in the history of the Dragon Kingdom. It should not belong to any individual, but to the entire Dragon Kingdom. Lin Shu and Yu Xi are also invited to donate it free of charge.

come out.

As soon as the expert opened his mouth, a bunch of comments immediately followed.

"Yes, this is a treasure belonging to the entire Dragon Kingdom civilization, and it should be contributed!"

"That's right, Lin Shu has billions of dollars in wealth. This sacred bronze tree is irrelevant to Lin Shu, and he can definitely contribute it!"

"I also ask Lin Shu to contribute the bronze sacred tree. This bronze sacred tree must not belong to any individual!"

"Release it, let all Dragon Kingdom people visit it, and let everyone in the world visit it, so that you can admire the long history and long-standing civilization and culture of our Dragon Kingdom!"

Elderly House.

Several elders gathered together.

Obviously, they also learned about the Bronze God Tree and the Yu Dynasty.

An elder spoke out loudly:

"History textbooks, starting today, revise immediately, add Yu Dynasty!"

"As for the bronze sacred tree, what do you think?"

Several elders, you look at me, I look at you.

It's just too difficult to do this!

If the bronze sacred tree is unowned, it will be directly included in the National Museum of History and the Museum of Cultural Relics.

However, it still has an owner, and the owner is still Lin Shu.

Lin Shu's identity is too special.

As some of the news they got said [the Bronze God Tree is best not to be revealed.

However, they also knew about this matter, but under the current circumstances, if they didn't reveal it, they needed to contact Lin Shu and ask Lin Shu to hand over the Bronze God Tree.

But for Lin Shu's character, the elders recalled the report just now by Long Weiguo, the director of the Jinwei Bureau.

Lin Shu has a lot of confidence in his heart. Even if the beautiful country wants to compete for this sky garden, Lin Shu has no fear at all. Instead, he said something,

It means that once the beautiful country makes a move, the consequences will be at your own risk.

The Dragon Kingdom is confident that it is stronger than the Beautiful Kingdom, but it dare not say that it will force Lin Shu to hand over the Bronze God Tree unless Lin Shu volunteers to hand it over.

But Lin Shu, will you volunteer?

This is clearly unlikely!.

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