Longevity Of 4.6 Billion Years: The Beginning Was Exposed By The Star List

Chapter 66: Posei Palace, Level 1 Civilization "Atlantis Civilization"

The fourth place in the list of ancient buildings: Posei Palace

With the fourth place building presented.

Obviously, there was another commotion.

dragon country.

"Boss Palace? This name is so familiar!"

"It's really familiar, I can't remember it for a while!"

"By the way, this should be another new civilization, right? It turns out that there used to be so many human civilizations on Blue Star, a natural civilization of Muria, and a food civilization of Mesopotamia. Now this Posei Palace will be What civilization?"

"Let's not talk about it, the liberal arts student had a heart attack. Damn, there are so many civilizations. If we dig some more in the future, there will be more than a few pages in the history book. There is an extra book. It's called prehistoric history, which just corresponds Ancient history, modern history, make up a trilogy of history!"

"Crying, although I really hope to enrich the past human civilization of this blue star, can I wait until I graduate from high school?"

"Don't stop on the star list, get more exposure, anyway, I graduated, I can't stand it!"

"Hahaha, instead of complaining, it's better to look at it now, maybe it will be useful in the future, especially for high school students!"

"I don't know, do you want to guess, will there be Lin Shu again this time?"

"Lin Shu? I'm already numb, even if there is, I won't be too surprised!"

"Yeah, Lin Shu's identity is still shrouded in mist. Who is he? All civilizations have been destroyed. He is just a person. How can he survive like that?"

"Forget it, if it is said that there is a mythical civilization now, I will believe it!"

"The news of Posei Palace has come out, take a look!"

Among the expectations of hundreds of millions of people, finally, the fourth place in the list of ancient buildings, the news about the Posei Palace was also directly presented.

The fourth place in the list of ancient buildings: Posei Palace

Building information and related events: about 100,000 years ago, an extremely highly developed technological civilization appeared on the blue star. This technological civilization is called the Atlantis civilization

The Atlantis civilization is a scientific and technological civilization that has truly reached the first level. Under the first level civilization, Atlantis has realized the complete development of the entire Blue Star, and it is even enough to use technology to control the celestial phenomena and possess astronomical weapons. "If you don't know about astronomical weapons, you can refer to the movie Global Storm"

Moreover, under such a highly developed civilization, the humans of the Atlantis civilization, with the help of Lin Shu, built Atlantis spaceships enough to travel to the depths of the universe.

Many human beings from Atlantis boarded spaceships and went to the depths of the universe.

As for the Atlantis humans who are still on the blue star, under the highly developed civilization, an extremely crazy person sat in the high position of Atlantis and controlled the global celestial weapons.

Under the control of global astronomical weapons, the entire Blue Star also died because of these astronomical weapons.

Only the Posei Palace, the highest palace of Atlantis, was left behind, which sank into the bottom of the sea under the protection of Lin Shu.

So far, a generation of highly developed civilizations has not been destroyed by natural disasters in the end, but by the celestial weapons made by themselves!

Construction site: Donghai

Affiliation: Lin Shu

dragon country.

"Fuck, first-level civilization? This Atlantean civilization has actually reached the first-level civilization!"

"Isn't it stronger than the current civilization, which seems to be only a level 0.7 civilization?"

"Nonsense, as long as you are not blind, you can see it? People can make astronomical weapons to control the global weather, and they can also build spaceships to travel to the universe!"

"The astronomical weapon controls the global weather. Originally, I was still imagining that with this, wouldn't it be possible to curb global warming, and control the weather a little bit to make the temperature a little faster in today's hot weather."

"Brother, don't think about it. If this falls into the hands of crazy people, it will definitely be a disaster. Haven't you seen that such a powerful civilization will eventually be destroyed?"

"Hey, that's true, but even if you want to manufacture, I'm afraid it's not possible given the current situation. After all, there is still a big gap between civilizations. The first-level civilization has realized the development and use of the entire Blue Star, and we are now Still a long way to go!"

"It's better not to. Astronomical weapons are particularly terrifying when you hear them. I'm afraid they are no worse than nuclear bombs. The destruction of nuclear bombs may be instantaneous, and people may lose consciousness all of a sudden. However, the destruction of astronomical weapons may cause celestial disasters. It was only destroyed in the panic, in a sense, I am afraid that it is even more terrifying``!"

"Yeah, death is not the scariest thing, it's the scariest thing to be tortured and watch death approaching slowly!"

"Strongly request not to develop astronomical weapons!"

"There is no strong requirement for this. Even if it is research and development, it will definitely take a long time. At that time, I will already have a grave. I love inventing and inventing. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Haha, don't care about the flood after death!"

The major platforms of the Dragon Kingdom have started discussions on the newly emerging Atlantis civilization.

Of course, the focus of the discussion, besides the first-level civilization and the so-called astronomical weapons, is... Lin Shu.

"By the way, how long has Lin Shu lived? This is a civilization that was 100,000 years ago, yet Lin Shu has appeared again!"

"That's right, Lin Shu can actually help a first-level civilization build a spaceship, isn't this an alien?"

"Also, why doesn't Lin Shu save a civilization every time, but instead protects the representative buildings of that civilization? What exactly does he want to do?"

"Yes, it's hard to say. Judging from these scattered clues, Lin Shu seems to have a high status in every civilization. If one civilization can't be saved, then it's impossible that all three civilizations can't be saved?"

"Speaking of it, it seems to be true. Especially the Atlantis civilization can help build spaceships. Its status in the entire civilization is definitely not low. If he does something, that civilization really has May not be destroyed!"

"Who knows, maybe it's because I've lived too long, I'm used to life, death, and destruction, and I'm used to this kind of thing. Maybe the so-called civilization change in Lin Shu's eyes is the same as we see people's birth, old age, sickness and death."

"Uh, I want to say that even I don't look so indifferent to people's birth, old age, sickness and death. It's hard to understand how Lin Shu's heart is formed!"

"I think, we use less than a hundred years of life to speculate on Lin Shu's thought that he seems to have lived for 100,000 years. This seems a bit too speculative and whimsical!"

European and American countries, beautiful countries and Western countries.

"Xie Te, why? Posei Palace, the name is related to our west, why is it Lin Shu's?"

"That's right, in our western mythology, the place where Poseidon lives seems to be the Palace of Poseidon, right?"

"This star list doesn't intend to target us in the West, does it?"

"Xie Te, I don't think the star list is intentionally targeting us, but Lin Shu is intentionally targeting us. Why does he take these buildings from previous civilizations as his own?"

"Yes, the Hanging Gardens should have belonged to Babylon. Although Babylon is dead, its land in Iraq should belong to Iraq. The Hankuya Pyramid should belong to Egypt. As for the Muria Palace and Crescent Palace including the current Posei Palace , should belong to all mankind!"

"We should unite all mankind and let Lin Shu hand over these ancient buildings, unless he wants to be an enemy of all mankind!"

"Yes, although he has lived for a long time, it seems that he has lived for more than 100,000 years, but he must not be the enemy of all human beings and the entire human civilization at present. Otherwise, he will definitely be able to reverse the destruction of those civilizations by himself!"

"He's just one person, and it's impossible for one person to dream of getting all those buildings!"

"Uh, at this time, if I say something, if Lin Shu didn't protect those buildings, would those buildings just disappear in the destruction of civilization?"

"Go away, it looks like a Muhua dog, Xie Te!"

"Damn the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, the poor dog is so poor that it has reached our west!"

"Dragon Kingdom's capital navy is really everywhere. Even if it really disappears in the destruction of civilization, so what. At worst, everyone doesn't have it, but it's impossible for one person to have it alone!"

"Agreed, Shit Muhua dog, please go away, please go to Longguo to lick your father Lin!"

"It's a shame. I don't have any sense of national honor. This time the ancient building list was exposed, and Lin Shu took all the benefits, so I'm still talking nonsense here!"

On the extranet, someone put forward a slightly different idea, which was quickly overwhelmed, and the account was also quickly banned.

Dragon Kingdom, Kyoto.

In a manor.

Kong Meng looked at Lin Shu and asked:

"Teacher, there are a lot of questions on the Internet now, the most important one is, why do you keep those civilized buildings every time, teacher, but don't save a civilization?"

"According to their speculation, teacher, you seem to have a high status in those civilizations, right? If you do something, you should be able to do it? Or is it that you did it, but a human emperor is too weak to stop it?

Hear Kong Meng's question.

Lin Shu smiled.

Looking at her, Lin Shu spoke slowly and said:

"Kong Meng, you are still young, you have seen too little!"

"If you've lived as long as I have, you'll understand that everything happens for a reason!"

"Whether a civilization is going to perish is not up to me!"

"Maybe, I can prevent its destruction today, but what about tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow?"

"The destruction of a civilization is definitely not caused by any one person's hotheadedness. The reasons for it can be said to be extremely numerous. They are the accumulation of one thing after another in the civilization.

"For me, immortality is indeed a way to prevent the destruction of a civilization, but so what? Once the fire of destruction has a sign, it will never be extinguished by anyone, and it will continue to start a prairie fire."

"If it is stopped today, it will still erupt tomorrow. Rather than doing this, it is better to let nature take its course!"

Lin Shu, think back to the time 100,000 years ago.

The Atlantis civilization is definitely the most advanced civilization that has appeared on the Blue Star.

Compared with the Sumerian civilization, which had a cancer suppressor before, it can be said to be more developed.

In a word, if the Blue Star civilization now belongs to the 0.7-level civilization, then the Sumerian civilization belongs to the 0.9-level civilization, and Atlantis belongs to the first-level civilization, and even surpassed the first-level civilization at its peak.

For this civilization, Lin Shu actually placed high hopes on it, thinking that if it continues to develop, it will definitely be able to go deep into the Milky Way beyond the Chiyang System and blossom everywhere.

Perhaps, Lin Shu cannot live without Blue Star, but Blue Star, as the ancestor star of Atlantis, will attract many cosmic civilizations to come.

It can be said that for this civilization, Lin Shu has helped a lot.

Help them build a spaceship, and even Lin Shu took out reward items for signing in his own system.

Let the spacecraft have enough energy to sail in the universe.

What's more, Lin Shu also shot from a long distance, and arranged a lot of space wormholes in the Chiyang system.

By using these space wormholes, the spacecraft can directly perform space jumps, saving the time to travel to the depths of the universe.

It can be said that the Atlantean civilization can

Reaching the first level of civilization, to some extent, is closely related to Lin Shu's help!

Without Lin Shu, the possibility of Atlantis becoming a first-level civilization might not be high.

However, a civilization has its inferiority after all, or people in civilization have the inferiority of people in civilization.

In civilization, there will always be some people who want to rule the entire civilization and make it return to the slave society, and everything will serve them.

There is such a group of people in the Atlantis civilization, who are like the Virgin Mary in front of them, doing all kinds of good things.

However, they are plotting the entire civilization secretly. It is conceivable that a person who has done all good deeds will definitely be loved by everyone in the civilization.


In this way, one can reach the peak of civilization and control some sharp weapons of civilization, such as astronomical weapons.

Lin Shu, of course, could see clearly, Lin Shu wanted to punish, but in the end he was opposed by hundreds of millions of human beings in the civilization.

They say that Lin Shu has helped the entire human civilization, and now seeing a group of people tending to stand on top of her, Lin Shu is delusional to kick those people down and let herself sit on the highest position


Some people are always too ignorant, and Lin Shu is disappointed.

Lin Shu indeed placed high hopes on the entire Atlantis civilization, but many human beings in the entire Atlantis civilization were simply too ignorant and hopeless.

In this way, Lin Shu naturally does not want to be a saint.

Anyway, for Lin Shu, there is no age or death. If one civilization is destroyed, it will be a big deal to transition to the next civilization.

As for some humans in the Atlantis civilization, since they think so, Lin Shu doesn't care about it.

Without Lin Shu's control, it is conceivable that those people will get worse.

When a group of people reach the peak, they naturally think about the location of the tallest tower.

There is only one highest position!

This group of people standing at the pinnacle has started fighting among themselves!

Once there is internal fighting, one can imagine what will happen.

The loser will definitely find ways to win, while the winner will try to suppress the loser.

In this way, the crazy factor in the body exploded, and the astronomical weapon became the exclusive weapon of their subordinates, and they used the knife and elephant weapon to attack the opponent without restraint.

The abuse of astronomical weapons has led to the outbreak of astronomical disasters around the Blue Star world. I am afraid that high temperatures, extreme cold, and catastrophic floods will sweep the entire Blue Star.

In this way, the Atlantis civilization was finally destroyed by their own hands.

Lin Shu finally came out to clean up the mess, and kept the Posei Palace, the highest civilized palace in Atlantis, which he had placed high hopes on.

Hide it under the ocean, that is, in today's East China Sea.

As for those people from Atlantis who have left, Lin Shu doesn't know what is going on with them now.

Lin Shu put away the astronomical weapon long ago. As for those space wormholes, Lin Shu did not close them.

If the human beings who went out from Atlantis did not die, they might return to the ancestral planet one day.

Of course, the universe is vast, even the Milky Way is vast and boundless. Whether they are still alive or not is also a problem.

Lin Shu's eyes turned to the Chiyang system, where there is a space wormhole committee opened by Lin Shu.

However, these space wormholes have been silent for more than 100,000 years.

As for the current Blue Star civilization, it can't support them to the end around the space wormhole.

After all, it is difficult for the civilization of the Blue Star to go to the moon, and only a few countries can go there. It is even more difficult to go to Mars, let alone on the huge planet.

The Chiyang system has found a space wormhole!

Lin Shu looked away and looked at Kong Meng.

Kong Meng, after hearing what Lin Shu was thinking before, fell into deep thought at the moment.

In the end, he nodded with a vague understanding.


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