Longevity Of 4.6 Billion Years: The Beginning Was Exposed By The Star List

Chapter 70: About The Cheating Method On The Ancient Book List, A Circle Actually Covers The Entire

dragon country.

"Ancient Book List?"

"How is this arranged? There are so many ancient books. What is the order for this?"

"Say you are a pig's brain, and you won't be happy later. An ancient book...an ancient character corresponds to the ancient character on the ancient building list. Obviously, the older the better!"

"Fuck, it's not that simple. In terms of ancient books, isn't our Dragon Kingdom invincible?"

"That's right, the Analects of Confucius, Book of Changes, Tao Te Ching, etc., which book has not been passed down for more than two thousand years?"

"Huh? The Tao Te Ching belongs to Lao Tzu, the Analects belongs to Confucius, and the Book of Changes seems to go back earlier. According to the ranking, the Book of Changes should be number one!"

"Haha, it's stable, I'll guess the Book of Changes first, and maybe I can get a wave of rewards then!"

"This star list is okay, it hangs us to death, I didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but now we only need to rank, even if there is a reward for only one ranking, this reward is simply free!"

"Heh, I don't think the star list will be so kind, even if it is so kind, the ranking will not make it so easy for us to guess!"

"Yeah, out of so many lists, there are three, which one is the same as what we thought?"

"The wealth list, the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom, the richest man in the world, I thought none of them were on the list. The family list itself is not clear about this, so I won't talk about it, but there is also a Lin family that has been passed down for thousands of years, which surprised us. And As for the building list, we have heard of each of these buildings except for the sky garden, and we have never even heard of the others!"

"Agree, if it's that simple, I believe that in the entire Dragon Kingdom, as long as you have read a little, uh... no, as long as you have a mobile phone, you can search for it a little bit, and you will probably have a ranking. At least one or two will be fine. At present It seems that this should not be so simple!"

"Look, if anyone can correct one, write Lao Tzu's surname upside down!"


This star list has directly attracted the attention of many people for the announcement of the next ranking list.

In particular, as long as one of the rankings can be guessed, rewards can be obtained, which naturally attracted people's attention instantly.

Many people have already begun to use various channels to understand.

The rewards of the star list are so special, if you can get one, that is blood earning.

Of course, you can't be blind, at least you have to have some understanding of the ancient books in the whole world, right?

However, some people did nothing. In their opinion, this so-called list of ancient books might not be that simple.

If it is that simple, if there are hundreds of people in the Dragon Kingdom and even the world who are right, how much reward should they give?

What is the number one in the Book of Changes? This is recognized by the entire network of Longguo. For some people, hearing it is just to scoff.

If this is correct, I will wash my hair upside down.

These people who don't believe at all have directly set a flag on the Internet!

The next announcement of the list of ancient books will make the Dragon Kingdom boil, and naturally it will also make foreign countries boil.

"Ancient books? It seems that they are also arranged in chronological order, so... the Bible should be ranked number 31?"

"The Bible, don't even think about it, it will definitely be ranked first!"

"Also, the Tao Te Ching and the Book of Changes that Long Guo often talks about should also be ranked high!"

"That's right, but what is the ranking? That's all, it's hard to give a ranking, right?"

"Is there anyone to form a team? Come nine people, let's make a group of ten people, guess the first to tenth place respectively, as long as there is a reward, then ten people will share it equally?"

"Xie Te, you guys are cheating. By the way, is there anyone in the team with me?"

"There is still this kind of operation, are you sure you can do it? They won't all be judged out by then, right?"

"Forget it, I'll just fool around on my own. This kind of cheating is impossible for the star list to detect!"

"I would rather not have guessed it than to be directly detected and judged out of the zone!"

"Whatever you want, form a team, ten people!"

Soon, someone found a loophole in the rules.

Anyway, just ten rankings, find an ancient book, and each of the ten people guesses a ranking.

In this way, there is always one who can succeed and get a reward, right?

Unless this ancient book can't make it into the top ten at all, there must be a reward no matter what.

As for the fact that the ancient books found couldn't even make it into the top ten, it can only be said that this list of ancient books doesn't follow common sense, and there's no way around it.

So far, this is indeed a good way!

Dragon Kingdom, Kyoto.

In a manor.

Lin Shu looked at the next list of the star list and laughed.

Let the Blue Stars guess, and then there will be rewards for guessing successfully.

This, in Lin Shu's view, he can find no less than ten ways to cheat in an instant.

However, Lin Shu believes that if there is cheating, it is impossible not to discover the existence of the star list.

Regarding this, Lin Shu didn't say much.

Lin Shu naturally didn't try to guess, although Lin Shu knew that some books would definitely be on the ranking list.

Since he must be able to get in, he has rewards anyway, so why bother to guess, Lin Shu has no interest in that.

Lin Shu, at this moment, just want to digest those rewards properly.


Just when Lin Shu was about to digest those rewards, he heard the sound of a dream.

Looking at it fixedly, Lin Shu suddenly understood what happened. It turned out that...

On the star list, ten screens are presented.

The ten pictures correspond to the ten buildings in the previous list of ancient buildings.

The first picture is about the sky garden.

Kong Meng, looking at the first screen, mocked:

"How is it possible? Didn't it mean that it was buried underground? How do you look around it? How come there are no traces of dust being squeezed?"

"What's going on here, as if the ground has been hollowed out out of thin air, and then the hanging garden is floating in the hollowed out underground space like this?"

To this.

Lin Shu smiled inwardly:

"This is the power of enchantment!"

This is what Lin Shu did, and Lin Shu naturally understood what was going on.

There are two types of barriers.

The first is the simplest enchantment, which is to draw a circle at any place, and then this circle will form a barrier, but everything inside the circle will be protected inside.

In this way, similar to the film and television dramas, in Journey to the West, Sun Wukong draws a circle with a golden cudgel, and in this circle, Tang Seng protects it. If there are monsters who want to catch Tang Seng, unless their strength is stronger than Monkey King, otherwise it will be broken. Do not open this circle.

Such a circle is the simplest enchantment.

Of course, even if the circle drawn is larger, the truth is the same.

As long as the strength is strong enough, it is also possible to directly draw a circle on the entire Chiyang system.

Moreover, Lin Shu has also done this kind of enchantment.

Speaking of this, Lin Shu also has some memories.

Back then, some humans from the Atlantis civilization left in spaceships.

Lin Shu, in order to prevent outside civilizations from seeing the Atlantean civilization, and fearing that they would find the blue star by finding a route, they drew a circle covering everything within a hundred million miles around the blue star!

Of course, if the humans from the Atlantis civilization come back, Lin Shu will mark them, and they can enter at any time. If they are from other civilizations, they will be blocked.

Of course, once they are blocked, it means they have touched the circle of Lin Shu, that is, the barrier, and Lin Shu can discover it.

Through this enchantment, Lin Shu can probably understand their strength, see if Blue Star can deal with it, and then consider whether to let them in.

If Blue Star can't handle it, Lin Shu is naturally too lazy to let them in. If Blue Star can handle it, Lin Shu will let them in.

However, there is a high probability that the civilization that encountered the circle drawn by Lin Shu must be unable to deal with it.

After all, if people can find it, it is obviously an interstellar civilization.

No matter how weak the interstellar civilization is, it must be stronger than the first-level civilization of Atlantis, right?

However, after so many years, there has been no movement.

The civilizations outside have never come, and the Atlantean civilization has never returned.

It's as if there are really no other civilizations out there, or all the human beings from the Atlantis civilization have died.

Of course, it may be lost in the vast starry universe.

Lin Shu's gaze raised his head, and the terrifying spiritual power was detected, and the circle was still there, and it didn't dissipate.

After taking a look, Lin Shu also withdrew his mental power, and then returned to the question he was thinking about.

The second enchantment, that is...

It is equivalent to opening up a small dimensional space.

Small-dimensional space, it is easy to understand, is equivalent to opening up an extremely small small world on the blue star out of thin air.

This small world is invisible to ordinary people, even if you stand in front of it, you will not be aware of its existence.

The sky garden was placed in such a small dimensional space by Lin Shu.

Otherwise, the Hanging Garden, how could it have been passed down for so long, it would have been destroyed with the passage of time.

Only in the small dimensional space can it last forever!


Kong Meng looked at the hanging garden, and suddenly looked at Lin Shu. She remembered that it belonged to the teacher, and was pointed out by the star list to be buried in the ground.

Then all this, the teacher must know.

Kong Meng asked involuntarily:

"Teacher, what's going on here, why does the sky garden seem to be suspended in it, and the soil around it doesn't seem to be squeezed at all?

Since Kong Meng asked, Lin Shu answered directly.

For Lin Shu, he doesn't like riddles very much, and Lin Shu will not answer unless others can't understand them at all.

After all, it's useless to answer, others don't understand at all, it's a waste of saliva and energy.

And this, it's been a long time.

Lin Shu replied directly:

"Actually, I sealed it inside with an enchantment!"

"A barrier is equivalent to a small world that does not belong to Blue Star. In the barrier I created, I am the master, so I can arrange everything in the barrier at will!


Lin Shu looked at the star list, and then looked at Yi Guo through an infinite distance.

The next moment, Lin Shu waved his hand, and the entire hanging garden turned upside down.

What's even more weird is that it was reversed, and the others didn't change at all.

In which direction the water should flow, it still flows in which direction.

Originally it was upright, and the water flowed from top to bottom, but now it is reversed, and the water flows from bottom to top according to the original flow method.

And, the rest seem to be completely unaffected.

Kong Meng, looking at this scene, was suddenly horrified.

"Teacher, this...you did this?"

"Well, just to show you!"

Just... just a demo?

Hearing Lin Shu's understatement, even Meng was speechless.

In this world, I am afraid that only teachers can do this.

It is obviously an astonishing operation, which is enough to shock the world. Speaking from the teacher's mouth, it is like solving a one-plus-one elementary school math problem.

You know, this is a complete violation of the rules of gravity!



Meng noticed the change, and the person who was on the blue star and was observing these ten pictures at the moment naturally noticed it too.

dragon country.

"Damn it, what's going on, I'm watching carefully, why did the first picture suddenly change?"

"By the way, why is the hanging garden turned upside down? No...why is there no gravity response when it's turned upside down?"

"No, no, Tian Dun is afraid that he will come back alive!"

"Come on, Newton's coffin can no longer be held down!"

"Could it be that this hanging garden can violate the rules of gravity, what kind of operation is this?"

"Stupid, it was fine at the beginning, but now it suddenly changed, obviously it was a trick. As for who moved it, you just need to guess."

"Could it be Lin Shu?"

"By the way, didn't Lin Shu say that he had received a reward from the Lord of the Garden, and this reward said that he could do whatever he wanted in the Sky Garden!"

"Huh? I see. It must be Lin Shu who is testing whether this reward works. It's just the other way around!"

"Is it like this? If so, where is Lin Shu at this time? He is not in the sky garden, how did he do it?"

"This... You seem to be wrong again when you say it, so what's going on, it's impossible to say that the hanging garden is upside down by itself?"

"Whatever, love is not enough, and the sky garden is nothing to see. Compared with others, this sky garden is a bit weak. After all, it is still a building of the slave society. Compared with other

As far as he is concerned, it is indeed a bit shabby!"

"Yes, any one of them is more imposing than this one, especially Lin Yi!"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone looked at Lin Fu in unison.

I saw the picture of Lin Shu appeared.

In that picture, thunder and lightning are everywhere.

Thunderbolts continuously strike down from the sky, so dense that one bolt of lightning lands on every square meter.

With this kind of dense lightning, people are frightened when they look at it.

However, what surprised them was yet to come.

Such a close lightning struck a building below it, but this building was not damaged in any way.

"This... is indeed the valley of death. With this thunder and lightning, who can enter without dying?"

"It's no wonder that any human or animal that enters will eventually be zoomed in. I don't doubt that the thunderstorm is hiding inside!"

"In other words, with the current level of scientific development, is it still impossible to explain this natural phenomenon?"

"There is an explanation, but the explanation is a bit far-fetched. Some experts say it is a magnetic field problem, but someone has constructed the same magnetic field, but there is no such dense lightning!"

"It can only be said that the magnetic field is a part of the factor, but it is definitely not the most important factor. There must be something we can't understand!"

"Forget it, lightning is extremely destructive, and it's useless to understand it. You still hope to overcome the catastrophe. Let's talk about this building!"

"As expected of a building built two billion years ago, from the picture, it gives people an extremely ancient atmosphere, as if it instantly put me in the ancient and boundless time when Blue Star's life was just formed.

"Yeah, it seems that the lightning hasn't been striking for a day or two, it should have been striking all the time, and this building has been unscathed. What else is there in the whole world?"

What material can do it?"

"Certainly not. No matter how powerful the material is, it will be turned into fly ash after thousands of years, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, or even hundreds of millions of years of lightning strikes!"

"The runway of an aircraft carrier should be regarded as the best material. With that material, I don't believe it can be continuously struck by lightning!"

"This picture gives me the feeling that... the whole building is going through a catastrophe!"

"Fuck, you really have that feeling when you say it, this f*cking Lin Mansion has an ordinary name, can't it be Xiangong?"

"Asgard? Didn't you say that it was built by Lin Shu? I really don't understand how Lin Shu built such a building!"

"Hey, there are so many bizarre things, I don't even know how to complain!"

A building that was exposed to thunder and lightning and suffered from lightning and lightning day in and day out was safe and sound.

Obviously, this is beyond their imagination, and it is impossible to imagine what kind of materials can be used to build such a building in this life.

From the picture, it looks like some kind of wood, but it doesn't seem to be.

It is impossible for wood to be so unique and able to withstand lightning strikes.

No matter what kind of wood it is, even if it is struck by lightning once, it will be fine, but if it is struck thousands of times, or even thousands of years, it will be turned into ashes long ago.


Lin Shu knew what they were thinking at this time, and would definitely say it.

Wood? Of course not wood. If you insist on saying it, you can say it.

This wood is actually the wood struck by lightning for thousands of years.

The Ten Thousand Years Lightning Strike Wood is a top-quality material that Lin Shu obtained from the system check-in.

Although this 620 lightning strike wood is not the best among the lightning strike wood, it is definitely the best.

After thousands of years of lightning strikes, it has withstood thousands of years of lightning strikes.

It can be said that its bearing capacity is beyond everyone's imagination.

This entire forest mansion covers an area of ​​about 20 square kilometers, and it is all built with ten thousand year lightning strike wood.

Coupled with the small lightning gathering array arranged by Lin Shu, and the area itself is a place where lightning occurs frequently, and so on, this kind of scene was created.

Of course, this kind of lightning is fatal to ordinary people, and one strike is enough to cause immediate death.

However, it doesn't do much harm to cultivators, especially those with some strength.

Like Huang Longshi, who has only practiced for a few hundred years, if he wants to carry it, he can carry it all the time without any problems. If there is too much, the body will not be able to bear it.

But in the Lin Mansion, there were many disciples of Lin Shu, and those disciples were sent in by Lin Shu after they were considered successful in cultivation.

If you want to get out, it's very simple, you can get out by wading through the minefield.

Inside the Lin Mansion, there is no thunder in the houses, but once you leave the Lin Mansion, you will be struck by lightning continuously.

There is almost one line for every meter walked, and the time interval is no more than 30 seconds.

The entire Kunlun Mountain Valley of Death has a radius of about ten miles.

The Lin Mansion is located in the very center, and if you want to come out, it means you have to go to a minefield of at least two miles.

For two miles, every one meter and one road, the lightning strikes landed only 30 seconds apart.

Moreover, due to the astonishing speed of the cultivators, Lin Shu was afraid that they would walk out within thirty seconds, or without waiting thirty seconds for the lightning strike to land.

Therefore, Lin Shu still has an arrangement. With that arrangement, they can only take the next step if they have withstood every lightning strike.

In other words, if you want to get out, you must at least withstand a lightning strike!

In Lin Shu's words, you can't even withstand a thousand lightning strikes, even if you come out, you can only be wretched.

In case any big country is afraid of the existence of humanoid nuclear weapons like you, and sends you a nuclear bomb directly, how will you block it?

Of course, this is actually Lin Shu's rhetoric. After all, nuclear weapons are not so easy to throw away, and the purpose is not to make them stronger.

Too weak, it's a shame to come out.

Of course, it is impossible for others to know all this.


In a manor, Kong Meng looked at other pictures.

The first scene, the inversion of the Hanging Garden, she has already forgotten in the back of her mind, or...

Even if you don't forget what's behind your head, anyway, you can't understand why you can ignore the rules of gravity.

Kong Meng's eyes flicked across these ten pictures and ten ancient buildings.

Hankuya Pyramid, its existence is similar to the hanging garden.

Kong Meng understood that this should have something to do with Lin Shu setting up a barrier. Although he didn't quite understand how this barrier was set up, how to form a small space, but Lin Shu

Said she thought so too.

Falling from the Pyramid of Hankuya to the Bronze Sacred Tree, this one is nothing special.

It's just a nine-meter-nine-meter-old tree made of bronze, which seems ordinary in comparison, but considering that it was built ten thousand years ago, combined with the background of the times at that time, it can indeed be called amazing.

Kong Meng's gaze continued to flick across the other screens.

On the top of Mount Everest, above the moon, above Mars, at the bottom of the East China Sea...

At this moment, Kong Meng saw the last picture.

Seeing this picture, Kong Meng couldn't help being taken aback.

A building bathed in lightning, this is on the star list, the information is presented, it is said to be Lin Yi two billion years ago.

Looking at the Lin Mansion, Kong Meng was also amazed. He couldn't imagine such a building in his life.

At this moment.....

Kong Meng was stunned.

What did she see, in the thunder and lightning, what figure unexpectedly appeared from the forest mansion?

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