Longevity Species

Chapter 106 Exposed


Lei Dao superimposed the Black Rock Kung Fu into the Golden Body Kung Fu, and now his external kung fu has a total of six superimposed skills!

Immediately, the skin all over Lei Dao's body became extremely tight again, just like old cowhide. Even repeated cutting with a sharp dagger could not leave a trace on Lei Dao's body.

The effect of superimposing external skills is very obvious, and Lei Dao can see the changes in his body with his own eyes.

Name: Lei Dao (19 years old)

Lifespan: fifty-two years and three months

External power: A total of 15 years and one month of life is consumed (external power can be superimposed)

Golden body skills: can be superimposed (superimposed six external skills)

Internal Strength: A total of 14 years of lifespan is consumed (internal strength can be superimposed)

Immortal skill: can be superimposed (superimposed two internal skills)

Qigong: consumes a total of one year and three months of life (Qigong can be superimposed)

Lei Dao checked his body data.

He even made a special mark for the number of superimposed martial arts behind the ability.

For example, the Golden Body Kung Fu has so far superimposed the Boy Kung Fu, Golden Bell Shade, Iron Cloth Shirt, Thirteen Taibao Henglian, Yin Yang Magnetic Pole Kung Fu, and Black Rock Kung Fu, a total of six external skills.

The Immortal Kung Fu is superimposed with the Nine-turn Dragon Elephant Kung Fu and the Explosive Blood Kung Fu, a total of two internal skills.

Simple and clear, you can understand it at a glance.

Heiyan Gong consumed one year and seven months of his lifespan, and Lei Dao currently only has fifty-two years of his lifespan left. But he didn't care about the life he wasted. He still felt unsafe and not enough.

"I'm still too weak. I'm far behind the Grandmaster. Maybe the Grandmaster can defeat me with one move. No, I need to continue to stack. Well, to superimpose external skills, you need to find some more cost-effective martial arts..."

Lei Dao was very satisfied with the Black Rock Art, and only spent one year and seven months of his lifespan.

As for the yin and yang magnetic pole power, although it is indeed very strong, it has consumed a full six years of life.

Longevity is the most important thing!

Therefore, Lei Dao chooses external skills and pays more attention to cost performance. If he can add more martial arts such as black rock skills, golden bell cover, and iron cloth shirt, the effect will be quite good.

Fortunately, there are enough external martial arts in the secret library of Shenwuwei. With Lei Dao's careful selection, he will definitely be able to choose many martial arts with higher cost performance.

And ten days is enough for him to accumulate a lot of external skills.

Therefore, Lei Dao continued to search for suitable external skills on the bookshelf, and crazily superimposed external skills wholeheartedly in order to enhance his own strength "self-protection".

Lei Dao felt that he was too weak, and he was deep in the palace, and he was in danger every step of the way. Only by superimposing martial arts and improving his strength could he feel a little bit of security.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

Lei Dao devoted himself to the Shenwuwei secret storehouse, but he didn't know that the emperor had received the news in the palace at this moment.


In the treasure hall, the emperor in a gorgeous dragon robe received a secret letter from the hidden guards, and was extremely angry in his heart.

"Waste, Ma Yuan is really a waste! He couldn't even take care of a small Leijiabao, and instead died in Leijiabao. It doesn't matter if he died, but let the thieves infiltrate the palace with the identity of Shenwuwei." In the middle, it's just damn!"

The emperor was furious.

It has been many years, and such a "big treason" has never happened in the palace.

Unexpectedly, a thief sneaked into the palace quietly, right under the eyes of the emperor, but the emperor knew nothing about it.

"Your Majesty, the thief has now verified his identity. This person is the head of the Fuyun Escort Bureau, Lei Wu's younger brother, and the general's accomplice. Now he is lurking in the Shenwu Guard as a Shenwu Guard. The minister immediately mobilized the hidden guards , Surround the Shenwu Guards, making it difficult for the thieves to fly!"

The hidden guard beside the emperor reported the information about Lei Dao in detail.

In fact, fifteen days have passed since Ma Yuan's death.

It took half a month for them to know what happened in Leijiabao, and the hidden guards had already overlooked it.

Therefore, now the dark guards can't wait to capture Lei Dao, so as to alleviate their crime of oversight.

"Hmph, it's hard to fly with wings? Is there a person with an extremely strong human body among the dark guards? If Lei Dao can kill Ma Yuan, it must be someone with an extremely strong human body. With your dark guards, can you stop a person with an extremely strong human body?"

The emperor snorted coldly, looking quite dissatisfied.

"Immediately call a few priests in the palace, and lead them to Shenwuwei to capture Lei Dao!"

After a pause, the emperor seemed to feel that something was wrong again, and said again: "No, the offerings in the palace are indeed very strong, but they are only at the limit of the human body. It is still risky to catch Lei Dao. How about this, I will personally go to a few old men Ancestor explained that it would be safe to let the ancestors go out!"

The guard next to him shuddered.

The offerings in the palace are already extraordinary, and they are all extremely strong human beings.

And the "ancestor" in the emperor's mouth is even more extraordinary, that is the master!

It's just that these ancestors live in seclusion and have always lived in the deep part of the palace. Except for the emperor, it is difficult for others to see several ancestors.

Even the hidden guards only know of the existence of the ancestors, but they have never seen them.

This time the emperor made a special trip to invite the ancestor to dispatch, obviously he was really angry, and he was determined to nip the danger in the bud, and capture Lei Dao without fail!

After all, for so many years, it was the first time in the Juliu Kingdom that a person with an extremely strong body dared to sneak into the palace, which even made the emperor feel threatened.

The emperor was furious and determined to eradicate the threat of Lei Dao.


Deep in the palace, a secluded courtyard.

In the yard, there were two old men with white hair and childlike faces, holding an ancient book in their hands, and seemed to be studying something.

"Old He, the Nine-Turn Dragon Elephant Kung Fu obtained by the Great General is quite good. When we defeated the Xuantian Sect, we didn't get the Nine-Turn Dragon Elephant Kung Fu. Unexpectedly, we got it now."

One of the old men said with a smile that he has a set of martial arts in his hands, which is the Nine-turn Dragon Elephant Skill, which was obtained from the General.

"Old Chan, this nine-turn dragon-elephant skill, nine-turn nine-element skill, and even claims to have the power of a dragon, is simply absurd! We have obtained so many martial arts for exercising the inner organs, have we ever seen this kind of martial arts? The Dragon Elephant Kung Fu has been practiced to the ninth level. A martial art that cannot be practiced at all, even if it is wonderful, what is the use?"

He Lao glanced at the Nine-turn Dragon Elephant Kungfu, as if he didn't like it at all.

Chan Lao shook his head and said: "He Lao, this statement is wrong. Martial arts are created, and they are for people to practice. Maybe someone can practice them to great success? The old man is really curious, is it a nine-turn master? Finally, is there really the power of a dragon?"

He Lao still disdainfully said: "Even if you really have the power of a dragon, so what? If you don't practice Qigong, you will end up in vain. Without Qigong, you will never be able to become a master. Back then, the Xuantian Sect was very popular, and there were several people with extremely strong bodies in the sect. who, but what is the result? Wasn’t it crushed overnight by the old man?”

It turned out that it was this old He who led the Xuantian faction back then, and it was defeated overnight.

Elder Chan did not argue, he picked up another martial art, and said with a slightly dignified expression: "This health-preserving art is strange, and it is the martial art of the layman picking flowers back then. Although it is not lethal, it is more effective in prolonging life than The few qigongs that our royal family treasures are even better."

Elder He also nodded and said, "Health-preserving skills are indeed good, but it's a pity we can't change to cultivate Qigong. Ma Yuan is a wise man, and after getting Qigong, he immediately donated it to the royal family."

"Ma Yuan has a deep scheming heart, but he is also quite loyal. Otherwise, how could the emperor have kept him until now? However, it is useless even if Ma Yuan has obtained health-preserving exercises. His talent is mediocre, and it will reach the limit of his body. He thought he had obtained a qigong." Can you become a master? How ignorant are fearless.”

Old Chan said calmly, as if he could judge Ma Yuan's life in just a few words.

"Huh? The emperor is here."

Suddenly, Elder Chan's eyes moved, and he looked out the door, as if a little surprised.

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