Longevity Species

Chapter 113: Hitting the Grandmaster! (The second asks for a monthly ticket)

There was a huge white crane above the old man's head, it spread its wings and roared loudly, and the air waves billowed, as if it were real.

The huge cloud above the old Chan's head was even faintly haunted by magic sounds, echoing constantly in his ears, making people feel restless and restless, as if something had penetrated deep into the bone marrow, but he couldn't grasp it.

The phantom above Lei Dao's head is much simpler.

The dragon head has an elephant body, but there are two huge tumors on the dragon head, and the body of the elephant is densely covered with blood-colored scales. It looks a bit nondescript, and I don't know what kind of monster it is.

At this moment, the aura of the three of them all exploded, and the air waves rolled like real bodies, colliding unscrupulously in the small courtyard, and the air waves they set off actually "ploughed" the entire courtyard.

Even the emperor couldn't help but hastily backed away, opened a distance, looked at the three of them from a distance, and didn't dare to approach them.

Fortunately, this place is deep in the imperial palace, and it is usually a forbidden area in the imperial palace. Except for the emperor, no one dares to come here. Therefore, even if there was a big movement here, no guards came.

"You really are not a master! How can you be a master if you don't even manifest your energy?"

Zen Lao sensed the phantom above Lei Dao's head, and he could not "see" Lei Dao's phantom at all. Because, that is the real phantom, not like them, which can already manifest the essence.

The most important and most obvious feature of a master is the manifestation of essence!

Just like the white crane above the old man's head, the cloud cluster above the old man's head is the manifestation of essence, which can be seen for real, which shows how huge and powerful the master's essence is.

After "confirming" that Lei Dao is indeed not a master, but just a warrior with the ultimate human body, Elder Chan heaved a sigh of relief. But at the same time he was surprised, even puzzled.

How did a mere human body extreme fighter make He Lao so embarrassed?

But no matter what the reason is, now that the two great masters are joining forces, Lei Dao also feels a completely different feeling from before, that is pressure, unparalleled pressure.

The two great masters teamed up, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Especially the manifestation of essence, that is the real momentum, directly oppressing Lei Dao. Even though Lei Dao is the ultimate human body, and even superimposed twenty-one external skills and two internal skills, he was greatly impacted at this moment.

The phantom of the dragon elephant above his head seemed to be under great pressure, crumbling, and seemed to be broken anytime, anywhere.

But Lei Dao didn't show any panic or fear. On the contrary, he looked very happy, even boiling with fighting spirit, like a volcano erupting.

"Hahaha, the two great masters, it's really fun! You guys can finally let me go all out and have a good fight!"

Lei Dao's body was full of muscles, and the blue and black veins lingered all over his body, just like steel bars, which was daunting.

At the same time, Lei Dao's qi and blood surged even more violently, like a great river, a layer of bloody flames seemed to form on the surface of his body, covering his whole body, forming a special "armor".

This kind of situation is unheard of even by the two masters.

"What kind of martial art is this?"

Elder Chan and Elder He looked at each other with doubts in their hearts.

However, at this moment, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, and the two great masters did not hesitate, and they did it in an instant.


A master is a strong man, his energy is manifested, and he has endless energy.

Therefore, they have strong vitality, strong martial arts, and unlimited physical strength, which is unimaginable.

Every move they make carries great power.

"Bang bang bang".

Lei Dao had no intention of dodging at all, not to mention that all the external skills he superimposed were hard skills, so in terms of flexibility and speed, he was naturally far inferior to the two masters.

Therefore, Lei Dao just stood there, letting the attacks of the two great masters hit him.

The power of the two great masters is not weak, and each blow carries huge power. Even boulders or walls can be knocked down by a single blow.

But the bombardment on Lei Dao's body seemed to hit the toughest old cowhide. Their attacks were like mud cows falling into the sea, without any effect at all.


A divine light flashed in Lei Dao's eyes.

"The master is nothing more than that!"

Lei Dao's fighting spirit was soaring, and the two great masters joined forces, and his golden body skills superimposed with twenty-one foreign skills unexpectedly blocked it easily.

Then Lei Dao made two left and right punches, without any fancy, and without using any boxing techniques, he raised his fist, like two sledgehammers, and just slammed directly at the two great masters.


The two great masters were shaken all over. The grand masters were full of shock and endurance, but they couldn't resist Shang Lei Dao's punch at all. Their bodies flew straight backward like a kite with a broken string. It hit the ground.

Two big holes were smashed into the ground.


The emperor, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, narrowed his eyes slightly, and even trembled slightly all over his body.

That is the invincible ancestor!

He had never heard that the ancestor would be defeated, even if he stepped down the prestigious Xuantian faction back then, only He Lao took action and easily destroyed the Xuantian faction.

Why are the two ancestors joining forces now, but Lei Dao can't do anything about it?

That Lei Dao is like a demon god, almost invincible. Even the ancestor's attack was ignored, and Lei Dao's casual punch had earth-shattering power.


The two patriarchs immediately jumped out of the pit.

"Old Zen, have you seen it? This kid is a monster, an out-and-out monster!"

He Lao's voice trembled slightly.

When did they encounter this monster?

With their strength and the limit of their human body, they must be killed with one hit, one hit with one hit.

Even a person with a strong body like Ma Yuan couldn't withstand the blow of the master.

But Lei Dao in front of him is purely a monster.

He Lao had fought against Lei Dao before, and the power he hit on Lei Dao seemed to have no effect at all. Even the ultimate killing technique only caused Lei Dao a little skin trauma.

Is this still the limit of the human body?

If the limit of the human body is so strong, how can they break through the master.

Didn't you say yes, the master crushes the limit of the human body?

Why is it all overturned now?

Elder Chan's face was also ugly, he stared at Lei Dao firmly, standing in front of Lei Dao, the two of them were like dwarves, insignificant at all.

In particular, Lei Dao's eyes swept across them. The violent and tyrannical aura made the two great masters faintly feel shuddering.

"What kind of martial arts does this monster practice?"

Seeing Lei Dao's monstrous appearance, Elder Zen was in doubt.

The martial arts practiced by this monster is simply unheard of.

What kind of martial arts makes people turn into such a fierce and ugly appearance?

Moreover, they were so powerful that their whole body was like steel and iron, even if they hit them with the strength of their masters, they had no effect.

"Hahaha, Grandmaster is nothing more than that! Come on, come on, let's continue to fight for another three hundred rounds!"

Lei Dao let out a long roar.

Now he has confirmed that Elder He and Elder Zen are genuine masters!

But this grandmaster seems to be much weaker than he imagined, even, he is simply a weak chicken!

Hearing Lei Dao's words, the faces of Chan Lao and He Lao turned green.

They were extremely angry, but what could they do?

Neither of them were Lei Dao's opponent when they teamed up just now, and Lei Dao punched them, and they were faintly injured. Although this injury is nothing at all under their infinite energy, and it can be recovered in the blink of an eye, but it is crazy enough to hold Lei Dao.

How long can they carry it if they come here a few times like crazy?

Ever since they became masters, Zen Lao and He Lao have never been so embarrassed.

"Leidao, do you really think that the background of my royal family is just the two of us?"

"Huh? Is there still a master?"

Lei Dao was a little puzzled.

"Boom boom".

As soon as Lei Dao finished speaking, he felt two auras that were not inferior to Chan Lao and He Lao soaring into the sky.

Elder He and Elder Chan were overjoyed, and couldn't help shouting: "Old Feng, Elder Qin, you are here at the right time! A monstrous troll has sneaked into the palace with evil intentions! We are waiting for the two of us to embarrass their opponents, and ask the two elders for help !"

"A monstrous troll?"

"Bold, where did the arrogant thief come from, who dared to sneak into the palace to show off his power, he should be killed!"

Soon, an old man with white hair and a childlike face, and an old lady in a red robe rushed to the yard, surrounded Lei Dao with He Lao and Zen Lao one behind the other.

"Two weaklings again? Very good, come on, let's have a good fight today!"

Lei Dao didn't even look at the two of them.

You know, these are two masters!

Even Lei Dao felt that he was a little "inflated". When did he treat the master as nothing?

He had just arrived in Juliu City, and he was still in awe.

At least, Lei Dao is quite in awe of the master.

Even Lei Dao has always felt that the grandmaster is too strong, no matter how many external skills he adds, as long as he fails to become a grandmaster for a day, he may not be the opponent of the grandmaster.

He superimposed external skills, and he only wanted to protect himself.

It is a blessing to be able to resist the master's few moves.

But who knew that the grandmaster in the palace was so weak, he was very "swelled" now, and even thought he could beat two grandmasters by himself, no, it would be no problem to beat four grandmasters by himself.

"It's inflated, it's really inflated. No, you have to keep a low profile and be careful. After all, you are a grandmaster. Maybe there are some super big moves that haven't been used yet?"

Lei Dao felt in his heart that he must keep a low profile and be cautious.

After all, this is the imperial palace, and what he is facing is a grandmaster after all, so he has to be careful of "capturing the boat".

The grandmaster is definitely not weak, maybe it's just that the grandmasters in the palace are weak?

It's just that no matter how much you pour cold water on yourself, it can't change the fact that Zen Lao and He Lao are weak chickens.

With the current strength of Lei Dao, he easily "beat" the two great masters just now, and he can no longer keep a low profile. Even the new two great masters are as if they are facing a big enemy, and their aura is firmly established. Locked on Leidao.

"Form a four-element formation!"

Elder Zen shouted loudly.

Immediately, the aura of the four great masters broke out again, and the spirit manifested.

Lei Dao was in the center surrounded by the four great masters, and he also vaguely felt that his whole body was bound and uncomfortable.

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