Longevity Species

Chapter 139: Ancestor Wu Returns! (third change)

The royal family of Juliu Kingdom, in a small courtyard.

An old man in a black robe slowly lifted his hood, revealing a weather-beaten, wrinkled face that looked dusty.

In the small courtyard, stood the four great masters, including the Emperor, He Lao, and Chan Lao. Everyone had a smile on their faces.

how long it has been?

Since the last time Lei Dao rioted in the palace, no matter how hard they tried to seal the news, they still couldn't completely seal the news. Gradually, the news leaked out.

Therefore, the royal family felt ashamed, and this period of time was simply suffering for the four great masters of the royal family.

Fortunately, the royal family's Dinghaishenzhen, Wu Patriarch has finally returned!

Moreover, Patriarch Wu even brought back an extremely exciting news.

Patriarch Wu has successfully condensed the flower of energy and become a great master!

Grandmaster, how powerful is that? Almost standing on the top of the warriors, you can overlook the whole world.

No matter where, a great master is a legendary figure who can establish a sect and become the founder of a sect.

The reason why the royal family is able to shock the world, and even those first-rate factions are faintly suppressed by the royal family, is thanks to Patriarch Wu!

But now, Patriarch Wu has become a grand master, and the royal family is even more powerful! It may even change the entire structure of Juliu Kingdom.

However, in the small courtyard at the moment, everyone is very quiet.

"You said, Lei Dao, the sword king of Yunzhou, a genius who is less than 20 years old, has become a master? And he can fight you inextricably, even you can't do anything about it?"

Patriarch Wu spoke slowly, and when he spoke, everyone seemed to feel at ease.

Even Patriarch He, who had hated Lei Dao deeply before, seemed to have lost much anger at the moment.

"Yes, Wu Lao, this Lei Dao is very unusual. He fought against us at that time, and he didn't even manifest his energy. He looked no different from the limit of the human body, but he was not afraid of our energy suppression at all. Even, he The body is extremely strong, it is simply inhuman, even He Lao alone was crushed and beaten by Lei Dao. Lei Dao is the strongest human body limit I have ever seen! Human body limit, can it really be that strong?"

Elder Zen said solemnly, he still doesn't understand why the human body can be so strong at its limit?

Everyone looked at Wu Lao.

Patriarch Wu glanced at the four great masters and the emperor, and finally shook his head and said: "If the old man guessed correctly, Lei Dao was no longer the limit of the human body, but the master!"


He Lao immediately retorted: "But Lei Dao can't even manifest his essence."

"Lei Dao should be a master of body refinement, so he didn't manifest his essence. But a master of body refinement is also a master!"

Old Ancestor Wu talked eloquently.

The four great masters frowned tightly.

Although they are also royal masters, they have never heard of "body refining masters" at all, and they have never heard of the saying that there is such a thing as a body refining master.

"Physical training masters are very rare, and it is rare to see them in hundreds of years. This is because, if you want to become a physical training master, you must not practice qigong or nourish qi after reaching the limit of the human body. Instead, you must persist in practicing external exercises or Internal strength, even these external or internal strengths are completely integrated. When the fusion reaches a certain level, then you will become a master of body training!"

"A body-refining master has great strength, strong defense, and is invincible. His combat power is much stronger than ordinary masters. Therefore, even if Lei Dao had just become a body-refinement master at that time, it was normal for the four of you to be unable to take him down. .Even if the physical quality of the body refining master is strong, he will save the time to nourish his body. Once he has practiced Qigong and reached the point where his vitality is full, I am afraid that within ten years, Lei Dao will be able to reach the real level. Limit, so there is a great opportunity to condense the flower of energy and become a great master!"

"What, ten years to become a grand master?"

Hearing Patriarch Wu's words, Elder He's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

To achieve a great master in ten years, what degree of genius is this?

Even though he already overestimated Lei Dao, but now it seems that he underestimated Lei Dao too much.

Moreover, what Old Ancestor Wu said can't be wrong!

A strange gleam flashed in Wu Patriarch's eyes, his tone became heavier, and he said in a deep voice: "Yes, it's ten years! The great master of body training is really special and has great potential, not to mention that Lei Dao is still so young. Even, old man Everyone suspects that it won't take ten years for him to become a grand master. In short, our royal family has caused big trouble this time!"

"Fortunately, the old man is back! Now that I'm back, I have to eliminate the hidden danger of Lei Dao for the royal family. Fortunately, the old man has become a great master by chance, otherwise, I might not be able to suppress Lei Dao."

When Patriarch Wu came back, he was full of spirits. He felt that he could even suppress the nine first-class sects of Juliu Kingdom, making the royal family's majesty completely surpass those major sects.

But when he heard the news about Lei Dao, he calmed down.

There has never been a shortage of geniuses in this world.

Geniuses like Lei Dao, who are against the royal family and can even threaten the royal family, must be eradicated as soon as possible.

"Old Ancestor Wu, Lei Dao is very concerned about his hometown, Leijiabao. There is also the General, and some of the General's accomplices, all of whom are in Leijiabao. body."

The emperor suddenly spoke.

Perhaps the emperor does not have the powerful martial arts of the master, but as an emperor, he is very good at playing with people's hearts and tricks. He had already investigated and even analyzed Lei Dao's character.

Knowing that Lei Dao attaches great importance to Lei Family Fort's relatives, once the royal family wants to flatten Lei Family Fort, Lei Dao will definitely appear, and they don't even need to look for Lei Dao specifically.

"Not urgent."

Patriarch Wu waved his hand, and said in a calm tone: "Although Lei Dao is a genius, he can't make any waves at the moment. I can kill him at any time. This time, the flower of the old man's energy is really a fluke." .Besides, the old man is approaching his end. Although he has condensed the flowers of energy, he only prolongs his life by about ten or twenty years. Even if the old man has endless energy, it can be continuously transformed into vitality. It is also very difficult to condense the flowers of vitality in ten years."

"Therefore, the old man still has to acquire a martial art. Perhaps, after referring to that martial art, the old man can condense the flower of vitality faster."

"What martial arts?"

The four great masters were all very curious, what kind of martial arts were there that Patriarch Wu admired so much.

"The highest divine skill of the Red Lotus School, the Red Lotus Heart Sutra!"

Old Ancestor Wu said word by word.

"The Red Lotus Heart Sutra of the Red Lotus Sect?"

The four great masters were at a loss.

They all knew very well that although the Red Lotus Heart Sutra was known as the supreme martial art of the Red Lotus Sect, it didn't seem to be a great martial art. It was so highly praised by Patriarch Wu?

"You don't know the Red Lotus Heart Sutra. The old man once got a secret from the Red Lotus Sect by chance. The Red Lotus Heart Sutra, the highest god of the Red Lotus Sect, can directly 'raise' a flower of vitality and directly make people become a great master. ! If the old man gets it, of course he can’t change to practice the Red Lotus Heart Sutra, but it will still be beneficial after all.”

Hearing Patriarch Wu's secret information about the Red Lotus Sect, the four great masters all stared wide-eyed.

What kind of magical skill is it that can directly grow the flower of vitality?

They are almost unheard of.

"So, Mr. Wu is planning to go to the Red Lotus Sect? Then I can go with Mr. Wu and force the Red Lotus Sect to hand over the Red Lotus Heart Sutra. Forgive that the Red Lotus Sect would not dare to refuse!"

Old He said with a sneer.

He acts domineeringly and domineeringly, those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish.

Now that Old Ancestor Wu has become a grand master, the royal family has more confidence, how can Old He be afraid of a mere Red Lotus Sect?

"No need, the old man can go alone. Back then, the patriarch of the royal family of Juliu Kingdom suppressed the nine sects by himself, so that the world could be ruled! Now the old man has finally become a great master, let alone the nine sects controlled by one person. It is not a problem to suppress a single Red Lotus Sect!"

At this time, Old Ancestor Wu was full of energy and looked extremely domineering.

Perhaps, this is the true demeanor of the Invincible Grandmaster!

"When I get the Red Lotus Heart Sutra, I will go and destroy Leijiabao and kill Lei Dao with my own hands! Now, let Lei Dao live for a while..."

A stern light flashed in Patriarch Wu's eyes.

He really doesn't pay attention to mere Lei Dao.

What he cares more about is the Red Lotus Heart Sutra, the supreme magical skill that can directly "raise" the flower of vitality!


The morning sun was just rising, and there was a faint layer of white mist between the sky and the earth. With the appearance of the morning sun, the mist gradually dissipated.

On the top of Sunset Peak, Lei Dao sat cross-legged on the viewing platform.

The so-called viewing platform is a place specially built by Sunset Peak to watch the rising sun. Here, you can clearly see the rising sun, and even the first ray of sunlight after the rising sun shines on the viewing platform.

Lei Dao was bathed in the first ray of sunlight in the morning.

It has been a whole month, and he comes on time every day to observe the scene of the rising sun, hoping to comprehend the artistic conception of the rising sun, so as to introduce the red sun skill.

It's a pity that for a month, Lei Dao insisted on it every day, but he didn't feel that kind of magical mood for a long time.

But on this day, Lei Dao looked at the fiery red sun, hanging high in the sky like a blazing flame. Wisps of warm sunlight shone on his body, making Lei Dao feel warm all over his body.

At this moment, there seemed to be something throbbing deep in Lei Dao's heart. In his mind, it seemed that there was also a round of fiery red sun "hanging", radiating light and heat wantonly.


Lei Dao opened his eyes abruptly.

At this moment, he felt a faint fire in his body. Although it was very small and seemed to be extinguished at any time, the light and heat were absolutely unmistakable.

That is a cloud of rising sun!

"It's done, I finally feel the sense of aura, and I have started the Hongri Gong!"

Lei Dao was very excited.

The whole month's hard work was finally not in vain, and the most difficult red sun skill finally made Lei Dao realize the artistic conception and get started thoroughly!

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