Longevity Species

Chapter 173 Improving Divine Sense! (Second more)

Lei Dao looked at it carefully again, and he was right, it was ten years!

You know, Lei Dao just raised the power of divine sense to Xiaocheng, ten years? According to the comparison of the lifespan consumed by the ability, this is equivalent to a hundred years of training for other gods!

Even longer than a hundred years!

When did it take a hundred years to train the power of divine sense to a small level? This is only a small success, if it is trained to a great success, how long will it take?

Lei Dao couldn't imagine that it would be so difficult to increase the power of divine sense. Even if he has supernatural powers, what about the awakened members of other common survivors?

Lei Dao's ability is not to improve martial arts out of thin air. In fact, in the process of consuming life, in a special way, Lei Dao can practice martial arts without restriction every moment.

Compared with others, the efficiency is almost ten times more!

Therefore, the ten years of life he consumes is a hundred years, or even more, for other people.

Lei Dao didn't believe that it would take a hundred years for any of the awakened survivors to train to a small success.

Basically, in ten or so years, or a little longer, a few decades will surely achieve a small success.

The rest is that exercise has almost no effect, and it cannot grow at all, so the power of divine sense stagnates, which is related to talent.

"Could it be that my talent in the power of divine sense is too poor?"

Lei Dao thought of a possibility.

He is not a member of the divine survivors, and cannot awaken the power of divine thoughts.

Even if it is awakened, it still relies on unconventional methods, and even the formed god core is only the size of a grain of rice, which is much smaller than ordinary awakened people.

This is actually a talent, which is enough to prove that Lei Dao's talent in the power of divine sense is really not very good.

In other words, except for the survivors of the gods, other ordinary people have no talent in the power of divine thoughts.

Perhaps, it is precisely because Lei Dao's spiritual talent is too poor, so more "effort" is needed to increase the power of divine sense. Naturally, Lei Dao consumes more life span.

Even the former Lei Dao Red Lotus Heart Sutra, the supreme magic skill that could directly "raise" a flower of luck, only consumed eighteen years of lifespan in total.

But now, the power of divine sense will consume ten years of lifespan.

For a while, Lei Dao hesitated, he didn't know whether he should be promoted or not.

Lei Dao's lifespan is actually running out now, only a mere fifty years. In this world, a lifespan of more than fifty years is not too small.

But that's just the thinking of ordinary people. Lei Dao is a majestic martial arts myth. If he doesn't live to be a hundred years old, his life will be short.

What's more, Lei Dao is really willing to become a pile of loess in a few decades?

If he doesn't set foot on the pinnacle of martial arts, Lei Dao will not be reconciled after all.

What's more, the power of divine sense is so miraculous, it also makes Lei Dao's heart itch.

"Give it a try, and see what's amazing about Xiaocheng's Divine Sense? Ten years is ten years!"

As soon as Lei Dao gritted his teeth, he finally chose to enhance the power of divine sense.

Although the ten-year lifespan is indeed not short, and even quite long, Lei Dao has worked so hard to awaken the talent of divine sense, and finally let the power of divine sense enter the door.

If you just give up in vain, it is really not reconciled.

Lei Dao is already an invincible grand master, a myth of martial arts, and now he has the opportunity to step into the highest realm of martial arts where the three flowers gather together. It would be a pity not to try it.

Moreover, the power of divine sense is so miraculous, what if it can "extend life" after being promoted? After all, the lifespan of the bereaved family is not short, and almost every bereaved family lives a long life.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao made up his mind.

"Improve the basics of divine sense and exercise the thirteen moves!"


As Lei Dao consumed ten years of his lifespan, memory pictures suddenly appeared in his mind, all of which were pictures of him "working hard" to exercise the power of divine sense.

Lei Dao empathized with these memories, and they were clearly engraved in his mind.

Therefore, Lei Dao always felt that he was "working hard". In these memory images, Lei Dao was indeed working very hard. He never stopped for twelve hours a day, and he was always exercising the power of divine sense.

This kind of "effort" is indeed unmatched by anyone!

However, for the first time, Lei Dao felt that the effect of using supernatural powers to improve martial arts was very slow.

He could clearly feel that in the twelve-hour memory picture every day, his divine sense had grown very little, and that feeling was too profound.

In the past, whether it was practicing external skills, internal skills, or qigong.

Lei Dao has never felt this way before. It seems that as long as his lifespan is consumed and his ability is improved, it is not difficult at all.

But now, Lei Dao felt the difficulty.

However, although the power of divine sense is growing very slowly, Lei Dao has consumed a full ten years of life, but it is not in vain. No matter how difficult it is to improve the power of divine sense, it has been improved after all.

Lei Dao was very surprised by the feeling of increasing the power of divine sense little by little.

He could almost clearly "see" that the God Core in his mind, the size of a grain of rice, was growing rapidly, from the size of a grain of rice to the size of a soybean.

Soon it grew from the size of soybeans to the size of a baby's fist, but it didn't stop, it kept expanding violently, getting bigger and bigger.

Even in Lei Dao's mind, there was a feeling of being "torn apart".


I don't know how long it took, maybe a quarter of an hour, maybe half an hour, or an hour.

Lei Dao was completely immersed in the process of "growing" the power of divine thoughts, and he didn't notice the passage of time at all.

The divine core in his mind swelled until it was as vast as the sun, shining in all directions, and then it stopped and did not continue to expand.

This also means that the power of Lei Dao's divine sense has reached a small success!

"This is the power of Xiaocheng's divine sense?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, almost instinctively, the divine core in his mind trembled slightly, and then, a small piece of gravel in front of Lei Dao was already floated up, suspended in front of Lei Dao.


Lei Dao was extremely surprised, even excited.

This is the "controlling" ability of the power of divine sense!

The power of divine thoughts of the Shenyi clan not only has the ability to psychedelic and control the mind but also the ability to control objects. There is no way to test the psychedelic and the control of the mind, but it should not be bad.

As for the control, it is a little more difficult.

But the power of divine sense at the Xiaocheng stage is already enough to control things.

At this stage, the survivors of the gods only need a little training to control some hidden weapons and have good combat power. Even if it is a special sneak attack, the peak of external skills and even the limit of the human body will be hit by accident.

The most peculiar aspect of the power of divine sense lies in its "strangeness".

Possessing such a miraculous power, the survivors of the gods can't think of being outstanding.

They are naturally stronger than ordinary people. Even if they don't practice martial arts, as long as they awaken their spiritual talent and exercise their spiritual sense every day, they can possess the powerful martial power that others have gained through decades of hard work.

If there were a little more people from the God's Survivors, what would happen to ordinary people in the whole world?

"In ancient times... I am afraid that the gods really ruled the whole world! If there are many of them..."

Lei Dao now faintly believes that the God's Survivors really ruled the entire continent in ancient times. He has personally experienced the power of divine sense.

Even if there is no great achievement, it doesn't take long to practice this kind of skill, as long as the talent is awakened, everyone can have it. How terrible would it be if there were too many people?

The small success of the power of divine sense is basically equivalent to the limit of the human body of ordinary warriors. Maybe there are still some shortcomings, but the victory is weird enough to make it hard to guard against.

Moreover, it's not that the people of the God's Bereaved Clan can't practice martial arts, on the contrary, the people of the God's Bereaved Clan can also practice martial arts.

Once the martial arts are successful, coupled with the strange and unpredictable power of divine sense, it is indeed very terrifying.

Lei Dao carefully tested it in the room.

He found that the power of divine sense at the Xiaocheng stage can move a stone about the size of a fist at most, if it is bigger or heavier, it will not work.

Of course, this is only the limit of Lei Dao at present. It can only be moved a little bit, which is useless for combat.

To really make the power of divine sense work, some tough and thin steel needles are needed for the power of divine sense at the small stage.

One hit is sure to hit, and it is easy to hide. Once a sudden stab hits a vital point, even the strongest human body will die.

Lei Dao mobilized his abilities again to check the state of his body.

Name: Lei Dao (19 years old)

Lifespan: forty-five years and eleven months

External power: A total of thirty-nine years and one month of life are consumed (external power cannot be superimposed)

Golden Body Kungfu: Cannot be superimposed (21 external skills superimposed)

Internal Strength: A total of 14 years of lifespan will be consumed (internal strength cannot be superimposed)

Immortal skill: cannot be superimposed (superimposed two internal skills)

Qigong: consumes a total of 63 years and three months of lifespan (qigong cannot be superimposed)

Xianyuan Gong: cannot be superimposed (superimposed four qigong)

The power of divine thoughts: consumes a total of ten years of life

The Thirteen Forms of Spiritual Mind Basic Exercise: Minor Success (can be promoted)

Lei Dao's physical data has not changed much.

The only thing that has changed a lot is lifespan.

Ten years of life was spent to improve the power of divine sense, resulting in only forty-five and eleven months left in Lei Dao's life, without any growth.

This shows that the power of divine sense at the Xiaocheng stage has no "life extension" effect at all.

This couldn't help but make Lei Dao's heart sink.

If he didn't increase his lifespan, then if he continued to increase the power of his divine sense, wouldn't it be "pure consumption" and could not increase any lifespan? If you want to condense the flowers of spiritual thoughts and reach the highest level of martial arts where the three flowers gather at the top, wouldn't it cost decades of lifespan?

Such a price is too great!

Moreover, even if one reaches the highest level of martial arts, it is not certain whether one can prolong one's lifespan.

Is it worth paying such a big price?

In particular, Lei Dao's attention fell on the thirteen exercises of the basic training of divine sense.

"Consuming 15 years of life can improve the basic training of thirteen forms of divine sense."

Sure enough, the consumed lifespan increased again.

In order to raise the power of divine sense to a great success, Lei Dao would have to consume a full fifteen years of his lifespan. This cost was too high, so high that even Lei Dao could not accept it.

ps: Ask for a monthly pass!

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