Longevity Species

Chapter 249 Plan? If it doesn't exist, just run over it! (seeking subscription)

Three days later, Lei Dao, Xue Yuan and others arrived at Qiandao City.

As a direct descendant of the Chen family, Xueyuan naturally has a team.

Lei Dao hadn't seen much before, but now he saw that Xueyuan's team was really poor, and the strongest was only the second level of Taoism and body.

It's no wonder that when Lei Dao came to Fortune City from Conch Island to "seek refuge" with Xue Yuan, Xue Yuan was so excited, and even took out a 4,000-year-old precious elixir.

It turns out that there really is no strong person with a third level of Taoism and body to take refuge in Xueyuan.

After all, Xueyuan was only at the second level of Dao body before. Even with the status of a direct descendant of the Chen family, how attractive would it be to those strong people at the third level of Dao body?

However, although there are not many masters, the number is sufficient, and there are dozens of strong people above the top of the three flowers. This is only part of Xueyuan's team.

This time I went to Qiandao City, Miss Xue Yuan attached great importance to it.

She brought some of the elite team, even Lei Dao, which shows how much she attaches importance to Qiandao City.

"Ahead is Qiandao City!"

Xue Yuan pointed to a huge island ahead and said.

Qiandao City is actually a huge city built on an island.

The reason why it is called "Thousand Islands" is very simple. There are really hundreds of islands in the sea area radiating around Qiandao City.

Some islands are larger and even inhabited.

Some are more desolate, empty and uninhabited, only some seabirds inhabit.

If you really had to count them carefully, there would probably be more than a thousand islands.

The reason why Qiandao City is so important that even the Fortune Chamber of Commerce has to send direct descendants to sit in it is also very simple, Qiandao City has enough interests.

This is also a city of trade!

Because there are many islands, there are countless specialties on the islands. Moreover, there are some natural elixirs planted here.

The environment of some islands is very good, very suitable for growing elixir.

Therefore, in the archipelago near Qiandao City, several islands are planted with elixir.

Of course, these elixir may not be very old, at best they are decades or hundreds of years old.

Even hundreds of years of elixir are rare.

But no matter how old it is, it is a real panacea!

In the world of martial arts, elixir is "hard currency". No matter what you buy, as long as there is elixir, then everything is easy to talk about. Therefore, the importance of Thousand Island City is self-evident.

The Fortune Chamber of Commerce will never allow any other forces to intervene in Qiandao City, and every time there are direct descendants of the Fortune Chamber of Commerce sitting here.

Originally, Qiandao City was the seat of a direct descendant of the Chen family, but the production of elixir in Qiandao City has hardly increased, and has always been stable. At most, it will only increase a little bit. It is precisely this point that is most suspicious.

With the conditions of Qiandao City, more and more elixir will be planted, how can it be so stable?

There must be something wrong here!

However, the previous descendants of the Chen family didn't investigate the reason, so this time they were replaced by Miss Xueyuan. Obviously, the head of the family transferred Xue Yuan to Qiandao City, in addition to letting Xue Yuan take charge of it alone, he actually wanted to see Xue Yuan's methods.

Without means, one cannot become the Patriarch, nor can one control the huge Fortune Chamber of Commerce!

Xueyuan also knows the purpose of the Patriarch, so she attaches great importance to this trip to Qiandao City, and even does not hesitate to bring out the most elite team.

"Brother Lei, what do you think I should do? In Qiandao City, the forces are actually complicated. It seems that my Fortune Chamber of Commerce is the only one, but some small forces and some powerful warriors are actually in Qiandao City. The power is deeply entrenched. No one else can find out what they want to do."

"The previous direct descendants of the Chen family were planted here, and they couldn't investigate some tricks in Qiandao City at all, so the family was very dissatisfied, and I finally replaced them. I don't want to follow in the footsteps of my predecessor, should I first Wait for a while, make friends with the local forces here, and then find out the situation step by step?"

Xue Yuan asked Lei Dao directly, and now she trusted Lei Dao the most, so she would naturally ask Lei Dao for his opinion.

Lei Dao didn't speak, and some other Taoist level two warriors also nodded in agreement: "Yes, we are new here, and we haven't got a clear understanding of the situation in Qiandao City. We should be cautious."

"Even the direct descendants of the previous Chen family are planted here. Obviously, Qiandao City should not be underestimated. It can be stabilized first, and then slowly figure it out."

"We have plenty of time, so we can naturally investigate the mystery of Thousand Island City."

These people all support stabilizing first and then slowly investigating.

After all, Qiandao City is too complicated, and there are countless forces of all kinds. It is really not easy to investigate the tricks here.

However, Lei Dao never spoke.

His silence made Xue Yuan faintly notice something strange, so she said in a deep voice, "Brother Lei, do you have a different opinion?"

Lei Dao raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Qiandao City in the distance, and said lightly: "Why bother? We are investigating with great fanfare, and whoever refuses to accept it will be destroyed! Destroy it until there is no one to stop it. This is a majestic and aboveboard way, we have invincible strength, how can we not investigate the weirdness of Qiandao City?"

Lei Dao's voice was not loud, but it was clear enough that everyone could hear it.

Moreover, he stood with his hands behind his back, exuding infinite arrogance and confidence from his body.


Xue Yuan still hesitated.

However, Lei Dao continued: "My generation of warriors practice martial arts hard. What is the purpose? In addition to prolonging life, it is to have great strength and stand on top of the world! If you are dealing with a mere person from Qiandao City, you need to use tactics. What use is it for me to practice martial arts if I use conspiracy and deceit?"

"Martial arts, that is to go forward without retreating! Whoever stands in the way can be swept away! This is the real martial arts, and this is the style of my generation of warriors!"

Lei Dao's voice was passionate, and immediately, even some warriors with three flowers gathered at the top were aroused, feeling a surge of emotion.

Indeed, they worked so hard to practice martial arts, could it be that they are trying to plot against others? If this is the case, what kind of martial arts do they still practice, and they simply abandon martial arts and follow literature.

Warriors should crush them upright and break through all spells with all their strength, and no one can do anything about it.

Xue Yuan was indeed a little emotional, but she felt something was wrong.

what is this?

Roll all the way?

Push all the way?

But, will the local forces of Qiandao City and the warriors of those intricate forces agree?

"So, we should ask the strongest warrior in Qiandao City to find out about the situation?"

There was a hint of doubt on Xueyuan's face.

"Yes, as the strongest person in Qiandao City, Lei doesn't believe that he doesn't know anything. Maybe, as long as he is willing to speak, then Qiandao City will have no secrets. Why bother?"

Lei Dao didn't want to calculate, it was too troublesome and tiring.

After calculations and calculations, where is the comfort of directly rolling and pushing horizontally?

He practiced martial arts for the purpose of convincing people with force, not with reason.

What's more, the situation in Qiandao City is so complicated, we really need to think about it bit by bit, when can we sort out the situation in Qiandao City?

When will we be able to completely control Qiandao City?

If you can't control Qiandao City, no matter how prosperous Qiandao City is and how rich its production is, it has nothing to do with Lei Dao. Only when Qiandao City is fully controlled can Xue Yuan be able to take charge of her own affairs.

At that time, the benefits obtained will be unimaginable.

Perhaps, it would be no problem to gather a few more 4,000-year-old elixir.

"The strongest martial artist in Qiandao City should be Venerable Wanxiang, an old monster with a fourth-level Taoist body who has lived for four hundred years. His strength is unimaginable. I'm afraid he is not far from the fifth-level Taoist body. "

Xueyuan said solemnly.

Theoretically speaking, a person with a fourth-level Dao body can live five hundred years, but in reality, that is the perfect secret method, the best state. Ordinary ordinary warriors with the fourth level of Dao body can't live to five hundred years old at all, and it's not bad to live four hundred years old.

This Wanxiang master can live to be four hundred years old, I'm afraid the end is not far away. But it must not be easy to live for such a long time. His strength is extremely terrifying, and he has always been the number one master in Qiandao City!

Even every time the Hongyun Chamber of Commerce sends direct descendants to sit in town, the first descendant of Anxie's direct descendants to visit is the Venerable Wanxiang.

As long as Master Wanxiang nodded his head, the entire Qiandao City would be stable, which showed how prestige this Master Wanxiang had in Qiandao City.

"Okay, then go to Master Wanxiang! After living for four hundred years, I believe he will understand."

Lei Dao said lightly, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, then go to Master Wanxiang first!"

Miss Xueyuan always felt that something was wrong, so it seemed a bit too direct to come directly to Master Wanxiang. However, she trusts Lei Dao very much, even if Lei Dao did something wrong, she still trusts him.

Therefore, Miss Xue Yuan absolutely supports Lei Dao's suggestion!

Therefore, Miss Xueyuan and Lei Dao flew towards Qiandao City in front of them with tens of hundreds of people behind them.


In Qiandao City, Master Wanxiang's villa, there were four middle-aged men with a strong aura sitting with Master Wanxiang, as if they were discussing something.

"My lord, I heard that this time the Fortune Chamber of Commerce will send a new direct descendant to sit in Qiandao City. I have already found out that the direct descendant of the Chen family is called Chen Xueyuan. It doesn’t get much attention. But I don’t know why they were sent to Qiandao City, should we make some preparations to welcome them?”

Master Wanxiang opened his eyes. He looked very old. After all, he had already lived for four hundred years, and the qigong he practiced had no effect on his face. Now he could only look like this old man.

The wrinkled skin looks like old bark, and it even looks a little scary.

"Of course I have to welcome her. After all, she is a direct descendant of the Chen family. She won't stay for a few years, just like her predecessor, and will leave soon. A mere direct descendant of the third level of Taoism, what are you afraid of?"

"Yes, yes, we are just a little uneasy, afraid that the Fortune Chamber of Commerce will notice something, so we come to ask the Master for advice. Since the Master said so, then we can rest assured."

Master Wanxiang stood up slowly. Although he looked very old, he was full of energy. He looked at the sky and said with a sneer, "Are you scared? Encountering such a little thing, you are actually afraid? The matter of Qiandao City concerns all of us. She is a martial artist with a third level of Taoism, so what if she is a direct descendant of the Chen family? The sky of Qiandao City will always be our sky, and she still turns her head. No!"


The four of them breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were all dignified fourth-level Daoist fighters, they still felt a little guilty in the face of the Fortune Chamber of Commerce. In particular, they have done some shady things.

Once exposed, their fate is not good.

"My lord, someone is here, claiming to be from the Chen family!"

At this moment, a servant came to report in a hurry.

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