Longevity Species

Chapter 260: Squeeze the Blood Sovereign! (third change)


Blood Venerable, who had already fled hundreds of feet away, suddenly froze slightly when Lei Dao mobilized the Hand of Annihilation.

I don't know why, almost instantly, a warning sign came to Xue Zun's heart.

It seemed that some terrible danger was about to come, which made him feel very palpitating.

The next moment, an indescribable force descended on him in an instant.

Immediately, the blood venerable's body exploded without warning.

What's more, the body that exploded, without even a trace of flesh and blood, turned into fine powder, and completely disappeared into the void when the breeze blew.

"Dead... dead?"

Xue Yuan looked at the void, and the Blood Venerable turned into powder in an instant without any warning, she couldn't believe her eyes. That's the Blood Venerable, a powerhouse at the sixth level of Dao Body!

She was still in ecstasy when the blood venerable was repelled by Lei Dao before. As for killing the blood venerable, Xue Yuan actually had no hope. Defeating and beheading are completely different things.

It is too difficult, too difficult to kill a strong man of the sixth level of Taoism.

Especially these demons.

Insidious and cunning, they have no concept of face at all, let alone show off their talents. They have always survived the hunt. Once the situation is not right, they will flee immediately.

It is too difficult, too difficult to kill the demon.

It is a great fortune to be able to repel it.

But now, the blood venerable died, and even died in an incomparably weird way, which made people puzzled.

However, it must be related to Lei Dao.

The next moment, Lei Dao felt completely empty, as if all the strength in his body had disappeared, and his body was empty. Even his face turned pale.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Even his ultimate form suddenly returned to the fighting form, and even his whole body was trembling.

"Master Blood Venerable!"

Seeing that the blood venerable was unclear, he suddenly turned into powder. The remaining two demons with fifth-level Dao bodies were full of horror. They knew that they must have something to do with Lei Dao.

Although I saw that Lei Dao was trembling all over, as if he had been severely injured, even the Sanhua on the top of his head was even crumbling, as if it would disappear at any time.

Moreover, Lei Dao's aura also fell to the bottom all of a sudden.

There are various indications that Lei Dao has indeed been severely injured. If they return, they can even kill Lei Dao.

But do they dare?

Do they dare to bet?

Lei Dao, a mere Taoist fourth-level warrior, was able to fight the blood venerable inextricably, and even severely injured the blood venerable, causing the blood venerable to flee.

And in the end, he used a strange method to kill the Blood Venerable with ease, and even left no bones left.

These demons, where would they want to avenge the blood venerable? They all only cared about saving their own lives, even the blood venerable was dead, how dare they fight Lei Dao again?


Almost without thinking, the two Taoist-level fifth-level powerhouses immediately turned around and fled without the slightest hesitation, leaving even the fifth-level Taoist demon who was severely injured at the beginning.

As the demons at the fifth level of Taoism fled first, the remaining demons did not dare to stay in Qiandao City anymore, they all panicked and flew frantically towards the depths of the sea of ​​death.

This time, Lei Dao didn't continue to chase and kill him. He felt terrible all over his body. Although he didn't completely lose his fighting power, he was indeed greatly damaged.

This also made Lei Dao realize how terrifying his hand of annihilation was.

It seems that it is not the power of ordinary martial arts, but involves a kind of miraculous "original" power. Perhaps, it has something to do with the "Holy Energy" of the Holy Physique powerhouse, perhaps, it is Lei Dao's unique method.

In short, the Hand of Annihilation is very strong, and even Lei Dao doesn't know where the limit is. But using this method will obviously bring a heavy burden to Lei Dao.

This kind of burden should be deep in the body, involving a burden of the origin of life, and it has nothing to do with his physical strength or even his spirit.

Once he uses it, even if it is only for a short while, he will consume a lot, and even lose his fighting power for a period of time.

Therefore, this kind of method should not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary, and it is even more cautious than the life pearl. After all, the detonation of the life beads can be interrupted at any time. As long as it is not excessively exhausted, the detonation of the life beads will not cause too much damage to the body.

But the Hand of Annihilation is not good. Once cast, there will be a heavy burden, and the side effects will be great. If he lost his fighting power, Lei Dao would be very dangerous.

However, the hand of annihilation is so restrictive and consumes so much, but its power can be called extremely powerful!

Blood Venerable is a strong person at the sixth level of Dao Body, and he is really rampant, even in the entire Yuanzhou, he can be regarded as a master. Even though he had been severely injured by Lei Dao before, he was still at the sixth level of Dao Body.

It was able to "knead and explode" the blood venerables all at once without a sound, directly turning them into powder.

This kind of power is simply unimaginable and palpitating.


Xue Yuan flew over in a hurry, supporting Lei Dao.

"Brother Lei, are you okay?"

Xueyuan saw that Lei Dao's situation was not very good, and Lei Dao didn't even maintain his fighting form at this time, and returned to his normal form, his face was still faintly pale.

It seems that from the "origin" of life, Lei Dao felt a little weak, and he really couldn't recover for a while.

"I'm fine. By the way, kill that demon at the fifth level of Dao Body quickly. Otherwise, it will be troublesome when he recovers a little."


Xue Yuan personally took advantage of the treasure of divine sense to completely kill the seriously injured fifth-level dao body demon.

"The magic is gone! Brother Lei, you saved the entire Qiandao City!"

There was a hint of joy on Xueyuan's face, and even the way she looked at Lei Dao was a little different.

It was admiration, respect, doubt, and a tinge of reverence.

Especially when Lei Dao faced the demon, that domineering declaration was deeply imprinted in her mind.

"The danger has not been completely eliminated, and I have to send someone to warn those demons. I need to go back and rest for a while."

Therefore, Xue Yuan immediately sent Lei Dao back.

"Brother Lei, just take a rest, I will protect the law for you outside the door."

Xue Yuan said directly.

Lei Dao frowned and said, "Miss Xueyuan, you don't have to."

However, Xue Yuan was determined not to leave, so Lei Dao had no choice but to nod and went back to the house by himself.

As soon as he returned to the house, Lei Dao concentrated his attention and began to check the situation in his body.

Using that "Hand of Annihilation", if it is not used for fighting, will not have much impact. But this time, Lei Dao directly used the hand of Annihilation to "crush and explode" the Blood Venerable at the sixth level of Dao Body.

It seems that the sequelae came all at once, and they were very serious.

Now the situation in Lei Dao's body doesn't seem to be affected. There is nothing wrong with his flesh, bones, etc. There is not even any problem with the flowers of energy, vitality, and spiritual thoughts.

But Lei Dao just felt "weak", as if something was broken.

This reminded Lei Dao of the mysterious "crystal" he had seen before.

If, according to Lei Dao's guess, it is really the "origin", then it will be troublesome, and it will be very difficult to restore the original source if it is damaged.

At least Lei Dao didn't know how to restore the original source.

Perhaps, only the Saint Physique knows, but where does Lei Dao go to find the Saint Physique?

All Lei Dao can do is to rest slowly.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

At twelve o'clock, almost a whole day later, Lei Dao slowly opened his eyes.


Lei Dao let out a long sigh of relief.

"Finally restored."

After resting for almost a day, Lei Dao finally recovered.

The "weakness" in his body also disappeared.

Although the consequences of using the Hand of Annihilation are serious, fortunately they can recover slowly.

It's just that the recovery time is relatively slow, and it takes a day to recover. This is simply unimaginable for Lei Dao, who has completed the Tao body twice.

No matter how serious the injury is, as long as you don't die, you can recover within a few hours.

It was only after using the hand of annihilation that it took him a whole day to recover. Moreover, even if he recovered, Lei Dao didn't know what happened to the Hand of Annihilation.


As soon as Lei Dao's divine mind moved, he immediately noticed the strangeness outside.

He opened the door and saw that Miss Xue Yuan was still outside, guarding Lei Dao for a whole day.

"Brother Lei, are you alright?"

Seeing Lei Dao coming out, Xueyuan's face returned to ruddy, and she hurriedly asked.

Lei Dao nodded and said: "Miss Lao Xueyuan is here. I have recovered, and it has no effect. By the way, how is the situation outside?"

"The situation outside is very good. Qiandao City has always been calm. Those demons have never returned after they left."

It seems that those demons have been really "shocked" by Lei Dao, and they will never dare to return to Qiandao City.

"Those monsters should have come from their lair before. Now that Lei has recovered, go to the demon's lair to have a look. If there are still fish that slip through the net, then they will catch them all, and we will never tolerate it!"

Lei Dao looked cold. When dealing with demons, he is merciless and will never show mercy.

"Okay, those demons' lairs are on an island thousands of miles away from Qiandao City. I've already asked people to find out the exact location, so we can start now."

Therefore, Miss Xueyuan immediately brought some people, followed Lei Dao, flew out of Qiandao City, and flew towards the sea of ​​death.

Qiandao City was originally on an island, and in front of it was the endless sea of ​​death.

Lei Dao could even occasionally see some sea beasts appearing.

When I first came to Conch Island from Juliu Kingdom, I saw many sea beasts.

However, these sea beasts are not very strong, and there are very few of them even comparable to the second level of Dao body. Not to mention Lei Dao, Xue Yuan can easily kill them.

Soon, Lei Dao and others could already see an island in front of them.

Seeing the island, Lei Dao's eyes sank.

Without interrogating the demons in Qiandao City, Lei Dao already knew that this island must be the lair of those demons.

Because on the island in the distance, the blood was soaring, and the boundless evil spirit enveloped the entire island.

Even vaguely, one can still see the huge pools of blood on the island.

"Huh? There are people, are they demons?"

Xueyuan narrowed her eyes suddenly and said in a deep voice.

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