Longevity Species

Chapter 397 In the past, the semi-sage Lei, today is the saint Lei! (fourth more)

"Holy One, it's His Majesty!"

"Isn't Master Shengzun retreating? How could it appear, and it still came in real body?"

"The old man has practiced for five hundred years, and he has never even seen the real body of the Holy Lord. Unexpectedly, the Holy Lord actually manifested the real body of the holy body. Is this welcoming a certain Holy Lord?"

"Which saint of the Holy Land is here in our Linglong Holy Land today?"

All the disciples or elders of Linglong Holy Land were very excited when they saw the body of thousands of feet exuding dazzling rays of light in the void.

This is the saint of Linglong Holy Land!

And it is still the Holy One who has manifested the real body of the Eucharist!

Many people have never seen the real body of the Holy One in their whole life, but now the real body of the Holy One has come suddenly.

The Holy Lord of Linglong Holy Land glanced at the Holy Land, and then looked towards the main hall. Many elders are extremely hot in their hearts, this is the Holy One!

The Holy Lord's eyes can look here, could it be that the Holy Lord from other holy places has come? It's just that in the main hall, apart from the elder who is the first holy son, where are there other holy venerables?

No, besides the elder and the holy son, there seemed to be two figures.


Many people looked at Lei Dao.

However, no one thinks that the Holy Lord's target is Lei Dao, even the number one Holy Son Xuan Kongzi doesn't think that the Holy Lord's eyes will look at Lei Dao. After all, the Holy Venerable actually welcomes the Holy Venerable from other holy places, and Lei Dao is only a semi-holy one, so how could he be greeted by the Holy Venerable himself?

Even Xuankongzi still felt a little uneasy.

Could it be that the sage of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty heard the news that Lei Dao had returned to Yuanzhou, and actually came directly to the important person in the Linglong Holy Land? If that's the case, I'm afraid Lei Dao will be in danger today.

Xuan Kongzi could think of this, and so could the other elders.

These elders even looked at Lei Dao and Xuan Kongzi gloatingly.

If the venerable of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty came to ask for someone in person, even the venerable of the Linglong Holy Land, I am afraid that he would give some face, and Lei Dao would be in danger.

Lei Dao glanced at the other elders coldly, and didn't take the other elders seriously at all.

It was Lingling Holy Land Holy Lord in the void, and Lei Dao could clearly feel the other party's eyes on him.

The Holy Lord's induction is not wrong.

As soon as Lei Dao entered the Linglong Holy Land, the saint of Linglong Holy Land had already sensed it, and personally manifested the holy body to meet Lei Dao.

"Huh? Why does the Holy One seem to be looking at Lei Dao?"

At this time, many people discovered that the Holy Lord's eyes were really on Lei Dao.

But Lei Dao is just a semi-holy, worthy of the respect of the holy?

Could it be that the venerable of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty came to ask for someone from the venerable of the Linglong Holy Land in person?

At this moment, in the midst of the void, Holy Lord Haoyue of Linglong Holy Land spoke: "This Holy Lord is here, and Haoyue is far away to welcome him. However, the Holy Lord should not be the Holy Lord of my Yuanzhou, right? There are only five holy places in Yuanzhou." There is a saint, but Haoyue has seen it before. But this saint, Haoyue has never seen it. And it has never been heard that a new saint was born in Yuanzhou."

The voice of Haoyue Shengzun is very gentle, which makes people feel kind.

But that's just Raidou's feeling.

The other elders, however, were a little dazed at the moment, as if falling into a cellar of ice.

Holy One?

Lei Dao is the Holy One?

But how is this possible?

Lei Dao is just a semi-holy one, and it is only a few months before he is driven away by the Boshan sage in the holy land of the Yuan Dynasty. How many months can he become a sage?

However, if Lei Dao is not the Holy Lord, isn't Haoyue Holy Lord wrong?

And could Holy One Haoyue be wrong?

A majestic saint, would he mistake him for the saint?

That's really funny!

Even Xuan Kongzi was stunned, his mind went blank, not knowing what was going on.

Lei Dao looked at Haoyue Shengzun, since Haoyue Shengzun had come in person, it was impossible for him to remain indifferent, otherwise, this would be disrespect for the Holy One.

They are all saints, how can they embarrass other saints?


Therefore, the next moment, Lei Dao no longer concealed his aura, and even directly displayed the Annihilation Body.

The mighty Annihilation Holy Body, which is thousands of feet long, manifested in the void of Linglong Holy Land, and its terrifying aura seemed to be even better than that of Haoyue Holy Venerable, shrouding the entire Linglong Holy Land.

Everyone can truly feel the terrifying pressure contained in the body of thousands of feet in the void, which comes from the suppression at the level of life, making everyone feel like worshiping.


This is the Holy Body of the Holy One!

There is no doubt that Lei Dao is really a saint, a genuine saint!

"Lei... Lei Shengzun?"

"Lei Bansheng became a saint? This...how is this possible?"

"It's really another Tianyuan Patriarch! No, even the original Tianyuan Patriarch did not become a saint as quickly as Lei Shengzun. It's unbelievable, this is really unbelievable."

"Xuan Kongzi is right, Lei Shengzun has actually become a saint, comparable to Tianyuan Patriarch."

"Just now we were questioning or even slandering a Holy One?"

For a moment, those elders who were still working together to persecute "Lei Dao" just now felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, their whole bodies were extremely cold, and even their bodies were trembling.

Question a holy one, and even laugh at a holy one.

Where can they laugh? They even felt extremely regretful in their hearts. Thinking about it now, they really behaved like clowns before.

As Xuan Kongzi said, they are the real short-sighted, and they want to curry favor with the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty instead of making friends with a saint with great potential like Lei Dao?

It has completely lost the face of Linglong Holy Land!

At this moment, Xuan Kongzi was dumbfounded, even though he had great confidence in Lei Dao, and even supported Lei Dao, he did not hesitate to bear the huge pressure to protect the members of the Yuanzhou Chamber of Commerce Alliance. This was his promise to Lei Dao at the beginning!

But no matter how optimistic he is about Lei Dao, no matter how confident he is in Lei Dao, it is definitely unimaginable. In just a few months, Lei Dao actually became a saint.

That's the Holy One!

Countless top half-sages have been unable to become saints throughout their lives, so they can only retreat to death, and finally die in depression.

The huge Linglong Holy Land has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and less than twenty saints have been born in total.

But now, Lei Dao has actually become a saint.

This brought Xuan Kongzi an unimaginable shock.

"Brother Xuankong, what's wrong, I can't believe it?"

Lei Dao's huge holy body said to Xuan Kongzi with a half-smile.

"Don't dare, Lei Shengzun should call me Xuan Kongzi, I don't dare to call me like that."

How dare Xuankongzi become the "Brother Xuankong" in Lei Daokou's mouth, he is a high-ranking saint, a saint who can sit on an equal footing with the saint of Linglong Holy Land!

Lei Dao didn't care, and said in a calm tone: "This sage and brother Xuankong have their own opinions."

At this time, Haoyue Shengzun seemed to have sensed something was wrong.

The venerable in front of him seems to know Xuan Kongzi, and is also very familiar?

"I don't know what to call the Holy One?"

Holy Venerable Haoyue asked directly.

"Ben Sheng Lei Dao!"

"It turned out to be Lei Shengzun..."

Haoyue Shengzun was noncommittal, but after thinking about it carefully, the name seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

"Holy Venerable Haoyue, originally I didn't want to alarm His Holiness, but some old people in Linglong Holy Land were protected by Xuan Kongzi, the first Holy Son of the Holy Land, so they came to visit. However, some elders of the Holy Land seemed to be interested in this The sage is very dissatisfied, and he still wants to ask the sage to go out."

Lei Dao's voice was neither sad nor happy, and he glanced at the elders casually.

Immediately, these elders were shaken all over, as if they had fallen into a cellar of ice, their bodies trembling unceasingly.

It's over!

It's over!

Lei Dao didn't forget their previous cynicism, if Haoyue Shengzun knew about it, their end can be imagined, it will be extremely miserable.

Even a half saint is not worth mentioning in the eyes of a real saint.

"Oh, what else?"

Shengzun Haoyue rolled his eyes slightly, and then asked Xuan Kongzi through voice transmission.

Xuan Kongzi told Lei Dao's identity and what happened just now, and only then did Holy Lord Haoyue understand the ins and outs of the matter. His eyes turned cold, and then he said to these elders: "The elders are old and disrespectful to Lei Shengzun. Thinking that you have contributed to the Holy Land after all, you will be punished to death. "

The elders were shocked when they heard the words, and then they were extremely sad.

It's really over!

It is closed to death, and you cannot leave the pass without becoming a saint.

Although they were not beheaded or even expelled from the Holy Land, closing the death test was almost the same as death.


That is simply impossible, and even if they are given another ten thousand years, they will never be able to become saints.

If you can't be sanctified, then stay in the secret room forever, retreat until you die, and never come out.

This kind of punishment is not light!

And they are just disrespectful to the Holy One.

Disrespect to the Holy One is a big deal.

"Follow the decree of the Holy One!"

Although the several elders were unwilling to go to the death test, they did not dare to disobey the holy decree.

In Linglong Holy Land, these elders are not afraid of the First Holy Son, even the head teacher.

But only the Holy One, they dare not disobey.

According to the words of the holy venerable, it is the "decree", once it is not followed, it will be wiped out immediately, and there will be no luck.

His Holiness Haoyue's decision has undoubtedly pronounced their "death sentence", and they can only stay in the secret room for the rest of their lives, and never want to come out.

"Is Lei Shengzun satisfied? It's just a little thing, don't make Lei Shengzun feel unhappy, please move Lei Shengzun, how about going to my saint's cave to discuss the Tao?"

Holy Lord Haoyue invited Lei Dao.

Lei Dao nodded and said: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders. Brother Xuankong, you can join me. There are some things that I have to ask Brother Xuankong carefully."

Shengzun Haoyue looked at Xuankongzi meaningfully and said: "Xuankongzi, Shengzun Lei has a life, so you can follow along."

After finishing speaking, Holy Lord Haoyue led the way, and quickly disappeared into the hall.

Linglong Holy Land regained its calm, but all the disciples and elders who witnessed this scene were not at peace. They were even more shocked after Lei Dao left.

In the past, the semi-sage Lei, today the saint Lei!

Lei Dao has been sanctified, how can Yuanzhou be peaceful?

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