Longevity Species

Chapter 420: The Eucharist Double? Lei wants to give it a try! (third change)

At this moment, each of the more than thirty saints manifested a holy body and flew towards the Cangming Pagoda frantically.

The fast Eucharist obviously wants to take some advantage and is in an advantageous position.

Lei Dao's Annihilation Body was not fast, but he couldn't stand Lei Dao's "arrogant", he just ignored it and went on a rampage.

No matter who it is, as long as it blocks his way, it will be a collision.


Lei Dao's Annihilation Eucharist was the first to collide with a saint of the first stage of the Eucharist, and he had not even reached the peak of the first stage of the Eucharist, and had not pushed out a higher Eucharist.

Under such circumstances, being hit by Lei Dao's Annihilation Body is like an ordinary person being hit by a tall horse.


Immediately, the holy venerable screamed. Even though Lei Dao had no killing intent, he didn't deliberately target the holy venerable, but just a light bump of the annihilated holy body had already smashed the holy venerable's body to pieces. .

With almost a collision, two-thirds of the sacred body of the saint was lost, leaving only one-third, which can be regarded as a heavy loss, and he was out of the game early.

"how come?"

The venerable stared at Lei Dao's figure so hard that he could hardly believe his eyes. It's just a random collision, everyone is a holy body, even if it is a high-level holy body, how could it be smashed apart all of a sudden?

Two-thirds of it was lost at once!

If Lei Dao deliberately aimed at it, wouldn't it be that he deliberately smashed his holy body directly.

Killing the Holy One in seconds?

Even if it didn't condense a high-level holy body, it is still a majestic saint. How could it be scattered when it was hit? Moreover, even the Holy Venerable who was at the peak of the first level of the Holy Physique couldn't kill an ordinary Saint of the first level of the Holy Physique in an instant.

Only the saints of the second level of the holy body may be able to instantly kill the ordinary saints of the first level of the holy body.

But the Eucharist?

Lei Shengzun is clearly the first-level saint of the Eucharist!

Lei Dao's collision directly made a saint out of the game, and he didn't know if it was a bad thing or a good thing. After thinking about it for the last time, the Holy One still gritted his teeth and left Cangming Mountain directly.

With him currently seriously injured, entering the Cangming Pagoda would undoubtedly be courting death. It might not be a bad thing to be bumped into by Lei Dao like this, at least, it made the saint realize the reality.

If he really wants to enter the Cangming Pagoda, maybe he will die!

Now this situation is simply indisputable.

Lei Dao didn't care, his Annihilation Eucharist was the ultimate Eucharist, and he was not afraid of any Eucharist at all. Therefore, even if the speed was not fast, he couldn't stand his arrogance and went on a rampage.

Anyone who stands in front of him will directly hit him.


No matter if it was an ordinary saint, or those saints who were at the peak of the first stage of the holy body, if they were hit by Lei Dao's holy body, they would be staggered, more or less would be knocked into the air, and there would be a little damage.

"Damn it, Lei Shengzun is simply...too deceitful!"

"How could Lei Shengzun's holy body be so strong? My holy body almost collapsed under the impact."

"The black dragon sage was beheaded before, it was definitely not a fluke. Lei sage's holy body is too strong!"

Seeing Lei Dao manifesting the Annihilation Eucharist, rampaging, invincible and invincible, many saints were shocked. Before Lei Dao beheaded the black dragon sage, although they saw it in their eyes, they didn't actually feel much about it.

What's more, Lei Dao had the help of Taihao Shengzun before.

But now, Lei Dao manifested the Annihilation Eucharist with his own power, and went on a rampage. After having direct conflicts with some saints, these saints were shocked.

It turns out that Lei Shengzun is so strong!

Not even the peak saint in the first level of the holy body can stop Lei Dao's holy body.

One, two, three, four, five...

Lei Dao was the first to come first, rampaging along the way, forcibly knocking seven or eight saints into the air, no matter if they were ordinary saints or the peak saints of the first level of the holy body, in short, they all smashed away directly.

In the end, Lei Dao was actually the fifth saint who came to Cangming Pagoda.

His Holiness Tai Hao naturally followed closely behind, and the shock in his heart had reached the point where it could not be further increased.

Beheading the black dragon sage before, and now Lei Dao has manifested the holy body, it is simply rampant.

Only then did he truly understand how terrifying the "ultimate holy body" that the bearded saint said was.

However, the stronger Lei Dao was, the happier Taihao Shengzun was. This means that Lei Dao may have a great chance to obtain the 20,000-year-old elixir in the Cangming Pagoda.


The next moment, Lei Dao and Taihao Shengzun stepped directly into the Cangming Pagoda, one in front of the other. Even, there is a bearded saint following Tai Hao.

The bearded sage followed Lei Dao and Taihao sage, and he took advantage of it. However, Lei Dao didn't say anything, and he acquiesced.

After all, the bearded saint told Lei Dao the news about the ancient Shenzhou, which was enough for Lei Dao to "support" the bearded saint.

Lei Dao stepped into the Cangming Pagoda, and his figure paused, as if completely distorted. Of course, in just a moment, he had already appeared in a strange place.

A bright light appeared in front of his eyes, Lei Dao took a closer look, there were countless bright white orbs inlaid all around, driving away the darkness, and the entire Cangming Pagoda was as bright as day.

"Lei Shengzun."

Tai Hao followed closely behind and also entered the Cangming Pagoda.

"Find the elixir!"

Lei Dao looked at it with a glance, and with a sweep of the power of divine sense, he could actually find many elixir. However, this is only the first floor of the Cangming Pagoda, and on the first floor, all of them are elixir.

But it is just some common elixir, even hundred-year-old elixir is rare.

"Holy Lord Fuhai has entered the second floor of Cangming Pagoda, let's go!"

Lei Dao no longer hesitated, the entire Cangming Pagoda has a large amount of elixir, but each layer is very large, it is simply impossible to search for all of them.

It takes a long time.

Inside the Cangming Pagoda, each floor is higher than the next. On the higher level, the elixir is obviously more precious. If time is delayed in the Cangming Pagoda on the lower level, then all the elixir in the Cangming Pagoda on the upper level will be looted.

Thus, Lei Dao and Taihao Shengzun directly entered the second floor.

On the second floor, Lei Dao saw three saints.

Lei Dao is the fifth saint to enter the Cangming Pagoda, and there are four people in front of him. In addition to the Fuhai Holy Venerable with a double holy body, there are three other Holy Venerables.

These three saints are all at the peak of the first layer of the Holy Body, and they are all good at speed and strong in strength, so they are ahead of others and entered the Cangming Pagoda first, and now they have just entered the second floor.

The three saints glanced at Lei Dao, their eyes flickered, but they didn't speak, but directly entered the third floor.

Lei Dao swept away with the power of divine thoughts, and the elixir on the second floor is basically a hundred-year-old elixir, ranging from one hundred years to more than five hundred years old, covering a wide range.

However, it is useless to Raidou.

As a result, Lei Dao continued to step into the third floor.

On the third floor, there are all millennium elixirs, and there are still a lot of them.

Lei Dao was a little moved. If the millennium elixir was wiped out and brought back to the Holy Land of the Giant Willow, that would be a huge gain for the Holy Land of the Giant Willow.

However, everyone is racing against time now, so it is not appropriate to waste time here.

Lei Dao gritted his teeth and quickly entered the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is all 2,000-year-old elixir.

Then the fifth floor, sixth floor, seventh floor...

There are many floors in the Cangming Pagoda, and each floor is planted with some thousand-year-old elixir.

The fifth layer is three thousand years, the sixth layer is four thousand years, and the seventh layer is five thousand years.

After the 5,000-year-old elixir, the three saints before Lei Dao finally had a saint who couldn't help it.

Most of these saints come from some small forces, otherwise, how could they come all the way to compete for the Cangming Pagoda? If these 5,000-year-old elixir can be brought back, it will also be of great help to the forces behind it.

Therefore, even if it would delay some time, some holy venerables were unwilling to give up and began to search for the 5,000-year-old elixir on the seventh floor.

However, Lei Dao did not stop, but continued to go up.

Along with him, there are two holy venerables, who seem to be gritting their teeth and continue to go up.

The eighth layer is the 6,000-year-old elixir, and the ninth layer is the 7,000-year-old elixir.

On the tenth floor, it's the 8,000-year elixir!

For a moment, the two saints seemed to be a little moved, but in the end they both resisted the temptation and continued to go up. Obviously, what they wanted was not these thousand-year elixir, but the ten-thousand-year elixir!

The eleventh floor is the elixir of nine thousand years.

Reaching this floor, Lei Dao suddenly discovered that there was another figure in front of him.

"Huh? Holy Lord Floating Sea?"

Lei Dao saw that there was a floating sea sage on the eleventh floor. This sage with the second layer of the holy body came directly to the eleventh floor, but stopped at the door of the twelfth floor .

After just a few breaths, the bearded saint and the other two saints rushed over together.

In addition to Lei Dao and Taihao, seven saints have come to the eleventh floor at this moment, facing each other from the distance.

The eyes of Holy Venerable Fuhai swept across Qiwei Holy Venerable one by one. Then he said word by word: "Below the twelfth floor, you can search as much as you want, but that's it. All the elixir above the twelfth floor belongs to this saint. Anyone who steps into the twelfth floor, Kill without mercy!"


After the words fell, the seven saints were in an uproar.

"Holy Venerable Fuhai, although you are at the second level of the Eucharist, aren't you being too domineering? You may not be able to take advantage of the seven of us joining forces."

One of them said with a sneer.

Everyone knows that the twelfth floor is the panacea for ten thousand years!

As for the thirteenth floor, which is the last floor, it is also very likely that there will be 20,000-year-old elixir, which is also the goal of many saints this time.

Even Holy Lord Fuhai would never want them to stop here.

"Overbearing? So what if this sage is so domineering? The seven of you may be very strong together, but it is not difficult for this sage to kill you. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try. In short, those who step into the twelfth floor, Must die!"

After finishing speaking, the figure of Fu Hai Shengzun flashed, and he had already stepped into the twelfth floor of Cangming Pagoda, leaving only seven saints looking at each other with gloomy faces.

"Everyone, you won't give up just because of this, right? If the seven of us join forces, even the Holy Lord Fuhai will be in trouble. Moreover, there will be Holy Lord Fuhai who will come later, and Holy Lord Fuhai wants to suppress it with his own strength. How is it possible for our dozens of saints?"

A saint said with a sneer.

But, no one responded.

The reason is simple, which of the seven of them would trust each other? If they don't work together, it is not empty words for Fuhai Shengzun to kill them.

Just like now, who dares to take the first step and step into the twelfth floor?

"Second Eucharist? Lei wants to give it a try!"

Just when everyone was hesitating, a figure directly took a step, and without hesitation, stepped into the twelfth floor of Cangming Pagoda.

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