Longevity Species

Chapter 422: Lei Mou sends the Holy One on the road! (first update)

Holy One, it's hard to kill!

Even if it is a high-ranking sage, if he wants to kill a low-ranking sage, there is only one way, and that is to obliterate! Only by completely obliterating the Holy Body of the Holy Lord can a Holy Lord be completely beheaded.

Other than that, there is no other way!

The so-called "second kill" actually has the same principle, that is, the holy body is too strong, and it can even wipe out the opponent's holy body in an instant.

Now what Lei Dao, Taihao Shengzun and Beard Shengzun are doing together is obliteration!

Completely obliterate the Holy Body of the Fuhai Saint!

In this regard, Lei Dao has no other choice, he has to consume! Consumed energy with Holy Lord Fuhai, let's see who can consume more energy than whom?

With his own strength, Lei Dao trapped the two holy bodies of Fuhai Shengzun with the huge annihilation holy body. In fact, Lei Dao was about to suffer a loss. Even if he is the ultimate holy body, there is still a little gap with the second level of the holy body.

It doesn't mean that condensing the ultimate holy body can blow up the second layer of the holy body.

Perhaps it is possible, but it is definitely not possible at the first stage of the Eucharist, and the advantage of the Ultimate Eucharist is far from that great. Perhaps in the future, Lei Dao will advance to the second and third levels of the holy body, and he will be able to possess two, three, or even more ultimate holy bodies.

But now, at least Lei Dao is not so strong.


The two sacred bodies of Fuhai Shengzun were frantically impacting Lei Dao's annihilated holy body, and each impact would cause a huge shock to Lei Dao's holy body.

Gradually, Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body also collapsed by one-tenth, but Fuhai Shengzun was even worse, having already collapsed by three-tenths. However, this is almost the limit.

Because the bearded lord and Taihao lord have reached their limit.

Their holy bodies have been split many times, and they all exploded by themselves. If they continue to explode like this, their foundation will be completely damaged, and they will never be able to recover.

"Hahaha, it's not bad that the three of you can persecute me to this extent. But what can you do now?"

Fuhai Shengzun looked up to the sky and laughed, although he was laughing crazily, but there was a terrifying killing intent in his laughter. He intended to kill Lei Dao, Tai Hao, and even the bearded saint. No one could stop his determination to kill the three of them, but he actually lost three-tenths of his holy body, and almost suffered a serious injury, which is unforgivable.

"Holy Venerable Taihao, Holy Venerable Beard, there are many ten-thousand-year elixir on the twelfth floor. You don't have to be afraid of wasting it, just use the ten-thousand-year elixir to restore the holy body."

"What? The ten-thousand-year elixir to restore the holy body, this... this is too extravagant."

Venerable Taihao was dumbfounded.

It is too extravagant for him to use the ten-thousand-year elixir to restore the holy body. One plant of the ten-thousand-year elixir can allow him to condense a holy body, which can be slowly fused. The second level of Eucharist.

But now, it is used to restore the injuries of the Eucharist, even the huge power of the Thirty-Six Holy Lands of Ancient China would not bear it.

But what's the situation now?

Now is the time when both sides are desperate, either you die or I die. At this moment, there is no need to worry about waste at all, as long as you can survive, it is a victory!


The bearded sage made a quick decision and immediately searched for the ten-thousand-year elixir in the twelfth floor.

On the twelfth floor, there are ten thousand years of elixir, and there are many more.

The bearded saint and Taihao didn't search for too long. After all, they didn't know if Lei Dao could hold on, so they returned soon.

"We have temporarily found twenty thousand-year elixir, Lei Shengzun, let's recover from the injury first. Even if it is exhausted today, it will kill Fuhai Shengzun!"

There was also a hint of cruelty on the face of the bearded saint.

Lei Dao took over ten thousand-year elixir plants, and he needed a large amount of ten-year elixir to trap Fuhai Shengzun. Originally, Lei Dao still carried dozens of ten thousand year elixir, so he has no shortage of ten thousand year elixir.


With Fuhai Shengzun struggling violently, it was very difficult for Lei Dao to trap Fuhai Shengzun alone. Three-tenths of the Saint Fuhai's holy body had been lost before, while Lei Dao had only lost one-tenth.

But now, in a short period of time, Lei Dao's loss has reached four-tenths, and Fuhai Shengzun can barely lose four-tenths.

If this continues, Lei Dao won't last long.

However, now that there is a ten thousand year elixir, it will be different.

Without any hesitation, Lei Dao directly swallowed the Wannian elixir, and it was not one or two plants, but a whole ten plants!

Ten thousand years of elixir went down, Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body was shocked, and then, the Saint Body began to recover quickly, and a large amount of energy surged in the Annihilation Saint Body.

Originally, the ten-thousand-year elixir was used to condense the holy body, but now it is only used to restore the holy body. It is really overkill, and it is a waste of money.

But at this time, Lei Dao would not feel sorry for the Wannian elixir.

Moreover, even if the ten-thousand-year elixir is only used to restore the holy body, it can be called a "sacred object". In the blink of an eye, Lei Dao's annihilated holy body has recovered to seven or eighty-eight, and it seems that only one-tenth of it has been lost Or two out of ten.

Seeing this scene, Fuhai Shengzun roared again and again.

At this time, even the Lord Taihao and the Bearded Lord opened their eyes again. They did not fully recover the Eucharist, but they recovered at least 70% to 80%. It is no problem to continue to blew part of it.

They have not forgotten that the Holy Lord Fuhai is the biggest threat, and only by completely solving the Holy Lord Fuhai can they recover with peace of mind.

Seeing the three of them alive and well, Fuhai Shengzun finally felt the threat, it was the threat of death!

"Very good, you guys were able to push me to this point. But, do you think you can kill me? How naive!"

Shengzun Fuhai suddenly became quiet, which surprised Lei Dao.


The next moment, Lei Dao saw one of the sacred bodies of Fuhai Shengzun, which was full of flames, trembling slightly. The Eucharist seems to bring together all the power of the Eucharist in a special way.

It even gave Lei Dao a serious sense of threat.

"Holy law, doomsday purgatory!"

The Holy Body of Fuhai Shengzun was shaking violently, as if it would collapse anytime and anywhere. But at the same time, an unimaginable terrifying force erupted from the holy body of the Holy Lord Fuhai.

This power made Lei Dao feel extremely frightened.

"No, this is the holy law. Saint Lei, use all your strength and never retreat! Venerable Taihao, do it, and blow yourself up at all costs, otherwise, we will die!"

Seeing some kind of mysterious method displayed by Fuhai Shengzun, the three of them felt terrified in their hearts. Everyone knows that it must be some kind of terrifying method, even killing with one blow!

With the shout of the bearded saint, Lei Dao's heart was also extremely urgent, as if there were infinite dangers emanating from the floating sea saint.

Danger, mortal danger!

"Holy law?"

Lei Dao has never heard of what is the holy law, but this is not the time to ask the bearded saint. Obviously, this holy law is extremely terrifying, and it can even reverse the outcome in one fell swoop.

At this time, Lei Dao also has extraordinary courage.

He knew that this was a moment of life and death, and he no longer took any chances. Under such circumstances, he would definitely not be able to trap Holy Lord Fuhai.

Therefore, Lei Dao took out ten Wannian elixir again.

These ten thousand-year elixir were brought out by Lei Dao from the Holy Land of the Giant Willow, and they were always carried with him just in case. But now, Lei Dao didn't have to worry too much, and directly swallowed ten thousand-year-old elixir.

Then, Lei Dao directly divided three quarters of the Holy Body!

A full three-quarters of the holy body was completely abandoned by Lei Dao, and then the remaining quarter of the holy body retreated crazily.


The "Holy Law" displayed by Fuhai Shengzun punched out, as if the void was trembling, and the entire Cangming Pagoda was shaking, as if it was going to smash the Cangming Pagoda to pieces.

It shows how terrible this holy law is.

And Lei Dao annihilated three-quarters of the holy body, and even exploded with a bang, together with the holy body of Tai Hao and the bearded saint, the strength was incredible.

The shock wave of the terrifying explosion saw all three of them flying, and they spread in all directions in a mighty way.

The two holy bodies of Fuhai Shengzun were both in the center of the explosion, so they could only endure the explosion forcefully.

Lei Dao, Taihao Shengzun, and the bearded saint have all suffered heavy injuries at this moment. At this time, they are completely powerless to fight anymore, even if they frantically swallowed the ten thousand year elixir.

It hurt too much.

Even if it is to recover, it will take time, and now, what they lack most is time.


With the explosion of the Lei Dao Annihilation Holy Body, even the Holy Lord Fuhai, who cast the holy law, couldn't help but let out a scream. His two holy bodies are very strong, but under the desperate self-destruction of the three, especially Lei Dao's annihilation holy body, they can't resist the terrifying shock wave at all.

Exercising the holy law again would require a huge amount of wear and tear. Therefore, the first holy body was reduced to ashes and completely wiped out almost instantly.

However, as long as the saint still has the holy body, he will not fall.

Holy Venerable Fuhai still has a second holy body, but the second holy body is also riddled with holes, nine tenths of it were lost in the terrifying explosion.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Lei Dao's power of divine sense swept away.

Eucharist, and Eucharist.

It's just that there is only one body, and the remaining part of the holy body is only equivalent to one-tenth of a holy body, and it can even be regarded as having lost its fighting power.

The majestic Holy Lord Fuhai, who had double the sacred body, was reduced to such a miserable situation.


Fuhai Shengzun couldn't believe his eyes. He was so majestic at the second level of the Eucharist that he was forced to such a degree by the three first-level saints of the Eucharist, so embarrassing.

Unlike Lei Dao and others, he has so many ten thousand year elixir that it is impossible to recover.


Raidou opened his eyes.

Although he has only recovered 30% to 40%, it is enough to deal with the current Fuhai Shengzun.

"Lei sends the Holy One on the road!"

Lei Dao turned into a huge palm and slapped Fuhai Shengzun hard.


The holy body of the Holy Lord Fuhai was reduced to ashes in an instant.

The majestic holy body is double, and the saint of Fuhai has fallen!

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