Longevity Species

Chapter 427 You are too weak! (third change)

In the void, there are a total of eight thousand-foot-high figures standing in the void like demon gods, exuding a terrifying aura.

Eucharist, all are Eucharist, and it is also the Eucharist of the second-strengthened Eucharist Double Saint!

Lei Dao is now familiar with the Blue Ice Holy Body and the second strengthened Annihilation Holy Body.

At the Eucharist stage, every time it advances, it will be strengthened, and every time it is strengthened, the Eucharist will be greatly improved. And at this moment, this is the case with the Eucharist of Annihilation.

The Annihilation Eucharist is the ultimate Eucharist. Even Lei Dao doesn't know how strong the Annihilation Eucharist is at this moment. However, at this moment, the aura emanating from the Annihilation Eucharist and the Blue Ice Eucharist, especially the aura that comes with the Eucharist, is like a domain.

The constant collisions with each other actually formed a spectacle in the void, as if the void was distorted.

The six second-strengthened holy bodies of the three great saints collided with Lei Dao's two holy bodies, but they couldn't completely suppress Lei Dao's two holy bodies.

For a while, the three great saints became more cautious.

But as for fear?

That's not the case, they have three saints with the second level of the Holy Body, so why would they be afraid?


The next moment, the six saints made a move.

The six sacred bodies blocked all of Lei Dao's escape routes from each other, as if forming a circle, they stepped forward suddenly, squeezing the void instantly, and the terrifying power acted on Lei Dao's body.

Lei Dao's blue ice holy body immediately felt the terrifying pressure.


Lei Dao snorted coldly, and his Annihilation Saint Body did not show any weakness, and stepped forward directly.


As if the void was vibrating, the six holy bodies immediately felt a mighty momentum, sweeping towards them.

Lei Dao actually used an annihilated holy body to compete with six second-strengthened holy bodies.


Lei Dao even took the initiative to make a move. His Annihilation Eucharist punched out, and the entire Eucharist slammed straight into one of them. Moreover, the Blue Ice Holy Body followed closely behind.

This is to grab a sacred body, attack frantically, and even... blast and kill!

Lei Dao knew very well that it was better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure his ten fingers. Rather than contending with six second-strengthened holy bodies, it was better to obliterate one holy body first and frighten these saints.

When the time comes, let's see if these three great saints are really determined to work hard?


Lei Dao's "Booming Sky Style" is actually a method of warfare. In the Tao body stage before, it was very powerful and very suitable for Lei Dao. However, when Lei Dao condensed the holy body, the bombing style has no advantage.

Even Lei Dao felt that he could not exert the full power of the holy body.

Eucharist, with great potential.

Especially the more powerful the holy body, the greater the potential. Moreover, the difficulty of controlling it is also very high. It is difficult, too difficult to completely control the power of the Eucharist.

Even Lei Dao himself knew that the attacks he could really unleash at this moment, the ones with the Annihilation Eucharist were generally very good, not even half of them.

This involves the mastery of the Eucharist.

The degree of control is closely related to the tactics.

In the past, when Lei Dao was in the Dao body stage, the Bangtian style could exert most of the power of the Dao body, and had a high degree of control.

But now?

The Booming Sky style has no advantage, and even half of the control is enough.

The reason why Lei Dao was able to run wild before was because his ultimate holy body foundation was too high and too strong, so he could run wild, almost invincible at the first level of the holy body.

Of course, that's also because the other saints of the first level of the Eucharist don't seem to have a high degree of control over their power.


Finally, Lei Dao's punch in the sky-blasting style slammed on one of the sacred bodies covered in flames. Lei Dao also considered the reason for attacking this holy body.

His blue ice holy body, which belongs to the holy body of the cold attribute, can just restrain some holy bodies of the flame attribute, and it can get twice the result with half the effort when it is wiped out.

Therefore, with a punch, Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint directly slammed hard.


cracked, the flaming holy body actually left directly.

What's more, the blue ice holy body came forward again, the pure ice attribute just restrained the flame attribute holy body, and immediately, this flame attribute holy body was injured more and more.

Nearly one-fifth of the holy body was obliterated in an instant.

One fifth!

It's almost a hit.

Come two more times, wouldn't this Holy Eucharist be completely obliterated?

"Ah...how is it possible?"

One of the saints roared angrily.

One move, obliterating one-fifth of the holy body, what is this?

This is vulnerable!

His majestic Holy Body double saint actually collided with Lei Dao who had just advanced, but ended up vulnerable?


At the same time, the attacks of the other five holy bodies also fell on Lei Dao. It is impossible for the other holy bodies to be indifferent, after all, they have an advantage in numbers. And they will use their quantitative advantage to the extreme.

Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body was shocked, and a large amount of Annihilation Power collided with other Saints crazily. The collision between the Saints was actually not much fancy.

Eucharist is mutual annihilation!

If you can unleash a powerful attack, you can wipe out more.

Lei Dao passively withstood the attacks of the five holy bodies, so of course he was at the bottom. However, the ultimate holy body was too strong, and Lei Dao felt that these five holy bodies were a little weak?

Lei Dao is compared with Fuhai Shengzun's final blow of "Holy Law", the attack of these five holy bodies is a bit weak, and the attack of a single holy body may not be able to wipe out Lei Dao's power. Annihilation of the Eucharist.


Lei Dao Annihilation Eucharist erupted loudly, followed by a sweep, knocking back the five Eucharist.

In the previous round of attack, the two sides almost used their own methods to give full play to their advantages.

Lei Dao glanced at his Annihilation Eucharist, he was injured, he was indeed injured, after all, he forcibly withstood the blow of the five Eucharist, but, this level of injury, one percent?

It's really too weak.

In other words, Lei Dao's Annihilation Eucharist is too strong, even if it is not a defensive Eucharist, it is very powerful.

After all, the ultimate holy body strengthened twice is far beyond what ordinary saints can imagine.

"You guys are so weak, you can't even compare to Fuhai Shengzun!"

Lei Dao glanced away, but his domineering air was revealed.

Too weak, these three great saints are too weak.

Thanks to Leidao, he looked like he was facing an enemy before, he underestimated his Annihilation Eucharist too much.

If he can fully exert the power of annihilating the holy body, and the control rate reaches 100%, no, even if it is only 80% or 90% in one blow, he even has the confidence to blow up a holy body with one punch!

Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

"Holy law, I need holy law! Only holy law can fully exert the power of the holy body and improve the control over the power of the holy body."

Lei Dao already understood in his heart that whether he has mastered the holy law or not is simply two kinds. In other words, the Holy Law is as rare as the Holy Treasure.

It is already very good that Fuhai Shengzun can grasp the holy law.

It's just that there seems to be some flaws in the Holy Law of Fuhai Shengzun, or in other words, he has not fully grasped it and cannot easily display it.

Otherwise, when Lei Dao and the other three besieged Fuhai Shengzun, it would be hard to say whether they could kill Fuhai Shengzun.

"Hahaha, come on, come on, even if Lei stands still, what can you do?"

Lei Dao looked up to the sky and laughed.

After a trial, he really swelled up.

Weak, simply too weak.

The so-called three holy bodies and two-level saints did not expect to be so weak. Obviously, the three saints with the second level of the holy body did not master the holy law, otherwise, they would have used it long ago.

How could Lei Dao be so arrogant?

Now Lei Dao is arrogant, because he has the confidence to be arrogant!


It was another bombardment, Lei Dao didn't care about it, just caught the flaming holy body to attack, the flaming holy body had completely wiped out one-fifth of the holy body before, and now it was ignored by Lei Dao, crazy Four-fifths of the attack had been wiped out in the blink of an eye, and it was already in jeopardy.

"No, no, stop, we stop, all stop!"

The saint of the flame yelled.

He wants to stop.

It's a pity that Lei Dao has no intention of stopping. Despite the attacks of the other five holy bodies, he remained motionless, and the annihilated holy body finally hit the flaming holy body.


Collapse, completely collapse.

A second-strengthened holy body was smashed to pieces in an instant and turned into dust. It also has the power of annihilation, annihilating all the flame saints.

In a moment, the six holy bodies became five holy bodies.

It's just that a holy body has been killed, so it won't fall naturally, but the loss is heavy. It may take a long time to recover, which is equivalent to being severely injured.

"Damn it, how could it be so strong? The opportunity of the Cangming Pagoda is beyond dispute!"

Suddenly, a holy body retreated sharply, almost without any hesitation, and went directly through the air.


A dignified saint with a double eucharist actually escaped!

Apparently, it was the saint who had his holy body blown up. He was actually quite dangerous after his holy body was blown up. If he continued to stay here, if Lei Dao caught him and smashed him hard, his last holy body would also be wiped out.

Well, he will die!

Since he didn't want to die, he didn't want to fall, so he could only run away.


Maybe the holy ones usually value face very much, after all, they are high-ranking holy ones.

But at this moment of life and death, who cares about face? Even if it is the holy one, saving his life is the most important thing!

At this time, both sides stopped.

There are only two saints left. Although it seems that they still have the advantage in numbers, they have already understood very well in the battle just now, and there is nothing they can do to Lei Dao.

If there is a real battle to the death, I'm afraid they will all be wiped out by Lei Dao.

As for Lei Dao, his purpose of coming to Cangming Pagoda has been achieved, that is to obtain the 20,000-year-old elixir, and then advance to the second level of the Holy Body. Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to add extra details.

"This sage is good at it, I admire it. We won't fight for this Cangming Pagoda, let's go!"

After all, the two saints of the second level of the Eucharist came aggressively and confidently before. Now he can only walk away in despair. After all, what he is facing is Lei Dao, a powerful saint who can obliterate the second-level strengthened holy body and kill the second-level holy body of the holy body.

If they don't leave, I'm afraid they will follow in the footsteps of Fuhai Shengzun.

In the void, the four holy bodies disappeared in an instant, only Lei Dao's annihilated holy body and the blue ice holy body stood quietly in the void, overlooking the Cangming Pagoda.

Lei Dao used one against three, beheading a second-strengthened holy body, and frightened the three second-level saints of the holy body.

This scene made all the saints who witnessed this battle feel extremely amazed, and even found it incredible.

Why did Lei Shengzun reverse the situation and suppress Cangming Mountain in the blink of an eye?

"It's a pity that the Cangming Pagoda has been broken, but I wonder if it can be taken away?"

Lei Dao's heart moved.

In the battle of the Cangming Pagoda, the second level of the Holy Body almost never came. After all, the reputation of the Cangming Tower had not been spread at that time.

As for now, the Cangming Pagoda has been shattered under the blow of the three saints and the second-level saint.

But the entire Cangming Pagoda is actually a treasure.

Lei Dao also wanted to try to collect such a treasure.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao didn't hesitate any more, stretched out his two arms, grasping the Cangming Pagoda with a thousand feet of Annihilation Eucharist, and pulled it hard.

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