Longevity Species

Chapter 438 I don't know if Lei can be worthy of the name of a first-class guest official? (thi

"Three holy bodies!"

Seeing this scene, no matter whether it was the bearded saint, the ninth son, Shang Yang Shanhai, or the gray-robed old man who was confronting Lei Dao, they were all shocked.

How can it be?

Lei Dao's aura seems to be only two layers of holy bodies, how could there be three holy bodies?

"No, no, not three holy bodies. There are only two holy bodies, and one should be a clone, a clone refined by secret techniques."

The old man in gray robe said in a deep voice.

"Avatar? That kind of secret art that is the first level of the Eucharist, and it is a secret technique that is painstakingly researched by the saint of the hopeless second level of the Holy Body to increase the combat power? Hehe, it is just a secret technique of distinguishing the body, only those first-level saints of the hopeless higher state It’s only because of the sacredness that it’s considered a precious secret technique. What’s the point to the triple holy body? No matter how strong the avatar is, can it be compared to the three-strengthened high-level holy body?”

Shang Yang Shanhai shook his head and heaved a sigh of relief.

He was really shocked just now, even a little surprised. If Lei Dao is really the Holy Body Triple Saint, it is definitely not good news for him.

The triple level of the holy body is very important, because it means that Shangyang Yunchuan will have a first-class guest official. And this first-class guest minister will hinder his plan.

Shangyang Shanhai is slightly stronger than Shangyang Yunchuan, but it is only at the second level of the Eucharist. He is also relying on the gray-robed old man under his command, that is, the Holy Body Triple Saint.

If Lei Dao is the third level of the holy body, or a first-class guest minister under Shang Yang Yunchuan's command, then at least as it is now, Shang Yang Shanhai can't easily handle Shang Yang Yunchuan at all.

Fortunately, Lei Dao is only the second layer of the holy body, and one of the three thousand-foot-high demon bodies is just a clone.

How strong can the clone secret technique be?

After all, refining the avatar requires precious materials.

Are there any precious materials that can block the bombardment of the Holy Body strengthened three times by the master?

Even if there is, that kind of material is very rare and rare. Even the holy treasure with more powerful refining power has been produced long ago. How can it be used to refine the clone?

However, this is just Shang Yang Shanhai's guess.

In fact, even though he knew that one of Lei Dao's bodies was just a clone, the grey-robed old man's expression was still serious, staring at Lei Dao firmly.

For some reason, he felt a faint sense of danger on Lei Dao's body.

Yes, danger!

The gray-robed old man is the third-level saint of the sacrament, and he actually felt a dangerous aura from Lei Dao. Even the gray-robed old man must be treated with caution.

No one can underestimate any saint.

Even though the gray-robed old man was full of confidence, his sacred body just now couldn't help but prove it.


The next moment, the old man in gray robe let out a low shout, and all three holy bodies moved immediately. Like a thunderbolt, he rushed directly to Lei Dao.

The three holy bodies, the bodies of hundreds of feet, the soft roar is deafening, and the terrifying momentum is overwhelming.

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

Holy Eucharist, he hasn't really fought yet.

Today, Lei Dao is not what it used to be.

Although it is still the second stage of the Eucharist, it is also very different. When he was in Cangming Pagoda, Lei Dao had just broken through. And at that time, Lei Dao's second holy body, the blue ice holy body, had not yet been promoted to the ultimate holy body, but only a high-level holy body.

This gap is huge!

The gap between the high-level holy body and the ultimate holy body is really too big. Lei Dao had just broken through in Cangming Pagoda. He only had one ultimate holy body, but he was still able to sweep away the three holy bodies and the second-level holy body. Respect, and it is easy and freehand.

And now, Lei Dao's blue ice holy body has also been promoted to the ultimate holy body.

Lei Dao had just tried the second-strengthened ultimate holy body, and even the three-time strengthened holy body of the gray-robed old man couldn't help Lei Dao's ultimate holy body.

Moreover, Lei Dao was only passively defending before, and hadn't really taken the initiative.

Lei Dao had confidence in his heart.

What about the Eucharistic Triple?

Definitely not his ultimate Eucharist opponent!

However, there is still a hidden danger now, that is the divine blood avatar.

The divine blood avatar is not weaker than the ultimate holy body in terms of aura, and it has also reached the second stage of divine blood. But how strong can it be without using the field of divine eyes?


The next moment, Lei Dao did not hesitate, and the three bodies with hundreds of feet also rushed towards the three holy bodies of the gray-robed old man, which was a full-on collision.

He wanted to crush the gray-robed old man upright from the front.


The Eucharist was roaring frantically, Lei Dao's Annihilation Eucharist and the Blue Ice Eucharist were both the ultimate Eucharist. Now it is actively erupting with terrifying power. The power of annihilation and the power of ice are the ultimate destructive power.

The collision between the holy bodies is crazily consuming each other's holy bodies.

Obviously, Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body and Blue Ice Saint Body still have the upper hand, and they seem to be faintly suppressing the gray-robed old man's Saint Body, which is simply inconceivable.

Even Shang Yang Shanhai, who was well-informed, couldn't believe his eyes.

"Could it be... Could it be the ultimate Eucharist?"

After all, Shangyang Shanhai is one of the nine princes of the Shangyanghou Mansion. Well-informed, I saw that Lei Dao used the Holy Body twice, and the second-strengthened Holy Body suppressed the third-strengthened Holy Body of the gray-robed old man.

Immediately thought of the ultimate Eucharist!

In ancient Shenzhou, each of the emperor's sons of the nine emperor sects condensed the ultimate holy body!

Even, apart from the sons of the Nine Great Emperor Sects, there are some top geniuses from the Marquis and Principalities, and even the Thirty-Six Holy Lands will occasionally go all out to cultivate the Holy One who condenses the ultimate holy body.

Although the price is very high, it is not nothing.

Therefore, at this time, Shangyang Shanhai also thought of the ultimate holy body. Only the ultimate holy body can use the power of the second strengthening to compete with the third strengthening holy body, and even suppress it to gain the upper hand.

The more ultimate holy bodies, the more obvious the advantage.

Two ultimate sacred bodies can slowly show the divine power. If there are three, four, or five or more, it will be even more terrifying, and it is not even a big deal if it goes beyond two or three levels.

Otherwise, the Ultimate Eucharist would not be favored by so many forces, and they all want to go all out to cultivate a Saint who can condense the Ultimate Eucharist.

Relatively speaking, it is not that difficult to condense an ultimate holy body.

Some people are lucky, they have not advanced in the Eucharist, and they are constantly merging the Eucharist, and it is possible to condense the ultimate Eucharist. But it is very difficult to condense two ultimate holy bodies.

It is definitely not a fluke to condense two or three holy bodies. It is really talented, condensing the ultimate holy body. Not to mention standing shoulder to shoulder with the emperor's son, but he is definitely an outstanding existence in the Principality.

"The Ultimate Eucharist, how can Shangyang Yunchuan recruit the Holy One of the Ultimate Eucharist?"

Shangyang Shanhai murmured in a low voice, almost in disbelief.

"The ultimate holy body... and there are still two!"

Shangyang Yunchuan was also shocked.

Although he had heard that the bearded saint strongly recommended Lei Shengzun, his understanding of Lei Dao was limited to the strength Lei Dao showed in the Cangming Tower battle.

At that time, Lei Dao condensed an Annihilation Eucharist, although it was the ultimate Eucharist, but there was only one after all. It is still the second level of the Eucharist, which actually does not help Shangyang Yunchuan to compete for the Marquis position.

Therefore, Shangyang Yunchuan was disheartened at the time and didn't pay much attention to Lei Dao.

But now?

Two ultimate holy bodies, that's completely different.

In fact, the bearded saint was the most shocking.

At the beginning, he saw Lei Dao condensed a second high-level holy body, but it was only a high-level holy body. Then Lei Dao defeated the three saints with one against three.

And now, how long has it been?

Just over a year.

What can you do in just one year?

Perhaps, it is possible to fuse a holy body, and it is the kind that has already reached the critical point, such as the bearded saint, who can fuse with the holy body and advance to the second level of the holy body.

But if you want to continue to integrate, it is impossible to only take one year.

But Lei Dao took a year. No, if you count the time Lei Dao traveled from Yuanzhou to Ancient Shenzhou, then Lei Dao promoted the second ultimate holy body, and it definitely did not exceed a year.

At best, it only took a few months for Lei Dao to promote the second ultimate holy body.

This efficiency, this speed, is simply astounding!

Even the bearded saint was extremely shocked. He thought he already knew Lei Dao very well. But now it seems that what he knows about Lei Dao is only superficial.

"What about the two ultimate holy bodies? Your third body is just a clone. After defeating your clone, combine the power of the three holy bodies to surround and kill your two ultimate holy bodies!"

The gray-robed old man also became ruthless, and focused his gaze on Lei Dao's third body, which was the divine blood avatar.

He can't do anything about Lei Dao's two ultimate holy bodies now, and can only use the divine blood avatar as a breakthrough, hoping to defeat Lei Dao's divine blood avatar.

However, how could Lei Dao's divine blood clone be defeated so easily?


Finally, Lei Dao's divine blood clone collided with the three-time strengthened holy body of the gray-robed old man.

This is the first time that Lei Dao has used the divine blood avatar to fight other saints.

In fact, Lei Dao is also testing the limits of the divine-blood avatar.

The two bodies with hundreds of feet collided suddenly, and the terrifying aftermath spread in all directions. The holy body of the old man in gray robe was shocked, and he looked at Lei Dao's divine blood avatar in disbelief.

He couldn't even shake Lei Dao's divine blood avatar.

And Lei Dao also looked at the divine-blood avatar in great surprise, as if... It seemed that he had somewhat underestimated the divine-blood avatar.

Even if he does not use the Divine Eye domain, Lei Dao's divine blood avatar has reached the second stage of the divine blood, which is comparable to the second-strengthened ultimate holy body, and even more tyrannical in terms of pure power!

After a collision, Lei Dao's divine blood clone clearly gained the upper hand.

Suppression, this is completely positive suppression.

Even if the gray-robed old man is the saint of the third level of the holy body, he is at a disadvantage under the frontal suppression of Lei Dao at this moment, and there is nothing he can do.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

"Ninth Young Master, I don't know if Lei can be called a first-class guest official?"

Lei Dao's voice was calm and echoed in everyone's ears.

PS: The third update is around 6 pm

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