Longevity Species

Chapter 471 It's really here, Jiugong Hou Guoyou is saved (second update)

"Emperor Xianling, are you really going to die?"

Emperor Jinbo let out a roar, he was very aggrieved, the dignified emperor was originally high-spirited, and planned to do something big after "entering the WTO". The results of it?

Unfavorable start of the teacher, just arrived in this small Jiugonghou country, he was crushed and beaten, almost pressed to the ground and "rubbed".

This is simply unbearable!


However, the answer of Emperor Jinbo was the violent attack of the five holy bodies of Emperor Jinbo. In an instant, the five holy bodies of Emperor Jinbo were all wiped out to varying degrees.

The fairy emperor was too lazy to talk to him.

If you don't leave, then continue to obliterate!

If you don't leave, then continue to fight until you defeat Emperor Jinbo.

Emperor Jinbo was really aggrieved to the extreme.

He never thought that he would be so aggrieved, even so aggrieved that he was "rubbed" by a woman on the ground, but there was nothing he could do.

He could even see a trace of "disdain" in Jiugonghou's eyes below.

Yes, that is "contempt".

A mere three-level Saint of the Holy Body, in front of him, exists like an ant, how dare he despise his dignified emperor? This made Emperor Jinbo almost go crazy.

However, he remained rational after all.

There is a reason for Jiugonghou to "scorn" him. Who made the former emperor Jinbo come aggressively and boasted that as long as he is there, the Nine Palaces will be safe.

But now?

The Marquis of Jiugong Kingdom is almost occupied by Emperor Xianling, but Emperor Jinbo is helpless. It is no wonder that Marquis Jiugong "despices" Emperor Jinbo.

In fact, Emperor Jinbo read it right, Jiugonghou was indeed "scorning" Jinbodizi, even Jiugonghou had already sent a distress signal to his previous "enemy" Lei Dao.

It's just that he doesn't know whether Lei Dao will come or not.

Even if Lei Dao came, so what?

Lei Dao is only at the third level of the Holy Body, even if he can leapfrog to fight, but the two saints in front of him are both at the fifth level of the Holy Body, and they are also dignified sons of emperors.

What's the use of Lei Dao coming?

But for some reason, at this time, Jiugonghou, the only one he trusts in, or the only one who has hope, is Lei Dao. He is inexplicably full of confidence in Lei Dao!



In the secret room of Shangyang City.

The fourth holy body finally completed its transformation. With Lei Dao merging with the twenty-fifth ordinary holy body, the fourth holy body finally transformed into the ultimate holy body.

"Exploding Holy Body!"

Lei Dao looked at the fourth ultimate holy body in front of him, with a smile on his face.

This is the fourth holy body, which is a fire-attribute holy body, and has very distinctive characteristics. The flame penetration is not strong, but the degree of bursting is terrifying. Once it bursts, the fighting power of this holy body is quite powerful.

However, the price Lei Dao paid this time was not small.

Fifteen ten thousand year elixir had been consumed before, and now the ultimate holy body was condensed, and another twenty five ten thousand year elixir were consumed, for a total of forty ten thousand year elixir.

Moreover, fusing forty ordinary holy bodies would consume four hundred years of lifespan!

This is a scary number.

Fortunately, after advancing, Lei Dao also lived a thousand years longer.

"The sacred method of the fire-attributed holy body is very common. Since there is enough time and life span, then you should also practice the holy method. Well, this sacred method of burning fire is not bad."

Lei Dao doesn't master many holy methods, but fire attribute holy methods are more common, and Lei Dao has mastered a few. Now recalling one of the fire-burning sacred methods, the power is not bad. It simply consumed 80 years of life and directly practiced to the perfect state.

"There is also the divine blood avatar, which should also be upgraded to the fourth rank of divine blood."

It would take four hundred years of lifespan for the divine blood avatar to upgrade to the fourth stage of divine blood, and the lifespan consumed is increasing. Lei Dao has just increased his lifespan by a thousand years, and now there is not much left.

However, the changes have been particularly dramatic.

At the fourth stage of the divine blood, the strength of the divine blood avatar is even stronger than the ultimate holy body.

After doing all this, Lei Dao began to mobilize his abilities to check his body data.

Name: Lei Dao (25 years old)

Lifespan: 1017 years and ten months

Fourfold Eucharist: consumes a total of 3,900 and one month of lifespan

Eucharist of Annihilation: Ultimate Eucharist (non-upgradeable)

Blue Ice Holy Body: Ultimate Holy Body (cannot be upgraded)

Eucharist of the Storm: Ultimate Eucharist (non-upgradeable)

Exploding Eucharist: Ultimate Eucharist (cannot be upgraded)

Divine Blood Clone: ​​Divine Blood Stage 4 (upgradeable)

Absolute Cold: Consummation

The holy law of destroying Yuan: Consummation

Wind Scroll Sacred Method: Consummation

Burning Sacred Dharma: Consummation

Lei Dao looked at the various body data. There are four ultimate holy bodies, four perfect holy methods, and even the life span has broken through to more than a thousand years.

A surge of pride suddenly rose in Lei Dao's heart!

He is really proud of it!

Who can change from an ordinary mortal warrior to a saint with the fourth layer of the Eucharist in just six years?

No one else has achieved such an achievement.

Only Lei Dao!

Only Lei Shengzun can achieve such an achievement!

This is not a miracle, this is simply a miracle!

If Lei Dao has enough elixir, such as ten or eight 60,700-80,000-year elixir, or even ten-year elixir, Lei Dao can be confident that he will immediately achieve the ninth level of the holy body!

Become a well-deserved giant in Xihe's court!

This is Lei Dao's self-confidence.

Being able to get to where he is today with hard work, Lei Dao is naturally full of confidence.

"It's almost there, I have to rest for a while. I only have one 50,000-year-old elixir. The Jiugong Hou country has no 50,000-year-old elixir, and the Shangyang Hou country has no more. Do you want to consider going to the surrounding Hou countries to get it?" Want something?"

Lei Dao even had the urge to "beg" for the 50,000-year panacea.

Of course, Lei Dao resisted this impulse.

Actually he knows it well.

Jiugong Hou Guo was actually very lucky to have such a 50,000-year-old panacea. After all, that was the opportunity of the ancestor of Jiugong. As for other princes, under normal circumstances, there is no 50,000-year elixir.

Moreover, the situation is very complicated now.

If Lei Dao goes to the door to "ask for it", even if Lei Dao is extremely powerful now, he can suppress the surrounding Hou Guo.

But behind those princes, there may be other forces.

It is not Lei Dao's character to actively provoke right and wrong.

"Forget it, wait for the opportunity slowly, I still have a long time, and there will be opportunities in the future."

Lei Dao shook his head and gave up the crazy idea in his heart.


At this moment, a piece of communication jade in Lei Dao's arms suddenly vibrated.

Lei Dao was a little surprised. He gave too few message jade stones, and this jade stone is a jade stone for calling for help, which will only be activated when calling for help.

So, is the jade owner in danger?

"Let me think about it. This piece of jade seems to have been given to Marquis Jiugong. Could it be that Marquis Jiugong is in danger?"

Lei Dao really thought about it carefully, this piece of jade was indeed given to Marquis Jiugong, after all last time, Marquis Jiugong took Lei Dao to the treasure house of Jiugong City and picked treasures at will.

Originally, Lei Dao was a "courteous way", but he did not expect that Jiu Gonghou actually asked him for help. You know, they were enemies before.

Even the Patriarch of Jiugong was beheaded by Lei Dao, so how could the Marquis of Jiugong ask Lei Dao for help?

"Could it be a conspiracy? Just lead me to Jiugong City, and then attack me?"

The more Lei Dao thought about it, the more likely it was.

If it's a conspiracy, then everything makes sense.

It is not impossible to wait for work in Jiugong City and make sufficient preparations. Once Lei Dao appears, he will attack Lei Dao, saving time and effort.

After all, behind the Nine Palaces is the East Extreme King!

However, Lei Dao thought about it again, if the Dongji King really sent a powerful sage to come, why would there be any need for these conspiracies? Directly and strongly crushed, and came to Shangyanghou Kingdom, no one could do anything about it.

No matter how strong Shang Yanghou was, there was only one patriarch of the Holy Physique Fourth Layer.

"Forget it, whether it's a conspiracy or not, the Marquis of Jiugong has already sent me a distress signal. As a majestic lord, Lei can't just keep his word. Let's go to Jiugong City to have a look."

Lei Dao considered for a long time, and finally decided to go to Jiugong City.

Lei Dao is not afraid no matter whether Jiugonghou has a conspiracy or not, he is very confident in his own strength now. Moreover, he has just advanced to the fourth level of the Eucharist, and his strength has increased several times or even more than ten times.

He is not afraid of any conspiracy at all, even if he loses, it is not a problem for him to leave.

Therefore, Lei Dao didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately left the secret room, and flew directly towards Jiugong City without even informing Shangyang Patriarch.



In Jiugong City, smoke and dust filled the air, and a loud noise echoed in the void.

"Emperor Immortal!!!"

A hysterical roar came from the Jiugong City below.

Emperor Jinbo was so angry that he couldn't be more angry. The dignified emperor now has no "grace" at all. Time and time again, the holy body is photographed on the ground and "rubbed" on the ground. That kind of feeling is really enough up.

But Emperor Jinbo also had to admit that Emperor Xianling was indeed very strong, even though he was also at the fifth level of the Holy Body, and also an emperor, he was stronger than him.

After fighting for such a long time, he didn't take advantage of it.

"Emperor Xianling, you and I each take a step back. How about a truce? Otherwise, continue to fight. Even if you can gain the upper hand, you will not be able to kill this emperor even for three days and three nights."

At this time, Emperor Jinbo finally calmed down. He can no longer be overwhelmed by anger, if he continues to fight, it will not do him any good.

Therefore, Emperor Jinbo wanted a truce.

"A truce? Alright, you leave the Nine Palaces and return to the Dongji Kingdom, and let this matter go."

"Emperor Immortal, don't deceive others too much."

"Oh? Then you just want to fight again. It's okay, three days and three nights can't kill you, but you can still wipe out your holy body. You Hongchen Emperor Sect pays attention to entering the world, I'm afraid you are the first Entering the WTO for the first time? If you are seriously injured, even if you return to the Hongchen Emperor's Sect, you will lose everyone, and even the identity of the emperor will be deprived."

The fairy emperor's eyes were cold, and his tone was extremely cold.

Obviously, as the emperor's son of the Feixian Emperor's Sect, she also has a certain understanding of the Hongchen Emperor's Sect.

"Forget it, the Nine Palaces have been surrendered to you."

Emperor Jinbo let out a long sigh and finally made a decision.

It's a terrible feeling to join the WTO for the first time and return home without feathers.

"Ah... Emperor Jinbo, you are really unreliable!"

Jiugonghou was very angry.

The stance of Emperor Jinbo's son undoubtedly pushed Jiugong Hou into the abyss.

Who knows if Emperor Xianling will behead Jiu Gonghou?

Jiugonghou really wants to cry but has no tears.

The son of Jinbo was bragging just now, as if he was invincible.

But now?

Being pressed and rubbed on the ground by a woman is really... embarrassing!

"Hmph, this emperor is no match for the fairy emperor, who else can stop the fairy emperor? Marquis Jiugong, I have tried my best."

Emperor Jinbo snorted coldly.

But he did feel sorry for Marquis Jiugong, and even King Dongji.

In such a short period of time, the forces that took the initiative to seek refuge with the Eastern Extreme King were snatched away by Emperor Jin Bo.

It is indeed very embarrassing.


Suddenly, a piece of jade in Jiugonghou's arms vibrated slightly.

Jiugonghou grabbed the jade and found that the vibrations of the jade became more and more clustered, and even a faint light radiated from the jade.

There was a vaguely familiar aura emanating from the jade.

Jiugonghou's heart moved, and then a trace of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"It's here, it's really here, hahaha, Jiugong Hou Guoyou is saved..."

Jiugonghou was ecstatic, couldn't help laughing out loud, and stared expectantly at the void in the distance.

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