Longevity Species

Chapter 473: Battle Emperor's Son! (first update)


At this moment, Lei Dao only had a boiling fighting spirit in his heart.

Even Lei Dao took the lead.

"Sacred Law of Destruction!"

Lei Dao's annihilating holy body took the lead, and stepped forward with one step. The mighty annihilation power seemed to have turned into a giant palm, supported by the thousands of feet of the holy body, towards the fairy emperor's body. A Eucharist blasted away.

The fairy emperor's expression was extremely solemn, and he didn't dare to underestimate him at all. Even if Lei Dao is only the saint of the fourth level of the holy body, this is a counterattack of the fifth level of the saint with the fourth level!

But Emperor Xianling raised Lei Dao to the same height as her, and treated him with caution.


One of the holy bodies of the fairy emperor's son also came out suddenly, and the body of the thousand-foot-high holy body, as if it had turned into a vast sea of ​​sand, directly faced Lei Dao's annihilated holy body.


The two collided fiercely, without fancy, the power of the Eucharist between each other was crazily consumed and obliterated, but neither of them took a step back.

Evenly matched!

Lei Dao's Annihilation Holy Body and the Immortal Emperor's Quicksand Holy Body are evenly matched. Even the quicksand holy body of the fairy emperor's son is the ultimate holy body, and it has been strengthened five times. In theory, it is stronger than Lei Dao's annihilation holy body.

However, Lei Dao has practiced the perfect Saint Extinguishing Method, coupled with the incomparably powerful attacking power of the Annihilation Saint Physique, so, after all, it is possible to counterattack the ultimate Saint Physique that has been strengthened five times. On the surface, both sides seem to be At least evenly matched.

Maybe someone is struggling a little bit and is at a disadvantage, but this gap can also be ignored.

"Come again!"

Lei Dao's second blue ice holy body also stepped out.

As soon as the breath of the blue ice holy body erupted, the surrounding space seemed to be frozen, and an extremely cold breath permeated the void. Even the holy body of the fifth layer of the holy body, as long as it is not the ultimate holy body, it will be a kind of bewitched. Freezing feeling.

"Absolutely cold!"

Lei Dao's blue ice holy body let out a low growl, and suddenly, a light blue light, mighty and mighty, centered on the blue ice holy body, spread towards all directions.

It soon spread to one of the holy bodies of the fairy emperor's son.


Even the ultimate Holy Body strengthened five times by the Immortal Emperor Son was frozen directly, and the Holy Body was covered with a layer of ice crystals.


Suddenly, the ice crystal shattered, and a sharp blade-like breath erupted from the holy body of the Immortal Emperor.

"Knife Field!"

The Immortal Emperor's expression was dignified. Her sacred body seemed to be transformed into a thousand-meter-high magic knife, full of sharp aura, as if it could cut and destroy everything.

The invisible sword intent also seemed to form a fierce field, colliding fiercely with the absolute cold area of ​​the blue ice holy body, and the auras of the two sides collided, cut, and entangled crazily.

Even if it's just the aftermath, it can make one's heart palpitate.

The two sides have already fought four holy bodies together, each of which is impressive, and its strength is simply unimaginable. Even the emperor Jinbo next to him, the dignified emperor, was still upset before.

But now, the resentment in his heart has disappeared.

Even, there is a trace of fear deep in my heart.

He was in fear, in palpitations, in fear.

The dignified emperor, facing the battle between the two sages, was actually terrified.

Because, in the battle between Lei Dao and the fairy emperor, the strength displayed shocked even the emperor Jinbo.

With this level of strength, Emperor Jinbo is no match at all!

In the past, Emperor Jinbo had a high opinion of himself, even in the Hongchen Emperor Sect. He also wanted to join the WTO, and to enter under the command of the Eastern Extreme King, he must make a career and gain a great reputation.

But now?

Only then did Emperor Jin Bo realize that he underestimated this world, and underestimated the saints other than the Hongchen Emperor Sect.

Whether it is Lei Dao or the fairy emperor, he is no match.

If the battle continues, he may even be in danger of falling.

Emperor Jinbo recognized the "reality", so his expression became more dignified. He stared at Lei Dao, he wanted to know why Lei Dao could condense four ultimate holy bodies?

Even, Lei Dao has shown two sacred bodies and practiced the perfect holy law!

It's not the Great Accomplishment Sacred Dharma, it must be the Consummated Sacred Dharma. Emperor Jinbo still has this vision, and he will never make a mistake. If it weren't for the perfect holy law, how could Lei Dao rebel against the emperor of the fairy spirit, and even temporarily be evenly matched with the emperor of the fairy spirit, no one can do anything to anyone?

After all, even if Lei Dao is the ultimate holy body, but it has only been strengthened four times, it will not have an advantage in the battle with the fairy emperor. Only by consummating the holy law can some gaps in the realm be made up.

Lei Dao also endured it at the Holy Body University. It was the first time he met such an evenly matched opponent. The pressure was very high, but this made him even more excited.


The next moment, Lei Dao's Storm Saint Physique and Explosive Flame Saint Physique also stepped out, and the terrifying aura was like mountains and seas.

"Wind Scroll Holy Law".

"Fire Burning Sacred Law".

The two ultimate holy bodies, both practiced the perfect holy law, ruthlessly blasted towards the fairy emperor.

And Emperor Xianling's heart shuddered even more, and she felt even more pressure.

Originally thought that Lei Dao had four ultimate holy bodies, which were already very strong, and it was already very good to have two ultimate holy bodies to practice the perfect holy law.

But who would have thought, where are the two ultimate sacred bodies practiced to complete the holy law? It is clear that the four ultimate holy bodies have all practiced the perfect holy law! Among the Feixian Emperor Sect, the Immortal Emperor is already outstanding.

Not all emperors can condense the four ultimate holy bodies like the fairy emperor, and can even practice certain holy methods to the point of great success.

Moreover, the fairy emperor is still trying to promote the fifth holy body to become the ultimate holy body.

Of course, this seems to be very difficult, much more difficult than promoting the ultimate holy body before.

Moreover, it takes so much time to promote the holy body, how can there be time to practice the holy law?

Therefore, the Immortal Emperor hardly ever thinks about consummating the Holy Dharma. It would be such a waste of time. Not to mention the consummation of the Holy Dharma, even if it is the Great Accomplishment of the Holy Dharma, not every Saint Lingdizi can practice it. Dacheng holy law.

In fact, there are only three saints who have truly mastered the Dacheng Dharma.

There are also two sacred bodies, but they have only practiced the small sanctification method, and their strength will be far behind.

Therefore, as Lei Dao let the four ultimate holy bodies press up, relying on the ultimate holy body and perfect holy law, one or two of them, Lei Dao can even have the advantage.

However, this advantage is not enough to change the situation of the battle.

Whether it is Lei Dao or the fairy emperor, they are actually very clear that the only thing that can really change the possession and determine the outcome is the fifth holy body.

The fifth body that Lei Dao condenses, although not the Eucharist, is better than the Eucharist.

His divine blood avatar has reached the fourth stage of divine blood!

There is even the field of divine eyes.

Although Lei Dao never let the divine-blood avatar fight against his own holy body, he knew very well that in fact, the combat power of the divine-blood avatar should be stronger than his four holy bodies.

It's not that pure power is stronger. Although pure power is stronger, it is less defensive.

The reason why Lei Dao's divine blood avatar is stronger is because of the divine eye domain!

With the field of divine eyes, coupled with the powerful power of the divine blood avatar, the combat power of the divine blood avatar will reach a very terrifying level.


The next moment, Lei Dao's divine blood avatar stepped out.

The fairy emperor frowned slightly, she already felt that something was wrong. Because, her fifth holy body is just a higher holy body, not the ultimate holy body.

Moreover, the fifth holy body of the fairy emperor's son, the holy law is not even a small Chengdu, it is just barely enough to get started, and there is almost no way to exert the power of the holy body.

This is because the fifth holy body was only condensed ten years ago, and the fairy emperor spent all his energy and effort on pushing up the holy body.

Where else would you go to practice the Holy Law?

Therefore, the fifth holy body is the weakest holy body of the fairy emperor's son, and the weakest link of Tai.

The previous battle with Emperor Jinbo had no effect on this aspect. After all, Emperor Jinbo's three holy bodies are the ultimate holy bodies, and the other two holy bodies are only high-level holy bodies.

As for the holy law, it is similar to the fifth holy body of the fairy emperor's son.

Under such circumstances, Emperor Xianling was naturally able to suppress Emperor Jinbo, and even defeated Emperor Jinbo in the end.

But facing Lei Dao, the Immortal Emperor had a vague premonition.

She could feel that although Lei Dao's fifth body was not a sacred body, it seemed to be very strong! It gave her a strong sense of threat, and her directness was unmistakable.

However, Lei Dao's divine-blood avatar has stepped out in one step, and the fairy emperor must also fight.


The fifth holy body of the Immortal Emperor's son also rushed forward fiercely. However, Lei Dao could feel that the aura on this holy body was very weak.

In fact, it can't be considered weak, it should already be very strong, but it is weak compared to the other four ultimate holy bodies of the fairy emperor.

"Such a weak holy body, perhaps, this is a breakthrough!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, many thoughts turned in his mind, and he immediately made up his mind.

There is no need to fight consumption with the fairy emperor.

Otherwise, both sides will suffer, and Lei Dao is not sure what will happen then.

You know, there is still Jin Bo Emperor's son watching over him.

Lei Dao didn't know what the relationship between Emperor Jinbo and Emperor Xianling was like, but if he and Emperor Xianling were to lose both, Emperor Jinbo would definitely take action!

Therefore, if Lei Dao wanted to fight, he would use an unstoppable force to crush the Holy Body of the Immortal Emperor Son.

And the only chance is the fifth holy body of the fairy emperor's son.

"God's Eye Domain!"

The next moment, a scarlet eye appeared on Lei Dao's divine blood avatar. Afterwards, strands of scarlet light emanated from the scarlet god's eyes, forming a scarlet area around the god-blood avatar as the center.

This is the realm of God's Eye!

When the field of divine eyes spread to the fifth holy body of the fairy emperor, there was a slight shock in the field of divine eyes, and then everything seemed to stop.

Only the expression on Saint Lingdi's face became very ugly.

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