Longevity Species

Chapter 484 Suppression! (first update)


In the void, there was nothing at first, but the punch of the six holy bodies of Huangyan Saint seemed to smash the void, and there was a strange sound.

It is naturally impossible for Huangyan Shengzun to smash the void, what he smashed was the imprisonment of Baihou Yin!

In fact, from the very beginning, Lei Dao had already displayed the seal of hundreds of orders, secretly imprisoning the entire void, and with the seal of hundreds of orders, then Huangyan Shengzun and others would be suppressed by the seal of hundreds of orders all the time. A body of strength may only be able to exert a few percent.

But the Holy Lord Huangyan is worthy of being the sixth-level peak Holy Lord of the Holy Physique.

With one blow, the restraint of the Baihou Seal was broken, and the pressure on the five saints of the Desolate Abyss Holy Land disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

Shang Yang Yunchuan's expression darkened.

It was actually a confrontation between the two of them just now. Although it was a secret confrontation, the collision between them was real. Lei Dao had already activated the Baihou Yin and imprisoned the five sages.

At this level, it is simply impossible for the Holy Venerable who is less than the peak of the sixth level of the Eucharist to break through.

However, the Holy Lord Huangyan still smashed it with one punch, and he seemed to be able to handle it with ease. Obviously, the Holy Lord Huangyan was more terrifying than Shangyang Yunchuan imagined.

"Hmph, Holy Venerable Desolate Flame, Holy Venerable Desolate Moon, even Duke Liuli didn't even make a move, but you jumped out first. Do you really think that you won't bring a catastrophe to the Holy Land of Desolate Abyss behind you? You know, we are now Representing the seventeen Marquises, they are the Marquises of the Xihe Dynasty! As people in the Holy Land, you are so grandiosely attacking so many of our Marquises, you are provoking the entire God Dynasty, where will the God Dynasty be placed?"

"Even if the dynasty of the gods is temporarily weak, it will probably be effortless to destroy your abyss holy land. Holy Lord Huangyan, you are about to become a sinner in the abyss holy land but you don't know it. Sad! Ridiculous!"

Shangyang Yunchuan didn't like to move his mouth, because once he did, it actually showed a guilty conscience and lack of strong strength. If you really have great strength, why bother talking nonsense?

With one punch, everything turned into dust.

However, sometimes you have to admit that words can kill people, even more so!

As Lei Dao's words fell, the complexion of Holy Venerable Huang Yan changed slightly.

Although the five great saints were ordered to leave the holy land, they came to help Liu Ligong and cooperated with Liu Ligong thoroughly. But it is impossible for them to completely anger the gods in the Holy Land, thus ruining the entire Holy Land!

The Xihe Dynasty is still one of the three great dynasties, and it is a well-deserved overlord!

Whether it is the Six Kings, the Holy Land, or the Emperor's Sect, they are far from being the opponents of the Xihe Dynasty. The reason why these forces are ready to move now is that even King Dongji and King Nanyun couldn't bear it anymore, and started to expand their forces openly.

But what Xihe Shenchao was afraid of was many aspects, and there were many constraints that made Xihe Shenchao dare not act rashly, fearing that a single move would affect the whole body.

If it really angered the gods, it would be no problem to destroy the holy land of the wild abyss.

Just, is it possible?

Is it useful to destroy the Holy Land of Desolation?

Huangyan Shengzun recovered quickly, his eyes became colder, and he stared at Shangyang Yunchuan with murderous intent: "Shangyang Yunchuan, are you only alarmist? Although you are marquis, what is God looking for now? Don’t you guys understand the situation? Besides, we are now representing Duke Liuli, strictly speaking, the forces under Duke Liuli’s command. How could the Divine Dynasty care about us?”

Naturally, Lord Huangyan would not be intimidated by Lei Dao's few words.

Although the Xihe Divine Dynasty suppressed the Thirty-Six Holy Lands and the Nine Emperor Sects very seriously. If there were gods in command during the heyday of the Xihe Dynasty, they would naturally dominate the ancient Shenzhou, with immeasurable power!

At that time, if there were people from the Holy Land or the Emperor's Sect who attacked people in the Shen Dynasty for no reason, even if they were not people with titles, they would be arrested and questioned by the Shen Dynasty, or even beheaded directly.

At that time, it was the "darkest" moment for the Thirty-Six Holy Lands and the Nine Great Emperor Sects.

The Divine Dynasty is pressing on the top of the Holy Land and Emperor Zong, just like a big mountain, making them breathless.

"Stop talking nonsense, since you don't hand over the Baihou seal, then you can't let it go!"

The Holy Venerable Huangyue also manifested six holy bodies, and the other three Holy Land Holy Venerables also all manifested the holy bodies, and the aura exploded, covering the sky and covering the sun, forming a terrifying aura for a while, Like clouds, covering half of the sky.

Shangyang Yunchuan's expression was dignified, and about fifty saints displayed their holy bodies one after another, and they also gathered together, forming a terrifying aura.

Even Shangyang Yunchuan mobilized the power of faith of all living beings in Baihou Yinzhong. Therefore, these are not just fifty saints, but all the people of seventeen kingdoms, fighting against the five saints of the barren abyss holy land.


The collision between momentum and momentum, even if it was just an invisible confrontation, actually stirred up muffled noises, and the momentum seemed astonishing. However, Shangyang Yunchuan and others were clearly at a disadvantage.

Don't look at their imposing manner, there are even more than 50 saints, and the holy bodies manifested cover the sky and the sun, and there are hundreds of holy bodies with thousands of feet.

But when the momentum collides, the judgment will be judged.

It is not that the more the number, the more dominant.

"Oh? That's all it takes?"

There was a smile on the corner of Huangyan's mouth.

In fact, he was still somewhat cautious.

With hundreds of holy bodies, the impact on people is still quite large, especially when facing the holy treasure personally refined by the God of Xihe, which is a powerful holy treasure that is a fusion of seventeen holy treasures.

But as soon as the auras of the two sides came into contact, Holy Venerable Huang Yan had a solid foundation in his heart.


Obviously, the five of them had the absolute upper hand.

So, the momentum was renewed.

suppress! Absolutely suppress!

In terms of momentum alone, the five sages including Huangyan have already suppressed more than 50 sages including Shangyang Yunchuan, including Baihou Yin, who were all suppressed.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the aura was suppressed, and some saints of the first level of the Eucharist were almost unable to hold on.

"The power of all beings!"

Shangyang Yunchuan let out a roar.

Immediately, a huge seal appeared above his head, exuding a pale golden light, growing in the wind, and covering the sky and sun in the blink of an eye, lying across the void like a huge millstone.

This is Baihouyin!

Shangyang Yunchuan is the "hand sealer" who is in charge of the Baihou seal. At this time, he can't have any reservations, he must do his best to display the power of Baihouyin.

At this time, he no longer had any luck in his heart.

He knows, he can only resist!

I hope to be able to resist the past, as long as I can resist, and the longer the resistance, the better.

After a long time, maybe Lei Dao will be able to come back.

As for war?

That would be tantamount to asking for death.

The gap is already obvious. No matter how many of them there are, if they are collided by the Holy Body of Huang Yan Shengzun and others, it is estimated that a large number of Holy Body will be smashed to pieces, or even wiped out directly.

Quantity doesn't mean anything.

Nor can the Baihou League gain an advantage.

"This is the Baihou seal? The powerful holy treasure formed by the fusion of seventeen holy treasures is really...unexpected!"

Huangyan Shengzun also brightened his eyes, staring at the huge seal holy treasure behind Shangyang Yunchuan, which is the Baihou seal, which is composed of seventeen holy treasures.

Originally, Huangyan Shengzun and others predicted that the power of the Baihou Seal was the strongest at the peak of the fifth level of the Holy Body, or it could reach the level of the sixth level of the Holy Body.

But it now appears that their estimates were wrong.

This Baihou seal is not only comparable to the fifth level of the Eucharist or barely reaching the level of the sixth level of the Eucharist, but it is comparable to the peak of the sixth level of the Eucharist!

Especially in Shangyang City, if Holy Lord Huangyan met alone, he might not be able to win.

"Do it!"

Holy Lord Huangyan made his move immediately.

This time it was a real fight, a total of six holy bodies with hundreds of feet, and six strengthened holy bodies, all of them were done together. The six sacred bodies roared, and a fierce aura filled the void.

As if to shatter the void.

The six holy bodies fought together, the shock was unimaginable, and the terrifying power instantly enveloped the heads of Shangyang Yunchuan and others, and then fell down hard.


The void shook, and Shang Yang Yunchuan and others seemed to be facing a catastrophe. In an instant, there was a feeling of the world breaking and the end of the world.

It can be seen how terrifying the attack of Huang Yan Shengzun was.

This is only the sixth layer of the Eucharist!

Rumor has it that if the Nine Layers of the Holy Body can be achieved, there will be a kind of induction between the nine Holy Body, thus forming a kind of "sanctuary". At that time, under the superimposition of the "sanctuary", the power of the nine sacred bodies can be increased several times or even dozens of times.

It is precisely because of the existence of the "Sanctuary" that the Nine Layers of the Holy Body can be called a well-deserved giant!

He can even control the Thirty-Six Holy Lands.

A giant of the ninth level of the holy body is enough to overthrow all the saints below the ninth level, even if there are more saints, it will not help. At that time, the sanctuary will be 10% complete, and the nine holy bodies will be able to connect with each other, and the power will be relentlessly endless, and will continue to grow, complementing and strengthening each other.

Some holy bodies will even produce qualitative changes.

Of course, Holy Venerable Huangyan is only at the sixth level of the Holy Body, and is far from reaching the ninth level of the Holy Body. Even in this lifetime it is impossible to reach the ninth level of the Eucharist.

But he shot with all his strength, and the power was still shocking.

"Huh? Is this blocked?"

Following Huang Yan's sage's attack, although the power can shake the heavens and the earth, the six holy bodies are unmatched. But Huang Yan's blow landed on the top of everyone's heads, but was also blocked by Baihou Yin.

Baihou Yin only vibrated for a while, and then completely subsided without any reaction.

Holy Venerable Huang Yan's heart sank. He had already looked up to Baihou Seal as much as possible, but now it seems that he still underestimated Baihou Seal. It is not so easy to defeat this holy treasure.

"Let's do it together!"

At this time, how did Huangyan Shengzun not know that Shangyang Yunchuan and others were delaying time? Although I don't know what is the use of Shangyang Yunchuan delaying time, is there still someone to save them?

But Huangyan Shengzun didn't want to delay for too long, otherwise, there might be some unforeseen accidental factors due to the long night and many dreams.

Therefore, the next moment, the five great saints of the Abyss Holy Land made a move together.

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