Longevity Species

Chapter 486 Destroy the Shinichi One! (Second more)

Lei Dao's eyes were indifferent, and he stared at Shinichi Holy One coldly.

He no longer wants to waste time, and doesn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

After beheading the Holy One, Baolonghou followed him back to Shangyang City. This was the best result. He was too lazy to talk nonsense, seeing Bao Longhou like this, he was clearly weighing and hesitating.

Moreover, Marquis Baolong obviously doesn't want to be annexed by Lord Liuli, that's enough!

What Marquis Baolong was afraid of was nothing more than Lord Liuli's powerful influence. Now the threat of the Holy One is still there, if the Holy One is beheaded, then everything will be fine.

"Are you going to kill me? Hahaha, even the holy sons of the thirty-six holy lands dare not say this. You are a fourth-level saint of the holy body, but you are so arrogant? That's fine, I'll kill you today You, also prevent the Baihou League from slipping through the net!"

The Holy One Zhenyi was also full of anger, and his heart was already extremely angry. Maybe it's because of his lack of prestige, but now there is only a four-fold holy venerable, neither a holy son nor an emperor's son, just a casual cultivator.

Now dare to say that he is going to kill him, the dignified fifth-fold saint of the sacrament?

Is the outside world changing too fast, or Lei Dao is too floating?

The Holy One Zhenyi has already activated his murderous intent, the cold murderous intent is overwhelming, like a blade, as if cutting the thunder path.

However, in the face of the killing intent of the Shinichi Lord, Lei Dao was very calm, even motionless, without any change on his face. This murderous intent is not worth mentioning to Lei Dao.

"It seems that you haven't received any news. That's right, why would they spread the news about the collapse of King Dongji and King Nanyun?"

Lei Dao said with a "self-deprecating" smile.

"What's the meaning?"

The Shinichi Lord faintly felt an ominous premonition. Lei Dao mentioned Dongji King and Nanyun King, what does this mean? These two are among the six kings, and they are well-deserved overlords!

But from Lei Dao's mouth, it seems that both King Dongji and King Nanyun were deflated by Lei Dao. Is this possible?


The Holy One Zhenyi snorted coldly, feeling that Lei Dao was making alarmist remarks.

A quadruple Eucharist, no matter how strong it is, so what?


However, the next moment, Lei Dao let Shinichi "see" the horror of "a mere quadruple saint of the holy body".

Lei Dao is indeed the Fourfold Saint of the Eucharist, but it is not an ordinary Fourfold Saint of the Eucharist. It is even very special and unique.

Because, he is the saint who can defeat the five layers of the holy body, the emperor's son!

"This... this is..."

A terrifying aura erupted from Lei Dao's body, mighty and mighty, without any reservations.

Five bodies appeared in the void, and four of them were holy bodies of thousands of feet, and they were also the ultimate holy bodies!

Coupled with the divine blood avatar of the fourth stage of divine blood, the aura of Lei Dao's five bodies is simply too strong, so strong that it seems to be suffocating.

Shinichi couldn't believe his eyes, and even the other saints couldn't believe their eyes.

How could a four-fold saint of the Eucharist be so strong?

It's incredible.

Lei Dao's holy body of hundreds of feet approached Shinichi Shrine step by step. Even Shinichi Shrine manifested five holy bodies, but under the oppression of Lei Dao's holy body, these five holy bodies unexpectedly He was firmly suppressed.


Often only the high-ranking saints can suppress the lower-ranking saints.

For example, the five-fold Saint of the Eucharist suppresses the four-fold Saint of the Eucharist.

But now, the situation is reversed.

It was Lei Dao, the four-fold saint of the holy body, who was suppressing the holy one, the five-fold saint of the holy body.

It's unbelievable, but it's true.

Under the oppression of Lei Dao's five bodies, the Shinichi Lord actually had a faint feeling of facing death. It seemed that if Lei Dao made a move, he would really die!

This feeling is too strong, so strong that the Supreme One is speechless, hesitant to speak.

"Absolutely cold!"

Lei Dao didn't care what the Shinichi Lord thought, after he manifested the Eucharist, he did it directly.

A wave of light blue light emanates from the blue ice holy body, which is actually an absolute cold area filled with endless ice.


The absolute cold area shrouded the five holy bodies of the Shinichi Lord, and in an instant, the five holy bodies were frozen. Even if it is the five-fold holy body of the holy body, but it is just the most common five-fold holy body of the holy body, how can it resist the perfect holy law of Lei Dao's ultimate holy body?

Absolutely cold, that is, even the son of the fifth stage of the holy body can freeze for a moment, let alone the real one?

Even if Shinichi is struggling violently, it will not help. He is frozen by the absolute cold area. Maybe he can struggle out in a few breaths, but a few breaths are enough for Lei Dao to launch countless attacks.

"Sacred Law of Destruction!"

Lei Dao's blue ice holy body displayed the absolute cold zone, freezing the Shinichi Lord. Immediately afterwards, the Annihilation Holy Body was dispatched, and with one palm, the terrifying annihilation power swept towards the Zhenyi Holy One like mighty waves.

The coordination between Lei Dao's five bodies is actually very tacit, one move after another, interlocking, so that people have no time to breathe.


Lei Dao's Annihilation Eucharist is also the ultimate Eucharist, and a memory of the Mieyuan Saint Law is the strongest blow of the Ultimate Eucharist. There are still five sacred bodies frozen, which are completely living targets.

Therefore, after a loud noise, the five holy bodies of Shinichi were all shattered.

hit hard! An absolute hit!

With just one blow, one-fifth of the five holy bodies of the Shinichi One had already been consumed. What kind of concept is this?

If Lei Dao strikes a few more times, will the five holy bodies of the Shinichi Lord be completely wiped out?

What's more, Lei Dao only used two holy bodies just now.

At this time, the Holy One really felt fear, felt fear, and even felt the threat of death, and there was an extremely dangerous atmosphere, as if shrouding him.

It seems that the Lei Dao in front of him is not just the fourth layer of the Holy Body, but the sixth layer of the Holy Body, which made Shinichi feel fear and the threat of death.


The Holy Lord Shinichi raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, and the five sacred bodies erupted with the most terrifying power at the same time, breaking free from the shackles of the absolute cold domain. Moreover, the five holy bodies rushed towards Lei Dao immediately.

With such a short distance, Lei Dao was inevitable.

What's more, Lei Dao didn't think about avoiding it. He doesn't have much time now, or in other words, the Baihou League doesn't have much time, and he doesn't want to waste time on Shinichi Sage.

That being the case, Lei Dao no longer hesitated.


The next moment, Lei Dao's divine-blood avatar shook slightly, and immediately after, the divine eyes on his forehead opened violently. Scarlet light quickly covered the void.

Suddenly, the void seemed to become "sticky", and it seemed that it was very difficult to move forward. Moreover, in the surrounding space, there seems to be infinite pressure, imprisoning the five holy bodies of the Shinichi Lord.

"God's Eye Domain!"

Lei Dao said every word, and the area covered by the scarlet light was exactly the area of ​​the divine eyes of the divine blood avatar. Moreover, there is no problem at all for the divine eye avatar of the fourth stage of the divine blood to display the divine eye domain and imprison the ordinary five-layer saint of the holy body.

To a certain extent, in terms of confinement alone, it is probably stronger than the absolute cold domain of the Blue Ice Holy Physique!

For a moment, the eyes of the Holy One showed horror.

Can't move, can't move at all.

It seems that there are forces imprisoning him in all directions, and it cannot be said to be completely imprisoned. It seems that his speed has slowed down to the extreme, which is almost no different from imprisoning.

Under such circumstances, the Holy One was even more frightened to the extreme.

He knew exactly what it meant to be imprisoned.

That means, his five holy bodies will become living targets again.

How long can he last under Lei Dao's attack?

Lei Dao's eyes were cold, and after the divine blood avatar displayed the divine eye domain, his four holy bodies also started to attack immediately.

"Sacred Law of Destruction!"

The Saint of Annihilation roared angrily, and punched the most violent punch.

"Sacred Wind Scroll!"

The Saint of the Storm also punched out, forming a terrifying storm, sweeping towards the five holy bodies of the Shinichi Lord in a mighty way, obliterating how many holy bodies in an instant.

"Absolutely cold!"

The absolute cold region of the blue ice holy body is also extremely powerful. Once it is frozen, it is actually under the bombardment of the blue ice holy body, and the holy body is wiped out faster.

"Fire the Holy Law!"

The last flame-exploding holy body is a fire-attribute holy body, and its power is extremely violent. Immediately, countless flames appeared in the void, and with the punch of the Exploding Physique, it seemed that the entire void had turned into a fiery purgatory.

The four ultimate holy bodies stood in the four directions, surrounding the five holy bodies of Zhenyi Holy One, and all kinds of holy methods and holy bodies bombarded wildly.

After just one attack, the Holy One Shinichi didn't even let out a scream, and the five holy bodies were quickly wiped out.

In the blink of an eye, the five holy bodies were wiped out.

one strike!

Just one hit!

The five sacred bodies of the Shinichi Holy One all collapsed, and finally turned into ashes and were completely wiped out.

Even if it wasn't completely wiped out, being crazily bombarded by Lei Dao's four holy bodies and various movements, it was an absolute cold region, and it was a fire-burning holy law, the real ice and fire.

What Eucharist cannot be obliterated?

Therefore, as Lei Dao took back the Holy Body, everyone looked at the void in the void, and the Shinichi Lord seemed to have disappeared. For a while, everyone was still in a daze, as if they hadn't recovered.

"The Holy One, has he fallen?"

Even Bao Longhou opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe it, staring at the place where the Supreme One was before in the void.

No, there is no breath left.

It's crazy though.

But maybe that's the truth.

The Shinichi Holy One has really fallen!

It was forcibly blown up by Lei Dao's four terrifying holy bodies!

Lei Dao didn't answer, but stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Baolonghou calmly, and said slowly: "Baolonghou, no one can influence your decision now."

The shock in Bao Longhou's eyes still did not dissipate.

Hearing Lei Dao's words, Bao Longhou's eyes gradually became firmer, as if he had made a certain decision.

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