Longevity Species

Chapter 492: Battle against Duke Liuli! (Second more)


In the void, a strange voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a strange figure stepped out of the void. Even Lei Dao hadn't noticed this figure, and Lei Dao had never seen this strange figure before.

However, from Shangyang Yunchuan's address just now, the other party's identity is already revealed.

Lord of the Liuli Kingdom, Liuli Duke!

Lei Dao's heart trembled, and his eyes were also sizing up Liuligong. He knew that Liuligong was a small giant with the seventh layer of the holy body. No matter whether it was a real giant or a small giant, anyone who was touched by a "giant" must be one of them. overlord.

The strength is unbelievable.

Even though Liuli Gong didn't manifest the holy body now, just standing there made Lei Dao feel a strong sense of threat.

It seemed that Duke Liuli was very dangerous, far more dangerous than the Holy Lord Huangyan and the Holy Moon who had been beheaded by Lei Dao before.

After all, he is the little giant of the seventh layer of the Eucharist.

Under the six kings, these dukes are the most powerful.

In particular, Duke Liuli is also ambitious, making it even more difficult to deal with.

"It's a bit of a trick to be able to discover me. Shangyang Yunchuan, you should know the purpose of my trip. Your Baihou League is just a bunch of mobs, and you can't make a big deal. Why don't you follow me and wait for me to become a saint?" Nine weights in body, and even becoming a great emperor, will naturally have your benefits."

Liuli Gong stood with his hands behind his back, looking calm and unhurried.

Even if it's in the Baihou League!

Standing there alone, no one dares to underestimate him.

"The mob? We, the mob, are very lucky to be favored by Lord Liuli. However, it is not impossible for us to take refuge in Lord Liuli. We can see that the Hundred Marquis League is for self-protection, isn't it? Liuli If you are willing to fuse the Holy Treasure with our Holy Treasure, so what if our Hundred Marquis League is disbanded?"

The meaning of Shang Yang Yunchuan's words is very clear.

In fact, the Hundred Marquis League doesn't have to be kept, the saints of the Hundred Marquis League are all in groups for self-protection. If Duke Liuli could also fuse with the Holy Treasure, then they would welcome it very much.

With a powerful duke, why not do it?

However, Duke Liuli's expression sank and he said: "I only want your holy treasure, and I will give it to you completely. As long as you obey my orders honestly, there will naturally be many benefits."

Liu Ligong's meaning is already very clear.

How could it be possible for him to hand over a little control over the Holy Treasure?

"So there's no room for negotiation?"

Shang Yang Yunchuan's expression also gradually darkened.

"If you don't surrender, then there is no need for the Hundred Marquis League to exist."

Liu Ligong gradually exuded a terrifying aura, mighty and mighty, like a storm, sweeping across the void. Even Liu Ligong glanced at Lei Dao.

"You are the Lei Dao who condensed the ultimate holy body and killed the Holy Lord Huangyan and the Holy Moon? It's interesting, let's do it together, let me see, what kind of means do you have?"

Liuli Gong stood with his hands behind his back, just standing quietly in the void, as if he was letting everyone attack.

Seeing Liuli Gong's confident look, Shangyang Yunchuan showed a smile on his face, he glanced at Lei Dao and said, "Lei Shengzun, let me learn Liuli Gong's methods."

"Grand Liuli, this Marquis must do his best."

"Haha, just let it go, if I make a move..."

Before Liuli could finish speaking, suddenly, an extremely terrifying aura erupted instantly.


In the void, there is a giant seal in a trance, straddling the void, mighty and mighty, covering the sky and covering the sun, exuding a terrifying aura. The strength of this aura shocked Duke Liuli.

Sevenfold Eucharist!

This is the power of the sevenfold Eucharist!

When did the Baihou League actually have the combat power of the seventh level of the Eucharist?

Even Duke Liuli is extremely afraid of such power.

But he said just now that no matter what, he would not move, this...

Shang Yang Yunchuan's face was solemn, he didn't care what Liuli Gong thought, he just mobilized the Baihou Yin, and directly exploded the full power of Baihou Yin.

After merging into the eighteen holy treasures, Shangyang Yunchuan already knew that the Baihou seal had transformed, completely transformed, it was no longer the sixth level of the holy body, but comparable to the seventh level of the holy body!

Of course, even if Baihou Yin had reached the seventh level of the Holy Body, he would not underestimate Duke Liuli, so he would naturally try his best to unleash the strongest power.

In the void, that big seal slammed down directly towards Duke Liuli. Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, Duke Liuli was completely locked and shrouded in Qi.

As soon as Duke Liuli gritted his teeth, he couldn't care less about his previous "promise" at this time.



Immediately, seven holy bodies with hundreds of feet appeared in the void, and each holy body exuded a terrifying aura.


Very strong!

At least the breath alone made Lei Dao's heart shudder. I'm afraid his divine blood avatar is far from being the opponent of Liuligong's seven-time strengthened holy body.

The sevenfold Eucharist, in a sense, is a qualitative transformation.

The gap between the sixth level and the seventh level is really too big, it is a world of difference. Every holy body here, Lei Dao felt suffocated, he couldn't stop it, not a single holy body could stop it.

Perhaps, if he can advance to the fifth level of the Eucharist, he can try it.

But now, he couldn't stop it.

Even, Lei Dao suspected that he might not be able to stop him from advancing to the fifth level of the Eucharist.

Liu Ligong had already manifested seven holy bodies, but Shangyang Yunchuan controlled the Baihou seal, and fell down suddenly, covering the seven holy bodies.


The Baihou seal fell down and hit the seven holy bodies directly.

Duke Liuli's calm expression immediately changed drastically. He felt the pressure, the horrifying pressure.

He hardly ever thought that Shangyang Yunchuan could transform Baihou Yin.

Now it seems that the seal of Baihou has transformed into a holy treasure with seven layers of Eucharist! Moreover, there is a steady stream of the power of belief of all beings as support, so the power of Baihouyin is continuous and endless.


Finally, a crack appeared on one of Liuligong's holy bodies. And there are more and more cracks, and finally densely spread all over the body.

This scene made Liu Ligong's face change drastically.

He knew that this was because his holy body had reached its limit, and if it continued like this, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Glass Treasure Lantern!"

Suddenly, Liu Ligong waved his hand, and a lamp appeared in the void, a glazed lamp emitting faint light. It looks beautiful, but with the appearance of the colored glaze lamp, the power of the sacred body on Duke Liuli has greatly increased, and there is even a force of confinement, faintly resisting the seal of Baihou.

"The Holy Treasure of the Principality!"

Shang Yang Yunchuan said word by word, in a deep voice.

This is the Holy Treasure of the Principality, which was also refined by the God of Xihe back then and bestowed on every Duke to suppress the Principality!

Just like Hou Guoshengbao, it possesses unimaginable power.

Of course, the Liuli Lantern is powerful, but this is not the Liuli Principality, but the Shangyanghou Kingdom. Therefore, the Liuli Lantern cannot be supported by the continuous power of belief of all living beings in the Liuli Dukedom, and its power is greatly reduced.

But even if the power is greatly reduced, it is still the Holy Treasure of the Principality!

Therefore, the appearance of the colored glaze lamp quickly stabilized the injury of the holy body of Liuli Gong, and it was recovering quickly, forming a short stalemate between the two sides.

However, Shangyang Yunchuan was not in a hurry.

In Shangyang City, he has an absolute advantage. With the power of faith of all living beings, he is not afraid of Lord Liuli at all. Even if he can't kill Lord Liuli, he still has no problem fighting against Lord Liuli.

Moreover, as time goes by, it will be more beneficial to Shangyang Yunchuan.

Liu Ligong's seven holy bodies were roaring crazily, and each holy body was going all out, bombarding the Baihou seal upwards, as if it was about to break the Baihou seal.

It's just that the continuous power of Baihouyin is gathered together, and the power of belief of all living beings is constantly replenished, so that the power of Baihouyin has not been reduced at all.

Despite the bombardment of Duke Liuli's seven holy bodies, he still remained motionless.

On the contrary, Duke Liuli's face became more and more ugly, and he even wanted to retire. After the transformation of the Baihou Yin and the seventh level combat power of the Holy Body, Liu Ligong already knew that he couldn't do anything to the Baihou League.

His strength is certainly very strong, and it will be even stronger after adding the glazed lantern!

However, no matter how strong he was, he was not strong enough to break the degenerated Baihou Seal in Shangyanghou Kingdom, unless he was the eighth-fold holy venerable, perhaps he could have such terrifying power.

But Duke Liuli couldn't do it!


Lord Liuli urged the precious lantern of Liuli to bump into Baihou Yin hard. Afterwards, the two holy treasures were shocked and retreated one after another. The Baihou seal was also shaken back, and the seven holy bodies of Lord Liuli quickly escaped.

"What a seal of hundreds of lords, what an alliance of hundreds of lords! It is I who underestimated you and the seal of hundred hous. Since you are not willing to submit to me, I will not force you. However, chaos is coming , I am really looking forward to what will happen to your Baihou League."

Liuli Gong's eyes were cold, and after he said a harsh word, he gathered the seven holy bodies, and quickly left Shangyang City under the protection of the Liuli Lantern.

Looking at the back of Duke Liuli leaving, Shangyang Yunchuan frowned.

"Duke Liuli is very strong. If you go to the Principality of Liuli, the Baihou Seal will not be able to hold it. The Baihou League has really reached a bottleneck and reached the limit of expansion. If Duke Liuli is not eliminated, the Baihou League will never may continue to expand.”

Obviously, this time, he had completely torn skins with Duke Liuli.

If Lei Dao goes through the Principality of Huangsha again to "persuade" other princes, Duke Liuli will probably do it himself. At that time, without the seal of Baihou, how could he be the opponent of Duke Liuli?

Even if there is a seal of Baihou, if it is within the sphere of influence of the Duke of Liuli, the seal of Baihou will not be able to stop Duke Liuli.

From this point of view, the Baihou League has indeed expanded to its limit and cannot continue to expand.

Unless... Lei Dao can advance!

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