Longevity Species

Chapter 494 Must fight! (Second more)

Afterwards, Shangyang Yunchuan explained to Lei Dao.

It turned out that just now there was a lord of the Hou country who came all the way to the Baihou League and wanted to join the Baihou League, called Baihuahou. This Baihuahou is in charge of the Baihuahou Kingdom.

But in Baihuahou's country, there is a corpse site. It is rumored that a very mysterious and powerful strange beast died here in this corpse site.

The bones gradually formed the bone ground.

In the bone field, there are all kinds of elixir, which seem to be very suitable for the growth of elixir. The Baihuahous of the past dynasties naturally regarded the land of corpses as the core area of ​​the Baihuahou Kingdom as if they had found a treasure.

It's just that the news leaked out.

Others are frightened by the strength of Baihuahou, even if they are envious, they dare not act rashly. After all, in the kingdom of Baihuahou, Baihuahou, who is in charge of the holy treasure, is very difficult to have an opponent in the fourfold Eucharist.

However, with more and more elixir in the bone field, 50,000-year-old elixir actually grew, even more than one plant! Moreover, under the special growth environment of the Bone Land, the growth time of the 50,000-year elixir is greatly shortened, and it may only take a thousand years or even a shorter time to mature.

In order to keep these 50,000-year elixir, the Baihuahous of all dynasties have tried their best and tried all kinds of methods, and only then can they barely keep the 50,000-year elixir in the Bone Land.

However, that's because the Xihe Dynasty was still very powerful in the past, the gods have not disappeared, and the Xihe Dynasty is still the overlord! As for the Marquis of Baihua who was conferred by the Xihe Dynasty, who would dare to be presumptuous?

Even if there is a powerful saint, he would only dare to come to the bone land secretly, but it is difficult to steal the 50,000-year elixir.

But it's different now.

Now the situation in the Xihe Dynasty is already unstable, and all the forces seem to be expanding wildly. More and more powerful saints gathered in Baihuahou's country.

The peak holy venerable of the fourth level of the holy body, and even the fifth level of the holy body came to the Baihuahou Kingdom. The purpose is naturally the elixir of the bones, and some of those 50,000-year elixir are about to mature in the near future.

Bai Huahou felt that he was unable to protect the elixir in the bone ground, so he thought of the Baihou League.

After all, the purpose of the Baihou League is to help each other. Anyone who joins the Baihou League is one of the "masters" of the Baihou League, at least in theory.

"So, Bai Huahou actually came to seek refuge?"

Lei Dao said slowly.

"That's right, the purpose of Baihuahou is indeed to seek asylum, and to ask for the elixir to protect the Bone Land. The Baihuahou country is not in much danger at the moment. As for the Bone Land, it's hard to say. Moreover, Baihuahou also Agree, half of the elixir in the Bone Field will be given to the Baihoumeng! Even, there is a 50,000-year-old elixir plant in the Bonefield that will mature soon, and it will be given priority to the Baihoumeng."

"The decision we have made is that Lei Shengzun will go to the Baihuahou Kingdom and personally sit in the corpse field to deter those who secretly covet the Holy Lord. As for the 50,000-year-old elixir that is about to mature, we will directly give it to Lei Shengzun. use, how?"

Lei Dao said almost without thinking: "No problem."

If he could get the 50,000-year panacea, Lei Dao would naturally not refuse.

What's more, this time there is no great danger.

Could it be that there will be a seven-fold saint of the Eucharist?

Those seventh-layer saints of the Eucharist are all small giants, sitting in one side, who cares about a few 50,000-year-old elixir. Only those saints of the fourth level of the Eucharist and the fifth level of the Eucharist will be very concerned.

"When to set off?"

"No hurry, let Bai Huahou and Lei Shengzun meet first, the two of you discuss some details, and then you can make a decision."

Raidou nodded.

So, Shang Yang Yunchuan quickly brought a tall, noble woman to Lei Dao.

This is Baihuahou!

Bai Huahou is a female saint, she looks graceful and luxurious, with a noble temperament and a beautiful face.

However, under the introduction of Shang Yang Yunchuan, Bai Huahou's eyes lit up, and he said respectfully: "I have seen Lei Shengzun."

In fact, Lei Dao is only the seventh level of the Eucharist. However, since Bai Huahou chose to come to the Baihou League to seek refuge, he naturally has some understanding of the Baihou League.

She knew the strength of the "Sacred Thunder" in front of her.

In addition, Shangyang Yunchuan also mentioned before that Lei Dao even defeated and beheaded the sixth-level saint of the holy body!

This made Bai Huahou's eyes brighten even more, and his heart was uplifted.

If Lei Dao can go to the Baihuahou Kingdom to sit in town for a period of time, then I believe that the Baihuahou Kingdom will have a lot less trouble in the future.

Lei Dao asked Bai Huahou directly: "There are 50,000-year-old elixir in the bone land, and one of the 50,000-year-old elixir is about to mature. How long will it take?"

Bai Huahou pondered for a while and said: "A month at most, ten days at least, the 50,000-year-old elixir will definitely mature."

Lei Dao nodded: "Lei wants the 50,000-year-old elixir! After going to Baihuahou Kingdom, Lei will personally take action to clean up some saints. When the 50,000-year-old elixir matures, Lei Dao Pick up the elixir and leave. If you have anything to do later, just report to the Baihoumeng."

Lei Dao made it very clear that he would only "clean up" the saint who was hidden in the Baihuahou Kingdom first. It is impossible to sit in the Hundred Flowers Kingdom for a long time or even for a lifetime.

Regarding this, Baihuahou was not dissatisfied. She said with a smile: "Sacred Lord Lei can go to the country of Baihuahou in person and take action in person. I believe it will be enough to deter those holy venerables who have evil intentions. At that time, I will also publicize it. , the Hundred Flowers has joined the Hundred Marquis League, I believe no one will be so bold as to provoke the Hundred Marquis League."

Now the Baihou League is not what it used to be, and it is no longer a force at the mercy of others.

On the contrary, the power of the Baihou League is huge, and its prestige is growing day by day. No one among ordinary saints is willing to offend the Baihou League.

This two-pronged approach, I believe it can temporarily solve the problem of Baihuahou, at least in a short period of time, no one will dare to go to Baihuahou to spy on the corpse.

"It's not too late, let's go now."

Lei Dao couldn't wait any longer, he always acted swiftly and vigorously, and now that the 50,000-year elixir was about to mature, Lei Dao didn't stay by the elixir, so he felt a little uneasy.

"Shangyang Yunchuan, I will leave the affairs of the Baihou League to you."

"Lei Shengzun, don't worry, the Baihou League is safe now. We are still looking forward to Lei Shengzun's advancement to the fifth level of the holy body, and his strength will be greatly improved. At that time, the pressure on me will be less."

Lei Dao nodded, and then together with Baihuahou, he quickly left Shangyang City and flew towards Baihuahou Country.

The Baihuahou Kingdom is far away from Shangyang City, and Lei Dao cannot directly pass through the Liuli Principality. After all, who knows whether the Liuli Guild will attack the Baihou League?

Lei Dao entered the Liuli Principality, wouldn't he send it to his door?

Of course Lei Dao would not take such a risk.

He still passed through the Principality of Huangsha, then through the Kingdom of Baolong, passed through many kingdoms, and finally arrived at the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers after spending a whole month under the leadership of Marquis Baihua.

After arriving in the Hundred Flowers Kingdom, Lei Dao had a more intuitive understanding of the Hundred Flowers Kingdom. No wonder Baihuahou didn't choose to join the Baihou League because the Hou country was dangerous.

The reason is very simple, the geographical conditions of the Baihuahou Kingdom are quite superior.

It is surrounded by several princes on all sides.

If other powers want to expand to the Baihuahou Kingdom, they must first annex the many surrounding kingdoms of the Baihuahou Kingdom.

To put it simply, there are dozens of kingdoms densely packed in this area, all of which enjoy a peaceful environment. It seems that the current situation of the Xihe Dynasty has nothing to do with this place.

In fact, there are so many vassal states here, but there is a reason why they have been very peaceful.

That's because this area is the traditional sphere of influence of the royal family of the Xihe Dynasty.

Even if the situation in the Xihe Dynasty is unstable, there is still no one who dares to provoke the royal family of the Xihe Dynasty.

The reason is very simple, there is still a great emperor in the royal family of the Shen Dynasty!

At least, on the bright side, Xikun, the lord of the divine dynasty, is a great emperor!

The Xihe Dynasty is far from collapsing, and there is no force that dares to blatantly provoke the Xihe Dynasty royal family. If Xikun is angered and takes action himself, then who can resist?

However, although the Baihuahou Kingdom is not in danger, it is very difficult for Baihuahou to keep the elixir of the Bone Land.

With so many precious elixir being stared at by many saints, Bai Huahou couldn't bear it. Especially in the current situation, as long as some forces are not blatantly trying to expand their power in this area, then the Xihe Dynasty will not care.

Bai Huahou can only rely on himself, and can only seek help from the Baihou League.

"Lei Shengzun, the Hundred Flowers City is ahead. The Bone Land is not far from the Hundred Flowers City. It has been under the watchful eyes of the Baihuahous of the past generations, and has always been very tightly protected."

After Baihuahou entered the Baihuahou Kingdom, he was slightly relieved.

However, Bai Huahou's current strength has been weakened to the extreme.

Because, Baihuahou no longer has the Holy Treasure.

Her holy treasure has been integrated into the seal of Baihou, so now Lei Dao is all that Baihuahou relies on.

"Do you know which saints are lurking in the Hundred Flowers Kingdom?"

Reid asked again.

Bai Huahou shook his head and said: "Those holy venerables are very clever in hiding their auras. Although I have holy treasures, sometimes, unless I pay special attention, it is impossible to know all the hidden venerables."

Lei Dao was noncommittal when he heard the words.

He was not surprised, if it was so easy to find out, then Bai Huahou would not seek help from the Baihou League.

However, Lei Dao had already made a decision.

"Go directly to the bone land!"

Lei Dao grasped the core, what is the purpose of those saints hiding in the Hundred Flowers Kingdom?

Naturally, it is the elixir of the bone land!

As long as Lei Dao caught the elixir, he wouldn't be afraid that those saints wouldn't take the initiative to jump out. When the time comes, just get rid of those saints.

Lei Dao can let go of other things.

But the 50,000-year elixir, Lei Dao has long regarded it as something in his pocket, and it is impossible for anyone to take the 50,000-year elixir from him.

Therefore, this time, thunder must be contested!

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