Longevity Species

Chapter 497 The Second Eye! (first update)


With his heart in his body, Lei Dao's mind seemed to explode, and even the body of the divine-blood avatar was shaken earth-shakingly, with terrifying power constantly washing away every inch of flesh and blood of the divine-blood avatar.

Lei Dao closed his eyes, and he felt a wave of memory.

This memory is very chaotic, and there are even only incomplete and very vague pictures left.

In these incomplete pictures, Lei Dao saw terrifying behemoths towering up to the sky and tens of thousands of feet in size, straddling the void of heaven and earth, fighting with other giants with the same size and even exuding a terrifying aura.

The bodies of those giants are very strong, but they don't look like sacred bodies. Every move carries great power, as if all kinds of rules between heaven and earth are like fingers.

That's God!

Lei Dao suddenly realized.

Only God can use the power of rules.

In fact, no matter whether it is the Dao Body or the Eucharist, they are constantly enhancing their understanding of the rules. For example, the holy body, only when the ultimate holy body has been achieved can one sense the hidden rules, but it cannot be touched, used, or controlled.

Only gods can control part of the rules and form terrifying supernatural powers, destroying the world with one blow.

Those giant beasts, even Lei Dao, are sure that they are divine beasts, otherwise how can they compete with God?

He is also gifted with supernatural powers when he stretches out his hands, and he fought against the gods, and the battle was shattered.

And in memory, the number of beasts and gods is very large, I don't know what they are fighting for.

There are even battles between gods and gods, and beasts and beasts. In short, it is very chaotic.

So far, Lei Dao has only known three gods. That is the god who sat in command among the three great gods in ancient China. But the gods sitting in the three great gods seem to have disappeared.

I don't know why it disappeared.

In short, even Lei Dao, the god of the three great dynasties, has no chance to meet him now.

But in the picture of memory, how many gods are there? Dozens, or even hundreds, is not uncommon. Moreover, there were a large number of divine beasts, and they were beaten to pieces.

"What are they fighting over?"

Raidou frowned.

He didn't know what those gods and beasts were fighting for.

But when the memory screen changed, it seemed to be a huge beast, which should be the owner of this heart. A powerful divine beast was seriously injured, and finally came here, died of serious injuries and fell.

After hundreds of millions of years, the corpse has gradually decayed, leaving only the heart, which gathers a large amount of energy, and it can still last for hundreds of millions of years.

Of course, for such a long time, even if the heart can support it, there is only less than one ten-thousandth of its power left, and it is also riddled with holes, and it is impossible to recover.

However, this allowed Lei Dao to take advantage of it.

The heart of the beast!

That contained real "divine blood".

Lei Dao's body also contained divine blood, and there seemed to be some kind of connection between the two, which caused Lei Dao to directly swallow the heart of the divine beast, and the power in his body expanded crazily.

Although it is not possible to break through to the sixth stage of the divine blood, it is of great benefit in the most critical place, that is, the divine blood.

The blood of the gods has become stronger!

The stronger the blood of the gods, the stronger the eyes of the gods, and the field of the eyes of the gods will also be strengthened.

As for the extent of the enhancement, Lei Dao is not clear, and he has to try it himself to know.

However, the enhancement of divine eyes is definitely not easy.


Raidou opened his eyes.

There was a dazzling light in his eyes.


Raidou murmured softly.

The picture in his memory was really shocking to him.

The god who is indomitable in the sky can destroy the sky and the earth with a wave of his hand.

That kind of power is simply heart-pounding.

That is the real destruction of heaven and earth. What is the so-called Eucharist attack?

The holy body, after all, still uses the power of the holy body itself, and the divine blood avatar is also pure power.

No matter how strong the holy body is, even if it is nine layers of holy body, so what if it forms the domain of the holy body?

Facing God, those are two completely different concepts.

No matter how strong the saint is, it is impossible to destroy the world, but God can!

This is why God can be high above and suppress the eternal reason.

Back then, when the three great dynasties suppressed the ancient Shenzhou, the Nine Great Emperor Sects couldn't lift their heads and didn't dare to make any moves. It was because of the majesty of the gods!

Lei Dao was still feeling the changes in the divine-blood avatar.

The divine blood avatar is still digesting the power of the divine beast's heart, especially the divine beast's blood, which is still essence blood, and contains some abilities of the divine beast.

Lei Dao's divine blood clone was slowly digesting, and something seemed to be "breeding" in his body, as if something was about to grow.


Suddenly, on the forehead of Lei Dao's divine blood avatar, there was already a scarlet god's eye, but now, beside the god's eye, another eye grew.

This eye seemed to be dead gray, lifeless, and not as powerful as the divine eye.


With this dead gray eye opened.

Suddenly, a gray light radiated mightily in all directions. Lei Dao saw nothing strange through his gray eyes.

However, when Lei Dao manifested an ultimate holy body and was shrouded in gray light, the ultimate holy body was shocked, and confusion appeared in his eyes.


Lei Dao was shocked.

The Ultimate Eucharist will also be affected by illusions, that's unbelievable.

Not to mention the ultimate Eucharist, even the Holy One of Yihang, with a firm mind and strong divine sense, actually the illusion has no effect on the Holy One.

Lei Dao had never heard of any illusion that could affect the Holy Lord.

Even if the saints of the ninth level of the holy body cast illusions, it is the same, and it does not have much effect on the saints.

But just now, Lei Dao activated his dead gray eyes and shrouded the ultimate holy body, but he could make the ultimate holy body fall into an illusion, which is simply unbelievable.

Therefore, Lei Dao used a few more ultimate holy bodies and tested them one by one. The result was the same, all of them fell into the illusion, and even Lei Dao, through the dead gray eyes, could make several ultimate holy bodies fight and kill each other.

This ability made Lei Dao gasp.

From a certain point of view, the illusion of dead gray eyes is even more terrifying and more effective than the scarlet divine eyes. Especially when encountering a large number of enemies, illusion can make the opponent kill each other without knowing it.

Just, how is this possible?

Unexpectedly, the saint could hardly resist the illusion of dead gray eyes.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Lei Dao's mind, and he thought of the name of the owner of this heart, the mysterious beast in his memory.

Mirage Dragon!

The name of this divine beast is Mirage Dragon, and it controls a strange magic power.

Even a god can be confused, let alone a mere saint?

Of course, the illusion currently displayed by Lei Dao can't confuse the gods, even the more determined saint can't confuse it, but it can prove the power of this dead gray eye.

"Let's call it a mirage."

Lei Dao called this second eye a mirage, which is more appropriate.

This is the power that belongs to the blood of the beast in Lei Dao's body. However, now the mirage dragon heart has been completely digested by Lei Dao's divine blood avatar, that is, it has been completely integrated into the divine blood in the body, and it has long been indistinguishable from each other.

In the future, if Lei Dao improves the divine blood, it can actually improve the mirage.

This is Lei Dao's biggest gain this time.

It's not just about harvesting a little memory, or increasing the power of the divine blood avatar. More importantly, there is an extra mirage and a terrifying ability.

Even more terrifying than the mirage domain!

Therefore, Lei Dao stayed quietly near the bone site, quietly studying the effect of the mirage, waiting for the 50,000-year elixir to mature.


There has been an uproar in the Hundred Flowers Kingdom recently, and there is a piece of news circulating about the Hundred Flowers, about the Bone Land.

According to the news, Bai Huahou has joined the Baihou League and has become a member of the Baihou League.

Baihou League, this is a powerful force that has just risen.

Many saints have some impressions of Baihoumeng.

To join the Baihou League, for example, you have to contribute a holy treasure!

In other words, Baihuahou no longer has the Holy Treasure, and now his power in the Baihuahou country has dropped sharply. This seems to be a good thing for those saints who are coveting the bone land.

But when Bai Huahou joined the Baihou League, he also brought a top expert in the Baihou League, that is Lei Shengzun!

Moreover, it sits in the middle of the bone field.

The reputation of Lei Shengzun is actually not small. With the expansion of the Baihou League, Lei Shengzun's reputation has gradually spread. However, the story of Lei Shengzun's deeds is amazing.

What leapfrogged to fight, what defeated the emperor, etc., are simply miraculous. Ordinary sages can tell at a glance that they are exaggerated, and they will not believe it at all.

But he would not underestimate Lei Shengzun.

After all, it is definitely not easy to become the top figure of Baihou League.

Even, it is comparable to the five layers of Eucharist!

This is indeed a strong support, no wonder Bai Huahou can leave the Bone Field with peace of mind, with Lei Dao in charge, it doesn't matter whether Bai Huahou is in the Bone Field or not.

However, there is more news that the first 50,000-year-old elixir will mature in the corpse field, and it will be only ten days later.

For a while, the news was buzzing, secretly arousing how many holy venerables were excited.

What was the purpose of those hidden sages staying in Baihuahou Kingdom for so long?

Isn't it the 50,000-year panacea?

They have gone through various channels before and know that a 50,000-year-old panacea is about to mature. Therefore, when the news came out, none of the saints had the slightest doubt.

He even felt that it might take less than ten days for the ten thousand year elixir to mature.

For a while, many saints began to move around, rushing to the place of bones.

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