Longevity Species

Chapter 499 The reality seems to be more exaggerated than the rumors (second more)

The holy body, in the void, is densely packed, all of which are holy bodies, covering the entire void.

Moreover, all of them are four-fold Eucharist, and even have five-fold Eucharist.

For a 50,000-year-old elixir, many saints are willing to pay any price.

"Lei Shengzun, Bai Huahou, hand over the 50,000-year elixir!"

"That's right, if you hand over the 50,000-year elixir, you won't be able to keep it!"

"If you persist in your obsession, I'm afraid that the entire Bone Land and the entire Hundred Flowers Kingdom will be razed to the ground."

In the void, each of these saints stared at the 50,000-year-old elixir in Lei Dao's hand. For Lei Dao to take the lead in collecting the 50,000-year elixir, these saints actually don't care much.

After all, Lei Dao was in the Bone Land before, and it was foreseeable and normal that he would be the first to get the 50,000-year-old elixir.

But whether or not the 50,000-year-old elixir can be preserved is the most important thing.

Lei Dao's eyes were a little indifferent. He glanced at the densely packed saints in the void, and suddenly said: "Do you know that Bai Huahou has joined my Baihou League and is now the saint in the Baihou League. You are now If you try to snatch the elixir, you are making an enemy of the Baihou League!"

Lei Dao's words, not a single word, echoed in the void. All the saints heard Lei Dao's words clearly.

Regarding the fact that Baihuahou joined the Baihou League and became a member of the Baihou League, these saints already knew about it. After all, Baihuahou's propaganda is so powerful, it is impossible for these saints who pay attention to the Baihuahou Kingdom not to know .

But so what?

They still refused to give up the 50,000-year elixir!

"Lei Shengzun, we naturally know that Baihuahou has joined the Baihou League. However, the Baihou League is surrounded by many duchies and kingdoms, and it is difficult to protect itself. Can it still deter us? This is the hinterland of the Shen Dynasty Let alone your Hundred Marquis Alliance, even some principalities and kingdoms are hard to infiltrate. Therefore, we have to decide on this 50,000-year-old elixir!"

One of the saints responded to Lei Dao's words with a sneer.

Indeed, this place is in the hinterland of the Divine Dynasty, and even the forces of the Six Kings will not develop here. There is still peace here. What's more, the Baihou League is indeed not very prestigious, and it can deter the powerful forces of many holy venerables by its name.

Even, in the eyes of many saints, Baihoumeng still cannot get rid of the image of mob.

What kind of deterrence can such a Baihou alliance have?


Raidou closed his eyes slightly.

Baihoumeng doesn't work, in fact he knows it. No one knows better than Lei Dao what is going on in the Hundred Marquis League. How is it possible to rely on the Hundred Marquis League to frighten these saints?

"My Hundred Marquis League is not in danger of protecting itself. With Lei in one day, the Hundred Marquis League will not be destroyed!"

Having said that, Lei Dao stopped talking nonsense, and just said in a cold tone: "The last warning, those who don't leave the Bone Land and the Baihuahou Kingdom now, will be killed without mercy!"

In the void, there seemed to be a cold killing intent all of a sudden.

Although Lei Dao said these words very calmly, it made the atmosphere suddenly solemn. Sen Leng's murderous intent was not a joke.

It's just that "Unforgiven" seems a little uncomfortable.

On the surface, Lei Dao is just a holy figure of the fourth level of the holy body, but he said "kill without mercy" in front of so many holy figures of the fourth and fifth levels of the holy body, what is this?

After all, it still needs to rely on fighting!

Need to rely on blood, need to rely on killing to forge Lei Dao's reputation.


Lei Dao's gaze narrowed slightly, focusing on one of the saints.

That blue-robed saint, the five-fold saint of the holy body!

The five holy bodies of thousands of feet span the void, and they have a unique breath among the many saints. It can be seen at a glance that they are the five-fold saints of the holy body, which is different from other saints.

Lei Dao locked on the holy man at first sight.

"Sacred Law of Destruction!"

Lei Dao's annihilated holy body stepped out in one step.


Annihilated the Eucharist, cast the holy law, and still went all out. Immediately, the mighty power of annihilation almost enveloped the blue-robed sage at once.

There are still five holy bodies, all of which are covered.

The blue-robed sage was under tremendous pressure all of a sudden. He was originally personable, standing with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression, as if he was just a spectator, and his attitude seemed a little detached.

After all, he is the fivefold Saint of the Eucharist!

But the blue-robed saint was suddenly enveloped by Lei Dao's annihilated holy body, and he felt heavy pressure all of a sudden.

powerful! Very strong!

This is the feeling of the blue-robed sage.

He had also heard of Lei Shengzun before, who was a strange saint who rose up with the Baihou League. No one knew about Lei Dao before, but with the rise of the Baihou League, Lei Dao's reputation gradually spread.

But it's just that Lei Dao helped the expansion of the Baihou League, and he is the top four saints of the Eucharist.

That's all!

The pressure that the blue-robed saint is feeling now is unimaginable. Is this the aura that a top-notch quadruple saint can possess?

The five-fold Holy Physique, no, even the ordinary six-fold Holy Physique, I'm afraid they don't have such a terrifying aura.

Moreover, Lei Daocai only used one holy body, and dared to cover all five holy bodies of the blue-robed saint.

Although the blue-robed saint felt a fatal threat, he had no choice at this time. Lei Dao was too close to him, so he rushed in front of him, making it impossible for the blue-robed saint to avoid him.

What's more, the blue-robed saint didn't think about avoiding Lei Dao at the beginning, so it was a tragedy to be enveloped by Lei Dao's annihilated holy body all at once.

Count on other saints?

That's simply impossible. The blue-robed saint and other saints are also in a competitive relationship. Who will help a competitor?

Therefore, the blue-robed saint can only rely on himself!


Lei Dao's annihilated holy body punched directly on the five holy bodies of the blue-robed saint.

With one holy body, fighting against five holy bodies, and even forcibly bringing the five holy bodies into the attack range of the annihilated holy body, this is extremely confident.

Following Lei Dao's annihilation of the holy body, he punched the five holy bodies.

With the ultimate holy body strengthened four times by Lei Dao at this moment, especially the annihilation holy body, which is still a pure attacking holy body, the power is unimaginable. It is easy to blow up a five-time strengthened high-level holy body with one punch.

However, these are five holy bodies!


The five holy bodies of the blue-robed saint were shocked, and then they all felt that the power of annihilation was constantly obliterating the holy bodies, and almost one-third of the holy bodies were wiped out.

What is this concept?

About one-third of the five holy bodies were obliterated at the same time.

In other words, if Lei Dao hits two more punches, won't he be completely blown away?

Thinking of this, the blue-robed saint almost went crazy.


Without hesitation, the blue-robed saint retreated immediately, and the five holy bodies retreated together.

His decisive retreat was indeed somewhat beyond Lei Dao's expectations, but did it work?

"God's Eye Domain!"

The next moment, on the forehead of Lei Dao's fifth-stage divine blood avatar, a scarlet light radiated from the scarlet eyes, which spread rapidly and enveloped the five holy bodies of the blue-robed saint.

Immediately, the five holy bodies of the blue-robed saint trembled slightly, and then they were completely imprisoned in place.

There was even a hint of fear on the face of the blue-robed sage. Imprisoned directly, he knew what kind of end he was about to face, but it was too late to say anything at this time.


The next moment, Lei Dao's Annihilation Holy Body and Exploding Flame Holy Body shot together. These two holy bodies are pure attacking holy bodies, and the attacks are extremely violent.

Once you do it, go all out!


There was only a muffled sound, and all the saints who witnessed this scene felt a "thump" in their hearts, as if they had some bad premonition.

They seemed to have sensed the breath of the blue-robed sage, and disappeared all of a sudden.

Yes, gone!

what does that mean?

The hearts of many holy venerables sank slightly.

As the smoke cleared, Lei Dao's holy body stood quietly in the void. The place where the five holy bodies of the blue-robed saint stood just now is now empty.

The five holy bodies of the blue-robed saint were directly blown up by Lei Dao's Annihilation Holy Body and Explosive Holy Body, turned into powder, and completely wiped out by the terrifying power of the holy body.

Not even a trace of breath remained.

Seeing this scene, all the saints around felt chills in their hearts.

what did they see

Lei Dao blasted the blue-robed saint with one blow.

And the blue-robed saint is a dignified five-fold holy saint, and in the end he couldn't even withstand Lei Dao's blow.

Even Lei Dao only used two holy bodies and one clone.

There are still two Eucharists left unused.

This level of strength left all the saints dumbfounded, feeling extremely heavy and shocked deep in their hearts.

They didn't know much about the Baihou League before. Even if Bai Huahou announced that he joined the Baihou League, they didn't know much about it.

At most, just collect some data.

For Lei Dao, it is very unfamiliar, just know that Lei Dao is a top-notch quadruple saint.

But now, where did the blue-robed saint explode with one blow, a saint of the fifth level of the holy body, how does this look like a fourth-level saint of the holy body? Even the fifth-layer Holy Physique, no, even the ordinary sixth-layer Holy Physique, is not as terrifying as Lei Dao?

As a result, some news that was not taken seriously before, such as some "exaggerated" rumors about Lei Dao, were also "remembered" by some saints.

In those rumors, Lei Dao was too exaggerated.

For example, Lei Dao rebelled against the emperor's son at the fifth level of the Holy Body!

That is a majestic emperor, and only emperors have always fought by leapfrogging, and almost no emperors have been able to leapfrog and defeat emperors.

And, that's not an exaggeration.

The real exaggeration is that Lei Dao even fought two levels, and also beheaded the sixth-level saint of the Eucharist, even the peak saint of the sixth-level Eucharist!

Such rumors are really too exaggerated, the sage who sneaked into the Baihuahou Kingdom would hardly believe such rumors.

This is simply a fantasy!

But at this moment, what they thought was a fantasy, even happened in front of them. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lei Dao leapfrogged and knocked out the five-layer saint of the Eucharist!

The reality seems to be more exaggerated than the rumors!

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