Longevity Species

Chapter 527 Found it! (Second more)

"Sixty thousand year panacea?"

The vice president was astonished.

After a long time, the vice president slowly said: "Are you sure you are not joking?"

"Is there a 60,000-year panacea for sale in your chamber of commerce? The price is not a problem."

Lei Dao didn't care about the price at all.

As long as the Qilin Chamber of Commerce sells the 60,000-year elixir and is willing to sell it, no matter how high the price is, it will be nothing.

I'm afraid that the Qilin Chamber of Commerce does not have a 60,000-year panacea.

Sure enough, after hearing Lei Dao's affirmative answer, the vice-chairman shook his head with a wry smile and said, "How can we Qilin merchants have the 60,000-year-old panacea? Even if we have it, we may not be able to keep it, let alone sell it publicly." Unfortunately, I, the Qilin Chamber of Commerce, cannot help you."

"There's none?"

Lei Dao didn't feel disappointed, obviously in his expectation.

"Since there is no 60,000-year-old elixir, does your chamber of commerce have news about 60,000-year-old elixir? For example, which chamber of commerce has 60,000-year-old elixir?"

Reid asked again.

The vice president shook his head and said, "Your Excellency, you are joking. In the Principality of Yuanchuan, even our Qilin Chamber of Commerce does not have the elixir of 60,000 years. How can other chambers of commerce have it? Let alone the Chamber of Commerce, even if it is owned by the entire Principality of Yuanchuan There are no 60,000-year-old elixir, and now there are fewer and fewer high-level elixir, and they are often priced but not marketed, and they can only be found by luck."

"The vice president's words are a bit exaggerated, right? How could there be no such thing in the entire Yuanchuan Principality? How did Mr. Lei hear that the Yuanchuan Principality once had an elixir that was more than 60,000 years old, and there was even a commotion."

As soon as Lei Dao's words fell, the entire VIP room fell silent, and a needle could be heard.

The vice president's pupils shrank, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Lei Dao firmly, with a meaningful smile that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

After a long time, the vice president said: "It seems that your excellency is very well prepared, is it for that matter? It's a pity that Lord Yuanchuan has blocked the news, and no one knows whether there are 60,000 years or not. The above elixir. Therefore, I have disappointed you."

Now, why doesn't the vice president know Lei Dao's purpose?

At that time, there was a lot of trouble.

Even Mr. Yuan Chuan could only resort to tough measures, which gradually calmed down the situation. But there must be someone who knows about this matter, and it is impossible that there is no news at all.

Lei Dao's eyes were as sharp as a knife, he stared at the vice president, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that the vice president knows something, and Lei is willing to pay a big price for any news and information about that matter. How about the Wannian panacea?"

"A ten thousand year elixir?"

The vice president was a little moved, but finally shook his head.

"Five plants!"

Lei Dao was unmoved, and increased his chips.

The five ten-thousand-year elixir made the vice-chairman's breathing quicken all of a sudden.

Even though he is the vice president of the Qilin Chamber of Commerce and has no shortage of resources, the value of the five ten thousand-year elixir is enough to make him tempted.

However, that matter involved too much. Once Mr. Yuan Chuan found out, he would be finished, even with the Qilin Chamber of Commerce.

For that matter, Mr. Fuchikawa once gave a death order.

"Ten plants!"

Lei Dao was unmoved and continued to increase his chips.

Ten thousand years of elixir were thrown out at once.

Ten thousand-year elixir is nothing to Lei Dao. He still has more than 400 thousand-year elixir, so he doesn't care about ten thousand-year elixir.

If ten thousand-year elixir can be exchanged for one news about 60,000-year elixir, Lei Dao thinks it is worth it!

Lei Dao was not an empty number, but with a wave of his hand, ten thousand-year elixir had already appeared in front of the vice president.

The vice president stared at the ten thousand-year elixir. Even if he was the vice-chairman of the Qilin Chamber of Commerce, he couldn't easily get ten ten thousand-year elixir.

Now, just a piece of news can be worth ten thousand years of elixir.

After a long time, the vice president waved his hand, and immediately, the ten thousand-year elixir disappeared without a trace, and was put away by the vice president.

"News, indeed!"

The vice president said every word with an extremely solemn expression.

"But this news is of great importance. Once you know it, you must not disclose that you got the news from the Qilin Chamber of Commerce."

"It's natural."

Of course Lei Dao knew the vice president's concerns.

After all, in the Principality of Yuanchuan, Duke Yuanchuan is the supreme ruler. Anyone and any force will bow their heads in front of Duke Yuanchuan.

"At the beginning, there was indeed a 60,000-year-old elixir in Yuanchuan Principality, and it was even near Huolin City. It is said that a special elixir planting base was discovered, which contained a large number of high-level elixir. Many people speculated that, Is it the secret elixir planting base of Lord Yuanchuan in the past? After all, Lord Yuanchuan is in charge of the Holy Treasure, and he knows all about the domestic affairs of the Duke of Yuanchuan, so it is impossible not to know about an elixir planting base."

"If it is really the secret elixir planting base of Lord Yuanchuan in the past, I am afraid it will be very difficult. High-level elixir, even if it is the lord of the principality, can only break through the realm and advance to the next level by relying on the bestowal of the gods. But Mr. Yuan Chuan secretly created a elixir planting base, even with high-level elixir, I am afraid that he just wanted to get rid of his dependence on the gods. There were even some other plans, but unfortunately, things came to light , It is said that Mr. Yuanchuan personally destroyed the elixir planting base, so he calmed down and talked about it."

"It's just that this is just a rumor. No one else knows how Mr. Yuanchuan acted. But the matter did gradually calm down, and no one knew the exact address of the elixir planting base. It gradually faded away."

The vice president told Lei Dao everything he knew in detail. Otherwise, Lei Dao's ten thousand-year elixir would not be so easy to get.

The vice president is very aware of this, so he told everything without any details.

"Secret elixir planting base?"

Lei Dao frowned, he felt that things seemed to be more complicated, and there seemed to be secrets in it.

It's not like he got a lot of elixir once, those appeared by accident in the Marquis.

But this time is different. The elixir planting base is most likely secretly cultivated by Mr. Yuan Chuan to counter the elixir monopoly of the gods, holy places, and emperors.

Lei Dao obtained the memory of the god corpse and knew about the "Extreme Spirit" incident.

Therefore, he is also very clear that after the "Extreme Spirit" incident, the number of high-level elixir will become less and less, and the maturity cycle will become longer and longer. If he masters the planting base of high-level elixir, he will almost master everything.

After all, for practitioners of the true god system, the elixir is the root!

Without the elixir, there would be no advancement, no advancement.

If Duke Yuanchuan of the past dynasties really had this awareness and secretly cultivated a elixir planting base, then the elixir planting base was suddenly exposed back then, I'm afraid it would not be that simple.

Among them, there must be some very complicated struggles involved.

Cultivating a high-level elixir cultivation base is not easy, even difficult. Once it is successfully cultivated, Duke Yuanchuan will not be willing to destroy it no matter what.

Obviously, Mr. Fuchikawa must have become tougher, blocked the news, and quelled this incident.

But, where is the secret elixir planting base?

Lei Dao didn't know.

"Vice President, thank you for your message."

After speaking, Lei Dao turned and left directly.

Looking at the back of Lei Dao leaving, the vice president gritted his teeth and murmured in a low voice: "Maybe, Yuanchuan Principality will not be peaceful again."

However, no matter how unsettled the Principality of Yuanchuan is, it has nothing to do with the vice president, and Duke Yuanchuan will naturally stand up for it.

After leaving the Qilin Chamber of Commerce, Lei Dao simply left Fire Lin City.

Alone, he searched slowly inch by inch within a thousand miles outside the city.

If there is a secret base, it is not so easy to transfer, after all, high-level elixir is also very dependent on the growth environment. Without a good growth environment, high-level elixir cannot grow.

Lei Dao used such a "clumsy" method, but it might not be rewarding, but it was Lei Dao's only way.

Inch by inch, it is not so easy to search the thousands of miles of Huolin City.

Sweeping directly with divine sense may not have any effect.

After all, there are many ways to avoid divine thoughts, such as magic circles.

If there is a special magic circle, no matter how strong the divine sense is, it will be ignored. At this time, the most reliable thing is your own eyes.

One day, two days, three days...

Lei Dao is very patient and careful. Relying on his "eyes", he searched inch by inch within a thousand miles of Huolin City. It took a long time, not ten days and half a month, or even one or two months to complete the search.

It takes longer.

However, Lei Dao is not in a hurry, it is just a place of thousands of miles, so what is it? Could it be possible to find it for the previous year?

What's more, even if it takes a year, if you can find the elixir planting base and get the 60,000-year elixir, it will be worth it!

So Lei Dao continued to search slowly regardless of everything.

One month, two months, three months, four months, five months...

Lei Dao has never been so "careful".

The whole half a year, even Lei Dao's twenty-sixth birthday, was spent during this period.

But he was still searching outside Huolin City for months like a day.

Suddenly, when Lei Dao searched for a valley, his mind moved.

It seems... I found something!

"Go and see".

Lei Dao gave birth to a glimmer of hope, and immediately flew to the valley.


Fuchikawa's mansion.

As the lord of the Principality at the top of the Xihe Dynasty, Lord Yuanchuan has always stayed in the Principality of Yuanchuan and rarely left, which is very rare.

In fact, no one knows that Fuchikawa is brewing an earth-shattering event.

The more turbulent the Xihe dynasty was, the more critical it was for Yuan Chuangong.

At this time, he would never allow any disturbance in the Principality of Fuchikawa.

"Soon, soon, the wish of my past Duke Fuchikawa is about to come true, and the Nine Layers of the Eucharist is not far away..."

Mr. Yuan Chuan murmured in a low voice, and there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Huh? Outside Huolin City, that's..."

Suddenly, Mr. Fuchikawa seemed to sense something, and his expression changed drastically.

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