Longevity Species

Chapter 564 Lei Dao, I have discovered your secret! (Second more)

The Ninth Prince and Duke Yuanchuan all set their sights on Lei Dao.

The eyes of both of them are meaningful.

In fact, Lei Shengzun also knows what the Ninth Prince is talking about. He himself has the greatest attraction to the Six Kings. The reason is very simple. Lei Dao has already mastered a certain amount of power to destroy the rules.

And Lei Dao is only the seventh layer of the Eucharist!

It is shocking enough that a seven-fold saint of the Eucharist can actually master the power of rules, even if he does not fully master the power of rules.

Even, this is simply a fantasy.

But now, this is a well-known fact, Lei Dao has mastered a part of the power of rules, far surpassing any giant of the Nine Layers of the Holy Body.

"The meaning of the Ninth Prince is to let Lei Mou deliberately release some news, for example, treasures that can help comprehend the rules, and then attract the arrival of King Nanyun?"

"Yes, that's the case. Moreover, Lei Shengzun himself has a certain power of rules, which is inconceivable. These rumors are more true and more convinced by King Nanyun. There will be no doubts. This leads to King Nanyun."

Lei Dao pondered, and he also had concerns: "If the news spreads, I'm afraid that Lei will have endless troubles, and even Emperor Zong will be attracted, and then it will be self-defeating."

"Hahaha, such a shocking secret, who would spread it on purpose? We just need to try to let King Nanyun know the news alone. King Nanyun will definitely not spread it around, but will try his best to intercept Lei Sheng Your Majesty, then is our chance!"

Lei Dao nodded, carefully weighing, this is indeed a way.

It's just that some prudent operations are required, and you must be careful, otherwise, it is easy to be self-defeating and cause some unnecessary or even greater troubles.

"Okay, then we have to make good preparations to see how we can lead out King Nanyun. However, in any case, strength is the most important thing. If King Nanyun is led out of the Kingdom of Nanyun, But in the end, King Nanyun couldn't be beheaded, no matter how good the strategy was, it would have no effect."

Lei Dao said with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry Lei Shengzun, we will do our best."

Raidou nodded.

This time's action can be regarded as completely binding the three giants together. Whether it is the Ninth Prince or Yuan Chuan, after this time, they can only be bound together with Lei Dao with all their hearts.

After all, Lei Dao and the other three are already all prosperous and all lost.

Lei Dao handed over the rest to Shangyang Yunchuan.

Shangyang Yunchuan used to be the head of the Baihou League. Therefore, many institutions of the Baihou League were established and controlled by Shangyang Yunchuan.

For example, the intelligence agencies, especially the intelligence agencies of King Dongji and King Nanyun, Shangyang Yunchuan used to attach great importance to them, and the intelligence forces of the Baihou League in these two kingdoms are also very strong, all hidden in the dark.

It is not so simple to pass the news that Lei Dao has a treasure that helps to comprehend the power of rules to King Nanyun. In particular, it is even more difficult to make a "accidental" leak of news. You have to be careful and plan slowly.

Lei Dao still trusted Shangyang Yunchuan, so he handed over everything to Shangyang Yunchuan.

As for Lei Dao himself, he tried to analyze the power of the rules, and he has already analyzed 90% of them. If he can go one step further and fully grasp the rules, that would be even better.

In addition, Lei Dao is also trying to see if he can improve the divine blood in the body of the divine blood. If it can be raised to the eighth stage of divine blood, Lei Dao's overall strength will undoubtedly be stronger.

It's a pity that Lei Dao's current lifespan is not enough, only more than 600 years of lifespan left.

Otherwise, Lei Dao even has the heart to directly upgrade the blood of the divine blood clone to the eighth stage of divine blood. That would consume 800 years of lifespan, and currently Lei Dao is simply unable to use his lifespan to increase the divine-blood avatar.

What Lei Dao can do is very limited. It is nothing more than constantly pondering the application of the rules of destruction, especially the combination with the simplified version of the sanctuary, etc., so as to continuously improve its strength.

Time passed little by little.

The entire Xihe Dynasty seemed to be even more chaotic. Various forces continued to strife and fight, causing the entire Xihe Dynasty to be incomparably chaotic.

But basically nothing too shocking news.

The only big news is the establishment of the Holy Land Alliance!

The Thirty-Six Holy Lands had been negotiating in secret all along, trying to form an alliance of Holy Lands, advancing and retreating together. However, there are too many holy lands and various conflicts of interest, so it is not so easy to establish a holy land alliance.

Therefore, the Seven Holy Lands took the lead in establishing the Holy Land Alliance in the Xihe Dynasty, and currently there are only seven members. However, the Holy Land Alliance began to attack brazenly, directly capturing thirteen duchies and dozens of marquises, forming a huge force.

Moreover, in the future, other holy places may join in one after another.

The Holy Land Alliance has become an out-and-out behemoth in Xi He's court, even enough to crush the Six Kings! For a time, the power of the six kings expanded even more crazily except for the Beiling King.

The only weakness of the Holy Land Alliance is that there is no Holy Treasure.

Even if some of the Holy Treasures of the Principality and the Holy Treasure of the Marquis were seized, it is actually very difficult to compete with the Holy Treasures in the hands of the Six Kings, and the gap is even too large.

The forces of the Holy Land, the Six Kings, the Principality, and the Emperor's Clan all caused a storm in the Xihe Divine Dynasty, and there was chaos everywhere. On the contrary, the Hundred Marquis League seemed very quiet.

Even the Feixian Emperor Sect, one of the Nine Great Emperor Sects, suffered a great loss from the Baihoumeng, but ended up being very quiet, without any movement at all.

This makes many forces feel a little strange.

That is one of the Nine Great Emperor Sects, with the Great Emperor sitting in charge, it is currently a well-deserved giant power in the entire ancient Shenzhou!

For Lei Dao in the Baihou League, daring to kill a giant of the Flying Immortal Emperor Sect is in itself incredible, even quite shocking.

Other forces are even "expecting" the revenge of Feixian Emperorzong.

But the Feixian Emperor Sect did not make any movement, which made people feel very surprised.

However, after this incident, no one would provoke Baihoumeng or Lei Dao anymore.

On the contrary, the Baihou League is in unprecedented peace.

At this moment, the intelligence organization of the Baihou League has encountered a catastrophe in the Nanyun Kingdom.

"His Highness King Nanyun, the Baihou League's intelligence organization has been found and destroyed by us. However, we have obtained a secret message from it, and His Highness still needs to make a decision."

A sage carefully reported to King Nanyun.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

King Nanyun asked calmly.

Ever since he was defeated by Lei Dao, and the last time he "encouraged" the five giants of the Feixian Emperor Sect to go to the Baihou League, King Nanyun has been very cautious and has been paying close attention to the movement of the Baihou League.

After all, even the five giants were defeated, which made King Nanyun a little "panicked", for fear that Lei Dao would directly kill Nanyun Kingdom to trouble him.

Fortunately, Lei Dao has not made any movement.

But for the intelligence organization of the Hundred Marquis League, King Nanyun did not have any appeasement, and directly ordered the eradication of the Baihou League's intelligence organization.

"His Royal Highness Nanyun, when we destroyed the intelligence organization of the Baihou League, we captured a holy venerable. We were going to kill this holy venerable, but he told us a piece of news in order to survive. This news, we also He couldn't tell the truth from the fake, but he knew it was very important, so he reported it to His Highness. According to the other party, he had accidentally seen that the leader of the Hundred Marquis League had a rare treasure that he carried with him all the time, and was using many The Holy Treasure of the Principality and the Holy Treasure of the Hou Country seem to be cultivating something."


King Nanyun suddenly opened his eyes.

"You mean, what is Lei Dao practicing with the Holy Treasure of the Principality and the Holy Treasure of the Hou Kingdom?"

"That's right, that's what the other party said. They also asked people to collect more holy treasures for cultivation, but they didn't see Lei Dao manifesting the holy body."

King Nanyun had a faint guess in his heart.

Although, this is just a guess, but he feels that it is probably close to ten.

The Holy Treasure of the Principality and the Holy Treasure of the Hou Kingdom are not actually holy treasures in essence, but regular artifacts refined by the God of Xihe!

Once the holy treasure is integrated to a certain level, it will be able to slowly show some characteristics of the rule artifact, that is, to mobilize some rule power.

It's hard to say whether there are still rules and artifacts, and it's not known whether the Nine Emperors have them.

But the rule artifacts that can be seen and touched are actually these Holy Treasures of the Principality or Holy Treasures of the Hou Kingdom. If you are not the lord of the principality or the lord of the marquis, in fact, you can't use these holy treasures at all.

As for practice?

That's even more impossible.

The practice of the Holy One can only be to condense the holy body, temper the holy body, or practice the holy law.

But Lei Dao didn't even manifest the Eucharist, obviously not practicing the Eucharist.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is that Lei Dao is trying to comprehend the power of rules!

"Bring that Holy One up."

King Nanyun's heart was extremely hot.

Although he had some guesses in his mind, they still needed to be confirmed.

The power of rules is what he dreams of and wants to comprehend. In fact, the six kings still have some advantages in comprehending the power of rules, because they can use the holy treasure king seal.

The Holy Treasure refined by the God of Xihe was originally a part of the Rule Artifact, so it was easier to comprehend the power of the Rule through the Holy Treasure.

If King Nanyun guessed correctly, Lei Dao used this method to try to comprehend the power of rules.

The reason why King Nanyun attaches importance to it is very simple. Lei Dao has already comprehended the power of rules, or in other words, he has comprehended a part of the power of rules, and has surpassed more than 99% of the nine giants of the holy body.

As long as he can fully comprehend the rules, then Lei Dao can become a great emperor!

For King Nanyun, this is simply a dream.

It's a pity that King Nanyun couldn't comprehend the rules.

Soon, the venerable Baihoumeng came to King Nanyun, and King Nanyun asked carefully, without missing a single word. Gradually, Lei Dao became more and more excited.

It seems that he has already seen the secret of Lei Dao.

"Lei Dao, it turns out that you are relying on a strange treasure that can help the Holy Master understand the rules, so that you can understand the rules. If this king can get that strange treasure and understand the rules, I am afraid that you will not be far from becoming the emperor." Already!"

King Nanyun was extremely excited, as if he had really discovered the shocking secret hidden in Lei Dao.

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