Longevity Species

Chapter 585: Flying Immortal Emperor Sect! (first update)

The emperors of the Chaos God Dynasty and the Eight Great Emperor Sects are already finishing up. The number of emperors in the Chaos God Dynasty is more than that of the Xihe Dynasty, but no matter how many there are, they are no match for the Eight Emperor Sects joining forces.

Now there is only one fish that slipped through the net, and they are still looking for it, and they want to find it and kill it in one fell swoop.

After this, the three great god dynasties in ancient China all fell into their hands.

From now on, the Eight Great Emperor Sects will be able to reign over the entire ancient China and regain its former glory.

It's just that these great emperors don't have much excitement on their faces now. The Chaos God Dynasty is about to be controlled, and the Eight Great Emperor Sects are about to rule the ancient Shenzhou. What's there to be unhappy about?

This is because these great emperors have just received a piece of news, and it is news about the Eight Great Emperor Sects.

Dozens of giants were beheaded by the Eight Great Emperor Sects!

"Baihoumeng, Lei Dao! What kind of person is this, who can kill dozens of giants? Moreover, he has not yet become a great emperor!"

"Baihoumeng, this emperor knows, how can a newly rising force that doesn't even have the Ninth Layer of the Eucharist be able to kill dozens of giants?"

"That's right, with dozens of giants, who can stand against the emperor if the emperor doesn't come out? Could it be that the Xihe Dynasty also slipped through the net?"

For a moment, even the emperor's expression became serious.

They are not sorry for the dozens of giants, no matter how many giants they lose, in fact, deep down in their hearts, these great emperors don't care much.

Of the Eight Great Emperor Sects, as long as there is a Great Emperor, that is the real Emperor Sect. The Great Emperor is the real pillar of the Emperor Sect. As for the Nine Layers of the Holy Body, as long as they are given time, the giants of the Nine Layers of the Holy Body in the Emperor Sect can recover slowly.

But if there is still a great emperor in the Xihe Dynasty, it will be a big trouble. Any great emperor will be regarded as a thorn in the side of the Eight Great Emperor Sect, which is the biggest threat to the Eight Great Emperor Sect.

"No, not the Great Emperor. This Lei Dao is a little special. He is just a giant of the Nine Layers of the Holy Body, but he has almost invincible strength. At least at the stage of the Holy Lord, no one is his opponent. Moreover, Lei Dao's growth rate is very fast. Hurry up, let him continue to grow, maybe he will become a great emperor, after all, he has already begun to analyze the rules. It is better for this emperor to return to the Xihe God Dynasty to completely eliminate the threat of Lei Dao."

Emperor Xiandong of Feixian Emperor Sect spoke slowly.

He had just received detailed information about Lei Dao, and Emperor Xiandong was extremely furious. Although the Eight Great Emperor Sects suffered heavy losses this time, the Feixian Emperor Sect undoubtedly suffered the heaviest loss.

Moreover, Lei Dao even threatened to crush Feixiandizong, how could Emperor Xiandong turn a blind eye?

The situation here, without Emperor Xiandong, actually has no effect, and the emperors of the Eight Great Emperor Sects are also enough to solve the fish that slipped through the net of the Chaos God Dynasty.

"Also, Lei Dao is always a threat. Emperor Xiandong will go back to solve Lei Dao himself, and we can completely rest assured."

The other emperors also nodded in agreement.

"Okay, the emperor is waiting for good news from the great emperors at the Xihe Dynasty."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Xiandong couldn't wait to leave.

Looking at the direction in which Emperor Xiandong left, some great emperors laughed instead: "Emperor Xiandong seems to be in a hurry. I really didn't expect that someone would be so bold as to threaten to destroy the gate of Emperor Zong."

"The Emperor Feixian's loss this time was even more severe. Even Lei Dao was the first to deal with the Emperor Feixian. Is there any reason why Emperor Xiandong should not be in a hurry?"

"Alright, Emperor Xiandong went back to solve Lei Dao, and we will find the fish that slipped through the net of the Chaos God Dynasty. The entire ancient Shenzhou will return to the hands of our Emperor Sect. At that time, the reappearance of our Emperor Sect's glory is just around the corner. !"

These great emperors also had rainbow lights on their faces, appearing very excited.

What they care about is always the emperor!

As for Lei Dao, even if Lei Dao killed dozens of giants, these great emperors actually didn't care much. What's more, Emperor Xiandong personally returned to the Xihe God Dynasty to deal with Lei Dao, so what could have gone wrong?

Therefore, they are very relieved.


"The memory of the will of the world..."

Lei Dao has been on his way with Duke Yuanchuan and the Ninth Prince. But on the way, Lei Dao was also carefully experiencing a very strange memory in his mind.

This group of memories is very strange. It's not Lei Dao's memory at all.

Lei Dao also remembered that when his consciousness entered the will of the world, he temporarily grabbed a bunch of information, but even Lei Dao didn't know what the information was.

But that is the core memory of the will of the world.

In other words, it is the memory of the birth of the will of the world.

Lei Dao began to sort out this group of memories, trying to enter into this group of memories to check.


Suddenly, Lei Dao's mind went blank. He seemed to "see" a ray of light, this ray of light seemed to be the light of the recovery of all things, and he didn't know where it came from.

In short, Lei Dao just "saw" this light.

In other words, this is the first light seen at the beginning of the birth of the will of the world.

It is this ray of light that makes the whole world colorful, and the whole world seems to "live".

It didn't take long for the will of the world to feel that it had "suffered" a heavy blow, because some powerful creatures were wreaking havoc on the entire world.

It's not breaking the world, but breaking the rules, destroying the rules and order of the entire world's operation, which is very harmful to the will of the world.

The will of the world is to shape the basic order of the world and maintain the operation of the world, so that the world can thrive. But those powerful creatures, who seem to ignore the rules, can break anything.

Even the will of the world is very "afraid" of those powerful creatures.

Lei Dao was shocked.

He also saw those powerful creatures from this memory. Aren't these powerful creatures just "innate gods"?

Innate gods were born so early, even before the will of the world was born.

It is not wrong to say that the innate gods were once the masters of the entire world.

Gradually, the will of the world seems to be trying to compete with the innate gods, but those innate gods are too powerful and there are too many of them, and the will of the world cannot compete.

Later, the will of the world gradually shifted its attention to some beings who were still weak at that time. The will of the world discovered that although these beings are weak, they are very tenacious and can grow rapidly.

Even, some of these weak beings have grown to a limit. Although they are not the opponents of the innate gods, they are no longer defenseless.

The will of the world decides to support these weak lives, it introduces the consciousness of these weak lives into the will of the world, and gives these weak lives control over the rules.

Afterwards, these weak beings ascended to the sky in one step, and they were able to master the rules of the world.

Although, at that time, the innate gods were very strong and could even break the rules. But as there are more and more such beings, more and more rules of the world are mastered. Gradually, the battle with the innate gods has become fierce, and some innate gods have even been beheaded.

These lives are true gods!

As the number of true gods increased, they also maintained the rules of the world more and more. And the innate gods are gradually at a disadvantage, and the rules of the world are getting stronger.

In the end, an earth-shattering battle broke out between the innate gods and the true gods.

That battle seemed to shatter the entire world. Countless rules were broken, and countless innate gods and true gods fell.

Even, the whole world was pierced through, even the will of the world couldn't be repaired, and a shadow gradually appeared on the whole world...

The memory is gone.

Lei Dao just obtained a memory of the core of the will of the world.

In fact, Lei Dao already knew that the battle between the true god and the innate gods must be an earth-shattering battle. But now, Lei Dao saw the whole process of the great war from another angle, from the perspective of the will of the world.

Even know the ins and outs.

It turns out that the emergence of the true god and the biggest driving force behind the scenes are actually the will of the world!

In other words, the whole world needs the birth of a true god to compete with the innate gods. Therefore, if you want to become a great emperor and master the rules, the last step is to obtain the recognition of the will of the world, so that you can become a great emperor.

But that was the true god before.

Later, the number of true gods increased, and I am afraid that they also embarked on the same path as the innate gods.

The true god is supreme, the true god is the greatest, how can he be bound by the will of the world?

As far as Lei Dao knows, the true god is the pursuit of detachment.

Detached from the world, freed from the shackles of the will of the world.

Obviously, the later true gods are fundamentally different from the group of true gods assisted by the will of the world in the earliest days.

However, what Lei Dao really cares about is not the true god, but the shadow of the world in his memory.

It seems that the battle between the true gods and the innate gods caused the whole world to collapse. Even the world was pierced, and the final war ended, but there seemed to be a shadow in the world, and the will of the world could not expel or restore it.

That group of shadows faintly felt familiar to Lei Dao.

"That's... Dark Abyss?"

Lei Dao's heart trembled, he seemed to think of something.

Dark Abyss, that must be Dark Abyss!

Later, the surviving innate gods and true gods seemed to have reached an agreement, and they stopped fighting each other. In the dark abyss, the two sides even fought against the enemy together.

What is the enemy?

Not even the will of the world can expel or restore it.

Even, the will of the world calls it a "shadow".

Is the disappearance of the true god related to this shadow? Or, is it related to the dark abyss?

Lei Dao faintly felt that he seemed to be about to touch the truth.

The true gods of the three great dynasties may be the only three remaining true gods in this world. But these three true gods suddenly disappeared without saying a word.

What exactly does this mean?

Lei Dao doesn't know, maybe Emperor Zong knows.


Lei Dao raised his head, isn't he going to the Feixian Emperor Sect this time?

In front of Lei Dao, there appeared a cloud-shrouded mountain peak, which looked majestic, simple and mysterious.

The Feixian Emperor Sect has arrived!

This mountain peak is the mountain gate of the Feixian Emperor Sect!

In other words, the dozens of surrounding peaks are all the gates of the Feixian Emperor Sect!

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