Longevity Species

Chapter 607: Destroy Taiyuan Emperor Sect! (first update)

"No, no, how could this be..."

Everything fell silent.

Inside the Taiyuan Emperor's patriarchal formation, Emperor Jinghong's face was pale, his eyes were loose, looking at the emptiness around him, Emperor Jinghong realized that he was in serious trouble.

Perhaps, he became as stupid as Emperor Xiandong, and he actually opened the magic circle of the mountain gate on his own initiative.

No matter what his original intention was, opening the magic circle of the mountain gate and actively releasing the thunder path to enter was the biggest mistake!

Lei Dao stood quietly in the void, with his hands behind his back, looking at the dazed Emperor Jinghong, shook his head, and sighed: "Emperor Jinghong, since you have done something wrong, you have to pay for it !"


Emperor Jinghong's expression suddenly became ferocious.

"The emperor can't be wrong!"


Emperor Jinghong once again activated the power of the Mountain Gate Formation, sweeping towards Lei Dao mightily. He didn't want to blast Lei Dao to death, but to "drive" Lei Dao out of the magic circle of the mountain gate.

As long as Lei Dao is expelled from the magic circle of the mountain gate, no matter how strong Lei Dao is, he will not be able to break through the magic circle, and Emperor Taiyuan can be preserved.

Even now, Emperor Jinghong still has not given up, but his resilience is astonishing.

But, what's the use?

When there were three top emperors just now, Lei Dao was not afraid, let alone now?

Facing the power of the magic circle, Lei Dao stood still. Surrounded by the power of the seven rules, the power of the Taiyuan Emperor Zong's magic circle can't even break the power of the seven rules of Lei Dao, let alone hurt the rules of the Eucharist itself.

Lei Dao carefully felt the power of the magic circle, it was indeed very strong, even stronger than what he felt in the Feixian Emperor Sect, and it was faintly comparable to the top emperor.

It's a pity that Lei Dao at this moment is no longer an ordinary top emperor.


Lei Dao didn't bother to go around in circles with Emperor Jinghong anymore, he stepped forward directly with his regular holy body, and suddenly, the entire gate of Taiyuan Emperor Sect was in turmoil, and even the magic circle of the gate was cracking inch by inch.


Like glass, there are many cracks in the formation of the mountain gate of Taiyuan Emperor Zong. Once these cracks appear, there will be problems with the operation of the entire formation.

Emperor Jinghong looked crazy, he didn't want to, and couldn't accept such a fact, he was still desperately urging the power of the magic circle, but Lei Dao shook his head and punched out directly.


Emperor Jinghong was shocked all over, he opened his eyes wide, staring at Lei Dao, and even tried his best to stimulate the power of the magic circle, but it's a pity, facing Lei Dao's punch, his this Ordinary emperors are simply powerless to resist.

This is true even with the addition of the power of the Taiyuan Emperor Sect's mountain gate formation.


The regular holy body of Emperor Jinghong was directly blown away by Lei Dao's punch, and the violent power even directly smashed the formation of the gate of Emperor Taiyuan's sect into pieces and completely shattered it.

The gate of Emperor Taiyuan's sect was thus exposed in front of everyone.

Emperor Xiyun's eyes lit up.

He has already seen Lei Dao, and even more so, the mountain gate of Emperor Taiyuan.

"Emperor Jinghong has fallen!"

Emperor Xiyun's heart trembled. Obviously, Emperor Jinghong fell and the magic circle of the mountain gate was broken. He knew very well what the Taiyuan Emperor Sect would face next.

"Emperor Xiyun, how about stepping down the gate of Emperor Zong Mountain together with Lei?"

Lei Dao suddenly said to Emperor Xiyun.

Emperor Xiyun's heart was complicated, but his expression was also somewhat excited.

After all, this is the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate!

Back then, the Nine Great Emperors besieged and killed Emperor Xikun, causing the collapse of the Xihe Dynasty, and even hunted and killed members of the Xihe Dynasty's royal family, how could Emperor Xiyun not hate it?

And now, he also has the opportunity to destroy an Emperor Zong Mountain Gate, how could he refuse?

"Hahaha, alright, the old man also personally stepped down a mountain gate of Emperor Zong, accomplishing a feat that the three great dynasties failed to accomplish!"

Emperor Xiyun's body also swelled rapidly, and just like Lei Dao, he instantly transformed into a terrifying giant standing upright. Then, together with Lei Dao, he stepped on it directly.

All the people in Emperor Taiyuan's sect showed despair on their faces, and let out miserable roars. They would never have imagined that the majestic Taiyuan Emperor Sect, even one of the top Emperor Sects, is now facing the crisis of being trampled out.

However, even Emperor Jinghong died, and the magic circle of the mountain gate was broken, so what can they do?


Two giant feet that lifted the sky, stomped down fiercely.

Immediately, the entire gate of Taiyuan Emperor Zong was razed to the ground, and countless disciples inside were reduced to ashes under this foot.

Taiyuan Emperor Sect has since disappeared into the long river of history.

The movement of the Taiyuan Emperor Sect was so great that some saints even tried to investigate.

Therefore, this scene was seen by many holy venerables, and each of them was shocked beyond measure.

Needless to say, the battle between the top emperors before, can be met but not sought.

But now, they saw with their own eyes that Emperor Taiyuan's sect had been trampled out, which gave them a great shock in the depths of their hearts.

It turned out that Emperor Zong, who seemed to be invincible, was so fragile that he could be trampled down!

It is different from Feixian Emperor Sect.

Few people witnessed the Flying Immortal Emperor Sect back then.

But now, countless sages have seen this scene, seeing Emperor Taiyuan being trampled down by Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun. Such a shock impacted their hearts, and it also caused a fundamental change in their cognition. change.

In the troubled times, Emperor Sect is not the only one.

Even Emperor Zong is also a pawn!

Where is the real chess player?

No one knows.

Many times, many people think that the troubled times are initiated by the Nine Emperor Sects, and the Nine Emperor Sects control everything. But now it seems that the Nine Great Emperors can't control anything, and even themselves will be in danger.

In troubled times, it is not that simple.

"Okay, I believe that the remaining six emperor sects will all be huddled inside the gate of the emperor sect. We won't be able to destroy them for a while. We'd better go back to Shangyang city first and make a long-term plan."

"As it should be."

Therefore, Lei Dao returned to Shangyang City together with Emperor Xiyun.

They believe that what follows is probably the most peaceful period of time since the Great Chaos in Ancient China.


The six emperor sects were completely silent, and there was no movement at all.

But in fact, the great emperors of the six emperor sects all gathered together, but each of them was extremely silent.

The Taiyuan Emperor Sect was trampled out, and both Emperor Jinghong and the Patriarch Sanyuan fell.

Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun almost forcibly wiped out the Taiyuan Emperor Zong from under their noses. In this battle, the Emperor Zong was completely defeated!

Even after this battle, even the six emperors were in danger, and they didn't dare to leave the mountain gate at all.

Without leaving the mountain gate, how can the six emperor sects control the entire ancient China?

If Emperor Zong didn't control it, then the Hundred Marquis League could only control it, and even Emperor Xiyun would take the opportunity to rebuild the Xihe Dynasty. The fish that slipped through the net of the other two great dynasties also wanted to rebuild the dynasties.

In that way, the Nine Great Emperor Sects paid a heavy price, and now there are only Six Great Emperor Sects left. Wouldn't all their actions be useless?

The great emperors of the six emperor sects could not accept such a result.

Especially these top emperors.

They have all lived for a long time, and some top emperors, even the end is approaching, they are trying to use luck to become gods and become true gods.

But if the ancient Shenzhou is lost, then the so-called luck to become a god is a joke, and none of them can become a god by luck.

Unable to become a god, not even the hope of becoming a god, and can only wait for death quietly in the gate of Emperor Zongshan, this is unacceptable to any top emperor.

"We can't just sit and wait for death like this. Lei Dao can't do anything to us if we stay in the gate of Emperor Zong Mountain, but we can't stay here forever waiting to die. If the emperor rebuilds the god dynasty, then they will get a lot of luck, and even have a chance to become gods!"

"Everyone, don't forget, how did the god of Xihe become a god in the first place? It was because of his great luck that he became a true god, and thus overwhelmed my Nine Emperors! Once Lei Dao or Emperor Xiyun became a god, we Fengshan, but can it stop it? At the beginning, the God of Xihe didn't trample on our Nine Great Emperor Sects, but our Nine Great Emperor Sects were still useful to the God of Xihe, and the God of Xihe still used our Nine Great Emperor Sects. Our Nine Great Emperor Sects How many ancestors of the Great Emperor Sect went to the dark abyss to guard the passage. This is the price of blood!"

"But what about now? Once Lei Dao or Emperor Xiyun become gods, they won't need our Emperor Sect. At that time, can we still resist them? Therefore, we have no choice but to get rid of Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun." , must not allow anyone other than the Emperor Sect to become a true god. If there is a true god to be born, it can only be born in our Emperor Sect!"

All the emperors were silent.

Indeed, today is different from the past.

Emperor Zong must regain its glory, and it is absolutely impossible to give birth to a true god. Even if a true god is to be born, he must be a member of the Emperor Sect, otherwise, it is hard to say whether there will be an Emperor Sect in the future.

"However, now that Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun are in great power, we can't do anything to them at all, so what can we do?"

A top emperor spoke his mind.


This is the greatest tragedy!

No matter how deep the emperor's calculations are, so what? Even if they knew that Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun had the potential to become true gods, there was nothing they could do.

"No, there is another way."

Suddenly, one of the great emperors spoke slowly.

"any solution?"

"Do you still remember the demon cave that the Qianyuan Emperor Sect has been suppressing? At the beginning, the true god ancestor of the Qianyuan Emperor Sect established the Demon Cave, and even established the Qianyuan Emperor Sect, also for the eternal town of that demon cave. The situation inside, I think the Qianyuan Emperor Sect Should be more clear!"


The eyes of all the great emperors fell on Emperor Qianyuan Emperor Zong.

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