Longevity Species

Chapter 609 Collect all the Holy Treasures! (third change)

"This is……"

Emperor Qianyu was very nervous, he had just received the magic suppressing disk, and now there was this bloody impact, and he didn't know whether the magic circle arranged by Patriarch Qianyuan could resist it.

Following the impact of the blood light, the entire magic circle was shaking violently, but a white glow suddenly burst out from the magic circle, and ruthlessly blasted down towards the abyss.

A scream was vaguely heard, and then the blood light disappeared without a trace.

Emperor Qianyu was still worried, and waited quietly for a long time, and found that there was indeed no movement under the abyss, so he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The patriarch's magic circle is really powerful. The magic circle arranged by the Patriarch can also suppress the Demon Nest for a period of time, but the time should not be too long. Well, one day can almost solve Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun, enough!"

The other great emperor of the Qianyuan Emperor Sect still had lingering fears. The blood light just now was too terrifying, and the breath alone made people palpitate. If he really rushed out of the devil's lair, the great emperor might not be able to stop him.

"Old Ancestor Qianyu, let's go and return as soon as possible, and we must not delay. Even if there is any accident, the most important thing is to return as soon as possible and return the Zhenmo disk."

"Of course, the old man understands that it will take at most one day, whether it is successful or not, the old man will definitely come back! You just sit at the mountain gate, and no matter what happens, don't open the magic circle at the mountain gate."

The two great emperors discussed it properly, so Emperor Qianyu flew out of Emperor Qianyuan's sect with a magic suppressing plate.

The remaining emperor of the Qianyuan Emperor Sect looked at the abyss of the Demon Cave, gritted his teeth, and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground. Now the Demon Suppressing Pan was taken away by Patriarch Qianyu, no matter whether the patriarch's magic circle can block the monsters in the Demon Cave, he must pay close attention here, and if something goes wrong, he can still help to suppress it.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any problems in a mere day.

However, the Supreme Elder of Qianyuan Emperor Sect always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Now he can only pray that Patriarch Qianyu can go back quickly, suppress Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun as soon as possible, and return to Emperor Qianyuan, so that he can be completely relieved.


Shangyang City is becoming more and more prosperous now.

Especially after Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun stepped down the mountain gate of Emperor Taiyuan, Shangyang City almost became the center of the entire ancient Shenzhou, and there seemed to be an endless stream of practitioners coming every day.

The Hundred Marquis League has really become a force!

Of course, the foundation of the Hundred Marquis League is still very shallow. Although there are not only the Nine Princes and Lord Yuan Chuan, but also some other forces or hermits who have joined the Baihou League. Among the Hou League.

But compared with Emperor Zong, Baihou League's background is still very poor, and it can't be compared at all.

However, the advantage of the Baihou League is that there are two top emperors, Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun!

In fact, these two top emperors are both top emperors, and they can fight three or even more with one. Only in this way can the six top emperors be defeated, and even the gate of Emperor Taiyuan's sect be destroyed.

However, the expressions of Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun at this moment are not optimistic.

"You mean, the Devil's Nest? To suppress the Devil's Nest, there is a rule artifact?"

Lei Dao frowned, as if he didn't believe it.

But the Emperor Xiyun in front of him had a serious expression on his face, it didn't look like he was joking.

Emperor Xiyun's expression was serious, and he said in a deep voice: "That's right. Actually, this old man wanted to talk about it before, but he felt that the matter was not irreversible. First, he should frighten Emperor Zong so that he doesn't dare to act rashly. Who knows, you He actually stepped on the Taiyuan Emperor Sect, and even repelled the six top emperors. This is very likely to make the six Emperor Sects have a strong sense of crisis. Maybe they will really take the risk and use that rule artifact. Come on, we're in big trouble."

"The rule artifact...how come the Qianyuan Emperor Sect still has the rule artifact? What is the devil's lair?"

Although Lei Dao knew that Emperor Zong's background was very deep, even to some extent, deeper than that of the three great dynasties. After all, the Nine Emperor Sects are the orthodoxy created by the true gods.

Even the God of Xihe, in front of the patriarchs of the Nine Great Emperor Sects, is just a junior among the juniors.

It is really hard to say what those true god patriarchs left for the Nine Emperors.

"I don't know much about this matter, after all, it's been too long. But according to the records passed down by my royal family, when the God of Xihe became a true god, he originally wanted to destroy the Nine Great Emperors. Later, for some reason, Just give up this idea, leaving behind the Nine Great Emperor Sects. One of the reasons is related to the magic cave of the Qianyuan Emperor Sect."

"The Devil's Grotto, it is rumored that it is the ancestor of Emperor Qianyuan, who suppressed some monsters. And those monsters, involving some secrets of the ancient times, seem to be related to the battle of the ancient times, but there is no record in the royal family books, and the old man can't help it." I know. But Patriarch Qianyuan chose to suppress those monsters instead of killing them completely, which shows that those monsters are terrible. Even, he used rule artifacts to suppress the monsters, which shows that the monsters in the devil's lair are not simple. Now the old man is worried, the six emperors Some people took the risk and moved the rule artifact of Emperor Qianyuan."

Lei Dao's heart moved.

The monsters that Patriarch Qianyuan did not hesitate to suppress with regular artifacts are related to the battle of the ancients?

Isn't the battle of the ancients the battle with the innate gods?

No, apart from innate gods, there is also a kind of monster.

That is the "invading" monsters outside in the dark abyss.

Could it be that those foreign "invading" monsters are being suppressed in the Devil's Lair?

Many thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind, and maybe all of them were possible.

But this is not the most important thing, the top priority is not the monsters in the Devil's Lair, but the rule artifacts!

If the Six Great Emperor Sects really took the risk and prepared to use the rule artifact, then Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun would soon face the terrifying rule artifact.

"How strong is the rule artifact?"

Lei Dao asked in a deep voice.

Emperor Xiyun raised his head, and said in a deep voice: "I have never seen a regular artifact, but all the true gods of my Xihe Dynasty, except for the God of Xihe, none of the other true gods have the ability to refine regular artifacts. The true gods with ruled artifacts are the top true gods. According to the records of my royal family, ruled artifacts can kill true gods!"

"You can kill the true god..."

Raido was silent.

If this is the case, once the Six Great Emperor Sects use the rule artifact, how can he and Emperor Xiyun resist it? Then it is doomed to die.

After all, although Lei Dao is very confident, he is not arrogant enough to think that he is comparable to the true god.

Now even if he comprehends ten more rules, it is estimated that none of them will have any effect, and he will not be able to hold the artifact of rules at all.

"Then what shall we do?"

"Even if the emperor uses the regular artifact, it can only exert a small part of its power, but even if it only exerts 10-20% or 20-30% of its power, it will be earth-shattering, and no emperor can resist it. The one who can compete with the regular artifact is Only rule artifacts."

"So, we have to find the rule artifact?"

Lei Dao understood that he also had to find the rule artifact. Only in this way can it compete with the rule artifacts of the six emperor sects.

However, where can I find such a treasure as the Rule Artifact?

"Actually, the rule artifact is far away in the sky and close in front of us."

Emperor Xiyun said mysteriously.

"You mean, the Holy Treasure of the Xihe Dynasty?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

It is rumored that the God of Xihe had refined a powerful regular artifact back then, but for some unknown reason, he divided it into pieces of holy treasures and rewarded them to the lords of the kingdoms of the gods, the lords of the principalities, and the six kingdoms. King, to suppress the entire Xihe Dynasty!

Of course, the effect of doing this is also very good. Relying on the Holy Treasure, the lords of the Marquis, the Principality and the Six Kings can suppress any situation within the sphere of influence, allowing the Xihe Dynasty to truly control the huge god towards.

The people in the court of God have also been peaceful for tens of thousands of years, which can be said to have immeasurable merit.

But, everything has pros and cons.

Tens of thousands of years later, the royal family of the Xihe God Dynasty was weakening day by day, and the Nine Great Emperor Sects were ready to move, and even set off a chaotic world. If at this time, the royal family had a regular artifact, how could the Nine Great Emperors succeed?

How could the Xihe Dynasty collapse?

It's just that there are no ifs in everything, and now the royal family has to swallow the bitter fruit of having no rules and artifacts.

Of course, the best state is to have both the Holy Treasure and a regular artifact for the royal family.

But obviously, the God of Xihe didn't do that.

Ordinary people can think of it, how could the God of Xihe not think of it?

Most likely, even the God of Xihe could only refine one regular artifact, or there was a material limit, so in the end there was only one regular artifact, and now it has become many holy treasures.

"Emperor Xiyun means to use the current power of the Hundred Marquis League to fuse all the holy treasures and regain the regular artifact refined by the God of Xihe back then?"


Lei Dao frowned tightly, he was well aware of the difficulty of doing so.

The holy treasure has been handed down for so many years, and even some of them are lost.

Many holy treasures were destroyed during the war.

For example, Emperor Xikun, who was the lord of the divine dynasty back then, also had an important holy treasure in his hand, but unfortunately, it fell into the hands of the Nine Great Emperor Sects. Lei Dao would never have imagined obtaining this holy treasure alone.

Not to mention merging all the holy treasures, no one can do it.

"Emperor Xiyun, this is too difficult. Now that the holy treasure is incomplete, it is simply impossible to re-integrate it into a regular artifact."

Lei Dao said truthfully.

"It is indeed impossible, but if you can get a broken rule artifact, I believe it can also withstand one or two of the rule artifacts of the six emperors. At least, you can protect yourself."

"Incomplete rule artifact..."

Lei Dao understood.

Regardless of whether a complete rule artifact can be obtained, the Holy Treasure has to work hard to collect and integrate it.

No one knows what kind of dog fusion will become in the end.

Lei Dao can only do his best!

"With the order issued by the Baihou League, all the lords of the lords and duchies must contribute their holy treasures. In this way, they will be protected by the Baihou League. Otherwise, the Baihou League will take back those treasures in the name of the royal family. Holy treasure!"

Lei Dao made a decision immediately.

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