Longevity Species

Chapter 612 Forty Rules! (third change)

"Is Emperor Lei of the Baihou League not here? Or, do you have any conspiracy? However, in the face of absolute power, no conspiracy will have any effect. Today, the old man will suppress the entire Shangyang City!"

Ancestor Qianyu looked indifferently.

He naturally saw that Lei Dao was not here, but it didn't matter, as long as Lei Dao was still in Shangyang City, that would be fine. He simply suppressed the entire Shangyang City. No matter what kind of thoughts Lei Dao had, it was useless, and he couldn't escape the suppression of Zhenmopan.


Following the Qianyu Patriarch's low shout, suddenly, the huge magic-suppressing disk in the void began to slowly descend, and a large amount of power of rules, like a big net, enveloped the entire Shangyang City in it.

Originally, the Suppressing Demon Disk was used to suppress the Demon Cave, so it was quite good at "suppressing".

Emperor Xiyun roared angrily: "Patriarch Qianyu, you want to suppress the entire Shangyang City. There are millions of creatures here. What do you want to do?"

Emperor Xiyun would never have imagined that once Patriarch Qianyu made a move, he would envelop the entire Shangyang City, which was a move to destroy Shangyang City again.

This time, there are more living beings in Shangyang City than last time. Once they are suppressed by the Zhenmo Pan, all of them will die, and Shangyang City will be razed to the ground.

Neither Emperor Xiyun nor Lei Dao could accept such a result.

The ancestor Qianyu was indifferent, and said lightly: "When you stepped on the Emperor Taiyuan, did you think about the creatures in the Taiyuan Emperor? Hmph, I want to destroy Shangyang City, what can you do?"

Seeing that Emperor Xiyun was trying his best to resist, but there was nothing he could do, Patriarch Qianyu felt extremely happy in his heart. Last time, he also participated in the action of besieging and killing Lei Dao and Emperor Xiyun, but he returned in a disastrous defeat.

That kind of taste is naturally very uncomfortable.

Now that he came with the Suppressing Demon Disk, even Emperor Xiyun could barely support it, and he couldn't do anything about the Suppressing Demon Disk at all.

As for the millions of creatures in Shangyang City?

Patriarch Qianyu didn't care at all.


Emperor Xiyun frantically stimulated the power of rules, trying to make his nine kinds of powers of rules resist the suppressing magic disk. It's a pity that his nine powers of rules seem to be very strong, but when they touch the magic suppressing plate, they shatter inch by inch. .

Emperor Xiyun manifested the regular holy body and flew up directly.

He was like a giant standing upright, with his hands raised up, trying to support the huge magic suppressing disk. However, as soon as his hands touched the magic suppressing plate, it was as if they had touched a raging flame. The incomparably huge and regular holy body was actually burning and turning into ashes.


Emperor Xiyun's regular holy body was being wiped out every moment, but Emperor Xiyun still did not let go, and still firmly supported the suppressing magic plate.

However, even if Emperor Xiyun tried his best, he could not stop the falling of the Demon Suppressing Plate.

There was a smile on the corner of the ancestor Qianyu's mouth, and he said lightly: "Suppressing demons can kill even a true god, let alone a mere emperor? Emperor Xiyun, you are not wasting your efforts in vain. It is useless. This time, you and Lei Dao, as well as the entire Shangyang City, will be reduced to dust!"

As the suppressing magic disk fell little by little, everyone in Shangyang City seemed to be in despair. The rule artifact was a terrifying treasure that no emperor could compete with.


In the secret room, there is a semi-regular artifact floating in front of Lei Dao.

For a whole month, Lei Dao immersed himself in the rule artifact almost every day, comprehending all kinds of rules, and the harvest for Lei Dao was unparalleled!

Beside Lei Dao, one kind of rule after another emerged. If you count carefully, it is densely packed, dazzling, and even shocking in your heart.

One, two, three, four, five...

A total of thirty-nine kinds of rules have been manifested beside Lei Dao. Before getting the semi-rule artifact, Lei Dao had already comprehended seven kinds of rules.

In other words, in this short period of one month, Lei Dao has comprehended a total of thirty-two rules by relying on the semi-rule artifact, almost one rule per day on average.

This is a terrifying number, and even more terrifying efficiency.

However, Lei Dao is still comprehending that this is the fortieth rule.


Finally, Lei Dao comprehended the 40th rule, and a large amount of rule power was poured into the rule body in an instant, allowing his rule body to further transform.

"Huh? There is still no sign of the unity of all Taos?"

Lei Dao slowly opened his eyes.

He has comprehended a total of forty kinds of rules, but there is still no sign of the unity of all ways. Lei Dao couldn't think of anyone who could comprehend so many rules and yet not become a god?

Lei Dao learned about some true gods from Emperor Xiyun.

Like the true gods of Xihe Shen Dynasty in the past, most of them have actually become true gods when they comprehended more than a dozen rules.

Some even just comprehend eight or nine kinds of rules, and they are all in one.

Therefore, the unity of all Taos really depends on understanding.

Once the comprehension is good, if you comprehend several rules, you will be able to unite all ways and become a true god.

But what about Raidou?

But there is no sign of the unity of all Taos.

Lei Dao mobilized his abilities to check the condition of his body.

Name: Lei Dao (27 years old)

Lifespan: 2140 years and 11 months

Rule Eucharist: Body of Destruction

Divine Blood Clone: ​​Divine Blood Eight Stage (upgradeable)

Rules: Forty

Lei Dao's lifespan has changed from a little over a thousand years to more than two thousand years, a full increase of about a thousand years!

In fact, Lei Dao comprehends each rule, and each rule can analyze about 3% of it, which is to save 30 years of life.

Thirty-three rules, almost a lifespan of about a thousand years.

Therefore, relying on this semi-regular artifact, Lei Dao has now comprehended a full forty kinds of rules, and even increased his lifespan to more than 2,100 years.

As for the rules of comprehension, there are as many as forty kinds, all of which have been integrated into the body of rules by Lei Dao.

Lei Dao himself doesn't know how strong the regular holy body is at this moment, but he feels that he is still far away from becoming a true god. At least, he doesn't feel any sign of it.

Even Lei Dao was not at all sure of dealing with the rule artifact.

"The forty rules are still a little less. Continue to study and understand more rules, and reach hundreds of rules. If you don't believe it, you can't be one!"

Lei Dao also became ruthless.

Forty rules are not enough, then one hundred rules.

If he can't even have a hundred rules, then there are a thousand rules. Anyway, he has enough lifespan now, and he still has a semi-regular artifact. Understanding the rules can get twice the result with half the effort.

He believed that since ancient times, no great emperor had tried as hard as he did to actually try to comprehend so many rules.

After spending so much effort, with Lei Dao working so hard, he believes that his hard work will pay off, and his hard work will definitely reap the best rewards!

However, just as Lei Dao was about to comprehend one or two hundred more rules, he suddenly sensed a strong crisis, and even felt the top of his head, as if extremely depressed.

As a result, Lei Dao's divine sense was swept away.

Suddenly, the external situation appeared in Lei Dao's induction.

"Patriarch Ganyu, how dare you!"

Lei Dao let out a low growl, and his whole body was furious instantly, and the regular holy body manifested, and stepped out of the secret room in one step.



Emperor Xiyun's Ordinary Eucharist is now in pieces, with wounds everywhere, and even the entire Ordinary Eucharist has been obliterated by at least 50%.

Emperor Xiyun suffered heavy losses!

Even, at stake.

But Emperor Xiyun still didn't give up, he still firmly supported the suppressing magic disk, but his efforts were in vain after all, with his power, there was no way to stop the suppressing magic disk.

Ancestor Qianyu looked at Emperor Xiyun with indifferent eyes, and said with a sneer, "Emperor Xiyun, it's useless, you don't need to struggle anymore, everything will be reduced to dust under the Suppressing Demon Disk!"

Emperor Xiyun just gritted his teeth without any response.

He already has the will to die, even if the Rule Eucharist is completely wiped out, he will resist at all costs!

"Hahaha, this old man never believes that luck can become a god, the old man only believes that man can conquer the sky! You are so pitiful, you can become a god by relying on luck, and you will never be able to become a god, hahahahaha..."

Emperor Xiyun looked up to the sky and laughed loudly.

At this time, he still persisted.

"Hmph, stubbornness!"

A sharp light flashed in Qianyu Patriarch's eyes, and then he pressed down with his big hand.

Immediately, the magic-suppressing plate strengthened its power again, and wiped out most of Emperor Xiyun's regular holy body in an instant. The entire Shangyang City was already in danger, and it seemed that it would be crushed into powder by the magic-suppressing stone plate in an instant.

"Patriarch Qianyu, how dare you act presumptuously in Shangyang City?"

Suddenly, a cold and familiar voice echoed in Patriarch Qianyu's ears.


At some point, a figure appeared beside Emperor Xiyun, a figure that made Patriarch Qianyu feel a little shadowy.

"Lei Dao! You are finally willing to come out! But, what's the use of coming out now? Under the Suppressing Demon Disk, you are only here to die!"

Patriarch Qianyu stared at Lei Dao with gloomy eyes.

Patriarch Qianyu was among the three top emperors who besieged Lei Dao in the battle at the gate of Taiyuan Emperor Zong. In that case, there was the Taiyuan Emperor Zong's mountain gate formation, but it still made Lei Dao turn the tables, and even the three top emperors had to flee, resulting in the Taiyuan Emperor Zong's mountain gate being trampled out, and the seven top emperor sects also lost their lives. Losing or losing, even the Seven Great Emperor Sects have become the Six Great Emperor Sects.

How could Patriarch Qianyu not be afraid of Lei Dao?

However, that is over now.

Ancestor Qianyu, who is holding the suppressing magic disk, will be aboveboard this time, and will be upright and upright with absolute power to suppress and kill Leidao!

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