Longevity Species

Chapter 616: Patriarch Qianyu goes and returns! (first update)

Shangyang City, in the secret room.

There is a semi-regular artifact in front of Lei Dao. With the help of the semi-regular artifact, he has fully comprehended more than 30 kinds of rules, and the total number of rules he has mastered has reached forty!

This is a staggering number.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been a great emperor who mastered the forty rules in the true god practice system.

Although, in theory, if the emperor wants to become a true god, he must have the unity of all ways, then in theory, the emperor can comprehend thousands of rules bit by bit, so that the unity of all ways can become a true god.

But in fact, when the general emperor masters more than ten or twenty kinds of rules, he will be able to unite all the ways and become a true god.

Lei Dao happened to be an accident.

He has mastered a full forty kinds of rules, but there is still no sign of the unity of all ways. Although Lei Dao said on the surface that he didn't care and he could continue to understand the rules, in fact, Lei Dao still had some doubts.

Is the direction of practice wrong?

Or, is there some other reason that has caused him to be unable to unite all ways?

Lei Dao didn't know either.

However, Lei Dao had some vague guesses.

Perhaps, this is still related to the fact that he comprehended the rules with the help of supernatural powers. Although the supernatural powers comprehend the rules, he also empathized with him, as if he comprehended them himself.

But in the end there are some differences.

Perhaps, this is the real reason why Lei Dao has been unable to unite all Dao for so long.

But it doesn't matter, Lei Dao doesn't care too much.

Anyway, he can continue to comprehend the rules now, and more importantly, his strength has not stagnated, but as he comprehends more rules, his strength will become stronger.

Improvement in cultivation, improvement in strength, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

When he comprehends tens of thousands of rules in the future, can't all ways be unified? At that time, it may be a matter of course to become a true god.

Therefore, Lei Dao continued to comprehend the rules in the semi-rule artifact.

Forty-one, forty-three, forty-five, forty-eight...

With the help of the semi-rule artifact, Lei Dao comprehended some rules, but gradually, when the number of rules Lei Dao had mastered reached fifty, he faintly felt that it seemed that it was not so easy to comprehend the rules.

For example, if Lei Dao wants to understand the fifty-first rule, he must first get started.

With the help of semi-rule artifacts before, there is no need to spend life to force entry into Lei Dao entry, but there are a lot of rules to choose from, and you can enter after a little study.

But now, Lei Dao doesn't have so many choices.

Moreover, if he wants to get started with a certain rule, it will take time to understand it slowly, and he may not be able to get started in a short time.

Lei Dao also realized the crux of the problem.

Obviously, the "benefits" brought by the semi-regular artifact to Lei Dao are coming to an end. After all, this is a semi-regular artifact. If you want to continue to understand more rules, this semi-regular artifact can no longer help Lei Dao. .

Of course, Lei Dao can also force entry rules.

Anyway, he has a lot of lifespan now, even if he is forced to get started, and then forced to analyze, he can last for a long time. It's just that, in that way, it would be too much of a waste of life.

Lei Dao also plans to try to comprehend the various rules in the semi-rule artifact, and if it doesn't work, he will think of another way.


Suddenly, the entire Shangyang City shook violently, and a terrifying pressure suddenly descended.

Raidou opened his eyes instantly.

He was too familiar with this breath.


Lei Dao stepped forward and came directly to the sky above Shangyang City. He saw the familiar figure in the void at a glance, and it was the ancestor Qianyu!

"Old Ancestor Qianyu, you've only been going back and forth for about a day. What do you want to do? Do you still want to compete with Lei Mou?"

Lei Dao's tone was very rude.

Now his strength has increased again, and he has comprehended a total of fifty rules. Under the ebb and flow, Lei Dao is also full of confidence.

At this time, Patriarch Qianyu looked very scary, with a hint of ferociousness in his expression, and a strong killing intent exuded from his body, which could even be regarded as a murderous intent.

Lei Dao felt something was wrong.

He didn't have such a big enmity with Patriarch Qianyu, did he?

Is it worth the killing intent of Patriarch Ganyu?

Ancestor Qianyu stared at Lei Dao, and said in a deep voice: "Lei Dao, this old man has made an eternal mistake! This time I went and came back, I just want to get a promise from you. If you can promise, this old man will I give you the Magic Suppression Disk, an artifact of rules!"

"what happened?"

Lei Dao's expression froze, and he looked at Patriarch Qianyu in surprise.

He didn't believe that Patriarch Qianyu would casually give him the Demon Suppressing Disc. It was a genuine regular artifact, even a true god would snatch it.

This is the treasure of Emperor Qianyuan's sect, how could Patriarch Qianyu give it away so easily?

Ancestor Qianyu gritted his teeth, and said in grief and indignation: "Emperor Qianyuan is gone, it's all my fault, I made an irreparable eternal mistake! I took away the Zhenmo disk, lost the power of the Zhenmo disk. The devil's lair was a complete riot, and the monsters in the devil's lair had already rushed out, destroying Emperor Qianyuan's clan once again, and the old man was unable to suppress the monsters in the devil's lair again, so he had no choice but to ask for help from Emperor Lei. The true power of the Demon Suppressing Pan, as long as Emperor Lei promises to wipe out the monsters in the Demon Cave and let me rebuild the Qianyuan Emperor’s Sect, I will hand over the Demon Suppressing Pan to Emperor Lei!"

Patriarch Qianyu didn't hide anything either.

What's more, this matter can't be concealed at all. If Lei Dao agrees, he must tell the whole story. Otherwise, who would dare to agree to such a big event?

"The devil's cave monster destroyed Emperor Qianyuan's sect?"

Lei Dao was startled, feeling unbelievable, even very shocked.

The Qianyuan Emperor Sect is one of the oldest Emperor Sects. There is even a great emperor sitting in the sect, and there is a mountain gate magic circle, which can be said to be as solid as gold.

But now, Emperor Qianyuan's sect has been destroyed?

It was just unbelievable, it was shocking.

Don't look at Lei Dao destroying the Feixian Emperor Sect, and joining hands with Emperor Xiyun to destroy the Taiyuan Emperor Sect, it seems very simple, destroying two Emperor Sects in a row. But in fact, it is very difficult to step down the two great emperor sects, and they are all attacked from the inside.

If it was outside the mountain gate, Lei Dao would not be able to destroy the two great emperor sects.

Moreover, apart from Lei Dao, there is no one in the entire Ancient China who is capable of destroying an Emperor Sect.

But now, Emperor Qianyuan's sect has been destroyed, and what's even more shocking is that even Patriarch Qianyu, who possesses the regular magical artifact suppressing magic disk, can't suppress and kill those demon cave monsters.

It can be seen how terrifying those demon cave monsters are.

However, Lei Dao didn't pay attention to how terrifying those monsters were, and asked directly: "Patriarch Qianyu, we are not friendly. Just a day ago, you still wanted to suppress Lei and Xiyun." The Great Emperor even wants to destroy Shangyang City. If you really want to ask for help, wouldn’t it be a better choice if you still have the Six Great Emperor Sects?”

This is also the question in Lei Dao's heart.

"Six Great Emperor Sects?"

Ancestor Qianyu sneered and said, "If there are true gods in the Six Great Emperor Sects, then without hesitation, I will definitely seek help from the Six Great Emperor Sects. But what is the situation of the Six Great Emperor Sects now? Including my Qianyuan Emperor Sect Of the six emperor sects, which one has the appearance of a true god? No, none of them, not only does not have the appearance of a true god, but there is no hope at all. Moreover, the old man can be regarded as one of the top emperors of the six emperor sects Now, how can the other great emperors be better than this old man?"

"Even if the old man asks other emperors for help, how much power can they exert on the Suppressing Demon Disk? Only Emperor Lei, even if you don't become a true god, after you have comprehended so many rules, you will definitely be able to exert the horror of the Suppressing Demon Disk Wei Neng, at that time, may be able to wipe out and suppress the monsters in the devil's lair."

"What's more, Emperor Lei still has the appearance of a true god! There is a great possibility of becoming a true god in the future. No one is more suitable than Emperor Lei to control the magic suppressing disk. And the old man has long been disheartened after experiencing this catastrophe I don't care about fighting for hegemony or becoming a god anymore, I only care about one thing, that is the orthodoxy of the Emperor Qianyuan Sect! I don't want the orthodoxy of the Emperor Qianyuan Sect to be cut off in the hands of the old man."

Patriarch Qianyu's words are very sincere, and this is also what he said from the bottom of his heart.

Once upon a time, Patriarch Qianyu was also ambitious, wanting to fight for hegemony over the entire ancient China, wanting to obtain a lot of luck, so as to have a chance to become a god.

Even if he wanted to win a lot of luck for Qianyuan Emperorzong, the younger disciples of Qianyuan Emperorzong might become gods in the future.

However, after the Qianyuan Emperor Zong's magic cave broke through the shackles of the magic circle and destroyed the Qianyuan Emperor Zong, the ancestor Qianyu completely awakened.

Achieving a true god is too illusory.

Wanting to fight for hegemony doesn't actually make any sense.

The emperor's orthodoxy is the most important thing!

If the orthodoxy of Emperor Qianyuan was interrupted in his hands, Patriarch Qianyu would not rest in peace even if he died. He has only one thought and one goal now, and that is to rebuild the Qianyuan Emperor's Sect and inherit the Qianyuan Emperor's lineage!

Only Lei Dao has the ability to help Patriarch Qianyu wipe out monsters in the Demon Cave and rebuild Emperor Qianyuan's sect.

At this time, Emperor Xiyun also came. Hearing what Patriarch Qianyu said, his expression was also very complicated.

In fact, like Patriarch Qianyu, he just wanted to rebuild the dynasty and pass it on.

Become a god?

That is too illusory, they have worked so hard for so long, they should actually be sober, there is no hope of becoming a god at all.

"Okay, Lei Mou accepted the rule artifact town magic disc! Lei Mou also promised that once his strength allows, he will definitely wipe out the monsters in the Demon Cave and give Qianyu Patriarch a chance to rebuild the Qianyuan Emperor's Sect. Moreover, even if Lei Mou becomes a god in the future , can accommodate a Qianyuan Emperor Sect!"

This is Lei Dao's promise, and he has made a decision.

Patriarch Ganyu nodded upon hearing the words, and then, he glanced at the magic suppressing plate in his hand, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

But in the end, Patriarch Qianyu still waved his hand and handed the Town Demon Disk to Lei Dao.

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