Longevity Species

Chapter 618 Isn't it said that monsters can't be killed? (third change)

"Leidao would like to try without using the Suppression Disk."

Lei Dao is eager to try. After all, he has mastered a total of fifty rules, far surpassing the top emperors in the general sense. He can be said to be the number one emperor in history!

Patriarch Qianyu hastily persuaded: "Emperor Lei, don't be careless! These monsters are really powerful. If there is no restraint from the magic suppressing plate, it is almost impossible to kill these monsters. Even if there are more top emperors, they are not these monsters. opponent."

The ancestor Qianyu had suffered from these monsters before, so he was very afraid.

"Really? Don't worry, if something can't be done, Lei Dao will immediately use the Suppression Disk."

Lei Dao was still not too worried, and even very excited.

Ancestor Qianyu shook his head, but he didn't persuade Lei Dao any more. In his opinion, Lei Dao knew it after he suffered a loss. Without the restraint of the magic suppressing plate, these monsters are almost invincible.

If he could be killed easily, why would he ask Lei Dao for help?

You know, he and Lei Dao were enemies before.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Patriarch Qianyu would not go to Lei Dao.

Lei Dao took a deep breath. Although he was not afraid of these monsters, he would not underestimate them either. Even, because he didn't know the details of these monsters, Lei Dao was thunderous when he started, and he used all his strength directly.


Fifty kinds of power of rules surround Lei Dao, and these powers of rules are intertwined together like a huge "ball", repelling all the surrounding black fog from the ball.

Lei Dao is within the regular sphere.

At the same time, his regular holy body also manifested, like a giant standing upright.

This time, Lei Dao had already used all his strength without any reservations, except that he did not use the suppressing magic disk.

There was a hint of panic in the eyes of the two monsters. Obviously, these monsters were not without wisdom. Facing Lei Dao's terrifying blow, the monster simply opened its mouth and swallowed it.

"These monsters can swallow the power of rules. The old man's power of rules was swallowed by them in one gulp. Emperor Lei's power of rules, I'm afraid..."

Seeing these monsters open their bloody mouths, Patriarch Qianyu shook his head.

He seemed to have "seen" Lei Dao's defeat, and using the power of the rules to deal with these monsters was probably the worst thing that would have any effect at all.


However, as the two monsters swallowed the fifty rules of Lei Dao in one gulp, the bodies of the two monsters exploded in almost an instant, and a large amount of power of rules reappeared in the black mist.

At this moment, everyone fell silent.

Patriarch Ganyu stared blankly at the scene in front of him, as if he couldn't believe it.

what is this?

The monster had clearly "swallowed" the power of the rules, why did it explode now? Even the monsters were completely strangled by the power of the rules.


Lei Dao was also a little confused.

Doesn't it mean that these monsters are very strong? Even the top emperors couldn't do anything to them, and even these monsters couldn't be killed, so they could only be suppressed or killed with the Suppression Disk.

But what's going on now?

The two monsters exploded suddenly, leaving no bones left, and even Lei Dao didn't feel any breath from the monsters.

This shows that the two monsters may really be dead.

But the death of the two monsters still made Lei Dao feel a little weird.

Lei Dao even felt that the two monsters had some special means, and that this was "fake death?"

Therefore, Lei Dao searched all around, and there was indeed no trace of any monster, which meant that the two monsters were indeed dead, and they were blown to death after swallowing Lei Dao's regular power.

"Uh... Emperor Lei, maybe your power of rules is too strong. After all, dozens of powers of rules surpass any emperor. Even if these monsters can devour the power of rules, they will be forced to support you." burst."

Patriarch Qianyu shook his head, seemed to have finally come to his senses, and said with a wry smile.

Only then did he realize how huge the gap with Lei Dao was.

Lei Dao didn't use the suppressing magic disk now, and he was able to kill two monsters. In other words, if the ancestor Qianyu urged the suppressing magic disk again, there was a high possibility that he would not be Lei Dao's opponent.

"Is it dead? That's okay, it means that these monsters are not really unkillable. As long as they are strong enough, they can still be killed. Even if you don't use the Suppressing Demon Disk, you can kill these monsters."

There was a flash of light in Lei Dao's eyes.

"Continue to go to the devil's lair!"

Lei Dao was also full of confidence, and took Emperor Xiyun, Patriarch Qianyu and others to continue to the back mountain where the magic cave was located.

The black mist was so thick that even the divine sense could not be used, so the three of them were very cautious. Fortunately, Patriarch Qianyu was very familiar with Emperor Qianyuan, and the three of them soon came to the back mountain.

At this time, the black mist in the back mountain is the thickest, and the closer you get to the back mountain, the more dangerous it feels, even for Lei Dao.

Lei Dao had already placed the magic suppressing disc in front of him, ready to activate it at any time.

"Here we are, the abyss in front of us is the devil's lair!"

Patriarch Qianyu pointed to the front with a solemn expression.

"The Devil's Nest!"

In fact, Lei Dao has already seen that there is an abyss, and the bottom cannot be seen at a glance, and there are faint traces of blood shining in the abyss.

"Lei will give it a try and see if he can suppress this demon lair again. If it can be suppressed, then he only needs to deal with the monsters that escaped from the demon lair."

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and then violently activated the suppressing magic disk.


The suppressing magic disk continued to expand, and finally expanded into a huge "grinding disk", covering the sky and covering the sun. Under the urging of Lei Dao, it directly moved towards the sky above the abyss and violently suppressed it.


The suppressing magic disk was suppressed, and Lei Dao obviously felt a resisting force, as if he was resisting the magic suppressing disk, preventing the magic suppressing disk from re-blocking the magic cave.


Lei Dao snorted coldly, he is not the ancestor of Qianyu.

If it is the ancestor of Qianyu, it is almost the limit, and the suppressing magic disk will not fall at all, but Lei Dao has comprehended fifty rules, the number one emperor who has never been seen before or since!


Lei Dao mobilized the rules one by one, and quickly poured the power of the rules into the magic suppressing disk.

Ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five...

Every time Lei Dao mobilized the power of a rule, the power of the suppressing magic disk would skyrocket.

The Demon Suppressing Plate, which was unable to fall at all, gradually began to fall at this moment. Although the speed was very fast, it fell firmly bit by bit.


From the abyss, there were bursts of low roars, and streaks of blood rushed out, turning into monsters like the one before.

These monsters, one by one, desperately tried to resist the magic suppressing plate, not to let the magic suppressing plate fall, and they were not afraid of death, and even directly hit the magic suppressing plate.

But this is the town magic disk!

This is a regular artifact, and it was specially refined by Qianyuan Patriarch to suppress the monsters in these magic caves, and it has a suppressive effect on monsters.

Therefore, with the continuous impact of monsters, the magic suppressing plate was firmly dropped even though it received some impact, and some monsters were directly suppressed and killed.

After all, Lei Dao has almost activated the forty rules, which can burst out the powerful power of the magic suppressing disk, and there is still no problem in dealing with a few monsters.

"Emperor Lei, be careful!"

Emperor Xiyun gave a loud shout.

At some point, monsters surrounded Lei Dao from the outside.

These monsters all have red eyes, as if echoing the monsters in the abyss.

"It's okay, just some monsters, die to me!"

Lei Dao didn't care at all.

The number of monsters surrounding him is only five or six, maybe there are still monsters coming, but what is that? Lei Dao mobilized fifty kinds of powers of rules to cover these monsters directly, without even displaying the holy body of rules, and crushed several monsters into powder by relying on the power of rules alone.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu were very shocked.

Fifty rules, they didn't realize what a terrifying force it was before.

But now, they know.

Seeing that Lei Dao killed many monsters without any effort, Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu tried to fight the monsters, but they knew that they couldn't deal with such monsters.

The power of Lei Dao's rules is so strong that even monsters can't swallow it, and even if they swallow it, it will explode.

With the power of rules, it is a steady stream, which can mobilize the power of rules in the whole world, not to mention five or six monsters, even if there are dozens or hundreds of monsters, the result is the same, and they will only be easily crushed by Lei Dao.

"It seems that the trouble of the Devil's Nest will be solved soon. The Devil's Nest doesn't look very good, and the monsters don't seem to be very strong. Is it necessary for the ancestor Qianyuan to refine the rule artifact to suppress it? Or is it because the suppression is so difficult? Over the years, these monsters have become weaker?"

Lei Dao was still thinking while suppressing these monsters. After all, for him, it seemed easy and he hadn't encountered any challenges.

The power of fifty rules makes Lei Dao almost invincible, below the true god, he is really invincible!

However, once the Demon Suppressing Plate falls and the Demon Cave is suppressed again, then Lei Dao will have to face a choice, or trouble. The ancestor Qianyu had already given the magic suppressing disk to Lei Dao, but if Lei Dao suppressed the magic cave, how could he practice with the magic suppressing disk?

In that case, wouldn't Lei Dao be in vain?

This is indeed a trouble, and it also troubles Lei Dao.

However, the top priority now is to suppress the Devil's Nest.

After suppressing the Devil's Nest, slowly think of other ways, anyway, the suppressing magic disk has been given to Lei Dao, and Lei Dao can take the suppressing magic disk away at any time.

The big deal is that when Lei Dao becomes stronger, he will directly enter the magic cave, and wipe out all the monsters in these magic caves, beheading them all. At that time, naturally there is no need to suppress the magic disc, and Lei Dao can use the magic disc to comprehend the rules.

Just as various thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind, suddenly, his magic suppressing disk seemed to have encountered an obstacle, and stopped suddenly, and couldn't fall down no matter what.

Lei Dao's eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked into the abyss, and at some point, a huge claw appeared, just pressing on the magic suppressing plate, preventing the magic suppressing plate from falling down.

Although there was only one paw, it made Lei Dao faintly feel palpitations.

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