Longevity Species

Chapter 622 Accidental, demigod! (first update)

"There are still two rules left, Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun, wait a minute, Lei must first comprehend the two rules, and then go to level the five great emperors!"

Lei Dao said lightly, it seems that comprehending the two rules is a trivial matter.

Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun looked at each other and looked at each other.

When did it become so easy to comprehend the rules?

"Then just wait..."

Patriarch Ganyu said awkwardly, but his heart was very complicated. He had become increasingly unable to see through Lei Dao. Perhaps, Lei Dao became a true god, just around the corner!

Lei Dao retreated in the secret room again. He has now comprehended ninety-eight rules. For some reason, Lei Dao especially wanted to comprehend one hundred rules.

Maybe, with a hundred rules, he can become a true god with the unity of all Taos?

Even if he can't become a true god, perhaps, the hundred rules will give Lei Dao something special.

Regardless, Lei Dao didn't know if there was any special gain. But one hundred rules, that is truly unprecedented, and it is very likely that it is a feat that will never come after!

Only people who "work hard" like Lei Dao can "foolishly" comprehend hundreds of rules step by step.

Lei Dao's mood gradually calmed down, and he was immersed in the regular artifact town magic disk. Immediately, rules appeared one after another in the town magic disk, all of which were of a complete scale, densely packed, almost endless.

As soon as Lei Dao sensed it, he was completely immersed in it, and began to comprehend the rules in the suppressing magic disk.


Soon, the ninety-ninth rule gradually emerged from Lei Dao's body, and then gradually took shape.

After a while, Lei Dao was shocked.

On him, the hundredth rule emerged!

What is the concept of a hundred rules? If it is counted as a top emperor who comprehends five rules, Lei Dao's comprehension of one hundred rules is equivalent to twenty times that of a top emperor!

Or, it is equivalent to the sum of the rules comprehended by twenty top emperors!

What a terrifying number is this?

Of course, if it is reflected in the combat power, let alone twenty top emperors, even if the number is several times larger, it will be easy for Lei Dao to deal with.


As Lei Dao comprehended the hundredth rule, his hundred rules immediately shocked, as if there had been an earth-shaking change. Every kind of rule seems to be intertwined and entangled, and finally blends together indistinctly, forming a light similar to a sanctuary.

"This is?"

Lei Dao was a little surprised.

He is clear about the sanctuary. After all, Lei Dao also came from the practice of the nine giants of the holy body, so he naturally knows the sanctuary of the nine giants of the holy body. But the sanctuary is a special domain formed by combining the power of the nine holy bodies of the saint.

It doesn't even count as domain.

At best, it is only able to combine the power of the nine sacred bodies, so that the giant of the nine sacred bodies can synthesize the nine holy bodies, making its combat power far superior to other saints.

But the current ray of light is actually a field formed by hundreds of rules, which are completely integrated together, regardless of each other. Made entirely of rules.

If you have to say, hundreds of rules, is it possible to create a small world?

After all, rules represent the essence of the world, and with rules, the world can function.

There are hundreds of rules to create a small world. Although it is a bit shocking, it is not impossible.

"By the way, some true gods can build some blessed places. For example, the Nine Great Emperor Sects actually have similar blessed places, which can speed up the practice of practitioners and have various benefits for practice. Is it similar to this, built with rules? ?”

The more Lei Dao thought about it, the more he realized it was possible.

This is the power that only true gods possess, this is the power to create worlds!

"So, I have already touched the threshold of the true god?"

Lei Dao is a little weird.

Does this touch the threshold of the true god? He seemed to feel that it was too fast, he hadn't really worked hard, how did he touch the threshold of the true god?

It's just that the "world-creating power" is unique to the true god. Now Lei Dao's world-creating power is naturally far inferior to the true god's world-creating power. After all, the true god is one and can be mobilized. More than a hundred kinds?

There are tens of thousands of rules. True gods can build caves and blessed lands, but Lei Dao can't do it now. If one insists on saying that Lei Dao's power to create a world formed by hundreds of fields can establish a paradise and a blessed place, it is actually not impossible.

Raidou had already tried.

He used the power of creation to form such an area. The power of the rules can be fused with each other, so it can run continuously and endlessly. Even after thousands or ten thousand years, it is estimated that there will be no change.

Unless there is any major change.

If there are practitioners who step into it, they can indeed gain various benefits. After all, the rules are so close, it is equivalent to practicing under the rules, how can you be unhappy?

If I really want to describe it, Lei Dao's world-creating power can only build an extremely simple and humble cave.

Looking at the "small world" in front of him, Lei Dao fell into deep thought.

He was inexplicably possessed of the power to create a world, but that was the means of the legendary true gods, and it was definitely a "powerful" means.

According to this standard, Lei Dao is now able to step into the threshold of "powerful".

"Maybe, this is a demigod? So, I accidentally became a demigod for no reason?"

Lei Dao had a weird expression on his face.

There are actually demigods, but they are very, very rare in the records. Generally, the great emperor directly becomes a true god. As for the records of demigods, there are too few, too few, and now there are only a few words, and there is no detailed record of what is a demigod.

However, according to the current state of Lei Dao, he also has self-knowledge, knowing that he has not yet become a true god, but he has the power of the true god to create worlds and the "powerful" means. Isn't this a demigod?

Lei Dao couldn't figure out whether he was really a demigod, but if he thought he was a demigod, then he was a demigod.

Lei Dao is also quite satisfied with this.

"That's good, if you become a demigod, it means that you are not far from the true god. This time you have crushed the five emperor sects. If you continue to work hard, you may be able to become a true god in the near future!"

Lei Dao stood up and pushed open the door of the secret room.

"Emperor Lei, are you out of customs?"

When Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun saw Lei Dao, they stood up hastily, their eyes filled with amazement, as if they couldn't believe it. Before Lei Dao asked them to wait for a while, he came whenever he went.

As a result, Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun really just waited for a while, and then Lei Dao came out.

This comprehends a hundred rules?

It's incredible to think about it!

"Almost, it should be enough to flatten the five emperor sects! Let's go, solve the five emperor sects first, and don't let us worry about the troubles of the five emperor sects when we solve the troubles of the devil's cave. Anyway, the deadline has passed, we It's also about courtesy first and then soldiers!"

Lei Dao said in a calm tone, as if he was not talking about crushing the five emperors, but just a common thing.

This is going to crush the five emperor sects!

At the beginning, even the god of Xihe didn't conquer the five emperor sects.

The three great dynasties have also been established for such a long time, and even now they have collapsed, and they have no choice but to win the emperor.

However, Lei Dao is qualified to say so.

Because, he not only said, but also did, Lei Dao has leveled the two emperor sects!

"Well, this is their own fault!"

Ancestor Qianyu didn't have the slightest sympathy for the five emperors. Speaking of which, it was the five emperors who encouraged ancestor Qianyu to use the rule artifact. As a result, something happened to his Qianyuan emperor, and he asked the five emperors to help wipe out those monsters and suppress them. In the Devil's Nest, none of the Five Great Emperor Sects made a move.

That being the case, Patriarch Qianyu naturally doesn't want to see the five emperor sects. The life and death of the five emperor sects has nothing to do with him!

"Then let's go!"

Lei Dao directly took Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu and flew towards the Five Great Emperor Sects.


The five emperor sects all rejected the "lobbying" of Patriarch Qianyu.

But in fact, the five emperor sects were not untouched. Patriarch Qianyu came to lobby as an envoy of Lei Dao, and even "put down" harsh words.

No matter how arrogant the five emperor sects are, they will not remain indifferent.

After all, the current Lei Dao is in full swing, and its momentum is so strong that even the five emperor sects have to avoid the edge for the time being.

However, it has been a while, Lei Dao and Baihoumeng have not made any movement, which is a bit abnormal, which makes the five emperors a little confused.

"Is Lei Dao really bluffing?"

"So what if Lei Dao doesn't bluff? Hey, Lei Dao is already suffering from the Demon Nest of the Qianyuan Emperor Sect. If he doesn't deal with the Demon Nest, he will find ways to suppress the Demon Nest and cause trouble for our five Great Emperor Sects? It's simply impossible!"

"Yes, our five emperor sects are not soft persimmons, we can let him handle it. Lei Dao was able to destroy Feixian emperor sect and Taiyuan emperor sect because the people of those two emperor sects were too stupid, or they overestimated themselves and underestimated themselves. Let Lei Dao, put Lei Dao into the magic circle. If you open the magic circle outside the mountain gate, no matter how Lei Dao plots and tricks, how can you win our five emperors?"

"In the gate of Emperor Zong, no one can break the gate of our Emperor Zong. Even if it is Lei Dao, if he wants to destroy the gate of Emperor Zong again, it is tantamount to a dream."

The five emperor sects have learned their lesson this time.

They are well aware of how terrifying Lei Dao is.

Therefore, the Five Great Emperor Sects will not repeat the mistakes of Feixian Emperor Sect and Taiyuan Emperor Sect. No matter what method Lei Dao uses, they will not take the initiative to open the magic circle and let Lei Dao in.

As long as the mountain gate magic circle is not opened, the mountain gates of the five great emperor sects will be very safe, and they will not be afraid of thunder.

The five emperor sects are still waiting quietly.

They even hoped that both Lei Dao and Moku would lose, and then they would come forward to clean up the mess. At that time, it would still be the world of the five emperor sects.

This is the confidence of Emperor Zong.

No matter how chaotic the situation outside is, they only need to hide in the mountain gate, and come out of the mountain after hundreds or even thousands of years, they are still the overlords!

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