Longevity Species

Chapter 628 The Devil's Nest is Coming! (first update)

Lei Dao immediately opened the secret room, and when he saw Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun outside the secret room, he frowned slightly, because he did not see the figures of the top emperors of the Four Great Emperor Sects.

Lei Dao asked the two great emperors to supervise the four top emperors to find out what happened in the devil's lair. Why are there only these two now? Could it be that the Four Great Emperor Sects dared to disobey his orders?

"Meet the lord."

Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun glanced at Lei Dao, then gritted their teeth and said, "Leader, things have changed. The changes in the devil's lair are probably more terrifying than we imagined. The four top emperors entered the devil's lair for a whole Moon, there is no news, it may have fallen! Moreover, when we were about to leave, a hand was stretched out from the magic den, trying to drag the two of us into the magic den, but we escaped. We suspect that the abyss of the magic den Those monsters that were chained by golden chains, most likely have escaped."

"The monsters in the abyss of the devil's lair..."

Lei Dao was silent. He knew very well how terrifying the monsters in the abyss of the Devil's Nest were. To be able to be locked by golden chains must be the means left by Patriarch Qianyuan.

Those monsters are certainly not simple.

Lei Dao even wondered, among the monsters locked by Patriarch Qianyuan, is there any monster comparable to a true god? Otherwise, as the true god of Qianyuan Patriarch, how could he not be able to destroy these monsters?

If that's the case, then the Devil's Nest is really in big trouble.

"How is the Devil's Nest now?"

Reid asked again.

"The expansion of the Devil's Nest is very fast, it is already more than ten times larger than before, and it is still expanding rapidly, unstoppable. All the cities that are shrouded in the black mist of the Devil's Nest have no news, and no one has ever heard of it. Can escape from the black mist of the devil's lair."

Emperor Xiyun said in a deep voice, his tone was very heavy, obviously he also felt the great threat from the Devil's Nest.

Originally, they thought that they could sit back and relax after solving the remaining few emperor sects, and then began to regain the mountains and rivers, slowly bringing the entire ancient China into a peaceful and stable environment.

Or, simply establish a divine dynasty that unifies ancient China!

But now, everything has changed.

Although Emperor Zong's threat has been lifted, the threat of the Devil's Nest is even greater. Even the top emperor can't solve it. Except for Lei Dao, no one can solve the threat of the Devil's Nest.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Emperor Xiyun asked.


Lei Dao said firmly.


Both Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu were full of doubts.

"Yes, just wait, wait for the best opportunity, now, the time has not yet come."


The two fell silent.

Although I don't know what timing Lei Dao needs, but only Lei Dao can solve the matter of the devil's cave now, and they can only follow Lei Dao's orders.

Therefore, Lei Dao ignored him and continued to retreat in the secret room.

In fact, Lei Dao is very clear.

He had a faint feeling in the dark.

The magic lair is expanding so fast, and it is so mysterious, it is very possible that there really is a true god in the demon lair.

God is supreme!

God is supreme!

It's hard for Lei Dao to imagine, how can he compete with the real god if he is not a real god? Even if Lei Dao is the first great emperor, or the first demigod, who has never been seen before or even since, and even holds a real rule artifact, Lei Dao does not have any confidence to compete with a true true god.

Therefore, he needs to wait for the best time.

The so-called best time is the day when Lei Dao becomes a true god!

It's just that Lei Dao doesn't have much doubts about becoming a true god. He is confident that he will definitely be able to become a true god. It's just a matter of time.

But what he lacks now is time.

He faintly felt that the larger the area of ​​the Devil's Lair, the stronger the monsters in the Devil's Lair might be, but he had no choice but to wait.

As time passed day by day, Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun were closely watching the progress of the Demon Nest. And the speed of the expansion of the Devil's Nest is even more astonishing.

From the range of the previous Qianyuan Emperor Zongshan Gate, it expanded dozens of times, and spread rapidly, swallowing everything it passed along the way. All the cities, all are gone.

The entire Ancient China even began to panic.

Some people even took the initiative to enter the Devil's Lair, wanting to investigate the situation, but in the end there was no news. It seemed that the Devil's Lair was a bottomless abyss. Once they entered, they would never be able to get out.

Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun had been waiting, but after waiting, Lei Dao never came out. They are also paying close attention to the expansion direction of the Demon Nest.

"If the Devil's Nest continues to expand like this, will it have to expand to the Emperor of Nine Dragons?"

Ancestor Qianyu said with a solemn expression.

"That's right, probably tomorrow, the Devil's Nest will expand to the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect."

"Have all the people from the Nine Dragons Emperor Sect been transferred?"

"Part of it has been transferred, but there are still a large number of disciples and elders of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect who are unwilling to leave the mountain gate. They feel that relying on the Emperor Zong's mountain gate magic circle can block the devil's lair!"

Patriarch Qianyu also fell silent.

He was also from the Emperor Sect, how could he not know what those disciples and elders were thinking?

The expansion of the Devil's Nest is so fierce that even Lei Dao is not sure that he can deal with it, let alone an Emperor Zong Mountain Gate? The reason why those disciples and elders are unwilling to give up is because they know that once they give up, maybe the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect will disappear from now on.

Then they are the sinners of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect!

Even if it is death, they are not willing to give up!

"It's fine if you don't leave. After all, it is the gate of the Emperor's Sect. It has a powerful magic circle, and it cannot be broken by a true god! Tomorrow, we will go and see if the magic circle of the Nine Dragon Emperor's Gate can block the magic cave. If it can, then That's great, it means that the Devil's Nest is nothing more than that, if it can't be stopped..."

Patriarch Qianyu didn't continue, but Emperor Xiyun understood.

If you can't even stop the Emperor Zong Shanmen magic circle, then you can only rely on Lei Dao.

Anyone else who enters the devil's lair will have no return, and will die in vain.

So, the next day, Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun immediately rushed to the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect, not only Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun, but also many practitioners rushed to Nine Dragon Emperor Sect Zong.

Although Emperor Zong has now surrendered to Lei Dao, he still has a huge influence in the entire ancient China. Except for Lei Dao, no one can break through the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate.

Therefore, this time, the Devil's Nest was raging and swept towards the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect, which also gave many practitioners a glimmer of hope. In the absence of Lei Dao, they hoped that the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect's mountain gate magic circle could block the attack of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect. expansion.

The Nine Dragons Emperor Sect at this moment can be regarded as the center of attention!

When Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu rushed over, there were already many practitioners around, and the gate formation of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect had already been in operation.

The only great emperor of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect is currently presiding over the magic circle inside the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect's mountain gate. He wants to live and die with the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect!

"Look, it's Emperor Xiyun who is here!"

"And Patriarch Qianyu."

"It's just, what's the use of these two top emperors coming? The leader of the Hundred Marquis League, the only demigod Lei Dao in our ancient Shenzhou, if he didn't come, there would be no way to stop the Demon Nest."

"The expansion of the Devil's Nest is too terrifying. Even the demigod Thunder Dao may not be able to stop it. Could it be that this is really the end of our ancient China?"

"No matter what, I hope that today's Nine Dragon Emperor Sect's mountain gate array can block the devil's lair, then we will have hope."

Many cultivators around were discussing in low voices.

They can no longer watch from the sidelines about the Devil's Nest. The reason is very simple. It concerns their vital interests, and even their life and death.

With the expansion speed of the Devil's Nest, if it can't be restricted, even the entire ancient Shenzhou will be swallowed by the Devil's Nest in the end. In that case, where can the practitioners escape?

Therefore, they are very concerned about the expansion of the Devil's Nest to the Nine Dragon Emperor Zong Mountain Gate this time.


Ancestor Qianyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice.

Sure enough, everyone looked into the distance and saw the rolling black mist, which seemed to be sweeping in like a rolling wave, and was about to drag the entire Nine Dragon Emperor Zong Mountain Gate into the devil's lair.

Everyone retreated hastily, and they must not get too close to the black mist of the devil's lair, otherwise, once the black mist of the devil's lair expands, they may be involved in it, and they will never be able to get out.

Everyone retreated to the distance, still paying attention to the gate of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect.

At this moment, the black mist of the Demon Cave has swept in, almost without any stagnation, and it is directly heading towards the Nine Dragon Emperor Zong.


As if the stormy waves were crashing against the shore, the black mist of the devil's cave crazily swept towards the gate of the Nine Dragon Emperor Zong, but the formation of the Nine Dragon Emperor Zong's gate was running crazily, just like a rock in the sea, no matter how the waves beat, it still remained firm move.


Those who watched from a distance were overjoyed.

The magic circle of the Nine Dragon Emperor Zong's mountain gate actually blocked it. The mighty, seemingly unstoppable magic cave is about to stop expanding?

Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun didn't think so, they knew very well the horror of the Devil's Lair, and it was absolutely impossible for them to give up just like that.

Sure enough, the black mist of the Devil's Cave seemed to be brewing something, and he never gave up. Indistinctly, low roars could be heard in the black mist.


Suddenly, there was a clear roar of a beast in the black mist, and then, a huge claw stretched out from the black mist, and then slapped fiercely on the magic circle of the Nine Dragon Emperor Zong Mountain Gate.


The formation at the gate of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect was trembling violently. Obviously, this blow was powerful, far surpassing any top emperor. At least, the top emperor couldn't shake the Emperor Zong's mountain gate magic circle at all.

But this huge claw can shake the magic circle of Emperor Zong's mountain gate, causing the magic circle of Emperor Zong's mountain gate to tremble violently.

However, the Emperor Zong Shanmen magic circle still blocked it!

The huge claws seemed unwilling, and frantically slapped towards the formation of Emperor Zong's mountain gate. However, although the magic circle of Emperor Zong's mountain gate was still shaking violently, it seemed to be almost a little bit, and it still remained motionless.

The huge claws were retracted, and the thick black mist was rolling again, as if something was still brewing.

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