Longevity Species

Chapter 633 Three True Gods! (third change)

In the secret room, two treasures were placed in front of Lei Dao.

One is a semi-regular artifact, and the other is a regular artifact.

It's just that the semi-rule artifact can no longer make Lei Dao understand many rules. The same is true for the rule artifact Suppressing Magic Disk, and the current Suppressing Magic Disk has even been broken and is no longer as powerful as it used to be.

It is almost impossible to comprehend the rules by relying on the magic disc.

"What I need now is time. The more time I can save, the better. In order to save a little time, I can do whatever it takes! Whether it's a semi-regular artifact or a regular artifact, I can no longer comprehend many rules by relying on the previous method." Yes. If you comprehend the rules forcibly, what if you run out of lifespan and still get nothing? Therefore, lifespan must be used sparingly, and abilities are deadly!"

Lei Dao was very clear in his heart.

He already had plans.

Now he still has more than 6,000 years of life left, and he can comprehend twenty rules by force.

Twenty rules, this is not an ordinary number, when the time comes, it will be enough to push the number of rules that Lei Dao has comprehended to as many as two hundred.

However, now is a critical moment, even a moment of life and death, what if the unity of all ways still fails?

What if there are only a few rules missing?

Therefore, if you can comprehend the rules without consuming your lifespan, then your lifespan will not be consumed.

For this, Lei Dao can do whatever it takes!

Now, Lei Dao thought of a way, that is to break all the semi-regular artifacts and regular artifacts. There are countless rules in it, and they will naturally return to the real world.

This process is a once-in-a-lifetime process, which can be encountered but not sought after.

At that time, Lei Dao will definitely be able to comprehend, and even get started with many rules smoothly.

However, in this way, the semi-regular artifact and the regular artifact Suppressing Magic Disk will be completely destroyed, and the price will be a bit high.

"There is no other way, even if the price is higher, as long as you can understand a few more rules, it will be worth it!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath and had already made a decision in his heart.


A large amount of world-creating power enveloped the semi-regular artifact and the magic-suppressing disk, and then, these two treasures were crushed by the world-creating power, and instantly turned into powder.


In the mountain gate of Emperor Qianyuan's sect, a huge formation firmly trapped the Blood Flood Dragon King.

The Blood Flood Dragon King didn't continue to struggle anymore, he seemed to be waiting and calculating something.

One day, two days, three days...

For more than twenty days, the Blood Flood King remained motionless.


Suddenly, the Blood Flood Dragon King opened his eyes violently.

"It's now!"


A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the Blood Flood Dragon King. During this time, he has been calculating the weakness of the formation, and after more than twenty days, he finally found the weakness of the formation.

Immediately, the Blood Flood Dragon King let out a low growl, his body began to swell rapidly, and finally changed suddenly, he had already turned into a huge dragon with hundreds of feet.

The scales of this flood dragon are all blood-colored, which is also the origin of the "Blood Flood Dragon" clan.

This is the real body of the Blood Flood Dragon King!

Only the Blood Flood Dragon King who has recovered his real body is at his strongest.

The huge body of the Blood Flood Dragon King who had recovered his real body slammed directly towards the formation.


The big formation was trembling violently, but it was not smashed, and it seemed that it could still trap the Blood Flood Dragon King. However, the Blood Flood Dragon King did not give up, he aimed at one direction and collided crazily.

"Boom boom boom".

After more than a dozen bombardments in a row, finally, the big formation shone with light, and finally a crack appeared. The appearance of cracks represented that the big formation had reached its limit.

Under the last crazy impact of the Blood Flood Dragon King, the formation was finally shattered.

Blood Flood King, out of trouble!

"Hahaha, this king is finally out of trouble. The old ghost Qianyuan, and the boy Lei Dao, this king will not let go, this king wants to wash the true god world with blood!"

The Blood Flood Dragon King was very angry, this time he was tricked by Patriarch Qian Yuan, and the Blood Flood Dragon King was almost suppressed again.

However, the Blood Flood Dragon King has not lost his mind yet.

It is still difficult for him to wash the True God Realm with blood alone, but it will be different if he breaks through the boundary wall of the True God Realm and invites the members of the Blood Flood Dragon Clan to come.

"Hmph, little Lei Dao, let you live a few more days. When this king opens the boundary wall passage and attracts the members of the Blood Flood Dragon Clan, then it will be time to wash the True God Realm with blood!"

The Blood Flood King's eyes were cold, so he urged the magic cave to continue to expand towards the dark abyss.

Some practitioners who paid close attention to the Devil's Nest soon discovered the changes in the Devil's Nest.

Originally, the Blood Flood Dragon King was trapped before, and the magic cave had stopped expanding.

But now, the Blood Flood Dragon King was out of trouble, and under the urging of the Blood Flood Dragon King, the devil's lair began to expand towards the Dark Abyss again, and the expansion speed was faster than before, and it was not far from the Dark Abyss.

"The Devil's Nest has changed again, and the expansion speed is even faster than before. Could it be that Leader Lei has failed?"

"President Lei once entered the magic cave alone, and no one knew what happened inside. But then the expansion of the magic cave stopped. I didn't expect it to expand again now. It seems that the leader Lei did not solve the problem of the magic cave. .”

"The devil's lair has been expanding in the direction of the dark abyss. Is there any secret?"

Many practitioners are worried.

Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun also got the news, and they knew some secrets, so their faces changed slightly.

"The devil's lair has begun to expand, is it possible that the Blood Flood King is out of trouble?"

"I'm afraid it is. It's only been a few days, a few days before a month, and the Blood Flood King is out of trouble. The situation is not good!"

"However, although the Blood Flood King was out of trouble, he didn't have the trouble of going to Shangyang City to find the lord immediately. Instead, he expanded towards the dark abyss. It seems that the Blood Flood King wanted to completely enter the dark abyss, open the passage to the Realm of God, At that time, the Blood Flood Dragon Clan flooded into the True God Realm wantonly, and the consequences would be disastrous."

"It's just that there is nothing we can do. Even if the top emperor enters the devil's lair, it is a dead end, and it will be useless at all. Now we can only wait for the leader Lei to create a miracle. I don't know if the leader Lei has the unity of all ways? "

The two were worried.

However, there was no movement in Lei Dao, the secret room they had placed high hopes on, and the hearts of the two of them sank slightly.

For now, they can only wait and see.

After another ten days, the Devil's Nest finally expanded to the Dark Abyss.


The next moment, the black mist of the devil's lair and the dark abyss merged into one. Immediately, the two were indistinguishable from each other, as if the dark abyss had expanded countless times at once.

At this moment, all practitioners seemed to feel a bit of depression deep in their hearts.

Obviously, the "merging" of the Devil's Nest and the Dark Abyss is definitely not a good thing.


In the depths of the dark abyss, there seemed to be three figures indistinctly.


Finally, the three figures seemed to have finished their work. They looked at a crack above their heads and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Finally, the cracks in this boundary wall have been blocked. Those blood flood clans outside are staring at the True God Realm. Once they are allowed to break through the boundary wall, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Hmph, the Blood Flood Dragon Clan is still undecided. Last time, they suffered a heavy loss, but they still wanted to invade my True God Realm. Why don't those powerful guardians of the Divine Palace personally take action and drive all these Blood Flood Dragon Clans to extinction!"

"The Guardian Divine Palace will face a more severe situation, and those great powers can't take action easily, otherwise, behind the Blood Flood Dragon Clan, there is the Flood Dragon Clan, which also has great power. We should not break out conflicts with the Flood Dragon Clan."

"Hey, our human race is really hard..."

The tone of the three true gods is very low, but looking at their appearance, there is still a hint of excitement. Finally, the crack was blocked, the guardian mission was completed, and then they could return to Ancient China.


But suddenly, the entire dark abyss was shaking violently. At the same time, a beam of light soaring into the sky seemed to pierce the dark abyss.

He slammed into the boundary wall of the True God Realm fiercely.


There was hardly any luck, the boundary wall was broken, and a trace of cracks appeared, densely packed like a spider's web.

"What... what's going on here?"

"Why did the boundary wall break?"

"Damn it, we finally blocked the crack in the boundary wall, why did it break again?"

The faces of the three true gods were so ugly that they could hardly believe the scene in front of them.

The wall of the True God Realm is broken?

Even if it hasn't been completely shattered, but judging by the appearance of that beam of light, isn't it time for it to be completely shattered?

It's just that the three true gods don't know, who else in the entire ancient China can break the boundary wall of the true god world? That at least requires the power of a true god. Apart from them, there are also true gods in ancient China?

"Go, go and have a look."

It is impossible for the three true gods to ignore them. They are the guardians of the true gods and must protect the true gods.

Therefore, the three true gods rushed towards the huge beam of light at the fastest speed.

If it was a great emperor, even a top emperor, traveling in the dark abyss would actually be dangerous, and he would not be able to tell the direction. But for the three true gods, traveling is a breeze. They move forward all the way, and the surrounding darkness automatically "retreats".

Soon, the three true gods rushed to the huge beam of light.

They saw a huge blood flood dragon under the beam of light at first sight.

"Blood Flood King!"

The three true gods exclaimed.

They all knew the Blood Flood Dragon King, it was impossible not to know him. After becoming the guardian of the true god, they will know that under the sect of Emperor Qianyuan, there is a blood flood king suppressed.

In fact, this is also the reason why none of the three great gods defeated the Nine Emperor Sects.

The true gods who created the Nine Great Emperor Sects have all made great contributions to the True God Realm. It is hard to say whether the True God Realm still exists without the ancestors of the Nine Great Emperor Sects.

Therefore, they knew very well how terrifying the blood dragon king suppressed by Emperor Qianyuan's sect was.

However, isn't the Blood Flood King suppressed by the formation of the ancestor Qianyuan and the magic-suppressing disk of the rule artifact? No matter how long the time is, even if it is hundreds of millions of years, the Blood Flood Dragon King will never get out of trouble.

What exactly happened?

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