Longevity Species

Chapter 644: Outsiders! (Second more)

Everyone is very nervous. Attacking the Real God Realm from the outside, if you want to break through the boundary wall of the Real God Realm, even the top true gods will take a long time to get through.

Otherwise, the Green Flood Dragon King and the dozen or so true god-level existences would not have waited so long. In the end, the Blood Flood Dragon King was able to break through the boundary wall.

Therefore, the boundary walls of the True God Realm are very strong.

Especially, now that the Realm of God has already had a Realm Lord.

"seal up!"

Lei Dao directly mobilized the power of the True God Realm to quickly strengthen the boundary wall here. This is the benefit of having a Realm Lord, no matter how many top true gods there are outside, Lei Dao goes all out to strengthen the boundary wall of the True God Realm, it will not be able to break through the True God Realm no matter what.


However, the next moment, the entire True God Realm was shaking violently.

Immediately afterwards, a huge claw directly broke through the boundary wall of the True God Realm, and punched a huge hole in the True God Realm. Even if Lei Dao was the world lord, it could not be repaired in a short time.

And, more importantly, the owner of this huge claw is an incomparably huge monster, which looks somewhat similar to the blood dragon or the green dragon, but its size is at least ten times bigger!

Moreover, the aura emanating from his body made Lei Dao feel frightened.

Even, through the will of the world, Lei Dao can feel the terrifying power contained in the opponent's body, which is enough to destroy the entire True God Realm!

"The dragon's son and grandson who killed the ancestors should be killed!"

The huge dragon's voice was stern, and his eyes were cold. The other party didn't even look at Lei Dao, but directly grabbed at the void. This is no longer to kill Lei Dao, but to destroy the entire True God Realm to vent the hatred in his heart!

Just as Lei Dao was about to mobilize the power of the True God Realm to fight back desperately.

Suddenly, a golden giant descended from the sky and said with a loud laugh, "Hahaha, Venerable Jiao Kui, do you want to provoke a full-scale war between my Guardian Divine Palace and your Jiaolong clan?"


The golden giant grabbed the huge dragon with a big hand, and threw it hard, throwing the huge dragon out of the True God Realm.

The two confronted each other outside the Realm of God.

On one side is a huge flood dragon, on the other side is an indomitable golden giant. The aura of both sides is almost the same, facing each other far away in the void.

At this time, Lei Dao and the two true gods also saw the confrontation between the golden giant and the huge dragon through the hole in the real god's world.

"Respect... Your lord! This is the lord who protects the palace!"

"Looking at this venerable's attire, he must be the venerable of the Guardian God Palace. I didn't expect that this Guardian God Palace actually sent a venerable. With the venerable, our True God Realm is safe."

"That flood dragon should also be at the venerable level. It seems that it has some relationship with the blood dragon and the green dragon clan. It might be the ancestor of the blood dragon and green dragon clan."

The two true gods were very excited and excited, only Lei Dao was at a loss, he didn't know what the guardian shrine was, let alone what the venerable was.

This is the second time I heard about the Guardian God Palace. The first time it was mentioned by Patriarch Qianyuan that Lei Dao could go to the Guardian God Palace after leaving the Realm of God. Not sure.

As for the Venerable, Lei Dao didn't know.

But he can probably guess one or two, the venerable should be above the true god.

However, Lei Dao is not clear about the specific characteristics.

Lei Dao looked at the golden giant, and he could only feel from the figure of the golden giant that there seemed to be an unimaginable terrifying power in the golden giant's body.

That power, even if it only leaked a little breath, made Lei Dao feel palpitations.

Even the will of the world seems to be very afraid of the golden giant.

Obviously, both the golden giant and the huge flood dragon seem to have the ability to destroy the entire True God Realm.

"Wu Bubai, you want to stop me?"

Jiao Kui's voice was full of threats.

"Jiao Kui, after all, you are also a dignified venerable, don't you know the consequences of your meddling? Hehe, this time I came here at the order of Tong Dazun. If you dare to do anything again, I will kill you!"

"You want to kill the old man? Hahaha, Wu Bubai, do you think the old man is really afraid of you? Besides, this time has nothing to do with the Flood Dragon Clan, the old man only represents himself!"

Jiao Kui looked very irritable.

"Really? Jiao Kui, it's only on behalf of yourself, it doesn't matter if you die, the Jiaolong clan won't pursue it, so I'll kill you!"

Immediately, some power in Wu Bubai's body seemed to "explode" in an instant, and suddenly, a surging force gushed out crazily. He grabbed it firmly.


The huge flood dragon was smashed into the void, even black cracks appeared in the air, and a huge black space appeared.

"Jiao Kui, if you are really not afraid, how dare you enter the dark world to fight?"

Wu Bubai stood upright and said loudly.

Jiao Kui was thrown hard this time, and just now, he already knew that he was far from Wu Bubai's opponent, if he really entered the dark world, it would be a battle of life and death.

Easy to get in and hard to get out.

It's not worth it for just two juniors!

"Wu Bubai, the old man remembers, let's go!"

Jiao Kui roared angrily, and quickly left the void near the True God Realm with the remaining green and blood dragons.

The golden giant also shrank rapidly, and then returned to the size of a normal person.


Wu Bubai looked at Lei Dao along the hole in the True God Realm, and immediately, his eyes met, but Lei Dao could feel the other party's kindness.

"Senior Wu, please come in!"

With a wave of Lei Dao's hand, he directly maintained the hole in the boundary wall of the Realm of the True Gods. Wu Bubai did not doubt that he was there.

At this time, the two true gods hurriedly stepped forward and shouted respectfully: "Greetings to Elder Wu!"

"Well, you are the Guardian Gods of the Real God Realm, right? There are three of them, not bad."

Wu Bubai nodded. Obviously, he also came here after receiving the distress call from the three true gods.

However, the two true gods shook their heads and said: "We originally had three guardian gods, but among them, the guardian god of the Chaos Dynasty died in a battle and has fallen. Fortunately, the newly promoted Thunder Lord, at the critical moment, With great perseverance and great wisdom, he became the Realm Lord of the True God Realm, and only then was he able to kill those invading blood dragons and green dragons and keep the True God Realm."

"Thunder World Lord?"

Wu Bubai was startled, and turned his gaze to Lei Dao.

His gaze seemed to be able to see through all the secrets of Lei Dao, but Lei Dao faced it calmly. However, no matter how Wu Bubai looked at it, he couldn't seem to see that Lei Dao had the slightest appearance of a "world master".

Lei Dao waved his hand, and immediately, the hole in the True God Realm disappeared quickly. It was he who mobilized the power of the True God Realm.

This time, Wu Bubai's eyes lit up.

"Interesting, you don't replace the world's will with your own will, but you can control the world's will for your use. It's really another way. You can afford it if you say you are the master of the world! However, this method probably has a lot of drawbacks, no one Can easily control the will of the world."

Wu Bubai saw the "moisture" or "disadvantage" of Lei Dao, the world lord, at a glance.

Obviously, this method cannot be promoted.

Otherwise, the World Master would be able to "mass-produce", which would be a world-shaking change for the entire human power.

"Senior should be able to kill that dragon just now, right? Why didn't you just kill that dragon?"

Lei Dao stared at Wu Bubai with piercing eyes.

Even he could tell that Wu Bubai should be stronger than that dragon. The dragon was so aggrieved, but he didn't dare to make any more moves, but left in despair.

Wu Bubai was slightly taken aback, he looked at Lei Dao, and then sighed: "It's easy to kill that old dragon, but it's not easy to deal with the aftermath, especially the dragon clan behind the old dragon is my Guardian Palace." , even our human rivals, can’t easily start a war.”

Lei Dao did not speak, but was analyzing some information contained in Wu Bubai's words.

However, even if it is just a sentence, it contains a lot of information, but it is difficult to analyze it without knowing the real situation.

Seeing Lei Dao's appearance, Wu Bubai smiled slightly and said, "True God Lei, you can become a true god in the True God Realm, and even find another way to become the Realm Master. It is not easy. But the True God Realm is too small, you have thought about leaving True God Realm?"

"Leaving the Realm of God?"

Raidou frowned.

In fact, Lei Dao never thought about leaving the Realm of the True Gods, because in his opinion, the Realm of the True Gods is already very big, even if it is a true god, it is not easy to travel all over the Realm of the True Gods.

Wu Bubai continued: "The Realm of the True Gods is really too small. Even though the Realm of the True Gods is one of the ancestral lands of my human cultivators, it is only a small world after all. Moreover, limited by the limitations of the world, in the Realm of the True Gods, almost It is impossible to give birth to a venerable. Only by leaving the Realm of God, going outside, and seeing a wider world, can one become a venerable, or even reach a more powerful state and stand on the pinnacle of cultivation!"

"Outside? What is outside?"

Reid asked again.

"What's outside? Hahaha, the Realm of the True Gods is just a small world. Outside there is a big world, a realm, and a vast and boundless bright realm, a mysterious dark realm, and countless powerful races, which are hundreds of times stronger than the Jiaolong clan. A thousand times. There are terrifying existences far beyond our imagination, and there is even the mystery of immortality and immortality..."

Wu Bubai just mentioned it briefly, but Lei Dao was already moved.

Small world, big world, countless powerful races.

What moved him even more was the mystery of immortality and immortality.

Although Lei Dao has become a true god, even if his ability is being upgraded, he cannot check his lifespan for the time being, but Lei Dao also knows that a true god is not immortal and has a lifespan limit.

Who doesn't want to live longer?

Who doesn't want to step on the summit of practice and overlook the scenery below?

Lei Dao also wants to!

However, there are some things that Lei Dao needs to ask Wu Bubai and the two Guardian Gods in detail.

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