Longevity Species

Chapter 646: Guardian Shrine! (first update)

"This is the Ming Realm? It really is different."

Lei Dao stepped out of the True God Realm in one step, and has already arrived in the Ming Realm. Since coming to the Ming Realm, Lei Dao has a completely different feeling. The most distinctive feature is that the various rules here seem to be different.

The rules here, for Lei Dao, are full of a terrible suppressing force, it seems that there are terrifying forces suppressing Lei Dao from all directions.

If it is a cultivator below the true god, such as the Great Emperor, once he comes to the Ming Realm, he may not even be able to bear it.

"Yes, this is the Ming Realm. In the Ming Realm, there is a lot of pressure. Below the true god, the strength will be suppressed to the extreme. If the true god comes for the first time, he will also be suppressed. But the reason why the true god is the true god is that Because the true god can roam the bright world. The divine body of the true god is very miraculous, and it will automatically change some forms to adapt to the pressure of the entire bright world. You can try it and wait for a short time."

Wu Bubai said with a smile.

His body has long adapted to the Ming Realm, so there is no discomfort in the Ming Realm.

Lei Dao nodded when he heard the words, so he began to calm down, quietly experiencing all the mysteries of the Ming Realm. As expected, his divine body was changing rapidly, and seemed to be slowly adapting to the Ming Realm.

After a while, Lei Dao suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of shock on his face.

"Sure enough, my divine body has adapted. It's amazing! This is the reason why the true god can roam freely in the Ming Realm?"

Lei Dao was really shocked.

He didn't expect that the divine body of the true god would have such a strong adaptability.

"Hahaha, this is natural, otherwise, the true god would not have the title of immortality. Of course, the true god is far from being immortal, but his ability to adapt to various extreme environments is indeed far beyond Practitioners below the true gods. The Jiaolong clan is physically strong, but even among the Jiaolong clan, those below the true gods can only barely move in the Ming Realm, and they must be led by a true god-level powerhouse, otherwise they will not dare at all. Active in the Ming Realm."

Raidou nodded.

To put it simply, only a detached person like a true god can enter the Ming Realm.

Below the True God, this Ming Realm is equivalent to a restricted area. Even if one can enter, it is actually full of dangers, and there is no ability to cross the Ming Realm at all.

"Leidao, under such pressure, do you feel that your divine body is far from reaching its limit?"

Lei Dao nodded and said: "That's right. I originally thought that there was no way to enter the True God Realm, and my divine body had reached its limit. But when I just came to the Ming Realm, I found that when my divine body was constantly adapting to the rules of the Ming Realm, it unexpectedly There is still a lot of room for improvement, the limit is not reached at all."

There was a hint of excitement on Lei Dao's face.

In fact, in the Realm of the True Gods, Lei Dao has indeed nowhere to go.

He is the lord of the True God Realm, and he can use the power of endless rules unscrupulously. Relying on the power of a large number of rules, Lei Dao has condensed five divine patterns!

This is quite a scary number.

But the five divine patterns have almost reached the limit that Lei Dao can reach in the True God Realm. If he continues to stay in the True God Realm, Lei Dao will not improve at all.

Only in the Ming Realm can his body have room to improve.

Wu Bubai said with a smile: "Lei Dao, it is actually incredible that you can condense five divine patterns. A true god who has walked out of the real god realm can condense one divine pattern, and he is already a top true god. The five gods, that is, because you are the master of the true god world, you can mobilize the power of endless rules, so that you can condense the five gods. Even in the guardian palace, the five gods are also among the disciples. Pretty good."

"You must remember that before the divine body has reached the true limit, you must not rush into the realm of the venerable. The gap in the realm of the venerable is very huge, because the stage of the true god is actually a stage of laying the foundation. Only Only when the divine body is strong can it accommodate more power to create worlds, and the small world created in the body will be even more terrifying. At that time, to be promoted to the realm of the venerable, it will be a step up to the sky, which is completely different from other people."

In fact, Lei Dao didn't hear it very clearly, even a little confused.

For example, Lei Dao is not clear about the specific cultivation realms and even the cultivation steps of the True God to the Venerable.

However, Wu Bubai did not explain either.

Lei Dao will naturally know the specific practice matters after entering the Guardian Palace, and he can't explain it clearly now. In short, Wu Bubai's warning must be meaningful.

After all, Wu Bubai is a true venerable!

This is a very precious experience of a venerable Wu Bubai, and Lei Dao will naturally put it in his heart.

Wu Bubai seemed to be taking care of Lei Dao, so he kept flying at a relatively slow speed at the beginning, so that Lei Dao could appreciate some of the scenery of the bright world.

Lei Dao was really excited at the beginning.

The surroundings of the Ming Realm were empty. In his previous impression, the Ming Realm should have many small worlds densely packed, just like the planets in his memory.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

He looked at the True God Realm behind him. In fact, it was getting closer, and it looked very huge. It was not a star, but a hazy fog, lying in the void.

Looking around, there is only a small world in the Realm of God.

Then, Lei Dao flew for a long time without seeing any other small worlds. Perhaps there are really many small worlds in the Ming Realm, but they are not densely packed one after the other as Lei Dao imagined.

The main reason is that the Ming Realm is too big, so if it is scattered, it is naturally impossible for the small worlds to be densely packed, one next to the other.

Lei Dao flew for a long time, but he didn't see a small world, so he couldn't help feeling a little bored.

At this time, Wu Bubai said with a smile: "Why, are you disappointed that you didn't see the small world? Or, you still feel that the scenery of the bright world has not changed, and you are very disappointed?"

"Uh...probably all of them."

Lei Dao also answered directly.

"Hahaha, in fact, there are many scenery in the Ming Realm, which are very attractive, but you don't have the ability to see it. Because your speed is too slow. At your speed, I don't know how long it will take to reach the Guardian Palace .”

After finishing speaking, Wu Bubai grabbed Lei Dao fiercely, and then, it seemed as if some power in the god's body exploded suddenly, bringing Lei Dao with him instantly, and his speed increased sharply.

Not ten times, but a hundred times!

Even, more than a hundred times!

What is this concept?

Just flying at such a fast speed, Lei Dao's divine body could barely bear it.


Lei Dao was extremely shocked, this is still Wu Bubai protecting Lei Dao, otherwise, at such a fast speed, Lei Dao's divine body would not be able to withstand it even if it had five divine patterns.

Even, Lei Dao repeatedly elevated Wu Bubai's status in his heart.

As for Wu Bubai, Lei Dao only knew that he was a venerable.

But Lei Dao doesn't know exactly how big the gap is between the true god and the venerable. But above the true god is the venerable, Lei Dao felt that even if the gap was huge, it was only a difference in realm.

He has condensed the five divine patterns, and he is a top true god, so the gap with the Venerable should not be too big.

But now, Lei Dao understood.

The gap between him and Wu Bubai is not small, but there is no comparison at all. The two are not at the same level, and there is no possibility of comparison at all.

"Actually, I'm taking you with me. That's why my speed is so slow. The Venerable usually travels in the Dark Realm. In the Dark Realm, there is no restriction. The speed is much faster than that in the Bright Realm, but it is easier to get lost. , Moreover, you may also fall into some dangers, and it is not suitable to travel in the dark world with a true god."

Wu Bubai can still speak now, but Lei Dao can only obey, the speed is too fast, he has already fully mobilized his divine body to withstand the pressure from all directions, even speaking is very difficult, so he simply doesn't speak.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the bright world seems to have remained unchanged, without day and night.

Finally, Wu Bubai stopped.

"In front is the Guardian Palace."

Wu Bubai pointed to a huge cloud in front of him that seemed to be many times larger than the Realm of God and said.

"The Guardian Palace is in a world?"

"That's right, it's just a big world! Moreover, the big world has been transformed by the great master, without all the pressures of the ordinary big world. For the true gods and venerables, practicing in the shrine can get twice the result with half the effort, and it is a real holy place for practice! "

Wu Bubai stopped in front of the Guardian Palace.

There is indeed a big difference between this place and the Realm of the True Gods. It seems that there is an invisible layer of protection, even Wu Bubai cannot break into it.

Wu Bubai took out a token, and then slowly opened the Guardian Palace, he took Lei Dao, and stepped into the Guardian Palace with one step.

"No one remembers the name of this big world before. Now, it is called Guardian Great World! The whole big world is the dojo of my Guardian God Palace. Every true god who enters the Guardian Great World can You can clearly feel the location of the headquarters of the Guardian Shrine."

Lei Dao indeed sensed it.

It was too obvious, just as dazzling as the sun.

So, following this induction, Wu Bubai flew into the void with Lei Dao, and in the clouds, he saw a huge palace like a heavenly palace.

It is said to be a palace, but in fact it is like a continent stretching across the void, infinitely vast, but on the continent, there are all kinds of magnificent palaces, which look sacred and solemn.

Wu Bubai brought Lei Dao to the shrine. No matter who was on the way, they all saluted respectfully when they saw Wu Bubai.

Moreover, the eyes are very solemn and respectful.

This shows that Wu Bubai's status in the Guardian Palace is not low.

In other words, the status of the venerable is not low, even far beyond Lei Dao's previous imagination.

"My lord, Tong Dazun has urgent matters, please ask your lord to come over."

Suddenly, a true god came in front of Wu Bubai and said respectfully.

"Tong Dazun?"

Wu Bubai frowned. He glanced at Lei Dao, and then said to Lei Dao: "With this token, you can go through the formalities. True God Yongli, you take Lei Dao to go through the formalities with My recommended quota will directly enter the shrine."


True God Yongli seemed surprised, but when he saw Wu Bubai's firm expression, he immediately reacted.

"My lord, don't worry, I will take Zhenshen Lei to complete the formalities."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. Lei Dao, you enter the shrine first and become a disciple of the shrine. If you have anything to do, you can send a message to me. But remember, in the shrine, what you have to do is practice! Strive for an early To become a Venerable, this is your goal!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Bubai left in a hurry.

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