Longevity Species

Chapter 648 Even if I try my best, I am afraid! (third change)

Inside the palace, Lei Dao strode in.

"Meet the master."

As soon as Lei Dao entered, he saw a few women with beautiful faces and slender figures, all of whom were majestic true gods, saluting to Lei Dao.

"Well, who are you?"

One of the women who seemed to be the leader said in a low voice: "We are the master's maids, serving the master's daily life and practice."


Lei Dao was a little surprised.

Those who can enter the lower palace area are all majestic true gods, and they are the kind of top true gods with extraordinary talents, so what else do they need to serve?

"Can I not use it?"

"Ah? Master, we all volunteered to serve Master in the lower palace area."


Lei Dao pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "Tell me about it, you are also true gods, why would you volunteer to serve?"

Lei Dao doesn't believe that there will be a true god willing to serve him, after all, he is not a venerable.

Therefore, these maids told the truth.

They are all disciples of some small forces or families in the Guardian God Palace. They have gone to the God Palace for assessment and wanted to become peripheral disciples, but unfortunately, they failed.

But they don't want to leave the shrine, so what should they do?

Then I can only serve as the maids of the disciples in the Lower Palace District or the Upper Palace District. Although the status is a little lower, but being able to stay in the Jingu Palace is more important than anything else.

If they stay in the shrine, they will have hope.

Anyway, the assessment of the shrine can be done anytime, anywhere.

These maids can't enter the upper palace area, so it would be nice to be able to stay in the lower palace area.

What's more, there are occasional rumors.

For example, a certain disciple soared to the sky and became a venerable. Then even the maids who had a close relationship with him all soared into the sky and became the servants of the Venerable.

"Aren't you afraid of being punished by the disciples of the Xiagong District? Or, after following the disciples of the Xiagong District, the disciples turned out to be mediocre, and even had to leave the Xiagong District in the end."

"If that's the case, it's our fate."

These maids are actually gambling!

Each maid can only serve one disciple.

If the disciples they serve are mediocre, then they can only accept their fate. Anyway, among the forces behind them, they all belong to the kind of people who are mediocre and abandoned. They will be true gods in this life, and even the top true gods cannot reach arrive.

Being able to gamble once is also giving them a chance.

"Understood, since this is the case, then you can stay."

Lei Dao didn't mean to drive these people away.

There were four maids in total, Lei Dao didn't even bother to remember the names of the other maids, he was only impressed by the leading maid named Yuexin.

"Yuexin, tell me about the Xiagong District. It's the first time I've come to the Xiagong District, and I don't know much about the Guardian Palace and the Xiagong District."

Yue Xin stayed in the Guardian God Palace for quite a long time. She had failed three times in the examination, and finally had to become a maid in the Xiagong District.

Even, becoming a maid does not necessarily have the opportunity to serve the official disciples of the Xiagong District.

Such an opportunity was also won by Yuexin after fighting for countless times.

For someone of her stature, that's pretty good.

After all, behind her is just a small family, and the strongest in the family is nothing more than a top true god.

But among the disciples who can enter the lower palace area, which one is not a top true god?

Even if he is not now, he will definitely be a top true god in the future.

Therefore, Yuexin began to introduce Lei Dao in detail to the Guardian Palace and the Xiagong District.

This is very important to Lei Dao, and it can be regarded as allowing Lei Dao to understand all aspects of the Xiagong District, so that he does not know everything with his eyes smeared.

Through Yuexin, Lei Dao also learned about it.

The competition in Xiagong District is actually quite fierce.

The main reason is to enter the upper palace area.

Only when you enter the Shanggong area, can you truly be the seed of the venerable.

Otherwise, when the millennium is up, you will still have to leave the Guardian Shrine. Even if you are sent by the Shrine to other places, the probability that the disciples in the Xiagong District will become Venerable after leaving the Shrine is very high. Small.

The real way is to enter the upper palace area.

To enter the Shanggong District, the only requirement is the divine pattern!

Ninety-nine and eighty-one divine patterns must be condensed within a thousand years!

Only disciples with more than eighty-one divine marks are eligible to be promoted to the Shanggong District and become the true seeds of the Venerable.

"Eighty-one divine patterns?"

Lei Dao's eyes were a little strange.

"What is the standard for becoming an official disciple?"

Lei Dao asked suddenly.

"As long as you condense the nine divine patterns, you can be promoted from the peripheral area to the lower palace area."

"Only need nine divine patterns?"

Lei Dao was a little stunned.

"The Nine Paths of God is very difficult. Basically, one of the gods belongs to the top true god, and the nine gods are already the best among the top true gods."

Yuexin said cautiously.

Lei Dao was a little speechless, and he asked again: "What about becoming a peripheral disciple? How many Dao divine patterns do you need?"

"Uh... There is no hard and fast requirement for this. However, in the assessment of becoming a peripheral disciple, basically one must condense a divine pattern, and become a top true god, in order to pass the assessment steadily. If there is no condensed divine pattern, although some people pass Examination, became a peripheral disciple, but there are very few such true gods."

Yue Xin raised her head and glanced at Lei Dao.

In fact, Yuexin didn't know Lei Dao's actual state, but Lei Dao could become a formal disciple, even if he used the recommended quota, it was extraordinary, and it was definitely not something she could compare with.

Those who pass the recommended places must be relatives of some venerables, and they must be very close relatives. With the great support of a venerable, what is a divine pattern?

Of course, even if Lei Dao is a true god who "goes through the back door", even if he becomes a formal disciple, his potential is actually inferior to those disciples who step by step from the outer area to the lower palace area.

But just these true gods who come through the back door, with the background of the Venerable, are actually not inferior to any genius.

Especially for a maid like Yuexin, it is very lucky to be able to serve a true god who enters through the back door. After all, in this way, there will be no such extreme situations where people with mediocre qualifications will be eliminated from the Jingu and become useless.

Even if you leave the Guardian God Palace and have the Venerable as your backer, you can still live a very nourishing life.

Lei Dao didn't know what Yuexin was thinking.

However, after listening to Yue Xin's words and knowing the actual situation of the official disciples of the Guardian Shrine, Lei Dao's heart actually sank a little.

Originally, he was a little proud.

I feel that the five gods have been condensed, which is already very good.

But in Xiagong District, it was nothing at all.

The disciples in the lower palace area have dozens of divine patterns at every turn, and they must gather ninety-nine and eighty-one divine patterns before they can enter the upper palace area. What is his cultivation?

Still keep a low profile.

However, in terms of hard work, then Lei Dao is not afraid of anyone.

Lei Dao knew very well that if he worked hard, he would be afraid!

"It seems that I have to work hard again. Well, even if I don't have supernatural powers, I still have to work hard. I have to go to the Temple of Chuangong to receive the practice method."

Lei Dao has already started the planning of practice.

Lei Dao is a man who does what he says, and he will soon go to the Palace of Chuan Gong.

Whether it is the peripheral area, the lower palace area, or the upper palace area, there is a palace of passing on merit.

Lei Dao took his identity card and entered the Palace of Chuan Gong.

"New official disciples can choose a practice for free, and they are not allowed to spread it outside."

The guard of Chuan Gong Hall is a top true god. Although it is hard to see how many Dao divine patterns it has condensed, there is a feeling that Lei Dao can't breathe.

Obviously, this must not be an ordinary true god.

"Choose one exercise for free? In other words, can you get a second or even more exercises?"

He heard and heard the meaning behind the words of this true God.

"Yes, if you have enough contribution points, you can exchange for more exercises."

"Contribution points?"

"Have you never been to the Guardian Palace?"


Lei Dao told the truth.

"Contribution points are contributions to the shrine. Specifically, you can go back and ask your maid. The old man can tell you that contribution points are not easy. It is not impossible for formal disciples to exchange for second or even more exercises. , but it is very difficult. Therefore, this free exercise is likely to be the one you have been practicing. You must choose carefully. Alright, go and choose your exercise. After you choose, come to me and let me know Name, you can get the rubbing technique."

Lei Dao nodded, and was about to enter the Palace of Chuan Gong, when a fat man with a bloated body rushed from outside the door.

"Old Li, here I come again!"

"Little Fatty Lu, you are here again. Didn't you exchange for a skill last time?"

"That broken skill is too difficult, I'm here to exchange for a simpler one this time."

"What, it's still too difficult? You've come here for the ninth time..."

Old Li's face turned black.

This is Lu Xiaopang's ninth visit, and he has consumed countless contribution points.

"You don't have to worry about it, I'm still coming anyway."

At this time, Lu Xiaopang also saw Lei Dao, so his eyes lit up: "Huh? I haven't seen you in Xiagong District, are you a disciple who just came to Xiagong District?"

"Well, I just came here."

"Outer area or the back door?"

"Uh... let's go through the back door."

Lei Dao also felt very embarrassed when he saw that the little fat man said "go through the back door" openly and aboveboard.

"Hahaha, it's good to go through the back door. It seems that you are of the same kind. You want to choose a practice? Walk around, I will recommend it to you. The exercises in the Palace of Passion are not blown by me. I guess Old Li doesn't have me. familiar……"

At this time, Old Li's face seemed to be darker, and he warned: "Little Lu, don't recommend it to others in a mess. You have chosen nine exercises yourself, and you have the nerve to recommend it to others?"

Lu Xiaopang ignored Old Li, and directly pushed Lei Dao into the Gong Chuan Hall.

"Little Lu is not a bad person. You can listen to Lu Xiaopang's opinion on the requirements of the exercises, but you must make your own decisions and choose carefully."

When Lei Dao's entered the gate of Chuan Gong Hall, Old Li's voice came into his ears.

Obviously, it was Old Li who specially "transmitted sound" to Lei Dao to warn Lei Dao.

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