Longevity Species

Chapter 664: The Boundary Master Is Born, Sweeping the Zhoutian Realm! (first update)

"World...world master!"

Lu Xiaopang was stunned, this is the World Lord?

What about failure?

What about going through untold hardships?

How did you become the world lord?

However, isn't this what Lu Xiaopang is looking forward to?

However, Lei Dao, the world lord, seems to be somewhat different from the world lord recorded in ancient books. Although Lei Dao has the power of the entire Zhoutian Realm gathered in him, Lu Xiaopang can still see that there is something different.

The real world lord replaces the heart of heaven with his own heart, and his every move has terrifying power. In his own small world, he is almost invincible.

But Raidou is different.

His every move, although he also has terrifying power, seems to need Lei Dao's consciousness to mobilize.

However, no matter what is the difference between Lei Dao and the world lord recorded in ancient books, but the world lord is the world lord, invincible in his own small world, this is enough!


Zhou Tianjie shook, and following Lei Dao's finger, suddenly, the vast and boundless power of rules descended directly, like a huge mountain, pressing down on the ten flood dragons fiercely.


Even if the ten-headed dragons are terrifying existences comparable to true gods with more than forty divine patterns, especially their physical bodies are even more tenacious to a terrifying situation.

But in the face of the power of the entire Zhoutian Realm, their tough physical bodies are not much better than eggs, just like eggs, they are easily crushed.

In just a short moment, the ten flood dragons were crushed into powder, turned into ashes, and fell completely.

This scene, falling into the eyes of Lu Xiaopang, Commander Lin, and the surrounding true gods, was incomparably horrified, and a monstrous wave was set off in the depths of their hearts.

Just die like that?

The top ten flood dragons that gave them such a headache before, and even made them feel a huge threat, like a mountain, that they couldn't move, just died like this?

With a wave of Lei Dao's hand, he was crushed into fine powder.

Many true gods were still immersed in shock for a long time.

"Invincible... the small world is invincible, this is the real world lord!"

"Yeah, how can the world master fight back and forth with the dragon? The world master is invincible in the small world. With a single thought, he can crush any enemy. He is invincible under the lord!"

"The legendary world master is really terrifying!"

The true gods gradually came to their senses. The ten great dragons were crushed into powder by Lei Dao's wave. This was too shocking for them, and it was beyond their cognition.

However, the legendary world master is indeed like this.

Below the venerable, the world lord is invincible in his own small world!

"Senior Brother Lu, I'm sorry."

"And Commander Lin, all the true gods of the Eastern Guardian Temple, thank you for holding back those dragons at all costs. Now, Lei is going to start sweeping up all the dragons in the Zhoutian Realm and regain the Zhoutian Realm. Please report to the Eastern Guardian Temple."

After Lei Dao finished speaking, his eyes seemed to look towards the void.

At this moment, with the help of the will of the world, Lei Dao "saw" the situation of the entire Zhoutian Realm, and no one could escape Lei Dao's search.

Therefore, in just a moment, Lei Dao has almost grasped the situation of the entire Zhoutian Realm, which can be said to be well known.

"here we go!"

With a thought, Lei Dao mobilized the power of Zhou Tianjie and began to "clear the field" within the entire Zhou Tianjie.


The fortress of the Jiaolong clan in the Zhoutian Realm.

With this fortress, the Jiaolong clan can sit back and relax. This fortress can even block the attacks of sixty or even seventy gods.

If there is a top true god hosting it, it will be even more powerful.

It is also because of this that the fortress has not suffered any damage until now, and there are a large number of flood dragons living in it, making the true god of the Eastern Guardian Temple helpless.

The True God of the Eastern Guardian Temple also thought about asking for the support of the True God of the Shanggong District of the Guardian Temple.

After all, the true gods in Shanggong District are at least the top true gods with more than eighty-one divine patterns, and perhaps they can destroy this fortress. However, each of the top true gods in Shanggong district is the seed of the venerable. Even if they ask for support, it depends on whether the true gods in the palace district are willing or not.

Like this kind of ordinary battle that is not life and death, the true god of Shanggong District is generally unwilling to accept such a task. After all, compared to such a battle, what if it loses one, two or even ten small worlds?

As long as one more venerable is born in the Guardian Shrine, it will be more important than ten small worlds.

"Now is the best time to destroy this fortress. Without the leadership of the Ten Flood Dragons, the defense of this fortress will drop a lot."

"So what? Our seven true gods have already left, and no one can destroy this fortress. What's more, even if there are no ten major flood dragons to host, even Commander Lin will not be able to destroy the fortress."

"I wonder if there will be support from the headquarters?"

"Support? Don't think about it. Now there are battlefields everywhere near the Zhenyang Great World, and there are competitions in the small worlds everywhere. Everyone lacks true gods. When will it be our Zhou Tianjie's turn? We still have to rely on ourselves, or at least hold on to it." Zhou Tianjie!"

"It would be great if the true gods in Shanggong District could support them."

"The true gods in Shanggong District are different from us. Their biggest task is to become a venerable. Once they become a venerable, what does it matter if they lose a few small worlds? If they really come, they might be killed by the dragons." If the venerable is targeted, if the time comes, it will not be worth the loss."

Facing this dragon fortress, the remaining true gods had nothing to do.


Suddenly, the sky changed drastically, and it seemed to get dark all of a sudden.

"it's dark?"

All true gods looked up at the sky.

God, it really got dark.

In the void, clusters of terrifying dark clouds appeared. This is no ordinary change in the sky. Something must have happened. Under these terrifying dark clouds, all the true gods seemed to have a feeling of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai. Suffocated.

"what happened?"

The true gods have this feeling of suffocation, as if they are under a lot of pressure. The dragons in the dragon fortress also have this feeling, and their feeling is even stronger!

It seems that these dark clouds of terror seem to be specially aimed at them.

For a moment, the dragons in the entire Jiaolong Fortress were faintly agitated.

Suddenly, a figure loomed out of the dark clouds. This figure was just an illusory figure, but its face was cold and full of terrifying majesty like a venerable.

"Today, I am the master of the realm! I will kill all the dragons in the Zhoutian realm!"


The next moment, a terrifying thunderbolt slammed down from the black cloud mass.

This thunder is not an ordinary thunder, but the thunder of rules.

It would be fine if it was just an ordinary thunder of rules, but this thunder is composed of tens of thousands of thunders of rules, moreover, it is also blessed by the power of the entire Zhoutian Realm.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the thunder at this moment is the thunder of destruction, and it really possesses the terrifying power of destroying the world.

As the thick thunder fell, it slammed heavily on the solid Jiaolong fortress. All the flood dragons are staring at this strong fortress, which is their last hope.

With their strength, to fight against that terrifying thunder? That is no different from a dream, no different from suicide. Now, they can only hope in this strong fortress.

However, the dragons are doomed to be disappointed.


As the terrifying thunder fell, the dragon fortress that seemed to be extremely strong in the past, now quickly appeared cracks one after another, like a spider web, densely packed and connected into one piece.


Under the desperate eyes of the dragons, the fortress collapsed.


Another extremely thick thunderbolt fell, and the air mechanism locked all the dragons. Countless flood dragons scattered and fled, but no matter how fast the flood dragon was, how could it be faster than Thunder?

Therefore, a thick thunder crashed down, covering the huge fortress, and a dazzling light flashed away, and then, the entire fortress was reduced to ashes.

As for the flood dragon, under the terrifying thunder bombardment, not a single dragon escaped in the fortress, and all of them turned into powder.

All the true gods looked at the scene in front of them, as if they couldn't believe it.

"The fortress... is broken?"

"It's really broken, and even the fortress has been reduced to powder, and all the dragons are dead."

"Why is it so terrifying? Who was that true god just now? The top true god in Shanggong District?"

"I don't know, but the other party claims to be the master of the world, maybe a world master was born in Zhou Tianjie!"

"World Lord? The legendary invincible World Lord under the Venerable?"

"No matter what, this world lord is a true god, and we can take back the Zhou Tianjie."

Many true gods were both shocked and excited.

Flood Dragon, whom they regarded as their great enemy, turned into ashes in front of them without the slightest resistance.

This is not a battle, but a massacre!

It's completely crushed!

In front of the world lord, any true god is an ant.

Not only the Flood Dragon Fortress, but in the entire Zhoutian Realm at this moment, wherever there are Flood Dragons, there are Thunderbolts.

These thunderbolts fell one after another, with incomparable precision, and would not harm the true god at all, as if there were "eyes" observing everything.

World Lord!

This must be the World Lord!

If there is no world lord to control the will of the world, it would be impossible to be so precise, only destroying the dragon without destroying the true god.

So, in the blink of an eye, even in less than a day, there was not a single dragon in the entire Zhoutian Realm.

Lei Dao really managed to "clear the field".

Flood Dragon, all destroyed!


True Yang Great World, the headquarters of the Eastern Guardian Temple.

High above, Tong Dazun, the master of the Great Eastern Guardian Temple, and several deputy masters of the temple, are sitting in the headquarters, checking the news reported one by one.

"Zhou Tianjie, ask Shanggong District for support!"

At this time, a message appeared in Lu Dazun's hand. He frowned and said, "Zhou Tianjie, Lin Chen should be the commander, right? He asked the Shanggong District for support so quickly. What does he think the Shanggong District is? The sub-institutions of the temple can support at will? Reject, if Lin Chen can't take back the Zhou Tianjie, he doesn't have to come back!"

Lu Dazun looked very angry.

In fact, there is no longer one such request for support, but many.

The current war situation is very serious, and there is a shortage of people everywhere.

In terms of the overall situation of the war, the Eastern Guardian Temple was actually at a disadvantage, which made the several great masters of the Guardian Temple feel ashamed.


At this moment, Tong Dazun also received a message, but this message was a good news.

There are only a few words on it.

"The world lord was born and swept the Zhoutian Realm! Lin Chen lived up to everyone's expectations, and with the help of the world lord True God Lei Dao, he took back the Zhoutian Realm."

This is the news personally reported by Lin Chen!

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