Longevity Species

Chapter 666: The Great Venerable Arrives in Person! (third change)

"Ah... Grandpa, why are you here?"

When Lu Xiaopang saw the old man behind Lei Dao, he was dumbfounded. It was his grandfather, the deputy master of the Eastern Guardian Temple, Lu Dazun!

"Hey, if I don't come again, I don't know what it will be like to be cheated by you kid? You still know that this old man is your grandfather, so why do you only cheat this old man? Could it be that the old man's contribution points are blown by the strong wind?"

Lu Dazun lifted Lu Xiaopang with one hand, and kept shaking in the air. After all, Lu Xiaopang is also a top true god, but now he doesn't even have the strength to resist. Being held by Lu Dazun, he is like a puppet, motionless.

Lei Dao was a little embarrassed, he stood up, bowed and said: "Disciple pays homage to His Holiness, what happened just now was actually Senior Brother Lu joking, and this disciple will definitely give Senior Brother Lu the credit he deserves."

Lu Dazun threw Lu Xiaopang down, sat directly opposite Lei Dao, and said with a smile: "Forget it, you can keep the contribution for yourself. Although this kid always cheats me, he didn't say anything Wrong, that contribution point is really nothing.”

"Uh... that disciple, I would like to thank you, Great Senior!"

Since the other party really doesn't want credit, then Lei Dao is not polite. He needs to contribute points now, and the more the better.

"Okay, you are Lei Dao, the Realm Lord of the True God Realm, the Realm Master of the Zhoutian Realm, and the disciple of the Lower Palace of the Guardian God Palace, Lei Dao?"

Lu Dazun looked straight, and mentioned several "titles" of Lei Dao, and even mentioned the identity of the Lord of the True God Realm, which made Lei Dao's heart tremble.

This shows that Lu Dazun has already investigated him.

In fact, before Lei Dao came to Zhou Tianjie, he hesitated for a while. He knew very well that as he became the lord of the Zhoutian Realm, he would definitely attract the attention of the Guardian God Palace.

The reason is very simple, the world lord was originally a legendary existence, and a true god became the world lord by luck, that is also the past. But if a true god becomes the lord of two completely different small worlds, it will be different.

There must be a problem!

Lei Dao was actually very apprehensive and hesitant to expose his secret hastily.

However, in the end Lei Dao chose to expose, the reason is very simple, he has carefully studied the five great shrines, or the guardian shrines. Overall, the five great shrines are very united.

The Guardian Shrine is also very free and relaxed. There has never been a case where high-level practitioners seek opportunities from low-level practitioners. The atmosphere of the entire human race is actually quite good.

Of course, there are reasons for this.

Human beings are at a disadvantage in the Ming Realm, surrounded by countless races, and these races are eyeing up to humans. Human beings must not have internal friction, a little bit of internal friction will ruin the entire human being.

Therefore, subject to external pressure, human beings as a whole are very fair.

That's why Lei Dao dared to reveal his secret.

Lu Xiaopang is not stupid, and he also realized that his grandfather did not come for him, but for Lei Dao, and may even represent the Eastern Guardian Temple.

So, Lu Xiaopang sat aside and honestly did not speak.

After a long time, Lei Dao slowly opened his mouth and said: "That's right, Your Majesty has investigated Lei very clearly. I don't know what His Majesty means?"

"Hahaha, it's pretty good to be able to calm down in front of this old man. However, Lei Zhenshen, don't worry, this time the old man is here on behalf of the Eastern Guardian Temple, and I want to ask Lei Zhenshen for a favor."


Lei Dao was a little surprised.

The Eastern Guardian Temple is full of powerhouses, and the top true gods are nothing at all. There are venerables and even great venerables on it, and even with the power of a temple, they are fighting against the Jiaolong clan. How can we need the help of a mere true god like Lei Dao?

As if seeing Lei Dao's doubts, Lu Dazun said with a smile: "God Lei, this time the old man will be straightforward. If God Lei can become the leader of the Real God Realm and Zhoutian Realm, he will definitely be the leader of other small worlds." Lord. We need the help of Zhenshen Lei to regain many other small worlds. For every small world that is recaptured, our Eastern Guardian Temple will give Zhenshen Lei ten additional merits. This time, taking back the Zhoutian Realm is no exception."

"So, this time I can get twenty-three great merits?"


Lei Dao pondered.

Ten extra great merits are considered very generous. Moreover, Lu Dazun did not mention at all how Lei Dao became the world master. Obviously, this is the consensus of the high-level officials of the Eastern Guardian Temple.

In other words, the Tong Dazun of the Eastern Guardian Temple has already expressed his attitude, and will not explore the secret of Lei Dao becoming the master of the world. In the entire Guardian Shrine, no one will explore the secret of Lei Dao becoming the world lord.

This can be regarded as releasing a considerable amount of goodwill.

Seeing that Lei Dao seemed to be hesitating, Lu Dazun continued: "True God Lei, this time the Hall Master spoke in person, and invited two true disciples from the Shanggong District of the Guardian God Palace to come to assist True God Lei and provide cover for True God Lei ...Moreover, this deity will always pay attention to the actions of Lei Zhenshen and others, and will not let Lei Zhenshen face the threat of powerful people above the dragon clan."

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

He had already understood that this was the entire Eastern Guardian Temple, and Lei Dao was going to cover it, and even sent two disciples from Shanggong District to confuse the public.

It made the Jiaolong clan feel that it was those two disciples from Shanggong District who took over the small world.

After all, the disciples in the Shanggong District are all the seeds of the Venerable, and every true disciple has at least ninety-nine eighty-one divine marks, and basically they can sweep other true gods.

There are not many true gods who can deal with the disciples of Shanggong District, and there are not many dragons in the Jiaolong clan, and even many dragons with terrifying blood have a lofty status among the Jiaolong clan.

"The disciple agreed!"

In the end, Raidou made a choice.

Lei Dao knew in his heart that he needed a lot of contribution points, so this opportunity was once in a lifetime. If he missed this time, he might not have such an opportunity.

The reason is very simple, the Flood Dragon Clan is not stupid, if small worlds are taken over again and again, wouldn't the Flood Dragon Clan not investigate carefully?

When the time comes, His Holiness will be dispatched.

And if with the help of the Eastern Guardian Temple, Lei Dao can be covered or delayed, anyway, he will use all kinds of methods to allow Lei Dao to regain a few more small worlds.

In this way, Lei Dao will naturally get more contribution points.

This is a win-win situation, and Lei Dao will naturally agree.

"Okay, True God Lei, just wait in the Heavenly Zhou Realm for the time being. When the True God from Shanggong District comes to the Heavenly Zhou Realm to join you, we will give you the order for your next move. During this time, you just need to recharge your energy Rui, just prepare quietly."

Raidou nodded, agreeing.

"Grandpa, are you leaving?"

At this time, seeing that both parties had reached an agreement, Lu Xiaopang opened his mouth cautiously.

"Hmph, what are you doing here if you don't leave? Go back to the Xiagong District, and don't hinder Lei Zhenshen here again."

"Ah...Grandpa, I still have to fight side by side with Brother Lei."

Lu Xiaopang cried and said.

"Still fighting side by side? Do you need to fight side by side? Go back!"

How can Lu Dazun tolerate Lu Xiaopang's resistance, he directly grabbed Lu Xiaopang with his big hand, like a chicken, grabbed Lu Xiaopang in his hand, then swung his sleeves, and walked away directly, leaving Zhou Tianjie.

He will not let Lu Xiaopang stay on the battlefield to continue "defrauding Grandpa".

"Huh... What a strong pressure! Is this the Great Senior?"

Lei Dao let out a long sigh of relief when Great Master Lu left completely.

The pressure Lu Dazun put on Lei Dao just now was too great.

In fact, Master Lu has restrained all his aura, and even if it is other true gods and venerables, he will not feel suppressed. But Lei Dao is different, Lei Dao is now the "lord of the world".

Although his world lord is somewhat different from the real world lord, he controls the will of the world and makes the will of the world obey his own orders, thus becoming the "world lord".

And once Lu Dazun entered the Zhoutian Realm, even if he restrained all his aura, the terrifying power in Lu Dazun's body could not be completely restrained at all.

At least, the will of the world can sense it.

Therefore, the will of the world is about to collapse.

A venerable can blow up a small world, let alone a great venerable? I'm afraid that blowing a breath can destroy a small world, but Lu Dazun entered the Zhoutian Realm with his real body, and it can be imagined how terrifying pressure it brought to the will of the Zhoutian Realm.

And Lei Dao can be regarded as indirectly bearing the terrifying pressure of a Great Senior.

It wasn't until Lu Dazun left completely that Lei Dao relaxed.

Lei Dao was still thinking about the conversation with Lu Dazun just now, and the two sides had reached a "consensus". It's just that Lei Dao felt a little ridiculous.

The dignified Eastern Guardian Temple, the dignified Great Master, would actually "discuss" with such a small true god, which made Lei Dao re-acquainted with the Guardian Temple.

After all, Lei Dao is a disciple of the Xiagong District of the Guardian Shrine.

Even if it is the master of the Eastern Guardian Temple, the majestic Dazun, he cannot order the disciples in the lower palace area of ​​the Guardian Temple.

Therefore, Lu Dazun wanted to meet and discuss with Lei Dao in person.

Of course, if Lei Dao is the true god of the Eastern Guardian Temple, it will be different, it is directly an order. Just like Commander Lin Chen, the Eastern Guardian Temple can just give orders directly.

"It seems that the status of a disciple of the Guardian God Palace is still useful. It's a pity that this time I have obtained 23 great achievements, but there is no place to exchange resources. If you want to exchange resources, you have to go back to the Guardian God Palace. , the time is too long."

Lei Dao shook his head, this is the only regret.

After all, this is a battlefield, and it is still a temporary battlefield. There is no place for resource exchange.

If there are resources, Lei Dao can give it a try and see how much life span can be increased by twenty-three great achievements, that is, 23,000 contribution points?

Can it support Lei Dao to cultivate the Thousand Extremes Divine Art to the fifth level?

It's just that Lei Dao can't return to the Guardian Palace now, so he can only wait quietly for the two disciples from Shanggong District.

Lei Dao is also very curious, what kind of demeanor is the disciple of Shanggong District, the top true god with more than ninety-nine and eighty-one divine patterns?

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