Longevity Species

Chapter 668 You must work hard, otherwise you can only become the master of the world (second update

"God Thunder!"

True God Xujian and True God Mingji stared closely at Lei Dao.

Along the way, the two were even discussing Lei Dao, and from Tong Dazun's mouth, they learned a series of recent "feats" of Lei Dao, which was simply shocking.

To actually become the lord of the Heavenly Zhou Realm, take back the Heavenly Zhou Realm, and completely wipe out all the dragons in the Heavenly Zhou Realm. Such feats are truly inspiring.

Even if they are the true gods of Shanggong District, they are all the seeds of the venerable, and their hearts are surging at this time.

After all, they can't!

Even if they are the true gods of Shanggong District, they really can't do it if they want to sweep the entire small world like Lei Dao and wipe out every dragon in a targeted manner.

Even, even the dragon fortress arranged by the top ten dragons, they may not be able to break through.

It's just that, admiration is all admiration, they still didn't feel any world lord's breath from Lei Dao, and they couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Could it be that the real world master is different from the records in the ancient books?

"The two are the True God Mingji and the True God Xujian?"

"That's right, we are ordered by Dazun Tong to follow the orders of God Lei Zhen."

"Don't dare to obey the order, let's work together to fight against the flood dragon and take back the small world that belongs to our Guardian Palace!"

Lei Dao is not at all arrogant, these two are true gods in Shanggong District, each of them has more than 81 divine patterns, and may even be the top true gods with more than 90 divine patterns.

Not to mention the current Lei Dao, even if Lei Dao has mastered the fifth level of Qianji Divine Art, he is no match for these two.

Tong Dazun asked two disciples from Shanggong District to "cover", which really satisfied Lei Dao.

"By the way, did Tong Dazun tell you which world we will capture in the next battle?"

Lei Dao discussed with Lu Dazun that the small world that the three of them are going to attack is absolutely confidential, and only a few great seniors such as Tong Dazun and Lu Dazun know about it.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to leak the secret.

Therefore, until now, Lei Dao did not know their next move.

Although True God Mingji and True God Xujian were a little bit surprised and uncertain about Lei Dao's true strength, they still had to complete the task as things had come to an end.

Therefore, True God Xu Jian directly transmitted to Lei Dao: "Tong Dazun told us that the next small world to attack is Qinghong Realm!"

"Qinghong Realm?"

Lei Dao recalled the situation in Qinghong Realm in his mind.

During this period of time, Lei Dao was not really idle in Zhou Tianjie, at least he collected information on all the small worlds near the Zhenyang Great World, and basically memorized the information on these small worlds.

Qinghong Realm is actually quite far away from Zhou Tian Realm, and it seems that they are also in fierce competition. However, unlike other small worlds, in Qinghong Realm, the power of the Eastern Guardian Temple should have the upper hand, or the upper hand.

Tong Dazun's arrangement is also understandable.

That is to further paralyze the dragon, try to let Lei Dao seize the Qinghong Realm, and prevent the Jiaolong from being surprised. After all, in the Qinghong Realm, the power of the Eastern Guardian Temple has the upper hand, and it is possible to take back the Qinghong Realm at any time.

"Okay, then go to Qinghong Realm. It's not too late, we have to get to Qinghong Realm as soon as possible, and let Lei give the two of them a ride."

A strange light flashed in the eyes of both of them, and they also knew that this was Lei Dao's "show". With the order of the Great Master, Lei Dao must first have such qualifications.


The next moment, in the eyes of True God Mingji and True God Xujian, everything around them seemed to have changed, and a terrifying force imprisoned them instantly.

The magnitude of this force is simply unimaginable. At least, even if they are the top true gods with more than ninety divine patterns, they have no resistance at all in the face of this force.

The two were shocked.

"Don't struggle, you two. This is the power of the Heavenly Zhou Realm. Lei will send the two of you out of the Heavenly Zhou Realm."

At this time, Lei Dao's words rang in his ears again.

Immediately afterwards, there was a whirlwind, and almost in the blink of an eye, the two had already appeared outside Zhou Tianjie. At the same time, Lei Dao looked at them with a smile on his face.

True God Mingji and True God Xujian looked at each other, and both could see the shock in each other's eyes.

In just a moment, they were moved out of Zhou Tianjie.

Then again, it only takes a moment for Lei Dao to crush the two of them into powder.

World Lord, this must be the World Lord!

Only the World Lord can have such terrifying power in the stage of true god, and even to a certain extent, it is similar to the Venerable.

The two took a deep breath, and said to Lei Dao: "Shen Lei is worthy of being the legendary world master. We were presumptuous just now, but we questioned Zhen Shen a little bit."

"You're welcome, it's just a coincidence. The two of you are seniors from the Shanggong District. I'm only a disciple from the Lower Palace District now. I don't know how long it will take to go to the Shanggong District."

Lei Dao also smiled slightly, and he "showed" his hand, which completely shocked Lei Dao, so that the two true gods of Shanggong District were convinced, and they were willing to "cover" for Lei Dao.

"It's not too late, let's set off immediately."

The three of them didn't delay anymore, and flew towards Qinghong Realm immediately.

Qinghong Realm is a little far away from Zhoutian Realm, but with the three of them flying with all their strength, they soon arrived at Qinghong Realm. Unlike Zhou Tianjie, there are no flood dragons outside Qinghong Realm. After all, it is the power of the Eastern Guardian Temple that holds the upper hand.

The three entered the Qinghong Realm. In fact, their actions were completely top secret, and even the true gods in the Qinghong Realm didn't know about it.

The three of them did not inform the other true gods in Qinghong Realm at all. Their purpose in coming to Qinghong Realm was very simple, that is to wipe out the entire Qinghong Realm and completely retake Qinghong Realm.

Of course, Lei Dao is indispensable.

After all, according to information, there are many flood dragons in Qinghong Realm, some of which are even comparable to true gods with more than fifty divine patterns, and there are quite a few of them.

"True God Mingji, you are here to protect True God Lei. Since you want to act, then do it for real! Let me come forward to sweep those dragons and attract the attention of all the dragons. Then God Lei will try to become the master of the world, and then wipe out all of them in one fell swoop. The entire Qinghong world."

True God Xu Jian said suddenly.


True God Mingji nodded.

This is their plan, a top true god must be attracted to attract attention, and it must be a true god with a "name".

For example, True God Xujian, that is the top true god in Shanggong District, and he is also famous in Jiaolong's side.

True God Xujian made a move with integrity, and even if Jiaolong noticed something at that time, he would think that it was True God Xujian who swept Qinghong Realm back, and would not have any other ideas.

As for the safety of Lei Dao, True God Mingji is not as much as True God Weak Xu Jian. With the protection of True God Mingji, Lei Dao will be very safe. At least in Qinghong Realm, no dragon can approach Lei Dao.

"Okay, Lei will strive to live up to everyone's expectations and become the world master as soon as possible!"

Lei Dao also said firmly.

True God Xujian and True God Mingji had complex expressions.

Strive to become the world lord as soon as possible?

That is the legendary world master, but in Lei Dao's mouth, it seems as simple as eating and drinking.

Of course, they will not explore the secrets of Lei Dao. Everyone has their own secrets, including the two of them. If there is no chance, the two of them will not be able to get to where they are today.


Soon, True God Xu Jian left.

Lei Dao looked into the void and sensed the world will of Qinghong Realm. In fact, he was quite helpless in his heart.

The process of becoming a world lord is really too painful.

If there is a choice, Lei Dao doesn't want to be so painful.

"In the future, we must work hard to condense more divine patterns. It is best to be able to cultivate the Thousand-Extreme Divine Art. When the thousands of Dao Divine Patterns come out, who will compete with them? How can there be any need to become a realm master and endure such painful pain?" process?"

Lei Dao gritted his teeth.

I also made up my mind in my heart that I must work harder and strive to practice the thousand-extreme magic.

Otherwise, he can only endure endless pain to become the world lord.

The next moment, Lei Dao had already sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and his consciousness went straight to the world will of Qinghong Realm.


In Qinghong Realm, a huge fortress is resisting the impact of many true gods.

Among the many true gods, the leader is a top-notch true god, with dozens of divine patterns condensed on his forehead. It is a pity that he led the true god to attack the dragon fortress again and again, but was blocked outside in the end.

"Just a little bit..."

As soon as the true god gritted his teeth, he manifested his divine body again, and the terrifying power crazily hammered at the Jiaolong Fortress.

"Support, we need support!"

Inside the fortress, many flood dragons felt slightly depressed. Their situation was actually very bad. In Qinghong Realm, they were completely suppressed by the true god of the Eastern Guardian Temple, and now they can only hide in the fortress.

Although it seems that the true gods on the opposite side can't do anything to them for the time being, no one is sure whether the Eastern Guardian Temple will have support.

Once a more powerful true god appears, the fortress will be in danger.

It's just that although these dragons have spread the news that they need support, the support has never arrived. The reason is very simple, the Jiaolong family is also stretched, and now they are fighting everywhere, so where can there be Jiaolong to come to support?

Can't support, now they can only wait!


At this moment, from the void in the distance, a figure actually flew over.

This figure turned into a stream of light, and then stopped, just standing quietly in the void.


Immediately, one after another divine lines appeared on the forehead of this mysterious figure.

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty...

"Ninety-seven divine patterns, this is the top true god in Shanggong District!"

"Our support is here!"

"The top true gods in Shanggong District, everyone is the seed of the Venerable..."

Many true gods were overjoyed and stared at the figure in the void.

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