Longevity Species

Chapter 686 Is this a trap? (Second more)

Xuetai flew with all his strength, and his speed was very fast. He had already arrived near the star realm, and saw that powerful divine body in the void, which was indeed the divine body of a true god.

Xuetai wanted to raise his head to the sky and roar angrily, then pounce on the true god and tear the true god into pieces.

However, it stopped suddenly.

"Huh? Why are there so many familiar breaths?"

Xuetai sensed carefully, only to realize that there seemed to be several familiar figures around, and they were other dragons. There are about three or four dragon sons who have already arrived one step ahead of Xuetai.

However, why don't these dragon sons do it?

No matter how reckless Xuetai was, he still felt something was wrong, so he became more cautious.

Suddenly, when Xue Tai saw the divine body in front of him, his eyes almost popped out?

"Why is there another divine pattern?"

Xuetai felt a chill in his heart, it seemed to understand why the other dragon sons were so cautious, and they didn't do anything until now, but waited and watched.

It's because the owner of that divine body, the True God of Shanggong District, is too insidious. He actually set up traps and waited for them to get in. Moreover, he seemed to be afraid that they would not be fooled. Every once in a while, he deliberately "enhanced his momentum" , making them feel that he has reached his limit.

Is this a deliberate insult to their IQ?

Therefore, Xuetai also forcibly suppressed the "roar", but waited quietly like the other dragon sons, silently watching the "performance" of the opposite true god.

At this moment, Lei Dao was indeed a little confused.

At the beginning, about an hour later, Jiaolong had rushed over, Lei Dao was still very calm in place, did not move, pretending to be nonchalant.

But now?

One hour, two hours, three hours...

A few hours have passed, and the number of flood dragons around has increased by four or five, but these dragons seem to have made an agreement, and they are waiting quietly one by one, with no intention of making a move.

"Could it be that I made it too obvious that this is a trap? But it's not right. Even if it is a trap, with the strength I have demonstrated, there are at most a hundred divine lines. One or two dragons can do it without doing anything to ensure safety." I understand, there are four or five of them now, and they are still waiting, what are they waiting for?"

Lei Dao really didn't understand.

He felt that his plan was perfect, without a single loophole.

But why are these flood dragons so cautious now?

As soon as Lei Dao gritted his teeth, he once again condensed a series of divine patterns.

One hundred and five, one hundred and eight, one hundred and ten...

Lei Dao really suffocated to suppress the divine lines on his body, but he had to make an image of "strong outside but capable inside", which is really tiring.

For the first time, Lei Dao felt that he really had no acting talent.

In fact, these dragons are not really cautious, but their IQ is still online.

With such a big fanfare, Lei Dao dared to "use his body as bait" to expose his aura and strength so arrogantly with only a hundred or so divine marks. If there were no traps, how could it be possible?

Of course, that's not the point.

On the battlefield, no trap can match absolute strength.

More importantly, these flood dragons "recognized" Lei Dao.

Among the Jiaolong tribe, especially among these dragon sons, Lei Dao's reputation is now "like the sky", and every dragon son will take a look at Lei Dao's portrait before going to the battlefield.

The reason is simple, Lei Dao is the master of the world!

Relying on his status as the world lord, Lei Dao "froze" the two-headed dragon son, which is well known among the Jiaolong clan today.

And the world lord is invincible in his own small world, and he is invincible below the venerable!

In order to ensure that the same mistakes are not repeated, the dragon sons will be cautious when they encounter Lei Dao, and will never follow Lei Dao into the small world.

Recognizing Lei Dao, the dragon sons didn't do anything, because they didn't have the confidence to stop Lei Dao. They also saw that there was the Star Realm near Lei Dao. It was obvious that Lei Dao fled into the Star Realm for the convenience of escaping, and they didn't dare to chase after him.

The reason why they don't do it is because they have been waiting.

Wait until enough dragon sons, or top dragon sons appear, to stop Lei Dao with confidence, and finally attack Lei Dao completely.

Lei Dao may never have imagined it in his dreams. It's not that his "acting skills" are too exaggerated, nor is his plan too perfect.

"Leidao's aura has increased again, as if luring us to make a move? It's a dream!"

"That's right, wait a second, let this Lei Dao perform first, does he think we will be fooled?"

"Wait a little longer, more dragon sons will come, and even if this Lei Dao wants to escape, he won't be able to escape."

"Lei Dao killed our two dragon sons, and the elders of the clan have issued a kill order to Lei Dao. If Lei Dao is beheaded, the reward will be extremely generous."

Many dragon sons were quietly watching Lei Dao's "performance".

In the next moment, Lei Dao didn't need to manifest one by one divine pattern, he directly manifested one hundred and twenty-eight divine patterns.


A total of one hundred and twenty-eight divine patterns emerged unscrupulously, and terrifying power fluctuations spread in all directions.

Up to now, Lei Dao also faintly noticed something was wrong.

These dragon sons seem to have seen through his "conspiracy" at a glance, making him very embarrassed now. However, these dragon sons are reluctant to leave, they must be waiting for something, since that's the case, Lei Dao doesn't have to play tricks, he is ready to act first!

"You are the one!"

With a sweep of Lei Dao's divine sense, he immediately selected a dragon child. The huge divine body, like a mountain, ruthlessly "slammed" towards the dragon child.


Xuetai was slightly taken aback.

The true god on the opposite side actually made a move, and the target was directed at it.

Xue Tai immediately became angry.

What's the meaning?

There are four dragons around, why did you choose it and do something to it? Do you think it is the weakest?

Xuetai couldn't stand being "underestimated" by other flood dragons the most, and now the one who "underestimated" it was actually a true god. In its eyes, an extremely weak true god?

That's even more intolerable!

"Lei Dao, you are seeking your own death by staying away from the Star Realm. I will help you. Remember, the one who killed you was Long Zixuetai!"

With a roar, Xuetai also went straight to Leidao.

It naturally "recognized" Lei Dao, and also understood why so many dragons did not do anything, but waited silently. The reason is simple, Lei Dao is the master of the world!

Once he escapes into the star realm, no one can do anything to Lei Dao.

But now that Lei Dao is taking the initiative to stay away from the Star Realm and rush towards it, why does Xuetai need any worries? Just do it, tear up Lei Dao!


Following Xuetai's attack, the other four dragon sons were also ready to move, especially Lei Dao who really left the star realm and rushed towards Xuetai. These dragon sons really planned to join forces to kill Lei Dao.

On the battlefield of the Zhenyang Great World, what the dragon sons are best at is actually besieging and killing the true god by virtue of their numerical advantage. The most typical example is Yuanji True God.

You know, True God Yuanji has made a temporary breakthrough and opened up a small world in his body, which was opened up during the battle, but there is no way to fully use the power of the small world in his body.

But in this process, Yuanji True God was besieged by several top dragons and died.

This is the shame of the true God!

It also made these dragon sons proud and even more rampant on the battlefield.

The same is true for Raidou now.

Even if Lei Dao is the legendary world master, so what?

Without the small world, Lei Dao is not worth mentioning!

However, the remaining four dragon sons still resisted the desire to besiege, they decided to wait a little longer and find out the details of Lei Dao first.

After all, Lei Dao's previous appearance of "using his body as bait" does not seem to be completely dependent on the star world. It would be good to let Xuetai Longzi explore Lei Dao's details first.

"Well done!"

When Lei Dao saw that Xue Tai also rushed towards him, he didn't retreat or run away, which made Lei Dao elated.

Good man!

Lei Dao really felt that the dragon in front of him was a good guy, and very "cute".

Since the other party is so proactive, what worries does Lei Dao have? Fighting of course!


The next moment, the divine pattern on Lei Dao's forehead exploded violently.

Not the one hundred and twenty-eight divine patterns, because Lei Dao sensed the terrifying aura from the dragon on the opposite side, and found that the one hundred and twenty-eight divine patterns were really overwhelming.

Therefore, Lei Dao naturally had to burst out a little more divine patterns.

One hundred and thirty, one hundred and fifty, one hundred and seventy, one hundred and eighty...

In a blink of an eye, the number of divine patterns condensed on Lei Dao's forehead reached one hundred and eighty. This unscrupulous and carefree release of the divine patterns and the power of the divine body is really incomparably enjoyable.


The next moment, Lei Dao had already punched out, hitting the dragon's huge body fiercely.

Although this dragon son is very strong, and can kill a true god with one hundred and fifty divine lines, his own strength is above one hundred and fifty divine lines, probably around one hundred and seventy divine lines.

However, compared to Lei Dao's current strength of 180 divine patterns, it is still a little worse. Therefore, Lei Dao punched him flying, shaking his whole body.

Although it suffered some damage, it was only a small damage, and it didn't hurt the root at all.

But this is the first time for Xuetai, it is very angry!


Xuetai let out a roar, and rushed over frantically again, and the roar was mixed with dissatisfaction with the other four dragons. It's this time, why are the other four dragons still hesitating?

Seeing Lei Dao bursting out with one hundred and eighty divine patterns, the other four dragon sons did hesitate a bit. However, they all have a rough guess.

No matter how strong Lei Dao is, there should be less than two hundred divine patterns.

What's more, even if Lei Dao has two hundred divine patterns?

Lei Dao is not the true god of Yuanji, not every true god with more than two hundred divine patterns can successfully open up the inner world.

Even if the inner world is opened up during the battle, so what?

Since other dragon sons can besiege and kill Yuanji True God who broke through, they can also besiege Lei Dao!

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