Longevity Species

Chapter 696 Feeling Lost a Lot of Contribution Points! (third change)

"Lei Dao? World Lord?"

True God Jian Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he remembered something.

He had heard of Raidou.

He once beheaded two dragon sons, and, as a disciple of the Xiagong district, killed two top dragon sons, and helped the Eastern Guardian Temple regain several small worlds.

However, Lei Dao's own strength is not strong, he is only a disciple of Xiagong District, relying on the identity of the world master!

World Lord, is an invincible existence in the small world!

Although I don't know why Lei Dao was able to come to the battlefield, there is no small world nearby. Even if Lei Dao is the master of the world, but there is no small world, Lei Dao is just an ordinary true god, how can he compete with these twenty dragons?

What's more, there is the most terrifying "clearing field" five dragon group among the Jiaolong clan!

"Hahaha, none of you can leave today, it's mine, everything is mine!"

Lei Dao roared to the sky, his voice was like thunder.

At the same time, Lei Dao stepped forward fiercely, crossed the void, and rushed directly to the "clearing field" five dragon group.

"Be careful, Lei Dao is very insidious and cunning, he will sneak attack!"

The dozen or so dragons behind them reminded loudly that they had already suffered from Lei Dao, knowing that Lei Dao specializes in sneak attacks, it is extremely hateful!

"Sneak attack? Get lost!"

The "clearing field" five dragons didn't care about Lei Dao's sneak attack or not. What's more, they all had three hundred divine lines, and the strongest even reached the level of three hundred and fifty divine lines.

With such terrifying strength, would he still be afraid of Lei Dao's sneak attack?

What's more, how did Lei Dao sneak attack in full view?

However, the next moment, the "Clear Field" Wulong team learned Lei Dao's "sneak attack" method.

"A lion needs all its strength to fight a rabbit! Now the five dragons are all comparable to the top true gods of the three hundred gods. It seems that we can't hold back. We have to kill a top dragon first, otherwise , there are so many top dragons left, maybe many of them will escape."

Lei Dao immediately had a calculation in his heart.

Although there is a true god Jianyi in charge, Lei Dao is still worried.

What if these dragon sons really escaped?

That's contribution points, a lot of contribution points!

These twenty or so dragon sons have already been regarded by Lei Dao as something in his pocket, and he will not allow these dragon sons to escape from his eyes.

Therefore, Lei Dao decided to kill with one blow, and he had to behead a top dragon son first.

Can't you kill the top dragon son who is comparable to the true god of the three hundred gods?

Lei Dao doesn't think so!


When Lei Dao was about to get close to the top dragon son, Lei Dao suddenly manifested a divine body, and on his forehead, one after another divine lines quickly condensed.

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred...

When Lei Dao's forehead condensed five hundred and twelve divine patterns, Lei Dao's aura also reached its peak.


The face of the top dragon son changed drastically, and he felt the terrifying aura coming from Lei Dao's body, as if it was suffocating, his heart was trembling.


This top dragon son doesn't even have the courage to fight, it only has one thought now.


Get as far away as possible!

Moreover, Lei Dao is this a sneak attack?

This is a strong kill!

A real strong kill!


Lei Dao punched out, and the power of five hundred and twelve divine patterns was added, which made Lei Dao's power even stronger to a limit. The mighty power, surging and rolling down, blasted into the body of this top dragon like a vast torrent.



No fluke, no accident.

The dragon's body couldn't withstand the force of more than five hundred divine lines at all, and it exploded in an instant, turning into a blood mist.

For a moment, all the dragon sons were stunned.

Including Jianyi True God!

This dragon is not an ordinary dragon, it is the "clearing field" five dragons group, even if it is the real god Jian Yi who wants to kill such a dragon, it will be very difficult.

The top dragon son who is comparable to the three hundred divine patterns is almost invincible in this battlefield.

It would be almost impossible to kill if several beings of the same level did not join forces.

But now, this dragon son has fallen, and he was still face to face, and was punched and exploded by a frontal punch. His death was tragic and shocking.

"Five...five hundred divine patterns!"

"How can there be such a terrifying true god in the Eastern Guardian Temple?"

"Could this be the secret weapon of the Guardian Palace? A top true god with more than five hundred divine marks, an invincible and invincible true god?"

"This Lei Dao, I'm afraid we were deceived. With such strength, does he still need the World Lord's Small World? Maybe, the rumors about his World Lord are all false, and it is human beings playing tricks to mislead us into thinking that he is just the World Lord. If you leave the small world, you are nothing. But in fact? Lei Dao is the top true god, with more than five hundred gods, so why do you need the help of the small world?"

Many dragon sons were dumbfounded and extremely shocked in their hearts.

They feel that they have fallen into a trap, a terrifying conspiracy.

Even, they all think of the bet that humans and the Jiaolong clan made this time, and the human grand lord who arranged this battlefield, did they have this conspiracy long ago?

Just wait for the Flood Dragon Clan to agree!

With Lei Dao, a true god with more than five hundred divine patterns, wouldn't human beings be safe?

Of course, Jiaolong thought a lot, but now they wanted to escape but couldn't.

After Lei Dao beheaded a top dragon, he didn't stop at all, and went straight to the "clearing field" four dragon group. He wants to go all out and kill these four top dragon sons first.

As for the other dragon sons, he believed that True God Jian Yi would stop him for him.

"We can't escape, we can only fight hard! We have twenty dragon sons, no matter how strong he is, he is still alone, so what if he has five hundred divine patterns? Let's kill him together! No matter what, we can't Let this son live, otherwise, our Flood Dragon Clan will lose this battle!"

"Clear the field" The four dragons also roared, and the other dragons seemed to be "awake" as if they were shocked. Indeed, he couldn't escape now, not to mention that with the True God Jian Yi, the chance of escaping was not great.

On the contrary, if you fight recklessly, there may still be a chance!


"Clear the field..." The four dragons roared angrily, but they didn't care about it, instead of retreating, they rushed towards Lei Dao.

This is right in Lei Dao's arms.

However, Lei Dao is also very clear about how powerful these four top dragons are, and there are more than a dozen dragons besieging Lei Dao together.

With this blow, Lei Dao endured the attack of almost twenty dragon sons.

How strong are the five hundred and twelve divine patterns? Can you hold on?

Lei Dao didn't know either.

If he was the World Lord, he wouldn't have any worries.

The lord of the world, sweeping all the true gods below the venerable, can be called the true god invincible!

Now Lei Dao has condensed five hundred and twelve divine patterns, which seems to be a little less meaningful than the invincibility of the true god.


Lei Dao also punched brazenly.

He didn't back down at all, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the twenty dragons didn't back down, if he didn't seize this opportunity, it would be very difficult for Lei Dao to kill the twenty dragons again.

As a result, five hundred and twelve divine patterns condensed out on the forehead, densely packed, like a big net. Even, the power of the five hundred and twelve divine patterns has indeed extended beyond the divine body, spreading in all directions.

The strength of the two sides finally collided fiercely.

Shock, violent shock, Lei Dao received a violent shock, and the divine body was constantly shaking.

Even if he condensed five hundred and twelve divine patterns, Lei Dao's divine body faintly withstood the huge impact in the face of the attacks of twenty top dragons.

There is a clear gap between this and Lei Dao mobilizing the power of the small world in the small world, true god invincible.

It seems that there is indeed some gap between Lei Dao and True God Invincible.

However, it's just a shock.

The five hundred and twelve divine patterns gave Lei Dao's divine body an all-round improvement. Compared with the "clearing the field" four dragon group, the promotion is not one or two divine patterns, nor ten or twenty divine patterns, but more than two hundred divine patterns!

Such a terrifying gap, reflected in strength, is also a world of difference.

Lei Dao's divine body was only shaken, but the four dragons who "cleared the field", and even the dozen or so dragons, were injured by Lei Dao's punch.

Almost every dragon was injured, although it was not a big one, but it undoubtedly proved that even if twenty top dragons joined forces, Lei Dao would not be able to do anything.

The five hundred and twelve divine patterns have already exceeded the imagination of these dragon sons.


However, Lei Dao continued his efforts, one stride came to a top dragon son, and he punched out again.

Even if the opponent was resisting with all his strength, it was useless, just like the dragon son before, he was directly blown away by Lei Dao's punch.

This is the second top dragon son who was beheaded by Lei Dao.

Then the third head, the fourth head, the fifth head...

"Clear field" five dragons group, all of them are top dragons with more than 300 lines of gods, and when they come out, there is no one invincible except Jianyi Zhenshen! Even the True God Jian Yi was hunted down by the "clearing field" five dragons.

But now, this mighty "clearing field" five-dragon group has completely become history, and Lei Dao punched them all, blowing them up and turning them into powder.

This scene made the rest of the dragon sons feel disheartened, each of them felt fear, and they no longer had any desire to resist.

Even the top five-headed dragons are dead, so what's the use of them staying? It's just to die.

Seeing that more than a dozen dragons were about to escape, Lei Dao became anxious.

He manifested a divine body, and the five hundred and twelve divine lines on his forehead extended out, turning into a big net, and then threw his head at a dozen dragons.


Without hindrance, the divine pattern was suppressed, and the dozen or so dragon sons were instantly wiped out!


Even Lei Dao himself was shocked.

Does the divine pattern have such a magical effect?

Generally speaking, the divine pattern is only to enhance the power of the divine body, but when it comes out through the body, the effect is greatly reduced, and there is almost no too strong power.

But now, Lei Dao's divine pattern can kill more than a dozen dragons in an instant.

This shows that Lei Dao's divine pattern may have been strong to a certain extent, and even reached a transformation, so it can be so terrifying.

"If I knew the divine pattern was so easy to use, I still need to run away all the way, or even use a sneak attack?"

Lei Dao's heart hurts.

He felt that during the period of his escape, he might have lost an unknown number of dragon sons, tens of thousands, no, hundreds of thousands of contribution points.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao felt so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

No, I have to make up for it!

There are still so many dragons on the battlefield, and now Lei Dao has dealt with five top dragons that are comparable to three hundred gods. The remaining dragons are nothing to worry about, they are almost lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Lei Dao doesn't even need to sneak attack anymore, he just presses the divine pattern and dies. It's simple, convenient and fast, and it's simply the best way to harvest contribution points.


Suddenly, Lei Dao felt a strong divine sense pressing towards him fiercely.


A familiar voice resounded in Lei Dao's ears.

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